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Akhand Bharat possible, will be good for Pakistan, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

If you want to see differences, you can see differences. If you want to see commonality, you would find common grounds. In India, we pride on our differences and hence our motto "Unity in diversity".

RSS, Mamata Didi - all these are aspects of our domestic politics. You have your fair share in PPP, PTI, PLMN etc. No difference here.
By all means point out the similarities between a pathan and a hindu tamil. I am all ears
You may be right or wrong. I do not want to debate on that since I am not advocating a merger anyway. I am only advocating an end to unncessary enmity.
Western nations are becoming rich selling expensive war-weapons to our impoverished nations. You have seen how Bangladesh has prospered in recent decades as it has to spend less on military. If India and Pakistan can do the same, then would it not be great.

I am not sure why you are being aggressive with me. I am talking friendship here. It is good that you consider Pakistan is better. Every citizen should be proud of one's country. I am sure if India has made some anti-minority laws, you would not want to repeat our mistake. We both should strive to learn good things from each other and not emulate bad things.
So lets rather focus on what good Pakistan has done that India can copy and vice versa.
Bangladesh's defense spending has actually gone up lol.
I am only advocating an end to unncessary enmity.

our main issue is Kashmir. who decides what happens with Kashmir? biharis, sindhis, tamils, pashtuns, marathis, bengalis, balochis, etc should decide what should happen with Kashmir? or should it be the Kashmiris that decide?

I am not sure why you are being aggressive with me.

because you are beating around the bush.
By all means point out the similarities between a pathan and a hindu tamil. I am all ears

Bangladesh's defense spending has actually gone up lol.
As I said, I want to rather see similarites than differences. I think SRK is a pathan, and he is quite famous in all regions and religions in India.

As of 2019, military spending as % of GDP
Bangladesh --> 1.3%
India --> 2.4%
Pakistan --> 3.9%
I think SRK is a pathan

sirf naam ka pahtan. anyway, so? i am bihari by ethnicity. if me and my family live in Pakistan and hate India, that means all of bihari muslims living in India love Pakistan? if SRK loves India, good for him and the other muslim retards that love india. doesnt mean most pashtuns love india.
our main issue is Kashmir. who decides what happens with Kashmir? biharis, sindhis, tamils, pashtuns, marathis, bengalis, balochis, etc should decide what should happen with Kashmir? or should it be the Kashmiris that decide?

because you are beating around the bush.
I agree that Kashmir is a bone of contention. I wonder if we can dig up the agreement which Vajpayee and Musharraf were about to reach and try to get it now. Both Imran Khan and Modi have full support of their militaries and have good backing of the respective right wings as well. So should be achievable if willing.
As I said, I want to rather see similarites than differences. I think SRK is a pathan, and he is quite famous in all regions and religions in India.

As of 2019, military spending as % of GDP
Bangladesh --> 1.3%
India --> 2.4%
Pakistan --> 3.9%
SrK grew up in india, and does SRK represent ordinary people? Do you think SRK is ordinary or celebrity . everyone knows Micheal jackson. Does that mean everybody shares the same values as micheal jackson?

i told you, tell me what are the similarities between an ordinary hindu tamil and a muslim

bangladesh defense budget through the decade has gone up compared to their past budgets, they have increased military spending. I never compared them with india pak.
I agree that Kashmir is a bone of contention. I wonder if we can dig up the agreement which Vajpayee and Musharraf were about to reach and try to get it now. Both Imran Khan and Modi have full support of their militaries and have good backing of the respective right wings as well. So should be achievable if willing.

you see now why i am being aggressive with you? again you are beating around the bush. who should decide what happens with Kashmir? should it be Kashmiris alone, or biharis, tamils, pashtuns, sindhis, marathis, etc?
sirf naam ka pahtan. anyway, so? i am bihari by ethnicity. if me and my family live in Pakistan and hate India, that means all of bihari muslims living in India love Pakistan? if SRK loves India, good for him and the other muslim retards that love india. doesnt mean most pashtuns love india.
Is your hatred of India only due to Kashmir issue or is there any other underlying reason? How would you lead your lives if one-day this issue is resolved. Dont lead your life in unncessary hatred. And be smart like China. It has outstanding issues with India but still has massive trade relations. Same between China and Taiwan.
Why not 'Akhand Pakistan' which not only include Afghanistan-Hindustan but also the entire South Asia following the 'Panipat IV' ?
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Is your hatred of India only due to Kashmir issue or is there any other underlying reason?

as long as india is an enemy of Pakistan, i will hate india till the day i get to my grave.

And be smart like China. It has outstanding issues with India but still has massive trade relations. Same between China and Taiwan.

China vs India is a child's play compared to Pakistan vs india. we have a lot of unfinished business. again i ask you, who decides what happens to Kashmir? Kashmiris alone since its their land? or should all of Pakistan and India decide when its not their land?
SrK grew up in india, and does SRK represent ordinary people? Do you think SRK is ordinary or celebrity . everyone knows Micheal jackson. Does that mean everybody shares the same values as micheal jackson?

i told you, tell me what are the similarities between an ordinary hindu tamil and a muslim

bangladesh defense budget through the decade has gone up compared to their past budgets, they have increased military spending. I never compared them with india pak.
May be there is not much similarity between ordinary people living thousand of miles apart. Is that any rationale for enmity? There is nothing common between an ordinary Pakistani and Chinese, still you are friends with them.
Bangladesh spends more on military now as their GDP has grown. Are you saying that spending as a % of GDP has also grown?
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday said there is a need for ‘akhand Bharat’ (undivided India) and it would suit better for countries like Pakistan which got separated from India.

There never was an akhand bharat to begin with. Ruled over by different people in bits and pieces over millennia. Closest India came to akhand bharat was under Mughals. Unless RSS wants to find and install a long lost true Mughal heir..
May be there is not much similarity between ordinary people living thousand of miles apart. Is that any rationale for enmity? There is nothing common between an ordinary Pakistani and Chinese, still you are friends with them.
Bangladesh spends more on military now as their GDP has grown. Are you saying that spending as a % of GDP has also grown?
None of your importent neighours want to be your friend.

Now go cry a river.
as long as india is an enemy of Pakistan, i will hate india till the day i get to my grave.

China vs India is a child's play compared to Pakistan vs india. we have a lot of unfinished business. again i ask you, who decides what happens to Kashmir? Kashmiris alone since its their land? or should all of Pakistan and India decide when its not their land?
The only major unfinished business I hear is Kashmir, so lets dig up previous about to reach agreements and try to agree upon something mutually desirable.
In an ideal world, Kashmiris should have been left to decide to their own fate. Sheikh Abdullah was the leader of Kashmiris in 1947 and wanted Independence or merger with India. Pakistanis acted in haste and tried to force merge Kashmir with them. Kashmir lived in peace with India till 1980s. After that, ugly Indian domestic politics coupled with fighters free from fighting with Soviets fuelled the urgency. Later, Kashmir Pandits were driven out. So the situation is not now which could have been when plebiscite was first promised.
None of your importent neighours want to be your friend.

Now go cry a river.
Again, I am not sure why you are being aggressive. Is that your normal style of talking.
India has some friends. Those that are not good friends yet, there is scope to further build relations. Should not Pakistan want more friends in this world? What is so great in fighting everyone?
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