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21 Sikhs against 10,000 Afghans ! Battle of Saragarhi Akshay Kumar's Kesari trailer IS OUT

It was a reaction to the sheer hatred we get from you guys.

If you people were civil to us, we could have shared so many common connections.
Instead, just look at the unimaginable hate we get from you people.

Don't belive me?
Look at your news outlets. Forget this week, look at anything before this week. Find me a single positive news report about Pakistan in your media. You can't.

And lets not even mention the Internet Hindus.

Why should be associate with people who hate us so much that they are willing to go to nuclear war with us?
(serious question, I would like a genuine answer)
If u want to get praise from a country then dont carry send terrorists to carry out attacks on its parliament, metro cities and likes....
If even after this u demand to get praise then u r simply either naive or shameless, but u can still follow some indian journalists and politician, im sure their narrative will make u happy
Baba Nanakji taught us that being a good Muslim or good Hindu are both viable paths to reach the ultimate truth

my bad. Sorry veerji. Came out typing in a rush
Koi gal ni veere , aa jhappi paa. :-)

Ignore these noobs they impose Urdu on Pakistani Punjabi's then talk about us being slaves. They even follow outside religion and taunt us who follow religion of the land.
Akshay Kumar's Kesari, which is based on the Battle of Saragarhi, is out with its trailer and fans can't keep calm. Kesari is slated to release this Holi on March 21.

Akshay Kumar, Kesari | Photo Credit: YouTube
Kesari starring Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra has already cast its spell on the audience. The makers dropped the trailer today and fans can’t stop going gaga over the immensely enthralling sequences that Akshay so eloquently puts out, that captures true events like magic. Based on the Battle of Saragarhi which was fought between Sikh soldiers of the British Indian Army and Pashtun Orakzai tribesmen on September 12, 1897.

But the Battle is known for its significance in history because 21 Sikh soldiers fought against 10,000 Afghan invaders. The Sikhs chose to fight till death and defended the post at Saragarhi. The battle is considered to be one of the greatest battles ever fought in history. Akshay takes on the role of Havildar Ishar Singh. Earlier, the actor shared glimpses from the movie and it instantly roared excitement among fans.

Loooool....indians are heros in m9vies in reality they create fake encounters to get medals like in kargil only to be humiliated later.
Sikhs dont even have a country
Again - Maurya was of Indic heritage from modern day India. I have no problems with Nepalis claiming Buddha because he was from Lumbini in present day Nepal. But it would be ridiculous for people from Pondicherry to start claiming they are French and claiming Napoleon Bonaparte. That's exactly what Pakistanis seem to do with their conquerors. But that's their call. Their lack of homegrown heroes is their problem really.
They can claim some credit for Chanakya, afterall he got his education in Taxila which is in present day pakistan (btw what is it like today, are they restoring it or is it just ruins?), but he wasn't a muslim.
Muslims did not do that, governers did.
And maybe if the Sikhs would have stopped rebelling, there would not have been a reprisal.

Remember, Sikh empire was made by force, not flowers.
Thousands of Sikhs were beheaded because they didn’t denounce Sikhi and accept Islam. Religious taxes were levied on kafirs, all sorts of injustices were done to non believers. This was done by the Islamic empire, in the name of religion.
That said I do agree, the average Muslim was not all that. Infact Sikh history has many examples of benevolent and kind Muslims. Many Muslims called the Guru Nanak ji a saint.

Loooool....indians are heros in m9vies in reality they create fake encounters to get medals like in kargil only to be humiliated later.
Sikhs dont even have a country
Yeah they do, Sikhs have India. Thank you very much.
Don’t keep hoping and asking for a Sikh nation. Trust me you won’t like the end results.

Koi gal ni veere , aa jhappi paa. :-)

Ignore these noobs they impose Urdu on Pakistani Punjabi's then talk about us being slaves. They even follow outside religion and taunt us who follow religion of the land.
Thousands of Sikhs were beheaded because they didn’t denounce Sikhi and accept Islam. Religious taxes were levied on kafirs, all sorts of injustices were done to non believers. This was done by the Islamic empire, in the name of religion.
That said I do agree, the average Muslim was not all that. Infact Sikh history has many examples of benevolent and kind Muslims. Many Muslims called the Guru Nanak ji a saint.

Yeah they do, Sikhs have India. Thank you very much.
Don’t keep hoping and asking for a Sikh nation. Trust me you won’t like the end results.

