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15-year-old Gezi victim Berkin Elvan dies after 269 days in coma

bilader abartmissin sen baya bence.

Abartılan ne? Şu anda farkında değilsiniz, sokaklara çıkmayan AKP seçmeni var. Neden çıkmıyorlar? Yapmamaları söylendiği için, bunlara "yapmayın" diyen kişiler gittiğinde onlara kim dur diyecek?

AKP her kesimden oy aldı. Dini referans alıp da, "sükünet" içerisinde bekleyecek insan çok da fazla değil.

Büyük bir iç savaş gelebilir. Türkiye genelinde, Herkes soğukkanlı olsun.
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I think there is no need to self-censor ourselves. Be it political or another subject if the subject is on whole Turkey's focus, we should be able to discuss.

Just, everybody should refrain themselves from using abusive words and hurl insults against each other.

Bana dalmak istemezsin. :lol:

https://defence.pk/threads/turkish-military-memories-firearms-thread.300063/#post-5263825 :D

If discussing needly we should'nt say bad things to each other,

As you know we keep to our ideas like football fanatics so we never change our ideas, but we should talk on our ideas as equitable.

So while discussing not broke to each other especially if they are citizen of Turkey.


Türkün Türkten başka dostu yoktur diyoruz ama aslında Türkün en büyük düşmanı başka bir Türk demeliyiz, çünkü kendimize en büyük zararı yine kendimiz veriyoruz. Mesele aslında Türklükte değil mesele aynı vatan ve aynı bayrak altında millet din mezhep ne olursa olsun huzur ve barış içinde yaşamamız.

Şu gündemde ki olayları hayırlısıyla bir atlatalım yoksa bütün memleketçe biz kaybedeceğiz daha sonra tepemize ak babalar binecek malesef.... o ak babaların kim olduğunu biliyorsunuz dimi ? dünyayı yöneten para babaları, onların dini milleti mezhebi olmaz tek amaçları var daha çok güç elde etmek.

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Yes... However he has so fresh pain he wants to stop these events... His comments are for peace in our country... He says we are all 1... And so many other true things he says...
He says we're all one, but your Tayyip says otherwise. This embaressment of a leader is discriminating against everyone that is different. Atheist, Jews, Christians, Alevis, CHP voter.. I could continue everyone except for his own voters are fucking terrorists for him.

Guys, i know most of you don't like non-defence related threads but this topic rocked Turkey today, so let me this time.


Abartılan ne? Şu anda farkında değilsiniz, sokaklara çıkmayan AKP seçmeni var. Neden çıkmıyorlar? Yapmamaları söylendiği için, bunlara "yapmayın" diyen kişiler gittiğinde onlara kim dur diyecek?

AKP her kesimden oy aldı. Dini referans alıp da, "sükünet" içerisinde bekleyecek insan çok da fazla değil.

Büyük bir iç savaş gelebilir. Türkiye genelinde, Herkes soğukkanlı olsun.
secimler bitsin ulke rahatlar ..sanmam bizimkiler o hataya dusmezler daha cok acilar cekildi yeter..sen bakma uc yuz bes yuz marjinal insanlara .gercek halk huzur istiyor
Guys some of you guys posting videos of Berkin where he was dancing.

I don't know, how you relate that dancing video to something...... but even if you do, even if you prove that he was involved in illegal activities...

Are you aware that we are talking about a 14 years old boy ? You think is it rightful to kill children because he was doing illegal activities ?

Sometimes, i can't even understand my own people. :tsk:
Guys some of you guys posting videos of Berkin where he was dancing.

I don't know, how you relate that dancing video to something...... but even if you do, even if you prove that he was involved in illegal activities...

Are you aware that we are talking about a 14 years old boy ? You think is it rightful to kill children because he was doing illegal activities ?

Sometimes, i can't even understand my own people. :tsk:

Sinan who do you think has chances in replacing Erdogan Pasha next elections ?
. .
Sinan who do you think has chances in replacing Erdogan Pasha next elections ?

There is possibility that a CHP-MHP coalition might be able to replace AKP government.

The issue here is both "Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu" and "Devlet Bahçeli" are inadequate leaders.


His favourite leader is Crypto Armenian Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. He waits his turn to become next president of Turkey after Erdogan Pasha.

Crypto-Armenians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stop with silly photos and start to build arguments if you have something to say.
There is possibility that a CHP-MHP coalition might be able to replace AKP government.

The issue here is both "Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu" and "Devlet Bahçeli" are inadequate leaders.

Stop with silly photos and start to build arguments if you have something to say.
There is not a possibility because the MHP also dislikes the CHP


His favourite leader is Crypto Armenian Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. He waits his turn to become next president of Turkey after Erdogan Pasha.

Crypto-Armenians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Erdogan "Pasha" is also an idiot who speaks like he suddenly became the sultan again
There is not a possibility because the MHP also dislikes the CHP

At the past, MHP sided with DSP which were a more leftist party than CHP. I would say, it very much likely.

Just look at CHP's candidate for Major in Ankara....."Mansur Yavaş" :)
There is possibility that a CHP-MHP coalition might be able to replace AKP government.

The issue here is both "Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu" and "Devlet Bahçeli" are inadequate leaders.

Stop with silly photos and start to build arguments if you have something to say.

I thought CHP will go for Mustafa sarigul in 2015 , he is supposedly going to run as Istanbul mayor for now , if he wins in 2014 mayor elections he might be their new guy for 2015.
Guys can you please open a sticky thread like " Politics in Türkiye" or something like that and discuss things like that under that thread ?
Brazil has the same problem as Turkey. We have a corrupt, inefficient and trigger happy police. In Brazilian protests, they shot journalists and 10 people were killed.



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