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21 Sikhs against 10,000 Afghans ! Battle of Saragarhi Akshay Kumar's Kesari trailer IS OUT

Rofl these borders didn't even exist prior to 1947. If you're going to disregard our religious identity, then the only other thing that matters is lineage/culture. Geographical location means next to nothing.

For example, my sister was born in the Gulf. Does that make her an Arab? Of course not. Don't be dumb.
Geography is everything. All your heroes seem to be ones who conquered present day Pak. Deal with it.
Yep in this case the sikhs are irrelevant losers.
Forgot the Paktun thukai at the hands of the Khalsa? Baba Hari Singh Nalwa ji, and MahaRaja Ranjit Singh ji broke the Paktun spine. Remember?

Pick up a history book. Don’t come here with Janani tales please.
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We hate Indian guts and only Indian guts. You guys are the evil guys. Just f*ck off.

Kashmiris will do the same as Pakhtuns. And do whatever it takes to defend their lands from foreign scum. One day Kashmir will become independent Frontier, likewise Pakhtunkhwa was independent Frontier of the British empire (while you indians were sucking the toes of the Brits for 200 years on the other end)

Yes. That's why so many Kashmiri Muslims still have Hindu last names like Pandith
Are there are Pashtun accounts of this event? As far as i know all accounts are from British/Sikhs. In this region numbers of enemies have always been exaggerated, by everyone (Muslims, Hindus etc).

There was a Pusthun member here who did post some sources, I wish I could find it again, basically a bunch of angry Pushtun peasants mostly armed with knives and swords vs Sikhs armed with guns sitting on a hill, so brave. :lol:.
Forgot the Paktun thukai at the hands of the Khalsa? Baba Hari Singh Nalwa ji, and Raja Ranjit Singh ji broke the Paktun spine. Remember?

Pick up a history book. Don’t come here with Janani tales please.
Yea, but most of Punjab is Muslim today. Nice try.
Its amazing how pakistan has shedded all pre 1947 identity and treats itself as a nation with no history prior to that. Anyways, cheers.
It was a reaction to the sheer hatred we get from you guys.

If you people were civil to us, we could have shared so many common connections.
Instead, just look at the unimaginable hate we get from you people.

Don't belive me?
Look at your news outlets. Forget this week, look at anything before this week. Find me a single positive news report about Pakistan in your media. You can't.

And lets not even mention the Internet Hindus.

Why should be associate with people who hate us so much that they are willing to go to nuclear war with us?
(serious question, I would like a genuine answer)
Geography is everything.

You and I both know it's not. This is just your desperate attempt to try and troll us, but all it's doing is making you look dumb.

If you really believed that, you wouldn't like Chandragupta Maurya since he spent so much time conquering parts of India, nor would you like Hinduism since it came with the Aryan migrants.

All your heroes seem to be ones who conquered present day Pak.

Some, not all. And they set India ablaze too, in fact they did that even more so.
Yea, but most of Punjab is Muslim today. Nice try.
the Singhs never wanted to convert anybody. They only fought for injustice on the non believers. Most of the northwest had already converted a long time back when Buddhism was eradicated from the region.

Fighting for the British Empire Lmaooooo
Yeah, they still saw it as their duty to stop the invasions coming in, even if they had to serve the British in doing so.

All the members here forgetting how many Muslims served in the British army.
If they died while defending Sikh land. I can understand. But they fought so valiantly for British empire ever expanding ambition at expense of other countries land. That is foolish. As I say, bitter pill of truth is difficult for some to digest.
dont say that, you’ll offend the Pakistani members. Many of the ancestors of modern day Pakistanis served in the British army too, dying for money.
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You and I both know it's not. This is just your desperate attempt to try and troll us, but all it's doing is making you look dumb.

If you really believed that, you wouldn't like Chandragupta Maurya since he spent so much time conquering parts of India, nor would you like Hinduism since it came with the Aryan migrants.

Some, not all. And they set India ablaze too, in fact they did that even more so.

Again - Maurya was of Indic heritage from modern day India. I have no problems with Nepalis claiming Buddha because he was from Lumbini in present day Nepal. But it would be ridiculous for people from Pondicherry to start claiming they are French and claiming Napoleon Bonaparte. That's exactly what Pakistanis seem to do with their conquerors. But that's their call. Their lack of homegrown heroes is their problem really.
Akshay Kumar's Kesari, which is based on the Battle of Saragarhi, is out with its trailer and fans can't keep calm. Kesari is slated to release this Holi on March 21.

Akshay Kumar, Kesari | Photo Credit: YouTube
Kesari starring Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra has already cast its spell on the audience. The makers dropped the trailer today and fans can’t stop going gaga over the immensely enthralling sequences that Akshay so eloquently puts out, that captures true events like magic. Based on the Battle of Saragarhi which was fought between Sikh soldiers of the British Indian Army and Pashtun Orakzai tribesmen on September 12, 1897.

But the Battle is known for its significance in history because 21 Sikh soldiers fought against 10,000 Afghan invaders. The Sikhs chose to fight till death and defended the post at Saragarhi. The battle is considered to be one of the greatest battles ever fought in history. Akshay takes on the role of Havildar Ishar Singh. Earlier, the actor shared glimpses from the movie and it instantly roared excitement among fans.

Talk about distorirng history
Funny thing is that the losers are trying to do it!

Pretty big insult for local pushtoons
Again - Maurya was of Indic heritage

And I told you, individuals like Ahmad Shah Durrani were of Pashtun heritage. Do I need to remind you which country has the world's largest Pashtun population?

Their lack of homegrown heroes is their problem really.

Our heroes certainly seem to be better than yours since you claim them all the time. The Gandharans? You claim them. The people who invented zero? You claim them. The guys who made Mohenjo Daro? You claim them. The Sikh Empire? You claim it. Akbar? You claim him. Bhaghat Singh? You claim him. Some of you even freaking claim Iqbal.

Your autism never fails to amaze me. You say we lack history but you name yourselves after a river that flows almost entirely in our country.

Please don't reproduce. Ever.
And I told you, individuals like Ahmad Shah Durrani were of Pashtun heritage. Do I need to remind you which country has the world's largest Pashtun population?

Our heroes certainly seem to be better than yours since you claim them all the time. The Gandharans? You claim them. The people who invented zero? You claim them. The guys who made Mohenjo Daro? You claim them. The Sikh Empire? You claim it. Akbar? You claim him. Bhaghat Singh? You claim him. Some of you even freaking claim Iqbal.

Your autism never fails to amaze me. You say we lack history but you name yourselves after a river that flows almost entirely in our country.

Please don't reproduce. Ever.

Brazil can't claim Roman Empire because it has the most number of Catholics!

You should claim Bhagat Singh. You should claim Taxila. That is your heritage.
Forgot the Paktun thukai at the hands of the Khalsa? Baba Hari Singh Nalwa ji, and Raja Ranjit Singh ji broke the Paktun spine. Remember?

Pick up a history book. Don’t come here with Janani tales please.

"Maharaja Ranjit Singh ji" - corrected ( Not "Raja")
Talk about distorirng history
Funny thing is that the losers are trying to do it!

Pretty big insult for local pushtoons
look up how the British wrote up this battle. Where’s the distortion? There’s just character development and movie magic added to the mix.
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