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Akhand Bharat possible, will be good for Pakistan, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

Or the alternate reality where British did not create this unnatural union of vastly different peoples.

Forget any model with Pakistan, India itself is far more diverse than entire Europe. The British turned a continent into a country and it's not sustainable in the long run. Forget about adding other countries.
British was not the first to unite the subcontinent. Mauryan empire did it first in the recorded history. Mughals did it too. Marathas were almost able to achieve the same when British finally defeated them. Apart from political boundaries, culturally there has always been a strong bond. If we meet in western countries, there is an instant connect between us irrespective of political boundaries here. People from Nepal to Tamil Nadu have similar mythologies surrounding Lord Ram. So, it was not an unnatural union. Although, I am happy that Indians found a better glue to stick together due to common hatred of the British rule. We now realize that united we stand, divided we fall. So we will never be divided again, and solve our problems without breaking apart.

I am not talking about adding any country. I already mentioned that there is no going back. I am saying we can aim and hope for a France-Germany type friendship model in the future.

Kashmir is a topic which needs a lot more explanation so will do in a different post.
culturally there has always been a strong bond. If we meet in western countries, there is an instant connect between us irrespective of political boundaries here.

acha? what strong bond is there between a muslim pashtun in KPK and a hindu tamil in tamil nadu?
No your post is polite enough. :)

Yes, the legacy of Communism in Kerala.

A communistic idea like open source computer software ( Linux etc ) and hardware ( RISC-V etc ) has melded into a surrounding capitalist system, yes ?

Such ideas and new means of production ( 3D Printing, Vertical Farming + Collective Farming etc ) will allow for an economic system where the traditional money system can be abolished but one's efforts are duly rewarded.

Please read this thread of mine where I have proposed a new economic system which I think you may like.

The Soviet Union experiment I think failed because of mismanagement by Gorbachev.

Perhaps our Russian friend @vostok can speak of this.

Creating a middle class in a country like China is one way of pulling out of poverty. But at what cost ? A supposedly communist country like China has a rich class and a poor class, and that poor class isn't able to afford medical treatment in China and has to come to India to get treated ( in India's medical tourism industry ).

And there is that strange phenomenon of some Chinese being happy about Hong Kong having one of the highest housing prices in the world whereas in a communist country housing should have been provided for free by the system.

Sorry to say but you are simply being stubborn.

You are talking as if no Muslim has never been a communist. Please read that thread of mine from where I quote a section. Also, half of the people who formed the Communist Party of India in 1920 in Tashkent were Muslims some of whom were from current Pakistani provinces.

And what's wrong in being a dreamer ?

Sorry to say but you are simply being stubborn.


OK I am logging off now. You can reply now and I will reply tomorrow.
Thank you. I read your first post there. I do not agree with starting afresh each month. As I said, this will reduce incentive for long term planning and hard-work. Some people want to work hard and retire early to enjoy latter years. Some people want to work hard and leave their later generations to live in luxury. Your model does not allow for that. In your model, people will only work for short-term gains.
acha? what strong bond is there between a muslim pashtun in KPK and a hindu tamil in tamil nadu?
Why did Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (Sarhad Gandhi) want NWFP to remain with India? Clearly, he thought that his people had cultural bonds with other parts of India that transcended religious differences. However, as I said before, you guys got your country on the basis of religion and there is no going back. There should not be continued enmity now. Lets dig up what solution Vajpayee and Musharaf were about to reach on Kashmir and try to get it. How long should we be tied to hatred?
HYDERABAD: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday said there is a need for ‘akhand Bharat’ (undivided India) and it would suit better for countries like Pakistan which got separated from India.

Speaking at a Sanskrit book launch, Bhagwat said ‘Akhand Bharat’ is possible with Hindu dharma. “We consider countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan as ours. Once they are with us, it does not matter what they practise or what they eat. It is not colonialism. India believes in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family).”

He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed. “Because they are separated from the energy of life (India), we are open to treat them as our own as they were before,” he said.

Saying that ‘akhand Bharat’ is possible, he said some people have expressed doubts on division of India six months before it happened. “Jawaharlal Nehru rubbished it as a dream of fools. Similarly, anything can happen,” he said. “Lord Wavell (during British rule) said in British Parliament that god has made India one and who is going to divide it,” he recalled.

