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Akhand Bharat possible, will be good for Pakistan, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

Still going strong, no escaping the caste system in India, it's intrinsic to Hinduism.

Indians pretend caste system will be abolished, but it will never be because it's one of the last major Hindu practice that still survives. Most other major Hindu practices have been driven to extinction by Muslims and British, and no matter how much the Hindu upper caste want to, those inhuman practices cannot be revived in modern times without a global backlash.

The only thing that remain is caste system and some insignificant superstitions. Once you take caste system away there's no longer something called Hinduism.
if you say so.

Okay... I’ll give you facts.

First off my stance is that KP should remain part of Pakistan, so you know where I stand before you jump to conclusions.

Next, when partition happened, British gave the residents of KP the choice of ONLY Pakistan and India. If Afghanistan were on the table I know without a doubt FATA would have voted for Afghanistan and the rest KP would probably have been part of Pakistan, but because they were given the suckers choice of either Coke and Pepsi, they were obviously going to choose Muslim Pakistan over Hindu India.
Okay... I’ll give you facts.

many Afghans dont think the way you do. they want a large chunk of Pakistan to become Afghanistan.

Next, when partition happened, British gave the residents of KP the choice of ONLY Pakistan and India. If Afghanistan were on the table I know without a doubt FATA would have voted for Afghanistan and the rest KP would probably have been part of Pakistan, but because they were given the suckers choice of either Coke and Pepsi, they were obviously going to choose Muslim Pakistan over Hindu India.

all ancient history now. most people are happy with Pakistan. if you want to go in the ancient history route then give the Wakhan corridor to us or Tajikistan. make northern Afghanistan its own country or part of Tajikistan.
Indians pretend caste system will be abolished, but it will never be because it's one of the last major Hindu practice that still survives. Most other major Hindu practices have been driven to extinction by Muslims and British, and no matter how much the Hindu upper caste want to, those inhuman practices cannot be revived in modern times without a global backlash.

The only thing that remain is caste system and some insignificant superstitions. Once you take caste system away there's no longer something called Hinduism.

Caste division is an ideal thing and used as a social stratification tool for the Dalits to/ST/SC/OBC Adivasis and just about anyone out of the caste and lower castes, they make up about 78% of Indian population.

It's exactly like crony capitalism, a cartel and mafia controlling millions upon millions of people, enslaved and suppressed, marginalized and despondent.

And they are made to believe that this is your fate ordained by Ram, Bhagwan, and that to be a higher caste(Brahmins, others) you have to be subordinated to them now and in next life, reincarnation you(Dalits) will be born as higher Caste...look how cleverly they come up with these social clauses...
many Afghans dont think the way you do. they want a large chunk of Pakistan to become Afghanistan.

all ancient history now. most people are happy with Pakistan. if you want to go in the ancient history route then give the Wakhan corridor to us or Tajikistan. make northern Afghanistan its own country or part of Tajikistan.

I am okay with that... let’s hold a referendum then, the Hazaras can have their own land (but I doubt they will want to since Bamyan is all barren land) and so can the the Tajiks if they want their own land our ties with them are cemented considering we’re practically the same people... and whoever in KP wishes to be apart of a new Afghanistan... welcome, and if they want to remain with Pakistan, then go ahead.

But would you be willing to do that with all of Pakistan, including KP Baluchistan and Sindh?
In all honesty, there is more chance of Brazil, Pakistan and Germany forming one nation than there is "akhand bharat"...........whatever the hell that means........... :disagree:
practicing hindus dont want to eat beef. so banning beef slaughter and eating it was targeting non-hindus, especially muslims. banning the azan and loudspeakers from mosques was clearly targeting muslims. you dont hear Pakistan banning temple bells. are temple bells and loudspeakers in hindu festivals banned in India? dont talk shit.
There's 300000 + active mosques here. The loudspeaker azan isn't banned in India, that was one case only, you can hear it even in the most upmarket areas of most cities otherwise.

Revering the cow goes back a long time, pre partition.
Below are some of the early signs of Fascism as coined by Umberto Eco, fully describes the India situation today...the rot is about to be completed.

