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21 Sikhs against 10,000 Afghans ! Battle of Saragarhi Akshay Kumar's Kesari trailer IS OUT

Radical Sikhs don't like Pakistan. Im sure they are dying to annex parts of our Punjab, but they are spineless and can do nothing. They just dont have the guts to build their own country from Indian punjab let alone an annexation of Pakistan Punjab.

one day Sikh/hindu peoples will just be known as the fairy tail.
I feel bad for the sikhs. They got used and abused by the British, now Hindu India is doing the same to them.

despite operation blue star, Siks still want to be the first line to die in order to defend Hindus.
an attempt to create hatred b/w Muslims and Sikhs by Hindutva subhumans.

maybe tribal warriors were not equally armed or better fortified then Professional of British Indian Army.

btw what is the average ratio of insurgent vs Soldiers kills? anyone?

All 21 Sikhs died. About 200 afghans.
They died for their honor..
They never surrendered...

You can't understand
If they died while defending Sikh land. I can understand. But they fought so valiantly for British empire ever expanding ambition at expense of other countries land. That is foolish. As I say, bitter pill of truth is difficult for some to digest.
All 21 Sikhs died. About 200 afghans.
21 sikhs from brit pockets with state of the art artillery and gunpowder.

And on the other side, the Poor lion-hearted brave Pakhtun tribal people with scimitars.
If they died while defending Sikh land. I can understand. But they fought so valiantly for British empire ever expanding ambition at expense of other countries land. That is foolish. As I say, bitter pill of truth is difficult for some to digest.

They were not defending Sikh land. They were fighting Pashtuns on Pashtun land.

In short they were mercenaries for british empire.
Chinese like to fight in small batch of million warriors, yet always gets their *** kicked by others. :D

Did you know the the People's liberation army handed the US it's largest land retreat in history, in Korea?

Say what you will about China, But they can kick butt when they want to. (ie: India, Korea, US, Vietnam, etc)
21 sikhs from brit pockets with state of the art artillery and gunpowder.

And on the other side, the Poor lion-hearted brave Pakhtun tribal people with scimitars.

Ask the Vietcong - at the end of the day, state of the art is irrelevant.
Did you know the the People's liberation army handed the US it's largest land retreat in history, in Korea?

Say what you will about China, But they can kick butt when they want to. (ie: India, Korea, US, Vietnam, etc)

they run away from Assam to Tibet when Indian army started moving from mainland to to North east to stop Chinese Army. despite having no clothing, guns and even vehicles to fight we have countless examples oh how small groups of 10 to 300 Sainiks were able to stop and kill large number of Chinese from army of 1000 to 3000 divisions.

maybe they ran away because they know that core of Indian army is Made of Dogras, Rajputs, Sikhs, Jats, Marathas, Brahmins, Yadavs/Ahirs were martial clans and rulers of India for thousands of years, even today both nations are using this theory in military.
Yep in this case the sikhs are irrelevant losers.
They wouldn't have a movie on them if they were. You are free to make one on your "brave" 10,000 "warriors" scrapping to victory against 21 Sikhs
they run away from Assam to Tibet when Indian army started moving from mainland to to North east to stop Chinese Army. despite having no clothing, guns and even vehicles to fight we have countless examples oh how small groups of 10 to 300 Sainiks were able to stop and kill large number of Chinese from army of 1000 to 3000 divisions.

maybe they ran away because they know that core of Indian army is Made of Dogras, Rajputs, Sikhs, Jats, Marathas, Brahmins, Yadavs/Ahirs were martial clans and rulers of India for thousands of years, even today both nations are using this theory in military.
yeah, that sounds like Indian propoganda.
You people were never really smart enough to distinguish between reality and your own propoganda.
Hello..see what Muslims have done too sikhs in the past.
We did nothing to Sikhs.

Sikhs did take over Pujab and used our mosques as horse stables and amunition dumps.
They wouldn't have a movie on them if they were. You are free to make one on your "brave" 10,000 "warriors" scrapping to victory against 21 Sikhs
Like I said 21 sikhs bunch of cucks. they were in brit pockets. got tons of ammunition and gunpowder. The Pakhtuns had nothing but still beat their black asses.
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