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Anti-Hindu dramas in Pakistani TV channel

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Hindus are probably the most hypocritical people on the planet.

-They constantly complain when Hindus are shown in a negative light anywhere on the earth.
-They complain when Hindu convert to other religions.
-Heck they even complain when Hindu women marry non Hindus
- Constantly complain of the negative image of Hindus being portrayed by media and books
Most Hindus dont care when Hindus convert to other religions or convert from other religions. We are not that insecure.
Most Hindus dont complain when Hindu women marry non Hindus. We dont think they are our property like it is in Pakistan.
And generally Neither is there negative image of Hindus portrayed in media and books. There are rare exceptions when Hindus are shown in bad light.

Unlike Pakistani's who are extremely insecure and teach hatred against non Muslims in their school books, television and local jamaat's.
Now GTFO you retarded Hindu bigot
Yeah. The last resort of a Pakistani - abusive language. Keep it up..make your local jamaat proud.
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This is why I say Pakistan is an intolerant country. Please guys, don't show religious hatred on national television. It will create problems to Hindus and Sikhs in your own country. You already had a shameful bad history during 1971 when your own army men killed your own Muslim brothers in a brutal way ever possible in human history after world war 2. Now you want to create communal violence in your own country by publicly showing anti-Hindu, anti-Sikh dramas on national television. Don't do that. Otherwise your country would be hellfire. Intolerance to other religious people and tolerance towards Taliban terrorists who want a ban on polio drops because its a western ploy to damage Islam according to them would not make your country better but worse.


In Pakistan, anti-Hindu sentiments and beliefs are widely held among many sections of the population. There is a general stereotype against Hindus in Pakistan. Hindus are regarded as "miserly".[79] Also, Hindus are often regarded as "Kaffirs" (lit. "unbelievers") and blamed for "causing all the problems in Pakistan".

The public school curriculum in Pakistan was Islamized during the 1980s.[83] The government of Pakistan claims to undertake a major revision to eliminate such teachings and to remove Islamic teaching from secular subjects.[82] The bias in Pakistani textbooks was also documented by Y. Rosser (2003). She wrote that

in the past few decades, social studies textbooks in Pakistan have been used as locations to articulate the hatred that Pakistani policy makers have attempted to inculcate towards their Hindu neighbours”, and that as a result "in the minds of generations of Pakistanis, indoctrinated by the 'Ideology of Pakistan' are lodged fragments of hatred and suspicion.
(Rosser 2003)[84]


Most Hindus dont care when Hindus convert to other religions or convert from other religions. We are not that insecure.
Most Hindus dont complain when Hindu women marry non Hindus. We dont think they are our property like it is in Pakistan.
And generally Neither is there negative image of Hindus portrayed in media and books. There are rare exceptions when Hindus are shown in bad light.

Unlike Pakistani's who are extremely insecure and teach hatred against non Muslims in their school books, television and local jamaat's.

Yeah. The last resort of a Pakistani - abusive language. Keep it up..make your jammat proud.

Do you think you need to reply to that post??

we are tolerant, no need of certifications from others !!

(no offense to anyone )
Do you think you need to reply to that post??

we are tolerant, no need of certifications from others !!

(no offense to anyone )
They seem to be labouring under the assumption that anti Pakistani means anti Muslim/anti Islam.

Dont know who fills these foolish things in their heads.
They seem to be labouring under the assumption that anti Pakistani means anti Muslim/anti Islam.

Dont know who fills these foolish things in their heads.

They are taught that being muslim is patriotic, and they see every thing in this lens.
They are taught that being muslim is patriotic, and they see every thing in this lens.
If only they were good Muslims.

Problem is that if you show them to their face what they do, they hide behind the generic 'anti Muslim' accusation. Somehow an anti Pak film/article/drama becomes an anti-Muslim film/article/drama in their minds.
and then they say islam is peace and love while advocating genocide on non-muslims.
If only they were good Muslims.

Problem is that if you show them to their face what they do, they hide behind the generic 'anti Muslim' accusation. Somehow an anti Pak film/article/drama becomes an anti-Muslim film/article/drama in their minds.

They do not hide their face, but they change pakistan with India , Islam with Hinduism words and try to do the same, just like the post you just answered.
They can be easily applied.You just need to promote education, secularism and humanity among the people.
India has been doing it for the past 60 odd years.
It has given us scientists like Dr.Kalam who built missiles that can reach every corner of Pakistan.

Pakistan on the other hand has taken the road of extremism,intolerance and hate.

and then they say islam is peace and love while advocating genocide on non-muslims.
Dude..there is something wrong with you.
You really need get off it. There is nothing wrong with any religion.
Islam is as good or as bad as Hinduism/Christianity/Budhism/etc.

All religions are good.
Its the people who are either good or bad.
ha ha even an autorikshaw driver in india is much smarter than these pakistani elite , can these guys for once use their brain and stop making a joke out of themselves everywhere,

Dude..there is something wrong with you.
You really need get off it. There is nothing wrong with any religion.
Islam is as good or as bad as Hinduism/Christianity/Budhism/etc.

All religions are good.
Its the people who are either good or bad.

Please go read what ex-muslim ali sina has to say.
This is what happened during the partition,So the drama is based off facts not lies like Indian bollywood movies
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