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5 Pakistani nationals of Zainebiyoun Brigade killed in Syria buried in Qom today

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Hey does iran have a migration policy.? Anyone who favours intrests of iran over his motherland Pakistan can migrate to iran.
Quite a difference here.

The difference is, Iran is clearly supporting a side in this war, and that is the Syrian government. For some Iranians, regardless of sect, to fight against the Syrian Government would indeed be harming Iranian interests and they would be described as traitors.

But Pakistan is relatively neutral in the Syrian war. So Pakistanis going to fight in Syria isn't against Pakistani interests, but by not staying in Pakistan they are not contributing to the earlier comments you made about economic growth.

Though arguably, anyone fighting terrorism is in the interests of Pakistan, but that is a subjective rather than objective statement and is beside the point.

Fair point. But take a look at the Pakistani comments in this thread, they have been universally negative about this.

I mean, I would be pissed as hell if a Chinese Buddhist went to Myanmar to fight, because they would mean they are putting their religion/sect above their nation. I would be equally angry if a Chinese Catholic went to fight on behalf of foreigners (like the Vatican) just because they shared the same religion/sect, putting the interests of foreigners above their fellow Chinese citizens.

In both cases I would not want them to return to China. Same with any Chinese fighting in Syria, even if they do come back they'll be arrested immediately.
I wonder why so different in treating the Pakistani in Syria and the ones in Bahrain ?
I wonder why so different in treating the Pakistani in Syria and the ones in Bahrain ?
Because Pakistanis in Bahrain are not involved in genocide and went there with the approval of the government. Those who are fighting in Syria better die there or live the rest of their miserable lives on the lap of Irani mullas we DGAF We just dont want them in our country.
Because Pakistanis in Bahrain are not involved in genocide and went there with the approval of the government. Those who are fighting in Syria better die there or live the rest of their miserable lives on the lap of Irani mullas we DGAF We just dont want them in our country.
Irony is Pakistanis in Syria are also there with approval Syrian government. And no matter how many lies you spread about them, they are fighting ISIS and Nusra maniacs, unlike those in Bahrain who are hired to put down peaceful protesters.

May these Iranian mercenaries rott in hell.

Hopefully, that's also the case about Pakistanis used by regimes like Bahrain as hired guns? I don't think many will agree here.

Their own people are cowards, they won't go there.

The Syrian analysts surely disagree, many Iranians are also in Syria.

One thing should be made clear: These very few number of Pakistanis who go to Syria have gone there from Iran, they have been living in Iran for years for their own reasons (fleeing war, terrorist attacks etc) and they choose to go to Syria and if they come back, they will come to Iran to continue their lives, not Pakistan. So you all can chill, they won't return to Pakistan, most of them have left Pakistan for decades.

Just like we won't be pissed if an Iranian-American who has lived in US for 20 years joins U.S army, Pakistanis here should also calm down, these people have not been living in Pakistan for 2-3 decades.

Fair point. But take a look at the Pakistani comments in this thread, they have been universally negative about this.

I mean, I would be pissed as hell if a Chinese Buddhist went to Myanmar to fight, because they would mean they are putting their religion/sect above their nation. I would be equally angry if a Chinese Catholic went to fight on behalf of foreigners (like the Vatican) just because they shared the same religion/sect, putting the interests of foreigners above their fellow Chinese citizens.

In both cases I would not want them to return to China. Same with any Chinese fighting in Syria, even if they do come back they'll be arrested immediately.

Point is, many of these people have been living in Iran for almost 2 decades, they didn't go there from Pakistan. Just like how you can't call a Chinese man who has lived in U.S for 20 years or born there as a traitor if he decides to join U.S army. Because he will be more American than Chinese. But, if they join a foreign country in a war against their own motherland, that would indeed be traitorous.
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Fair point. But take a look at the Pakistani comments in this thread, they have been universally negative about this.