1. Powerful and continuing nationalism
2. Disdain for human rights
3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
4. Rampant sexism
5. Controlled mass media
6. Obsession with national security
7. Religion and government intertwined
8. Corporate power protected
9. Labour power suppressed
10. Disdain for intellectuals and the arts
11. Obsession with crime and punishment
12. Rampant cronyism and corruption
and how will we carry out this genocide, what methods may we employ in the culling of 200million plus muslims from our Hindu rashtra ?
There's 300000 + active mosques here. The loudspeaker azan isn't banned in India, that was one case only, you can hear it even in the most upmarket areas of most cities otherwise.

Revering the cow goes back a long time, pre partition.

so loudspeakers are banned in some places for muslims. but not for hindus and their festivals.

as for the cow, since india has anti-cow slaughter laws those laws are clearly targeting all non-hindus from eating what they want to eat. but in Pakistan there are no laws banning hindus from using temples, loudspeakers, firecrackers, drinking cow piss, naryals, etc. shows Pakistan is more tolerant and better than India.
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India believes in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family).”

India, meaning RSS in Mohan Bhagwat's terms, should then stop following right-wing ideology and instead take up Communism which believes in pan-human brotherhood.

Speaking at a Sanskrit book launch, Bhagwat said ‘Akhand Bharat’ is possible with Hindu dharma. “We consider countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan as ours. Once they are with us, it does not matter what they practise or what they eat. It is not colonialism.

A union called Akhand Bharat isn't necessary. India and Pakistan ( and rest of South Asia ) can adopt the same progressive political system while remaining independent republics. This would be like Syria and pre-2003 Iraq being governed by the same Ba'ath ideology.

I wrote of this in the below thread :

also honour killings

Honor killings and family-promoted student suicides happen in India too.

banning the azan and loudspeakers from mosques was clearly targeting muslims. you dont hear Pakistan banning temple bells. are temple bells and loudspeakers in hindu festivals banned in India?

In context of India's complex social system it would be best if religious sounds are removed from public entirely. For example, in case of Muslims they can forego azaan from loudspeakers and in case of Hindus they can forego firecrackers during Deepavali and Dussehra festivals and during weddings and political processions.

In USA the Muslims use a cell phone app called Muslim Pro which among other things notifies the user to prayer time. Why can't Indian Muslims adopt this app ?

India is a chaotic and maddening place so such voluntary giving up of some religious elements will go a long way toward bringing harmony and quiet to the country.
Here we go ... a new version of Aman ki Asha, this time by the fascists Hindus! :omghaha:

Scum supporting Aman ki Asha from both sides should jump on this ...
India, meaning RSS in Mohan Bhagwat's terms, should then stop following right-wing ideology and instead take up Communism which believes in pan-human brotherhood.

A union called Akhand Bharat isn't necessary. India and Pakistan ( and rest of South Asia ) can adopt the same progressive political system while remaining independent republics. This would be like Syria and pre-2003 Iraq being governed by the same Ba'ath ideology.

I wrote of this in the below thread :

Honor killings and family-promoted student suicides happen in India too.

In context of India's complex social system it would be best if religious sounds are removed from public entirely. For example, in case of Muslims they can forego azaan from loudspeakers and in case of Hindus they can forego firecrackers during Deepavali and Dussehra festivals and during weddings and political processions.

In USA the Muslims use a cell phone app called Muslim Pro which among other things notifies the user to prayer time. Why can't Indian Muslims adopt this app ?

India is a chaotic and maddening place so such voluntary giving up of some religious elements will go a long way toward bringing harmony and quiet to the country.

i dont want to argue with you man. i hate communism and godless people. we are never going to agree.
i have no issues with referendums anywhere. if any province of Pakistan wanted to leave, then it would have already happened.

That’s good, in the future however I would rather have a loose and I mean very loose confederacy between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where we are technically the same country but at the same time very independent, and the only thing we will have between us is defence and trade, if any peoples would want to have Visa requirements like the Kurds in Iraq then so be it. I wouldn’t want it to be like Xinjiang or Turkey, frequent bombings and mass re-education camps, the purpose of nations and states should serve as a defence mechanism not as an oppression mechanism.
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