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15-year-old Gezi victim Berkin Elvan dies after 269 days in coma


Feb 22, 2013
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Guys, i know most of you don't like non-defence related threads but this topic rocked Turkey today, so let me this time.


Berkin Elvan, who has been in a coma since June 2013 after being struck in the head by a gas canister during a police crackdown on protesters, died March 11, his family announced via Twitter.

“To our people: We lost our son Berkin Elvan at 7 a.m. in the morning. Condolences to us all,” Elvan's parents said in the message.

The young teenager, the eighth person to be killed in the Gezi Park protests, went into a coma after sustaining a head injury from a gas canister as he went to buy bread during a police crackdown in Istanbul’s Okmeydanı neighborhood last June. Elvan has since become one of the prime symbols violence faced by protesters throughout the nationwide Gezi demonstrations.

He had only turned 15 in January while still in a coma. A ceremony will be held at a cemevi in Okmeydanı before the burial in Feriköy cemetery on March 12.

Scores of people gathered in front of the hospital where Elvan was convalescent for over nine months, in a show of solidarity with the family upon calls on social media.

Tension rose between a group of demonstrators and the police, which again resorted to tear gas regardless of the fact that the hospital's entrance was nearby.

“Riot police arrived in front of the hospital as the funeral was ongoing to be sent to the forensics department. Some people also went that way and protested against the police. A scuffle occurred. The police officers did not restrain themselves at all from using gas. They once again used disproportionate force,” said Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) Istanbul lawmaker Melda Onur, who was participating in the vigil. "Tear gas even entered inside the hospital," she added.

Onur also said a child was brought into the hospital after being injured due a tear gas canister.

Another man, who was going to the hospital to visit his sick wife, was also injured after being hit in his head by a tear gas canister.

Tributes also poured in under the hashtag #BerkinElvanÖlümsüzdür ("Berkin Elvan is immortal").

Dozens of protests are planned in cities around the country for this evening.


Berkin Elvan's mother Gülsüm (C) and father Sami (L)
cry as they are joined by activists in front of the
Istanbul hospitalwhere their son was in a coma for
269 days.

'PM Erdoğan took my son away'

The teenager’s parents were shattered when they joined activists keeping vigil for Berkin.

“It is not Allah who has taken my son away. It is [Prime Minister Recep] Tayyip Erdoğan,” said the mother, Gülsüm Elvan.

Erdoğan had memorably praised police for “heroic action” during the Gezi resistance last June, despite the murdered victims and serious injuries sustained due to the repeated brutal crackdowns on protesters.

The mother of Ali İsmail Korkmaz, a 19-year-old protester who died after being beaten during the Gezi protests in Eskişehir by a group of men including plainclothed police officers, came to the hospital to offer her condolences to Elvan's family.

Lawyers representing the family had said Elvan’s condition worsened over the last week, with his weight dropping to 16 kilos from 45 kilos.

Elvan suffered an epileptic fit on March 6, his heart stopped a day later, and on March 9 doctors diagnosed an air pocket in his lungs.


Emel Korkmaz, the mother of Ali İsmail Korkmaz, offers
her condolences to Gülsüm Elvan. “His young body resisted for 267 days against the damage caused by the gas canister fired by the police, the same way our people resisted against fascism. But that resistance has been decreasing gradually and the damage to his inner organs is growing due to the fact that his brain functions are very low," a statement from the lawyers released on March 9 said.

In a first for a government official, President Abdullah Gül had contacted the family on March 10 as a police intervention was ongoing against a vigil held in front of the hospital in Istanbul’s Okmeydanı neighborhood.

Gül expresses condolences

Gül has publicly expressed his condolences after Elvan's death March 11. "He was only fourteen when the incident happened. I share the family's sorrow," Gül said.

A top business officials also expressed "deep regret" over the death.

"Nothing is more important than the life of a 15-year-old boy and other young people who we lost during the Gezi incidents," Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) Chair Muharrem Yılmaz said in a written statement.

Yılmaz also said he hoped that Elvan would be "the last loss on our conscience."

