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TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi arrested in Lahore, Protests, and related

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There is a podcast by Dan Carlin called Hardcore Histories. In one of the episodes, Prophets of Doom, he talks about these crazy priests and lunatics taking over a German city and the absolute anarchy following that.

Amazing parrallels to the current state of society with the class disparities and the religous bigotry.

The thing is that was Germany in the medieval ages.

There is also the famous incident in Florence when the monk Savonarola and his mob seized power, promised to turn Florence into a "New Jerusalem", burned thousands of books and statues, murdered opponents and threatened those who opposed them with mob justice (read about the "bonfire of vanities"). His reign of spiritual "purity" was not popular however and eventually he too was ousted by a mob (the ultimate poetic justice).

In all of these fanatical uprisings in the past there are lessons to learn for the present ruling class if they have the common sense to actually do so. Florence during the Renaissance grew immensely rich but the wealth was restricted to the elite. Corruption was rife and the masses were looking for an excuse to rebel.
The ruling elites failure provided the vacuum and space for extremist and fanatical mentality to thrive amongst the masses. All it takes is one intelligent leader to utilize this frustration for their own goals and purposes. My biggest fear is that once the TLP is done for and things return to relative normalcy, no significant reforms will take place to restrict mob rule, religious fanaticism and the excesses of the elite. A couple of years later a sense of injustice coupled with fanatical thinking and leadership will once again cause another TLP to emerge.
There is also the famous incident in Florence when the monk Savonarola and his mob seized power, promised to turn Florence into a "New Jerusalem", burned thousands of books and statues, murdered opponents and threatened those who opposed them with mob justice (read about the "bonfire of vanities"). His reign of spiritual "purity" was not popular however and eventually he too was ousted by a mob (the ultimate poetic justice).

In all of these fanatical uprisings in the past there are lessons to learn for the present ruling class if they have the common sense to actually do so. Florence during the Renaissance grew immensely rich but the wealth was restricted to the elite. Corruption was rife and the masses were looking for an excuse to rebel.
The ruling elites failure provided the vacuum and space for extremist and fanatical mentality to thrive amongst the masses. All it takes is one intelligent leader to utilize this frustration for their own goals and purposes. My biggest fear is that once the TLP is done for and things return to relative normalcy, no significant reforms will take place to restrict mob rule and the excesses of the elite. A couple of years later a sense of injustice coupled with fanatical thinking and leadership will once again cause another TLP to emerge.
PM Imran live address to the nation on banned TLP issue

Hang this evil bastard front of the whole nation.
Judgement is already made. Ahmadis are growing community internationally. They are getting praised and approved by heads of states and govts. It is Pakistan that's going down the drain by following in the footsteps of deranged Mullahs

So is incest community....

Man this is outright killing. No one should be just killed for pelting stones or protesting. When Indians do this in kashmir we scream on top of our lungs and we're silent while doing this to our own people. These people should be arrested and given a proper fare trial.
How many cops have landed in hospital because of these TLP terrorists ?
If you dont know the context, its better to zip it and move on instead of de-railing the thread through your agenda.
What agenda? People are not getting education nor justice in this country and when things like this happen you blame the people instead of the government. System needs complete overhauling. I support Imran Khan but you don't go around making commitments and then backing off. I m sure there were better ways to solve the issue than this.
There is also the famous incident in Florence when the monk Savonarola and his mob seized power, promised to turn Florence into a "New Jerusalem", burned thousands of books and statues, murdered opponents and threatened those who opposed them with mob justice (read about the "bonfire of vanities"). His reign of spiritual "purity" was not popular however and eventually he too was ousted by a mob (the ultimate poetic justice).

In all of these fanatical uprisings in the past there are lessons to learn for the present ruling class if they have the common sense to actually do so. Florence during the Renaissance grew immensely rich but the wealth was restricted to the elite. Corruption was rife and the masses were looking for an excuse to rebel.
The ruling elites failure provided the vacuum and space for extremist and fanatical mentality to thrive amongst the masses. All it takes is one intelligent leader to utilize this frustration for their own goals and purposes. My biggest fear is that once the TLP is done for and things return to relative normalcy, no significant reforms will take place to restrict mob rule, religious fanaticism and the excesses of the elite. A couple of years later a sense of injustice coupled with fanatical thinking and leadership will once again cause another TLP to emerge.
I see your point about poverty and inequality. But the issue of religious radicalism is another aspect even if there is come overlap. The greatest poverty in Pakistan is in interior Sindh and South Punjab yet those regions are not burning. It appears to be that TLP is most active along the GT belt which is more prosperous region of Pakistan.

To my mind the real issue and PMIK touched on this today and I quote him

who could decide how much or how less someone loved the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Who? In a society where religion is smothering everything this question is vital. Any person can invoke his greater love and dedication. Then begin taking law into his hands using religion as a excuse.
If this is handled intelligently and with a strong enough spine, this could turn into a watershed moment and undo the doings of Zia and beyond. There will still need to be legislative changes to bring about a conceptual change for societal discourse in the country. You cannot progress as long as there is a rabid mob of illiterates, Mullahs or otherwise, ready to burn every thing down.
If this is handled intelligently and with a strong enough spine, this could turn into a watershed moment and undo the doings of Zia and beyond. There will still need to be legislative changes to bring about a conceptual change for societal discourse in the country. You cannot progress as long as there is a rabid mob of illiterates, Mullahs or otherwise, ready to burn every thing down.
Zia without doubt is guilty and his legacy is toxic. However the issue in Pakistan runs deeper. The fault lies in the very DNA of Pakistan and it needs fixing. The Objectives Resolution declares that sovereignty belongs to Allah. From religious POV this is fine but from practical and political POV this is recipe for disaster.

If the state says sovereignty belongs to Allah what stops the next Ashiq lover to invoke that and say he is acting on behalf of a higher authority and demands XYZ what do you do? This problem will keep coming up.
The Objectives Resolution declares that sovereignty belongs to Allah. From religious POV this is fine but from practical and political POV this is recipe for disaster.
Yes start fixing the 70 year old mistake by removing Objectives Resolution. Then remove second amendment on Qadiani issue. Then remove Ordinance 20 which is state sponsored Qadiani persecution.
If the state says sovereignty belongs to Allah what stops the next Ashiq lover to invoke that and say he is acting on behalf of a higher authority and demands XYZ what do you do? This problem will keep coming up.
Exactly my brother you are few Pakistanis among 220 million who understood why Pakistani Hindus in 1949 strongly objected Objectives Resolution and why Qadiani FM Zafarullah Khan including rest of Muslim cabinet cheered it.
The problem is as long as the state via Objective Resolution [OR] relegates sovereignty to the almighty any citizen of Pakistan can challange the Pakistani state by citing his loyalty to the higher authority that supercedes the state.

This is exactly what TLP are doing. They are obliging the ultimate sovereign. No point in saying to them otherwise because their strongly held belief is they are acting as agents of Allah.

In fact TLP could go to court and argue their point by citing the constitution. The counter-argumant is the almighty has invested the authority as agent to the Pakistani state. But TLP could argue that it is their belief that the state has failed act as agent of the almighty because it took no action against the blaspheny in France.

When the government gives reasons why it can;'t the Ashiq lovers say their love has no limits and they will sacrifice everything. And they expect the state to do the same. If it does not they will die as Ashiq's to prove their limitless love.

And next thing you have TLP rioting ...
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