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When 21 Sikhs Halted 10000 Pashtuns in NWFP

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One of the "Non Sikhs" ABCs was INDIRA GANDHI ( the Commander ) from whom ALL SIKHS ( the Soldiers ) ( Including Chandpuri @ laungewala , which is NOT A MADE UP STORY : Battle of Longewala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) took Command in 1971.


Which Implies ?

I don't give a f About past(As source's also prove that only 41k-55k Pakistani troops were deployed in east Pakistan with naval blockade imposed for 2 weeks or even more) but let me assure you in any possible war,the outcome will not be in favour of India.As we know Indians never ever participate along side there army against any country as is proven by the give up concept of indians from the past 10-15 centuries.

NOTE:The give up concept is rather genetic into indians or anyone born within the Real Geography of India(In other words,central,south,western india),be it since the ashoka upto the invasion by ghauri's.the indians have only given up with least resistance)
I don't give a f About past(As source's also prove that only 41k-55k Pakistani troops were deployed in east Pakistan with naval blockade imposed for 2 weeks or even more) but let me assure you in any possible war,the outcome will not be in favour of India.As we know Indians never ever participate along side there army against any country as is proven by the give up concept of indians from the past 10-15 centuries.

NOTE:The give up concept is rather genetic into indians or anyone born within the Real Geography of India(In other words,central,south,western india),be it since the ashoka upto the invasion by ghauri's.the indians have only given up with least resistance)

As you have less to cherish about past.

Some people still believe in 1= 10 theory. Good for us :D
I don't give a f About past(As source's also prove that only 41k-55k Pakistani troops were deployed in east Pakistan with naval blockade imposed for 2 weeks or even more) but let me assure you in any possible war,the outcome will not be in favour of India.As we know Indians never ever participate along side there army against any country as is proven by the give up concept of indians from the past 10-15 centuries.

NOTE:The give up concept is rather genetic into indians or anyone born within the Real Geography of India(In other words,central,south,western india),be it since the ashoka upto the invasion by ghauri's.the indians have only given up with least resistance)

A =/= B
Awkward moment when a forced convert calls others cowards, btw North East India was never conquered by Muslims, Mughals tried however.

based at least on all the news and happenings there it seems and looks like a God-awful shithole. Nothing really to conquer there :laugh:
Awkward moment when a forced convert calls others cowards, btw North East India was never conquered by Muslims, Mughals tried however.

And how do you know my ancestors were forcibly converted? They were converted by respected Sufi saints such as Baba Farid and Ali Hujweri. And north east and Nepal weren't conquered because they were in the middle of nowhere and unworthy of conquest for the most part. Who wants to conquer unproductive mountains? Where as our homelands were in the middle of frequent invasion routes, yet still, we weren't enslaved unlike majority of Indians, who were.

Awkward moment when a forced convert calls others cowards, btw North East India was never conquered by Muslims, Mughals tried however.

As for cowardice, I'm a Potohari. South Asia's first guerilla war was fought by Potoharis against Sher Shah Suri and his son Islam Shah. And we practically won. Yet the same Sher Shah and his son unleashed bloodbath in India. Islam Shah is said to have been fond of local Hindu girls of Delhi, and was said to have indulged in rapine there while the locals couldn't even defend the honour of their women. Islam Shah was a spoilt prince unlike Sher Shah.
Beta ji, my people have never been conquered, you low life on the other hand are following a foreign religion that was raped into you guys by Arab warriors that you look up to.:lol:

wouldnt take an even 3 month old article to realize that rape is a part of your own culture.....you yourself come from a raped stock and are therefore a product of it :laugh:

How many slums are in Nepal? You guys are a shitty failed state that gets shat on by US drones constantly LOL

who the fck cares i could hardly point it out on a map...the last drone strikes shat on people your consulates in Afghanistan bred so technically it's you who got shat on.

build toilets for your population and do something about the thousands of people sleeping on the streets of delhi with not even sandals on their feet then point fingers on others to call them fail states

What the hells a Potohari? It sounds like a Diarrhoea tablet. Enough of your forced convert BS.

something deep down is hurting you inside....this is a forum, why dont you spill out your emotional troubles. We're here to help you (honest!)
No, you were enslaved, stop lying to yourselves about some lovey divey Sufi saints. Umayyad Caliphate came and imposed Jaziya on your meek ***'s which meant that most of you being poor converted wilfully and shamelessly. The Mughal Empire which you guys look up to had more Rajasthanis in high positions then you guys.

