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When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

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u know mate whats in the world sucks the most? its pakistan's version of history :D
Or British account of Saragarhi. British needed to motivate sikhs to fight and die for them so exaggerataed account of saraghari was fabricated. The fact is, saraghari was disaster, 21 sikhs died waiting for reinforcements which never arrived. They were not 10,000 tribesmen, few afridis sneaked at night near outside fort walls and torched the fort. 21 sikhs got burned alive and small fort was razed to the ground and afridi tribesmen moved on. British had to create the story of 21 vs 10,000 to motivate naive sikhs to die for cause of Queen victoria
Well Pakistanis cannot Swallow the TRUTH, that 21 Valiant Sikh Soldiers, Halted whole Army of 14,000 Pashtuns!!! It is the BRAVEST HISTORICAL TRUTH. Have some respect towards those Brave Men.
First of all 21 sikh "mercenaries" of british invaders didnt halted 14,000 tribesmen, that is myth and fabrication. They got burned and killed by few dozens afridis.
Why those 21 sikhs of british invader deserve any respect? They didnt get killed for their own nation, their own state or their own ideology, faith or religion. Saragarhi was most clever trick of farangi, they made more than 3 lakh sikhs to fight for Britain in world war due to this.
Pakistanis are the most meek and coward people historically. Let's compare them with us Nepalis, we have never ever been conquered. Muslims tried and failed, Chinese tried and failed, British tried and failed. They all tried but failed. Pakistan has been conquered by Indians, Mughals, Turks, Arabs, British, Persians, Afghans etc.
East India company invaded Nepal in 1815 and wrested Kumaon and garhawal from gurkhas. Gurkhas got defeated. There is no further history of wars between british and gurkhas, as gurkhas turned out to be the most loyal and useful mercenaries among all desis. Gurkhas became 100% servants of farangi raj, thats an achievement of saath samandar paar gora
The 21 Sikhs of Saragarhi
A small body of Sikhs defended a vital North-West Frontier post against 10,000 Afridi and Orakzai attackers. Yesterday was the 117th anniversary of their heroic effort

Jaisal Singh
September 13, 2014
Last Updated at 00:24 IST


Britain’s Parliament interrupted proceedings and rose to give a standing ovation on September 12, 1897 to 21 valorous soldiers — all of them Indians, all of them Sikhs — for what was undoubtedly a tremendous act of collective bravery, and one of the greatest ‘last-stands’ in military history, the Battle of Saragarhi.

The North-West Frontier of undivided India, now a part of Pakistan known as Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, is a harsh place. Embroiled even today in bloody conflict, it has been home to a multitude of battle-hardened tribes for centuries. In this tumultuous region, between the forts of Gulistan and Lockhart, which were built by one of India’s most proficient military commanders, Maharajah Ranjit Singh, is where Saragarhi is situated. As there was no visual contact between the two forts, Saragarhi was created as a heliographic communication post to signal between them.

Afridi and Orakzai tribesmen had started to revolt against British annexation of the area in the latter part of 1897, resulting in a multitude of attacks on both Gulistan and Lockhart, especially during the first week of September that year. Elements of the 36th Sikhs, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel John Haughton, had been moved to the area and had been successfully repelling attacks from the tough, hardy Pashtuns.

On September 12, the frustrated tribesmen changed strategy; they decided to cut off this vital communication link that was being guarded by a detachment of the Sikhs, having only been reinforced in the previous couple of days by Havildar Ishar Singh, and just 20 other ranks. At 9 am, no less than 10,000 tribesmen assembled to launch an assault on Saragarhi.

Haughton, who was based at Fort Gulistan, received a signal that Saragarhi was about to come under attack from a mammoth force. His reply couldn’t have been anything but demotivating for the defenders; he was unable to send any immediate relief. The Sikhs, however, resilient and undeterred, knew quick, hard decisions were required. Ishar Singh and his men decided that they would fight to the last man. This was not just bravado. The tactic could, if successful, delay an attack on the forts, giving the troops there more time to prepare and for reinforcements to arrive. Fierce fighting ensued once the assault began and the Sikhs fought a series of delay tactics to ensure the fighting continued for as long as possible.

