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Unheard cries: atrocities in Patiala, 1947

No one's saying that we should forget the atrocities the point is that what happened in past should not interfere with shaping of our future. Chinese and Japanese remember it they don't let all that shape their priorities and interfere in their strive for betterment of their people. It must be one hell of a nap that has allowed them to gain that much 'quality' of living, sub continent must try it too

You are telling me that, there is no historic pretext in China, Japan spat over those Islands?

They still have the monuments of 'glory' built by the Japanese in Shengyang...for what?

I would attribute their 'quality of life' to the hard East Asian work ethic, rather than their historic reconciliation, you have presented as a 'role model'.

South Asians can only learn to live in peace if they learn to 'respect' each other's different history. We have different history, different heroes, different villians and different aspirations.

Digging old graves is bad, but a tomb stone is needed to say, whats buried underneath.

well thats the question isn't it?........keep living in the past with hatred
............forget n forgive...........n look towards the future with hope.

Don't get me wrong, I want that to happen as well.

It's just that it is a tinderbox. Itonly needs one bad apple, either in Pakistan or india to revive that hate.

And both societies are highly patriarchal. There a lot of ego clashes here.

You are telling me that, there is no historic pretext in China, Japan spat over those Islands?

They still have the monuments of 'glory' built by the Japanese in Shengyang...for what?

I would attribute their 'quality of life' to the hard East Asian work ethic, rather than their historic reconciliation, you have presented as a 'role model'.

South Asians can only learn to live in peace if they learn to 'respect' each other's different history. We have different history, different heroes, different villians and different aspirations.

Digging old graves is bad, but a tomb stone is needed to say, whats buried underneath.


Yes. I think Indians (Don't know about Pakistanis) need to look at Pakistani historical figures, events from multiple angles or dimensions. Historical events are usually a mixture of personal egos, motivations, errors and events outside of our control and complex psychological motives by large groups of people.

Even within India, you have regional heroes, villains.
..........66 yrs have passed,,,,,n yet the discussion goes on.......
...n to what end:coffee:

Perhaps Pakistanis are frustrated about why the hell Pakistan was created.

Now they are thinking of being a part of Akhand Bharat would have been much better.
well thats the question isn't it?........keep living in the past with hatred
............forget n forgive...........n look towards the future with hope.

If I kill your family and my son tells you to forget the past.. Would you..

Perhaps Pakistanis are frustrated about why the hell Pakistan was created.

Now they are thinking of being a part of Akhand Bharat would have been much better.

I wonder why mods are not using some sort of Intel test for the registration... Coz of it any dimwit troll like yourself is allowed to join and bark in every other thread..
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the subcontinental mentality of not forgiving what happened in the past and NOT learning from mistakes is devouring us. Europe has moved on after fighting two world wars while the our mentality on a collective level has never evolved. Add to that way Pakistani Generals have created an instigated a pan Islamic mind set we are ignoring our real issues, hooked to the past, have a miserable present and a seemingly dark future. Time to get over it and move on

Good words...bahut durust farmaya aapne....now 179,999,999 more Pakistanis need to agree to this.

We already have shared half of the Kashmir instead of going on a all out war and get the whole Kashmir back. So Pakistan should understand and be happy with half of the Kashmir and make it prosperous.We already gave you 70% Punjab as well.Also if we wanted we could have easily annexed Bangladesh in India as well in 71 but we didn't and it's a free country today.Also we could have annexed your Kashmir as well but we didnt do it even after winning comprehensively.

So the policy of India is clear and without any EGO or HATRED.But the Generals of Pakistan are drunk in falsified EGO and burning in revenge and wants Pakistan to be in endless wars and bloodshed.They want generations of Pakistan to suffer and suffer and suffer.
Ask those who went through 47... Before talking abt South Asian mentality and what not...
You are saying as only Pakistan sufffered......
Both sides suffered......
Only solution is to forget these things and work for peace.......
Even today Pakistanis are living in 47 and creating hatred instead of moving forward towards Peace and Prosperity. :tsk:
In simple terms they just want their generations to suffer in the flame of hatred which their ancestors suffered. :flame:

If situation was that bad then how come India has more Muslims than Pakistan even today.