According to Bhagwat, talking of ‘akhand Bharat’ does not mean imposing colonialism. “When we talk about united, we don’t talk about power, it is about people. They are united through ‘sanatana dharma,’ which is called Hindu dharma,” the RSS chief asserted.

The RSS chief will be in Adilabad to attend a private programme on Friday.
He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed


another glimpse into the expansionist ideology of India. not only are they talking about adding the lands of Pakistan and Bangladesh into their shithole concept called Bharat, they are now even talking about adding Afghanistan into it. this RSS is the brainchild of political parties like the BJP and Shiv Sena, and have senior officers in their military indoctrinated with this crap.
I think mr bhagwat have forgotten the wrath of the pathan...

I suggest he asks his ancestors what happened when the pathans last came to india..
Thank you. I read your first post there. I do not agree with starting afresh each month. As I said, this will reduce incentive for long term planning and hard-work. Some people want to work hard and retire early to enjoy latter years. Some people want to work hard and leave their later generations to live in luxury. Your model does not allow for that. In your model, people will only work for short-term gains.

Why did Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (Sarhad Gandhi) want NWFP to remain with India? Clearly, he thought that his people had cultural bonds with other parts of India that transcended religious differences. However, as I said before, you guys got your country on the basis of religion and there is no going back. There should not be continued enmity now. Lets dig up what solution Vajpayee and Musharaf were about to reach on Kashmir and try to get it. How long should we be tied to hatred?

Is there ANY CREDIBLE, GENUINE & IRREFUTABLE evidence that he wanted to remain with india?
HYDERABAD: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday said there is a need for ‘akhand Bharat’ (undivided India) and it would suit better for countries like Pakistan which got separated from India.

Speaking at a Sanskrit book launch, Bhagwat said ‘Akhand Bharat’ is possible with Hindu dharma. “We consider countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan as ours. Once they are with us, it does not matter what they practise or what they eat. It is not colonialism. India believes in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family).”

He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed. “Because they are separated from the energy of life (India), we are open to treat them as our own as they were before,” he said.

Saying that ‘akhand Bharat’ is possible, he said some people have expressed doubts on division of India six months before it happened. “Jawaharlal Nehru rubbished it as a dream of fools. Similarly, anything can happen,” he said. “Lord Wavell (during British rule) said in British Parliament that god has made India one and who is going to divide it,” he recalled.

According to Bhagwat, talking of ‘akhand Bharat’ does not mean imposing colonialism. “When we talk about united, we don’t talk about power, it is about people. They are united through ‘sanatana dharma,’ which is called Hindu dharma,” the RSS chief asserted.

The RSS chief will be in Adilabad to attend a private programme on Friday.
He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed


another glimpse into the expansionist ideology of India. not only are they talking about adding the lands of Pakistan and Bangladesh into their shithole concept called Bharat, they are now even talking about adding Afghanistan into it. this RSS is the brainchild of political parties like the BJP and Shiv Sena, and have senior officers in their military indoctrinated with this crap.
How about akhand Pakistan good for india. Says Pakistani people.
acha? what strong bond is there between a muslim pashtun in KPK and a hindu tamil in tamil nadu?
No bond.

Even a rice munching munching muslim bengali shares more communality with a pathan then a tamil hindu
acha? what strong bond is there between a muslim pashtun in KPK and a hindu tamil in tamil nadu?
Forget pathans.

These RSS chumps need 10 union ministers to take on a bengali... Woman .

No wonder RSS wears khaki chaddis to hide you kniw what.
Is there ANY CREDIBLE, GENUINE & IRREFUTABLE evidence that he wanted to remain with india?
I hope you would trust this as a neutral source.
I hope you would trust this as a neutral source.
An excerpt from the article.
By 1943, with the Moslem League under Mohammed Ali Jinnah gaining ascendancy over Mr. Ghaffar Khan's Congress Party movement as the voice of India's Moslems, Mr. Ghaffar Khan campaigned vigorously against Hindu-Moslem communal violence and the growing prospect of partition.
Realizing on the eve of India's independence that partition could not be blocked, Mr. Ghaffar Khan unsuccessfully sought the establishment of a separate Northwest Frontier State to avoid the old Pathan province's absorption into Pakistan.
Why did Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (Sarhad Gandhi) want NWFP to remain with India?

i am talking about the majority of Pashtuns. what connection does a muslim pashtun in KPK have with a hindu tamil in tamil nadu?