So much so, that as the battle was prolonged, and Afghan casualties mounted, commanders of the assault force tried offering the defenders favourable terms of surrender. That wasn’t an option for the Sikhs. Attack after attack was repulsed. Ishar Singh and his men continued to stubbornly hold out, while inflicting a steady toll on the enemy, despite an acute shortage of ammunition which eventually ran out. The tribesmen made more than one attempt to rush the gates of Saragarhi, but this too was unsuccessful. Finally, a breach was made in one of the walls by a small body of tribesmen which was not visible to the Sikhs, having stealthily crept up using a blind spot and laboured at the wall for a while. By this time the battle had raged on for the better part of the sunlight hours.

One can only imagine the fierce and brutal hand-to-hand combat that ensued between these ridiculously lopsided forces once the wall was breached. A determined Ishar Singh ordered his troops to fall back into an inner layer of Saragarhi, while he distracted and held the attackers at bay — another classic delaying tactic. After he fell, the enemy managed to finally breach the inner layers, and except for Sepoy Gurmukh Singh, who was regularly communicating details of the battle to Haughton, his commander in Fort Gulistan, every defender had been killed. The determined Gurmukh asked his commander if he could now fix his bayonet, and an account describes him packing his equipment into a leather bag before doing so. The attackers decided to set fire to Saragarhi and according to Haughton’s account, engulfed in flames, Gurmukh’s last words were the Sikh battle cry: “Jo Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal (Victory belongs to those who recite the name of God with a true heart)”.

The courageous decision of Ishar Singh and his men had achieved the desired outcome. The battle had raged for over six hours and while there were a couple of patrols launched from Gulistan and Lockhart to distract the enemy, which reported there were around 14,000 attackers, the tribesmen had stayed focused on Saragarhi. The Sikhs, knowing very well what their fate would be, had held out against some of the most unfavourable odds for many hours, buying enough time for their comrades. Gulistan and Lockhart were saved from falling into Afghan hands and the lives of the vast majority of their regiment was saved too. For this extraordinary act of bravery and valour, all 21 Sikhs were awarded the Indian Order of Merit, which was the highest gallantry award given to Indians at the time. This remains the only instance when an entire body of troops has been given the highest award for the same battle.

When the relief party finally arrived at Saragarhi, there were over 600 dead Afghans and 21 soldiers of the 36th Sikhs along with one non-combatant — a camp follower and cook of the Sikhs who had been with them. Some of those enemy casualties are said to have been caused by artillery fire, after all the Sikhs had fallen; but in any event, for just 21 men to hold off the utterly overwhelming assault force of 10,000-14,000, this battle remains utterly remarkable and among the most heroic last-stands, ever — something akin to the Battle of Thermopylae fought between a Greek alliance and the Persian Empire in 480 BC.

The 36th Sikhs survive to this day. They were re-designated as the 4th Battalion of the Sikh Regiment — which is, unsurprisingly, the most highly decorated regiment of the Indian Army. Now 20 battalions strong, the entire regiment remembers the heroic and selfless sacrifice of these soldiers by commemorating Saragarhi Day as their Battle Honour Day each year.

The 21 Sikhs of Saragarhi | Business Standard News
they joined the army of invaders…. and fought the natives of the land….and we should honor them?? more like piss on their graves.
No neutral/peer reviewed evidence exists, which can prove that this kingdom the way its described actually existed.
Same logic applies to quite a few facts about figures and kingdoms in history which might offend quite a few nationalities.

Has off topic infractions a thing of the past, why are so many ot posts going unnoticed
Blatant lie, there are many citations that can be followed. Here's an extract from the "The Oxford Handbook of the State in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean":
View attachment 48872
There are many resources you can use to find neutral sources.

Do you know the difference between a source and an evidence ?

Same logic applies to quite a few facts about figures and kingdoms in history which might offend quite a few nationalities.

Has off topic infractions a thing of the past, why are so many ot posts going unnoticed

Okay :D
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