Retard alert, Mughals attempted to invade Assam 13 times, Bengal Sultanate tried invading Nepal 10 times at least, British tried 3 times and Chinese tried a few times. They all failed, that's the difference between forced converts like you and us guys.

Ummayads never made it past Multan. Sindhi Soomras took over from Arabs in a matter of decades. And by "invasion attempts" I meant large scale real invasions. Not some border skirmishes lol. Trust me, no one wants to invade a country with 5% arable land and 5000ft mountains. Your lucky geography saved you from determined attacks. I know you people would have s*** your pants if a real invading force was sent against you. All these "attempts" that you talk have never been known to me. And British never wanted your country considering they got mercenaries, which they were after, any way.

What the hells a Potohari? It sounds like a Diarrhoea tablet. Enough of your forced convert BS.

We are the natives of northern Punjab or "Potohar plateau". The common tribes were Gakhars, Khokhars and Janjuas. Yes Gakhars, the same people about whom Ferishta said "a thing called fear does not even exist in them". Mughal Emperor Babur also talked of their fearlessness after a clash with them in Rawalpindi. Potoharis also fought against Genghis Khan near river Indus, and later Tamerlane.

PS: I'd rather belong to an ethnicity which sounds like diarhhoea then be a short mongoloid. I bet even your mongoloid women don't like your ugly men.

Such a great source you put up there. @Armstrong what were those sources you posted earlier today? You know legitimate unbiased sources.

First you need to make up your mind, either you are Indian gond or napeli midget? Why are you using both flags?

Lol leave him nepalis are known for being mercs nothing else. Also their claim of never being conquered is hilarious because there was never anything of worth to conquer in their useless nation.
It's funny because my friend has a chef at his home who is 100% nepalese and he has no flattering words for his larger neighbour country :laugh:
Such a great source you put up there. @Armstrong what were those sources you posted earlier today? You know legitimate unbiased sources.

You'd have better luck convincing Hitler that he too could be a comedian just like his alter ego Charlie Chaplain ! :unsure:
Lol, so the people in the picture don't look East Asian right?:rofl:
Don't be a despo and forget the torment your ancestors had to endure in the harems of your Muslim masters.;)

Beta you can lie to your self but not your blood and history. East Asian lol i guess you have never seen east asians right? But never before i have seen Nepali desperate to be known as east asian, usually they are desperate to prove how caucasian they are lol
Comparing a few years history with hundred years of Great history of Pashtuns till this day.

Are you serious. Yes Sikhs were worth a fight, however they do not even come close to divided pashtuns let alone a combined effort. A few battles here and there, thats not how you compare history.
i love it when these third-rate historians call it "undivided india" when hindustan - a constantly conquered land - was NEVER united :laugh:

lastly -- it is true sikhs were the first indics to cross indus and capture plain Pashtun lands... They did however fail miserably to occupy any of the mountainious Pashtun regions.

Sikh forces were organized, disciplined and led by brilliant leader and strategist like Ranjeet Singh while Pashtuns were divided into tribes, some of which were enemies of eachother (some things dont change) so each tribe faced sikh forces on their own and got crushed.

Syed Ahmad Shaheed came from hindostan along with his followers to Peshawer valley and organized a Pashtun force with the help of which he defeated sikhs in 2 major wars.

sikhs did not dare to attack again after that

many sikh did remain however and in fact we have community of sikhs in FATA as well as in settled areas like Peshawar (i have sikh friends who are basically speaking 100% local dialect of Pashto and adopted to local customs)
There was also another reason, Afghans were pre-occupied in civil war for kabul throne, so no proper and organized army , with artillary support was available in Peshawer to stop Sikh invasions. Basically european trained sikh armies equiped with heavy artillary, faced lightly armed small pashtun tribes individually who were not even equiped with artillary. When Afghan ruler of kabul did come to aid of afridis in 1837, sikhs were defeated with crushing blow and their greatest general nalwa was killed. Dost muhammad, emir of kabul had to abonden plan of advancing towards peshawer as in the mean while persians had invaded afghanistan to capture herat and sistan.
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The North-West Frontier of undivided India, now a part of Pakistan

I am confused.....this was the British India, which was occupied as a result of the East India setup right? There was no "federation" ratified democratically or even through a "united" military.

The name "India" was a regional name including many, many independent states.....am I right or am I reading the wrong history?
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