Lets dig up what solution Vajpayee and Musharaf were about to reach on Kashmir and try to get it. How long should we be tied to hatred?

ok. so biharis, sindhis, tamils, pashtuns, marathis, bengalis, balochis, etc should decide what should happen with Kashmir? or should it be the Kashmiris that decide?
I hope you would trust this as a neutral source.

An excerpt from the article.
By 1943, with the Moslem League under Mohammed Ali Jinnah gaining ascendancy over Mr. Ghaffar Khan's Congress Party movement as the voice of India's Moslems, Mr. Ghaffar Khan campaigned vigorously against Hindu-Moslem communal violence and the growing prospect of partition.
Realizing on the eve of India's independence that partition could not be blocked, Mr. Ghaffar Khan unsuccessfully sought the establishment of a separate Northwest Frontier State to avoid the old Pathan province's absorption into Pakistan.

He is just one person. Did the WHOLE of NWFP want to be a part of hindu-dravidian india? HIGHLY UNLIKELY since they have more in common with Afghanistan and Iran yet have 0 commonality with india and indians.
Mr. Ghaffar Khan unsuccessfully sought the establishment of a separate Northwest Frontier State to avoid the old Pathan province's absorption into Pakistan.

Ghaffar Khan was clearly an idiot and Jinnah was right. we can see it right now in India with all the anti-muslim laws and this BJP government.

No bond.

Even a rice munching munching muslim bengali shares more communality with a pathan then a tamil hindu

Forget pathans.

These RSS chumps need 10 union ministers to take on a bengali... Woman .

No wonder RSS wears khaki chaddis to hide you kniw what.
If you want to see differences, you can see differences. If you want to see commonality, you would find common grounds. In India, we pride on our differences and hence our motto "Unity in diversity".

RSS, Mamata Didi - all these are aspects of our domestic politics. You have your fair share in PPP, PTI, PLMN etc. No difference here.
Mr. Ghaffar Khan unsuccessfully sought the establishment of a separate Northwest Frontier State to avoid the old Pathan province's absorption into Pakistan.

you know why Ghaffar Khan was a born loser? because the majority of KPK disagreed with him. if the majority of KPK wanted to be part of India, or Afghanistan, or independent, then they wouldnt have been a part of Pakistan.
If you want to see differences, you can see differences. If you want to see commonality, you would find common grounds.

commonalities? none. zero. zilch. sifr.

RSS, Mamata Didi - all these are aspects of our domestic politics. You have your fair share in PPP, PTI, PLMN etc. No difference here.

dont talk rubbish. name me one anti-hindu law that any Pakistani party has made? i can name you some anti-muslim laws that Indian parties have made. Pakistan is better than India.
He is just one person. Did the WHOLE of NWFP want to be a part of hindu-dravidian india? HIGHLY UNLIKELY since they have more in common with Afghanistan and Iran yet have 0 commonality with india and indians.
You may be right or wrong. I do not want to debate on that since I am not advocating a merger anyway. I am only advocating an end to unncessary enmity.
Western nations are becoming rich selling expensive war-weapons to our impoverished nations. You have seen how Bangladesh has prospered in recent decades as it has to spend less on military. If India and Pakistan can do the same, then would it not be great.
you know why Ghaffar Khan was a born loser? because the majority of KPK disagreed with him. if the majority of KPK wanted to be part of India, or Afghanistan, or independent, then they wouldnt have been a part of Pakistan.

commonalities? none. zero. zilch. sifr.

dont talk rubbish. name me one anti-hindu law that any Pakistani party has made? i can name you some anti-muslim laws that Indian parties have made. Pakistan is better than India.
I am not sure why you are being aggressive with me. I am talking friendship here. It is good that you consider Pakistan is better. Every citizen should be proud of one's country. I am sure if India has made some anti-minority laws, you would not want to repeat our mistake. We both should strive to learn good things from each other and not emulate bad things.
So lets rather focus on what good Pakistan has done that India can copy and vice versa.
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