US warns citizens over calls for protests Calls for protests across Turkey in the afternoon of March 11 were releyed on social media. Meanwhile, the U.S. Consulate General in Istanbul has warned American citizens in Turkey after calls for demonstrations in Istanbul and elsewhere were made. "You should avoid areas of demonstrations, and exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings or protests. U.S. citizens are reminded that even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence,” a statement said.

Earlier, March 11 three busloads of mourners went to collect Elvan's body at the Istanbul forensic lab, while another group of around 500 protesters marched from the hospital to a cemevi in the boy's neighborhood of Okmeydanı to wait for the remains. On the way, protesters shouted "Police, sell simit and live with honor" and "Berkin's murderers are Tayyip's cops" when they passed dozens of riot police deployed at the Perpa Electrical Market. Although the crowd jeered, police refrained from attacking.

The family has repeatedly slammed officials for protecting the perpetrators and announced that they would be starting a legal process at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), as no effective domestic investigation had been carried out over the last seven months. The officers who took part in the crackdown that cost Elvan's life are still on duty.

Five protesters, Mehmet Ayvalıtaş, Ahmet Cömert, Ethem Sarısülük, Ali İsmail Korkmaz and Ahmet Atakan, died directly as a result of crackdowns on the Gezi protests last summer. Two others are also counted as part of the Gezi victims, including Medeni Yıldırım, who was shot during a demonstration against the building of a new gendarmerie post in Diyarbakır’s Lice district, and Hasan Ferit Gedik, a leftist protester who was murdered by drug gangs in September 2013 in the Gülsuyu neighborhood of Istanbul's Maltepe district.

Turkiye will have to censor social media or such provocative items will keep popping up every few months,only to claim new victims in this vicious cycle stared for some trees.

Will new protests bring him back? Or should this matter be resolved through judicial enquiry ?
Turkiye will have to censor social media or such provocative items will keep popping up every few months,only to claim new victims in this vicious cycle stared for some trees.

Will new protests bring him back? Or should this matter be resolved through judicial enquiry ?

Seems like you very misinformed about this issue.
Turkiye will have to censor social media or such provocative items will keep popping up every few months,only to claim new victims in this vicious cycle stared for some trees.

Will new protests bring him back? Or should this matter be resolved through judicial enquiry ?
Which judicial enquiry do you mean?
Do you know who ''owns''the judges and public prosecutors?
No word can describe this. may he rest in peace. leave all politics aside, this is what life is about...
ya hakkaten baydınız be... Bu çocuk sizin gibiler yüzünden öldü. 'ağaç' diye bi şey hatırlanmıyor artık... Bazıları ülkeyi karıştırmak istedi ve ülke karıştı siz de onların oyuncağı oldunuz... O çocuğun ölmesi de zerre umrunuzda değil... Ülkeyi yeniden karıştırmak için size iyi bir bahane...

Arkadaş lütfen gidin politika başlığında filan tartışın şu konuları... Gına geldi...
Protests spread around the country.

Several demonstrations are being staged across Turkey to protest against the death of Berkin Elvan, the 15-year-old teenager who died earlier today after remaining 269 days in coma for a teargas injury during last June's Gezi Park protests.

Police resorted to teargas and water cannon against protesters who started gathering in central Ankara.Police also cracked down on the demonstration held in Istanbul's Istiklal Avenue after refusing protesters' demand to read a statement in Taksim Square.

Here are the live updates from the protests across the country:

22:33 - Public life is being affected by the use of teargas today in various Turkish cities. In Ankara, a metro station and a bus stop were hit, while a teargas canister fell down into a bar in Istanbul.

22:25 - A woman who had fainted on İstiklal Ave. was about to be crushed by a Scorpion-type armoured police vehicle, Doğan News Agency reports. She was saved at the last moment as her friends screamed out in fear.

22:19 - Tekirdağ, Edirne, Çanakkale and Çeşme are other Turkish towns that witness to protests tonight.

