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Akhand Bharat possible, will be good for Pakistan, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

The North and South Indians hate each other.
The East is another world, people don't even see them as Indian.
The Central regions are also some lawless tribal mixture.
No such problems in Pakistan, no sir, Pakistanis are proper civilized folk. :whistle:
No such problems in Pakistan, no sir, Pakistanis are proper civilized folk. :whistle:

Yaar at least sometimes, give me sensible answers.

Why do you people pass comments without laying a basis for such comments, it makes no sense, if you know something please share, not some random examples, but something that happens regularly, unlike you I will admit.

Stop living in your fantasies, it is time to grow up.
India is 74 years old, already retired, might die soon, please do not remain ignorant.
Find peace.
Yaar at least sometimes, give me sensible answers.

Why do you people pass comments without laying a basis for such comments, it makes no sense, if you know something please share, not some random examples, but something that happens regularly, unlike you I will admit.

Stop living in your fantasies, it is time to grow up.
India is 74 years old, already retired, might die soon, please do not remain ignorant.
Find peace.
no beef lynchings this year, unless I missed something. :P

anyway, point was clear.. Pak have issues with Pashtoon nationalism, resentment toward the Punjabis by the others, issues in Balochistan and Sindh. Not like you're not dealing with this stuff.. also honour killings, forced conversions/abductions of minorities, religious extremism, the Shia-Sunni divide, Ahmedis ostracized and discriminated against by the state.
A union of some sort, free movement, a somewhat synchronized economic structure, an end to proxy warfare and military hostilities.

Seriously, Pakistan have a lot of gain from such a scenario. Much better off having Adani, TATA, L&T etc developing your ports and infra than the Chinese and their long term debt traps.

we are better off with the radical hindus staying in India far away from Pakistan. we dont need their bullshit here.
no beef lynchings this year, unless I missed something. :P

why are there anti-beef laws in India?
Can someone explain to me why Afghanistan is considered apart of Akhand Bharat?? Most of our history were under the Assyrians, Medes, Ahamenids, and Sassanians. We only spent 150 years under Ashoka, and it wasn’t even the entirety of Afghanistan.

What is the reasoning behind this?
To the Indians -

What exactly is geographic spread of Akhand Bharat?
Does it include Burma?
Which year was it first coined?

When people say 'Unidivided India' this [below] is what it looked like. Burma, Bangla, India, Pakistan.


Can someone explain to me why Afghanistan is considered apart of Akhand Bharat?
Hahaha .. welocome to the club. You don't get a choice. Some Gangu gets to decide.
Did a quick YouTube search to find something on the topic to tickle my humorous side. Found this puploo and his deepest fantasies:

no beef lynchings this year, unless I missed something. :P

anyway, point was clear.. Pak have issues with Pashtoon nationalism, resentment toward the Punjabis by the others, issues in Balochistan and Sindh. Not like you're not dealing with this stuff.. also honour killings, forced conversions/abductions of minorities, religious extremism, the Shia-Sunni divide, Ahmedis ostracized and discriminated against by the state.

If this was all true than Pakistan would have seen a civil war long time back and the country would have imploded and caved in to extremism and sectarianism.

Shia Sunni issue was more like an effort by the enemy agencies to create the sectarian divide, never me any success, like a lone gun man kills a Shia person and the same gunman kills a Sunni Alim...been there done that, did not succeeded. Also a few bomb blasts could not start a war...what does it tells there is no Shia Sunni divide, it is made to look like a Shia Sunni divide.
since when muslims can live with porks of RSS is ok in islam :lol:. RSS will suffer if we join them we are not indian muslims
religious extremism, the Shia-Sunni divide, Ahmedis ostracized and discriminated against by the state.

Ahmedis treated as minorities is not ostracization...has all the privileges just like others. This again was blown out of proportion....nothing like India communal killings in hundreds.
If this was all true than Pakistan would have seen a civil war long time back and the country would have imploded and caved in to extremism and sectarianism.

Shia Sunni issue was more like an effort by the enemy agencies to create the sectarian divide, never me any success, like a lone gun man kills a Shia person and the same gunman kills a Sunni Alim...been there done that, did not succeeded. Also a few bomb blasts could not start a war...what does it tells there is no Shia Sunni divide, it is made to look like a Shia Sunni divide.
My point was that all countries have problems, one could even point to the US and talk about racial divisions, homelessness, income equality, politically divided etc etc.. it doesn't mean they're collapsing or are a fascist state.

India isn't a fascist state either.
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