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Pakistani Sikh grateful that his elders stayed in Pakistan in 1947.

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Aug 28, 2007
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A Pakistani Sikh thanks God, that his elders chose to stay in Pakistan after listening to the stories from a sikh exile who couldn't go to India since last 30 years


Before trolls start to ruin the thread, a Pakistani Sikh appeals to the Indian media and government to stop their propaganda about mistreatment of Sikhs in Pakistan.

Pakistani sikh in Ministry of Finance says that sikh people are treated as VVIP in Pakistan and goes to the extent of saying Sikhs have more freedom in Pakistan than even muslims

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Sikhs made a huge mistake by siding with the Hindus in 1947. We would've had a united greater Punjab if Sikhs all chose Muslims of Punjab over Hindus. Punjab today would've stretched from Bahawalpur to Murree to Lahore to Amritsrar to Himachal Pradesh if Sikhs chose to side with the Muslims, and all Sikhs could've visited their religious sites in Pakistan any time they would want without having to go through process of getting a Pakistani visa to cross the Wagah Border. Punjab would've been the largest and most prosperous region in South Asia if it had been united and all been part of Pakistan.
Sikhs made a huge mistake by siding with the Hindus in 1947. We would've had a united greater Punjab if Sikhs all chose Muslims of Punjab over Hindus. Punjab today would've stretched from Bahawalpur to Murree to Lahore to Amritsrar to Himachal Pradesh if Sikhs chose to side with the Muslims, and all Sikhs could've visited their religious sites in Pakistan any time they would want without having to go through process of getting a Pakistani visa to cross the Wagah Border. Punjab would've been the largest and most prosperous region in South Asia if it had been united and all been part of Pakistan.

Then how would it be a state for Muslims, wasn't it the main reason in the first place? Lets say even if they did, would Pakistan allow one of them to become head of the state like Manmohan Singh is for a much larger and diverse Indian state. I don't think so.
Ask him if he can ever become the Prime Minister or President of Pakistan. Or the army chief.

Don't forget that Pakistan is NOT a secular country and by constitution the PM and President have to be Muslims. So your question in itself is wrong and non-credible.
^^since pakistan was formed in the name of islam, i dont see a reason why sikhs would have chosen paksitan?

Muslims made the majority in United Punjab for centuries. Even today most Punjabis in the world are Muslims.

Jinnah wanted a majority Muslim country not really a theocratic country. There are still millions of Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians living in Pakistan happily and didnt chose to migrate to India.
Ask him if he can ever become the Prime Minister or President of Pakistan. Or the army chief.

The are happy to be Pakistanis and i think its enough for you. Don't bring in your secular India here because these sikhs have prefered Muslim Pakistan.
Sikhs made a huge mistake by siding with the Hindus in 1947. We would've had a united greater Punjab if Sikhs all chose Muslims of Punjab over Hindus. Punjab today would've stretched from Bahawalpur to Murree to Lahore to Amritsrar to Himachal Pradesh if Sikhs chose to side with the Muslims, and all Sikhs could've visited their religious sites in Pakistan any time they would want without having to go through process of getting a Pakistani visa to cross the Wagah Border. Punjab would've been the largest and most prosperous region in South Asia if it had been united and all been part of Pakistan.

Would Pakistanis have then accepted Pakistan as a secular country? If it had to be an Islamic country ruled by Blasphemy laws and mushrooming Talibans, why would Sikhs want to be a part of Pakistan?

And if you so think about Sikhs why leave out Hindus? Entire India Pakistan could have been one nation stretching from blah to blah, most prosperous and powerful and so on. If you want a land in the name of a religion, then people of other religions are bound to feel unsafe. Plus with the kind of riots and massacres happening in 1947(not blaming one religious group here. Everybody responsible) what reasons did Sikhs have to stay there?
Don't forget that Pakistan is NOT a secular country and by constitution the PM and President have to be Muslims. So your question in itself is wrong and non-credible.

There's a sarcastic question in there but you missed it. Here it is again, Why would they join a state where they would be treated as second class citizens? Don't you think India is a much better place for them.
Sikhs made a huge mistake by siding with the Hindus in 1947. We would've had a united greater Punjab if Sikhs all chose Muslims of Punjab over Hindus. Punjab today would've stretched from Bahawalpur to Murree to Lahore to Amritsrar to Himachal Pradesh if Sikhs chose to side with the Muslims, and all Sikhs could've visited their religious sites in Pakistan any time they would want without having to go through process of getting a Pakistani visa to cross the Wagah Border. Punjab would've been the largest and most prosperous region in South Asia if it had been united and all been part of Pakistan.

Read the Sikh history and you will find that they have always fought Islam!

And so where is the mistake they made in 1947.

They were merely following their historical antecedents.

It is futile to dream what would have happened if the Sikh....

It is like, if Aunty had........

And anyway, Wah Guru de Khalsa, Wah Guru de Fateh!
The are happy to be Pakistanis and i think its enough for you. Don't bring in your secular India here because these sikhs have prefered Muslim Pakistan.

99 % of Sikhs had chosen India over Pakistan in 1947. And 99 % of them are one of the strongest driving forces in taking India forward. I still think they have been great asset for our army. They love India and India loves them. ( Not only Sikhs btw but also Muslims, Christians and everyone).
Good on the guy that at least he isn't bad-mouthing the country he's living in. We have had our troubles with the Centre, but most of the Sikhs in India wouldn't exchange it with living in Pakistan.
Muslims made the majority in United Punjab for centuries. Even today most Punjabis in the world are Muslims.

Jinnah wanted a majority Muslim country not really a theocratic country. There are still millions of Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians living in Pakistan happily and didnt chose to migrate to India.

Yet their population has come down from 15% to less than 2% now. Ya, that shows the liberal minds of you people. How would it matter what Jinnah wanted when it turned out to be Islamic republic.
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