In short Pakistan has FAILED miserable in it's vision and strategy because of falsified hatred and enemity.

My dear denying the history does not change the 'present', nor it helps you to move forward, in fact it disturb the ability of a nation to see things in their 'right perspective'......

You are exhibiting all the sign of of a victim of lost perspective ....... you base your arguments on two basic points

1- Pakistan is suffering the from communal hatred, on the other hand India is a successful example of communal harmony
2- India being a larger population country of 'Muslims' is comparatively better than Pakistan

For your first point I would like to remind you that in last one decade India has suffered from 774,900+ religious riots (official figures), so on what basis you portray Mahanta of your Bharat in religious and communal harmony over Pakistan, your country has not adopted any extremist policies officially than why this much violence ..... ???

Dear for your second point I want you to understand that at the time of partition, the population of Muslims in sub continent was 100 million+ out of which 70+ million were living in the geographical areas of Pakistan (both East & West parts), even as of today around 380 million+ muslims are residing in these East and West flanks of India and around 150 to 180 million so muslims are the citizens of India so on what moral grounds you claim that India have more muslims ..... than other countries of south Asia ....???

I hope next time before lecturing some one you will develop the habit of accepting & respecting your 'Glorified History'
Good words...bahut durust farmaya aapne....now 179,999,999 more Pakistanis need to agree to this.

We already have shared half of the Kashmir instead of going on a all out war and get the whole Kashmir back. So Pakistan should understand and be happy with half of the Kashmir and make it prosperous.We already gave you 70% Punjab as well.Also if we wanted we could have easily annexed Bangladesh in India as well in 71 but we didn't and it's a free country today.Also we could have annexed your Kashmir as well but we didnt do it even after winning comprehensively.

So the policy of India is clear and without any EGO or HATRED.But the Generals of Pakistan are drunk in falsified EGO and burning in revenge and wants Pakistan to be in endless wars and bloodshed.They want generations of Pakistan to suffer and suffer and suffer.

You didn't share nothing, let's cut the rubbish here. The part that is with Pakistan was won through liberation, a war that my entire elder generation fought in, after serving the British Indian army army. The Dogra raj was seen as an outsider and without British support fell quicker than a drug addict without its his/her's daily fix. Your forces then joined the war and the war stalemated. You couldn't take an inch of Kashmir off us then and won't now.
As for Punjab, again you gave us nothing. Your old imperial master the British gave Pakistan to us.

Lastly no one really wants war with India.
the subcontinental mentality of not forgiving what happened in the past and NOT learning from mistakes is devouring us. Europe has moved on after fighting two world wars while the our mentality on a collective level has never evolved. Add to that way Pakistani Generals have created an instigated a pan Islamic mind set we are ignoring our real issues, hooked to the past, have a miserable present and a seemingly dark future. Time to get over it and move on

I think you have aptly summed up the malaise that afflicts us.

Instead of moving on we continue to live in the past.
You didn't share nothing, let's cut the rubbish here. The part that is with Pakistan was won through liberation, a war that my entire elder generation fought in, after serving the British Indian army army. The Dogra raj was seen as an outsider and without British support fell quicker than a drug addict without its his/her's daily fix. Your forces then joined the war and the war stalemated. You couldn't take an inch of Kashmir off us then and won't now.
As for Punjab, again you gave us nothing. Your old imperial master the British gave Pakistan to us.

Lastly no one really wants war with India.

Oh so its said that never trust a Pakistani and YOU showed it.

You are suffering because of this illusion of you WON from India.You are just coward converts who converted at the moment sword was shown from outsiders.Instead of fighting you bent over and submitted.Unless you accept the real identity you would suffer and disintegrate further.You didnt take even a single lesson after you lost Bangladesh but making mistake after mistake in false EGO.

You PROVED that Pakistan is suffering because of their own misdeeds and superiority complex. Now I think its good to see Pakistan burning in its own fire.
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