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21 Sikhs against 10,000 Afghans ! Battle of Saragarhi Akshay Kumar's Kesari trailer IS OUT

Like I said 21 sikhs bunch of cucks. they were in brit pockets. got tons of ammunition and gunpowder. The Pakhtuns had nothing but still beat their black asses.
Great. So make a movie to celebrate the victory of your brave Pakhtun warriors. I am sure lots of people will buy tickets to see Pakhtun "bravery" .
We did nothing to Sikhs.

Sikhs did take over Pujab and used our mosques as horse stables and amunition dumps.
Are you sure about that? How about target the Gurus, and mass persecution? Rusty my friend you are acting very ignorant.
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Great. So make a movie to celebrate the victory of your brave Pakhtun warriors. I am sure lots of people will buy tickets to see Pakhtun "bravery" .
Battle of Uhud was an actual decisive Muslim win against a much larger Arabian army.

Much more convincing and exciting than some looser 21 heavily armed sikhs dying like dogs.
Are you sure about that? How about target the Gurus, and mads persecution? Rusty my friend you are acting very ignorant.
Muslims did not do that, governers did.
And maybe if the Sikhs would have stopped rebelling, there would not have been a reprisal.

Remember, Sikh empire was made by force, not flowers.
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Battle of Uhud was an actual decisive Muslim win against a much larger Arabian army.

Much more convincing and exciting than some looser 21 heavily armed sikhs dying like dogs.
Good for you. Make a movie on that too. Lots of people will watch.
If they died while defending Sikh land. I can understand. But they fought so valiantly for British empire ever expanding ambition at expense of other countries land. That is foolish. As I say, bitter pill of truth is difficult for some to digest.

They fought for their principles and honor...
They said they won't surrender till last man and didn't surrender..

See, I said you wouldn't get the point
Those who are calling it untrue.....
Anyhow - they weren't from present day Pakistan - were they?

Rofl these borders didn't even exist prior to 1947. If you're going to disregard our religious identity, then the only other thing that matters is lineage/culture. Geographical location means next to nothing.

For example, my sister was born in the Gulf. Does that make her an Arab? Of course not. Don't be dumb.
we are not Indians, we don't deny reality.
we are just saying, it was Indians fighting for their masters.
Which is true.
Its amazing how pakistan has shedded all pre 1947 identity and treats itself as a nation with no history prior to that. Anyways, cheers.
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