22:12 - A billboard in Eskişehir, a Western city with a mayor from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), features Berkin Elvan tonight: "We won't forget you."


22:00 - Demonstrations and vigils for Berkin Elvan are also being held abroad, including Paris, Berlin, London, Stockholm and Rotterdam. In Paris' Place de la République, mourners hold a vigil in front of a portrait of Berkin Elvan made with candles.


21:44 - A police water cannon truck (TOMA) in the southern city of Mersin has hit two women who were crossing the road while police was intervening against a group protesters, Doğan News Agency reported. One women was seriously injured and transferred to the hospital after sustaining a head injury, the report said. Eleven protesters were detained and four officers injured during the police crackdown in the city.

21:35 - Police keep intervening against the protests held in Taksim, Beşiktaş and Feriköy neighborhoods of Istanbul.

21:27 - Police used teargas and water cannon to prevent some 1,000 protesters in Kadıköy from marching to the local headquarters of the ruling AKP. Following the intervention, a group of protesters turned a public bus into a barricade. Police continue to resort to teargas in order to keep the protesters away from the bull statue, a symbol of Fenerbahçe football team based in the district, which in on the road that leads to the AKP headquarters. "Because of the teargas in the air, it's hard to breath," Hürriyet Daily News editor Stefan Martens reports.


21:21 - During the crackdown against the protesting ODTÜ students in Ankara, police have used FN-303 riot gun with an ammunition that is classified as “lethal” in several European countries, daily Hürriyet reports.


20:59 - Police temporarily retreat in Kadıköy as some protesters reportedly hurl fireworks.

20:50 - An intervention starts in Istanbul's Kadıköy neighborhood, with police using intense water cannon and tear gas against protesters, Hürriyet Daily News editor Stefan Martens reports from the scene. Around five thousand protesters had gathered earlier near the iconic bull statue in Bahariye.

20:43 - Police is also using tear gas and water cannon against protesters who gathered in front of the Divan Hotel near the Harbiye side of Gezi Park. The hotel became known after sheltering demonstrators during the repeated police crackdowns last summer.

20:32 - Tens of thousands of people keep protesting the Turkish government in several cities. Police have intervened in Taksim (Istanbul), Ankara, İzmir, Adana, Antalya, Denizli, Kocaeli and Mersin, according to Doğan News Agency reporters on the ground.

Demonstrations in Istanbul’s Kadıköy and Bakırköy neighborhoods, as well as those in other cities such as Eskişehir, Zonguldak, Uşak, Giresun, Samsun, Bolu and Konya have seen no police intervention so far.

20: 14 – In one of two striking images which are being shared online today, the victims of the Gezi Park protests are pictured together, showing at which age they were killed.


Another photo shot today during the protests in the Middle Eastern Technical University's (ODTÜ) campus in Ankara, a police officer is seen using teargas even after falliong on the ground.


20:02 - Police intervention continues in the surroundings of Istiklal Ave. No significant police presence is yet reported in Kadıköy on the Asian side, where protesters chant slogans "We're all Berkin. You cannot eliminate us by killing" and "Berkin Elvan is immortal."

19:35 - One protester in Adana is reportedly injured due to the effects of teargas.

19:29 - Police start intervening with more intensity, resorting to teargas. Meanwhile, crowds swell Istanbul's Kadıköy and Bakırköy neighborhoods.

19:28 -Some protesters attend the demonstrations with "bloody" breads, symbolizing the Berkin Elvan's death (Photo via daily Hürriyet editor Banu Tuna).


19:28 - Hundreds of protesters march in the southern city Mersin.

19:19 - A TOMA vehicle occasionally fires water cannon to protesters from Istanbul's pedestrian Istiklal Ave. in an effort to prevent them marching to the iconic Taksim Sq (Photo: Reuters / Osman Orsal).


19:10 - Clashes reportedly intensify in Adana...

19:09 - In Istanbul, police reportedly announce that they will let the protesters give a press statement in Istiklal St., but they will not allow them to march to Taksim Sq.

19:08 - Protesters gather in the southern town of Antalya's Cumhuriyet Sq.