I mean, I would be pissed as hell if a Chinese Buddhist went to Myanmar to fight, because they would mean they are putting their religion/sect above their nation. I would be equally angry if a Chinese Catholic went to fight on behalf of foreigners (like the Vatican) just because they shared the same religion/sect, putting the interests of foreigners above their fellow Chinese citizens.

In both cases I would not want them to return to China. Same with any Chinese fighting in Syria, even if they do come back they'll be arrested immediately.

Well that's the thing. I think these people are taking it as a personal matter rather than a national matter. And the detriment to their country is indirect rather than direct. Either way, I think this matter is of opinion. My personal opinion is that they are not traitors as they are not harming their country, however someone else might think differently.

Moreover, I think you are wrong by making it a religious matter. Although these fighters are going to defend shrines, they are doing it because they believe in something strongly. We've heard some stories of foreigners going to Iraq to embed with Kurdish groups fighting ISIS. Those people believe in fighting terrorism.
Its like mother crying on the funeral of her son , knowing he died protecting some other woman who was using him as a cannon fodder.

When are these moron will learn the meaning of patriotism, and being loyal to own motherland ONLY?

All these b@stards Pakistani shia mullahs who are on the payroll of Iran must be hanged by their balls who are indoctrinating our shia youth.
So Pakistani soldiers get deployed in Saudia and a Pakistani general heads a Sunni anti-Iran alliance and Pakistanis all celebrate.

But young Pakistani Shia's volunteer to go and fight ISIS and their own countrymen are throwing the worst kinds of insults on them.

The hypocrisy and double standards of you people stinks from far away.
they all were kiray ke tatto mean rented solders .
Would you say the same about ex-Pakistani soldiers hired by Bahraini government to quash their own Shia population?
I dont think so.

They genuinely believe their cause.

They died fighting Daesh..

Zanibiyoun brigades duty was protecting Holy Shrines of Prophet Mohammad PBUHs family.


What Pakistan should be worried about is secterian terrorist groups like LEJ & SSP cadres which have gone to syria and joined DAESH... making links with the organisation and taking experience and making bombs.
Thank you! A sane post on this thread.
Would you say the same about ex-Pakistani soldiers hired by Bahraini government to quash their own Shia population?
i was very clear sir everyone anyone including raheel sharif
Sunni anti-Iran alliance and Pakistanis all celebrate.
Is that why Pakistan Invited Iran??!?!
Use your brain for once. The only opportunity the egoistic Irani had was this joint the hands with other Islamic countries to form an alliance and fight against common threat, but no mental mullah would rather die than to let go of his ego
If they had been working in Pakistan they would have contributed to Pakistan's GDP

IF. Think about that for a second.

Because the ground reality is for millions of youngsters there are no jobs, and the ones there are don't make enough to provide for a living.

There are no prospects for a stable future.

For the average man either you get out of the country and make it to the West (legally or illegally, the latter being a more riskier and dangerous method), or you join some extremist or militant organization or some religious group promising you a cause to live and even die for.

While all this is happening you have the corrupt traitorous politicians, landlords, and dare is say even generals stuffing their pockets, getting large plots of land after retirement from the Army for a nice big house of their own.

I know people here won't like this fact, but nonetheless it is a FACT.
So Pakistani soldiers get deployed in Saudia and a Pakistani general heads a Sunni anti-Iran alliance and Pakistanis all celebrate.

But young Pakistani Shia's volunteer to go and fight ISIS and their own countrymen are throwing the worst kinds of insults on them.

The hypocrisy and double standards of you people stinks from far away.
BTW when you are planning to go for this nobal cause. Incase need any help for one way ticket. let me know. Bec Pakistan is for Pakistanis for whom Pakistan comes first.
Is that why Pakistan Invited Iran??!?!
Use your brain for once. The only opportunity the egoistic Irani had was this joint the hands with other Islamic countries to form an alliance and fight against common threat, but no mental mullah would rather die than to let go of his ego
download (1).jpg


We will not bow to a maniac, @salarsikander .
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