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5 Pakistani nationals of Zainebiyoun Brigade killed in Syria buried in Qom today

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Law should be made that anyone joining conflict in foreign lands like this will have all his family assets confiscated as the family

I presume ISI is keeping tabs on these folks?

Still it's scary that Iran has this capacity to draw Shias from the world over to fight their wars. I can only imagine what would happen if there's a full-blown Arab-Iran conflict. I see shades of the Iran-Iraq war being replayed to the same horrible consequences.
Its like mother crying on the funeral of her son , knowing he died protecting some other woman who was using him as a cannon fodder.

When are these moron will learn the meaning of patriotism, and being loyal to own motherland ONLY?

All these b@stards Pakistani shia mullahs who are on the payroll of Iran must be hanged by their balls who are indoctrinating our shia youth.
So, Pakistan shouldn't join war against Yemen because we should not indulge ourselves in someone's else war - narrative of Shia mullahs and Irani pittho...

Going into Syria on behalf of Iran, indulging themselves in middle east war - completely fine....

Did you guys just check the fukin hypocrisy?
Pakistani volunteers have served in almost every Muslim country. Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Gulf States, North Africa and etc... I don't get why so many people are getting angry all of a sudden, when volunteers decide to go and fight Daesh. This isn't specifically a Shia thing, as many Sunnis have also left to join the fight.
Pakistani volunteers have served in almost every Muslim country. Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Gulf States, North Africa and etc... I don't get why so many people are getting angry all of a sudden, when volunteers decide to go and fight Daesh. This isn't specifically a Shia thing, as many Sunnis have also left to join the fight.
they all were kiray ke tatto mean rented solders .
Pakistani volunteers have served in almost every Muslim country. Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Gulf States, North Africa and etc... I don't get why so many people are getting angry all of a sudden, when volunteers decide to go and fight Daesh. This isn't specifically a Shia thing, as many Sunnis have also left to join the fight.

Those volunteers who were fighting, say in Afghanistan, were in a way, protecting and serving the interests of the state. These lot on the other hand, are fighting on behalf of other state which is Iran, mostly due to their indoctrination by local Shia Mullahs on the payroll of Iran.

They are at best cannon fodders, embarrassment for Pakistan and Pakistaniyat.
Yeah kiray le tattoo was also there in Afghanistan when we sold our people for dollars.they were not mercenaries right ?
wrong sir

lets be strait
every pakistani be it army or civil go fight a war for other country was rented .sometime gov of pak himself rented solders
This is what I am telling sir..No need to abuse them as we are a rented nation.,throw dollars and we are at everyone's service.
i abuse all of them its fair deal . we have to condemn it and stop it
wth? why were they fighting for someone else? for money? or what?
The commentator guys have no idea about those martyrs.
First of all they were fighting ISIS, doing the thing that Pakistani government hadn't the guts of due to Israel's nuclear threat.
2nd they are fighting for safety of Syria and Syrian people, welcomed by Syrian sha'ab and the elected government.
3rd they are protecting the holy shrine of prophet's grand daughter. It is indeed an honor for them. May Allah accept their sacrifice
4th Iran has no place in their ideology, so do i. We belong to our prophet and will return to him in Qiyamah
5th their holy soul are always alive a beacn of Hidayat.

Welcome to your holy city Shaheed brothers.

I ask you guys, let their holy soul rest in peace. They will be the symbols of honor for Pakistan and it's people, as the people who fought extremism and protected Syrian people against NATO's stooges. Islam will be proud of Pakistani people and their stance for human beings and justice.
they all were kiray ke tatto mean rented solders .

I dont think so.

They genuinely believe their cause.

They died fighting Daesh..

Zanibiyoun brigades duty was protecting Holy Shrines of Prophet Mohammad PBUHs family.


What Pakistan should be worried about is secterian terrorist groups like LEJ & SSP cadres which have gone to syria and joined DAESH... making links with the organisation and taking experience and making bombs.
2nd they are fighting for safety of Syria and Syrian people, welcomed by Syrian sha'ab and the elected government.

As Pakistani nationals, why were they putting the interests of Syrian people over the interests of Pakistan? Is it about sect?

If they had been working in Pakistan they would have contributed to Pakistan's GDP and prosperity over their lifetimes, instead of ending up dead in Syria. Not to mention the fact that their actions have worked to increase the level of sectarian strife in Pakistan.
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