When and where were thousands of sikhs killed. This i would love to see.
Yet a young muhammad bin qassim conquered india. Looool

You indians are pathetic. Thats why you have a caste system.
If u want to get praise from a country then dont carry send terrorists to carry out attacks on its parliament, metro cities and likes....
If even after this u demand to get praise then u r simply either naive or shameless, but u can still follow some indian journalists and politician, im sure their narrative will make u happy

No one wants to get prase from Indians.
The question was why we deny any links to you people. And the answer is that you people are just a hateful mob.

As for the terrorist thing... yeah that's getting old now. India should stop oppressing ALL thier minorities, be they racial, relgious, or ethnic and they will find that magically almost all of their terrorist issues will go away.

of course no one ever lost money betting on Inian stupidity.

And we Paksitanis have no need to associate with you lot. We have 1400 years of glorious history, that is more than enough for us.
Brazil can't claim Roman Empire because it has the most number of Catholics!

Apples and oranges. Islam and other religions aren't the same. In Islam, your loyalty to the religion and the Ummah come before everything else, including your lineage. And people who fight for the religion and/or the Ummah are guaranteed paradise. Not only that, but as per Islam, we all share a common lineage (we all come from Adam, peace be upon him, and even as per science we all come from a common Y-chromosomal ancestor from Africa). Also, as I've said before, plenty of people from Pakistan are descended from these "foreigners", and others actually had people from what is now Pakistan work for/fight for them, and some of them even came from what is now Pakistan. Not only that, but without these empires, Pakistan wouldn't exist today. They were also centred around what is now Pakistan (Lahore was a major city for pretty much all of them). We've been over this 1000 times.

You should claim Bhagat Singh.

Why? He didn't give a damn about the Muslim League, he was a Communist. Syed Ahmad Barelvi and others like him are much more relevant to us.

You should claim Taxila.

Have you not been paying attention to this forum?

Still serving the Yuan mongolian dynasty ?

China has more Mongols than Mongolia, so that's irrelevant.

Religious taxes were levied on kafirs

Oh please that's nothing to cry about, everyone pays taxes.

The Afghan died fighting for foreign ideology.

Go and tell an Afghan that Islam is foreign to them. They will literally fight you.

Brother, be a good muslim and don’t insult other people’s faith.

Whilst I don't condone saying this stuff out of the blue, there was a previous comment IIRC that made fun of Pakistanis for reading a religious book written in Arabic. As far as I'm concerned, a retaliatory comment like this is perfectly sanctioned.

Forgot the Paktun thukai at the hands of the Khalsa? Baba Hari Singh Nalwa ji, and MahaRaja Ranjit Singh ji broke the Paktun spine. Remember?

I don't want to glorify genocide, but they did hit back. Hard. They killed thousands of people and filled the Golden Temple with the rotting bodies of cows.



And at the end of the day, most of the Punjab is the hands of Pashtuns and Muslim Punjabis, the literal worst enemies of the Sikh Empire.
In the biggest battle i had seen and heard is surrendering of 93000 great warriors to kaffir army!!

You forgot about the Third Battle of Panipat, we still have about 300,000 Marathas in Pakistan who are descended from the POW's from that battle.

Yes. That's why so many Kashmiri Muslims still have Hindu last names like Pandith

They represent one's lineage. Not one's religion.
Thousands of Sikhs were beheaded because they didn’t denounce Sikhi and accept Islam. Religious taxes were levied on kafirs, all sorts of injustices were done to non believers. This was done by the Islamic empire, in the name of religion.

yeah, those fairy tales will fly with Low IQ Indians but wont work on people with acuall brains.

Sikhs were killed not becuase they were not Muslims, they were killed becuase they kept rebelling.
In the history of the entire world, people who rebel and fail are killed.

And logically, if your nonsense made any sense, then Sikhism would not exist. Guru nanak was a contemporary of Babur. Babour could have extinguished Sikhism early in its existance.
The fact that Sikhism was born out of a land ruled by Muslims shows exactly how tolerant Muslims were, to allow a relgion to be created and flourish.
They can claim some credit for Chanakya, afterall he got his education in Taxila which is in present day pakistan (btw what is it like today, are they restoring it or is it just ruins?), but he wasn't a muslim.

Taxila is also a functioning city, but the site nearby is in ruins.

Yes we know, Chanakya and Chandragupta were both educated at Taxila.
Forgot the Paktun thukai at the hands of the Khalsa? Baba Hari Singh Nalwa ji, and MahaRaja Ranjit Singh ji broke the Paktun spine. Remember?

Pick up a history book. Don’t come here with Janani tales please.
Today Sikhs are cornered in a little state which has one of the highest suicide rates in the world
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