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5 Pakistani nationals of Zainebiyoun Brigade killed in Syria buried in Qom today

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As Pakistani nationals, why were they putting the interests of Syrian people over the interests of Pakistan? Is it about sect?

If they had been working in Pakistan they would have contributed to Pakistan's GDP and prosperity over their lifetimes, instead of ending up dead in Syria. Not to mention the fact that their actions have worked to increase the level of sectarian strife in Pakistan.
Agree. However, to them I believe religion and sect comes before their own country. To each his own. :)
Out of 70 million Iran citizens only few hundreds volunteer to fight for Assad. That's why they use poor rightless migrants as cannon fodder for Assad.
And I wonder Why ISIS never attacked Israel, and why ISIS had to apologise to Israel after mistakenly attacking it ? Any thoughts trouble maker people in the region

Please close this thread used as a propaganda machine against the state of Pakistan.
Non state actors are of no importance and thus should not provided any.

Iran continues to flirt with Pakistan's patience. The strategic war in the middle east has no religious sentiments and out of 200 million one can find such 'misguided' youths or the poor who have been driven to the edge by injustice ripe in Pakistan's social circus.

Pakistan and Pakistanis intend not to take part in the conflict and their wish should be respected.
Only the most ideological fight war as volunteers. Why do you think thousands of Qaeda or IS fighters join to fight? They do not fight for money. They fight for religion. Religion is something that bring meaning to many people's lives.
Lol I never thought I will agree with you one day on this forum. :D.
Agree 100% , All the foreign fighters in Syria today are motivated by religion or ideology to a lesser extent and as such they are very effective on the field, even more so than the country's regular army and some FSA units .
Religion, if not properly handled(or taken out if context) can become an opium to the masses indeed. :bounce:

Out of 70 million Iran citizens only few hundreds volunteer to fight for Assad. That's why they use poor rightless migrants as cannon fodder for Assad.
Is that a bad thing ? I know that as an Israeli you obviously don't want to make favourable comments towards Iran. Just like I don't expect an Iranian, Pakistani and many muslims here for that matter to make any positive comments towards Israel(that's Taboo.lol). However that doesn't means we can see things for what they are or turn a blind eye when it doesn't suite our purpose/view.

What you just said, might be true, but then again I don't see that as a bad thing. In fact it shows Iran is smart power, and they have been making very strategic moves in the region. Why will any major power not want to use others for its national interests if possible? That's the smart thing to do. Wouldn't you rather have others fight and die for your interest than your own citizens if that was possible?
As harsh as that might sound, that's the simple truth, we don't live in a fairy tale world anyway. So I don't see how that's a bad thing to do strategically speaking. There's no morality in geopolitics, else every country have their hands dirty some way or another . So I can't blame Iran on this one. If these poor illiterate Pakistanis,Afghans,Yenenis,Iraqis,Lebanese etc are willing to go and die for a certain cause which serves Iran's interests as well, then so be it. It's not like Iran forced them, it's their choice, afterall ,they are not children anymore , as such they are responsible for their own actions . :agree:
No Shia has ever murdered someone because of religion. No Shia has ever done a suicide attack. Shia don't ever do jihad. Shia are followers of Muhammad. No Shia can ever be a terrorist. There can never be a Shia terrorist organization anywhere in the world.
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You can call them anything you like ...

R.I.P brothers ...
The problem is both Sunni and Shia see everything through their sectarian eyes. We should all be Pakistani first and foremost.
They are volunteers. There is no law against that. Plus, they battle Islamic State which is a terrorist group that is dangerous to Pakistan.

Why don't you guys take them to your country once they've finished fighting your fight? The rest of us have had our fair share of militants who fight for other people calling our country home.
They are volunteers. There is no law against that. Plus, they battle Islamic State which is a terrorist group that is dangerous to Pakistan.

They battle anyone who is not shia. We dont need these sectarian scumbags in our midst who sold themselves for few bucks.
I definitely agree that they should RIP (Rest in Piss). Dont try to portray them as heros to us as we all know what kind of war crimes these scum bags are involved in right now.

What ever you say ...

They are not Pakistani anymore ...
Do not tell me how they are recruited, Only Sunnis are targeted in Pakistan for their armed activities, while on the other hand everybody know where these persian terrorist get their arms, training, guidance. persians always poses as if they are the hardline followers of Islam, trying o teach Islam to every other person. Where was ur preaching when bashar al khanzeer massacred 600K Muslims in his country aided by Hizbulshaitan and IRGC, not to mention their very Muslim friend Russia.
Donot prolong the debate or it will go too far if u try to teach me my own religion.
Where to go?
Indeed Sunnis were the first victims of the policy of your corrupt leaders who have a hands in the gloves of KSA and USA. This is where it will go.
Everyone is suffering in your country because of the corruption of your leaders. They sold your country to Al-Saud family, training special elements within your land. The explosions in Quetta, Parachinar, Lahore and other cities is a proof for it. Your corrupt governors sowed the seeds of Al-Saud family ,the most racist backward and supremacist family in human kind's history, in your country and now they are reaping it with blood of Muslims in Pakistan.
You are fulfilled with racism mate, how do you know that i am a Persian? :)
Where did Bashar massacre his people? He is not the dictator of Yemen who left his country in chaos and betrayed his own people. No foreign country has the right of imposing something on Syrian people. Syrians ,our beloved brothers and the only people who helped us when Saddam was massacring our folks with chemical weapons, will vote for anyone they like. 4 million Syrians were displaced by ISIS and Al-Nusra head choppers. Please whine about that and condemn terrorists you biased mind !
Oh, my own religion!!! You are a Muslim just like me. But confused by Al-Saudis and Israelis. The irony, in this forum and in every other forum that i could find on the web, Israelis are whining about the rights of Sunni Muslims which evil Shias of Iran and Kafir Christians of Russia are violating.

What ever you say ...

They are not Pakistani anymore ...
Your avatar LOLz :laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:
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Just think about it for a second.

How would you feel if Iranian Sunnis went to Syria in order to fight against Assad, i.e. directly hurting Iran's interests in Syria?

You would call them traitors right? So what is the difference here, apart from sect?

Quite a difference here.

The difference is, Iran is clearly supporting a side in this war, and that is the Syrian government. For some Iranians, regardless of sect, to fight against the Syrian Government would indeed be harming Iranian interests and they would be described as traitors.

But Pakistan is relatively neutral in the Syrian war. So Pakistanis going to fight in Syria isn't against Pakistani interests, but by not staying in Pakistan they are not contributing to the earlier comments you made about economic growth.

Though arguably, anyone fighting terrorism is in the interests of Pakistan, but that is a subjective rather than objective statement and is beside the point.
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