19:00 - People start gathering in Istanbul's Asian neighborhood of Kadıköy, one of the potential hotspots in tonight's protests.

18:56 - Protesters at the the Western town of Sakarya carry banners accusing the ruling AKP government of "murdering" Berkin Elvan.

18:51 - Large crowds start to gather in the Western Anatolian city of Eskişehir, where Gezi protester Ali İsmail Korkmaz was killed, as reported by journalist Tuğba Tekerek.

18:45 - Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy Aylin Nazlıaka tweets that citizens in Ankara are talking with the police in an attempt to stop the intervention. "Enough. We are in mourning,” the protesters say, according to Nazlıaka.

18:41 - In the western city of Denizli some protesters hurl fireworks at the police.

18:35 - Police start using teargas in Ankara's Kızılay Square, along with water cannon.

18:19 - Protesters march in the southeastern metropolis Diyarbakır with banners reading "For Berkin Elvan."

18:17 - Crowds start gathering in Istanbul's iconic in Taksim Sq., heart of last year's protests.

18:12 - Another demonstrations is held in Trabzon, further east in Black Sea coast and considered as one of the strongholds of ruling AKP.

18:11 - Protesters in the southern metropolis Adana, start gathering at the Atatürk Park for staging planned demonstration.

18:09 - Over 1000 people reportedly march in the Black Sea city of Samsun, chanting "Murderer Tayyip (Erdoğan)."
18:05 - Supported by armoured vehicle, police move on to disperse the protesters gathered in Ankara's Kızılay Sq. in the first intervention in tonight's planned demonstrations across Turkey.

17:28 - Protesters in the eastern province of Tunceli are marching with torches towards the provincial office of the ruling AKP.
Evet bizim derdimiz "ülkeyi karıştırmak".

İşte diyorum ya... Ölüp gidenler umrunuzda değil... Hatta ulusal tv'deki kadın resmen "keşke birkaç kişi ölseydi yaa" dedi ama siz bunların derdini anlayamadınız...
ya hakkaten baydınız be... Bu çocuk sizin gibiler yüzünden öldü. 'ağaç' diye bi şey hatırlanmıyor artık... Bazıları ülkeyi karıştırmak istedi ve ülke karıştı siz de onların oyuncağı oldunuz... O çocuğun ölmesi de zerre umrunuzda değil... Ülkeyi yeniden karıştırmak için size iyi bir bahane...

Arkadaş lütfen gidin politika başlığında filan tartışın şu konuları... Gına geldi...
That foreighners think its about trees i understand`,but you dont come with that bs ok?
Ne agacindan bahsediyorsun,protestolar bir kac agac icinmiydi?
That foreighners think its about trees i understand`,but you dont come with that bs ok?
Ne agacindan bahsediyorsun,protestolar bir kac agac icinmiydi?

Elbette değildi... Hükümeti yıkmak içindi... Peki hükümet neden yıkılmak istendi ? Aslında bu forumun konusu başlı başına bu soruya en büyük cevaplardan biridir...
ya hakkaten baydınız be... Bu çocuk sizin gibiler yüzünden öldü. 'ağaç' diye bi şey hatırlanmıyor artık... Bazıları ülkeyi karıştırmak istedi ve ülke karıştı siz de onların oyuncağı oldunuz... O çocuğun ölmesi de zerre umrunuzda değil... Ülkeyi yeniden karıştırmak için size iyi bir bahane...

Arkadaş lütfen gidin politika başlığında filan tartışın şu konuları... Gına geldi...

If there had been a investigation and perpetrators who killed Berkin had been punished, there would be no protests today.

These protests had never been for the sake of trees or something else. It's about the injustice done to Turkish people by our own government.
Elbette değildi... Hükümeti yıkmak içindi... Peki hükümet neden yıkılmak istendi ? Aslında bu forumun konusu başlı başına bu soruya en büyük cevaplardan biridir...
Sen acikla,neden hukumeti yikmak istediler?
Ne var bu hukumette,yada ne yok?
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