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Anti-Ahmadi groups plan for anniversary

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Yes and the kind of language Mirza has used is enough to show his reality and above all his claims go against orders of Quran and Hadees and above all Quran and Hadees are clear that no PROPHET after Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW and Jesus would return in syria not south asia and Ulemas have successfully encountered these liars Mirza was nothing but a liar and brought by British their main aim was to eliminate the concept of Jihad so they brought this liar but he started to claim other things of being Mahdi and than PROPHET but we all know how big liar he was

Are you just jealous that ahmadis won't join your parasitic mullahs in their blood drinking welfare sucking religion?
And the hypocrisy of the so called Mods is amazing, oh well. Guess the most you internet jihadis can do is sit and rant while Ahmadis go and convert the world.
Over 500k people joined ahmadiyya community during past year. Hundreds of new mosques were built. Qur'an translated into languages that you're mullas don't even know exist.
And Zarvan, why haven't you exploded yet? what are you waiting for? Heaven is incomplete without mard e momins like zarvan.
@AZADPAKISTAN2009 compared to Bhutto and Zia, you're not even a fly. If you think you can get Ahmadis out of Pakistanis then go for it. But you will never succeed. As I said before, kissi mard ke bachay main himmat nahi ke Jamat e Ahmadiyya ko apnay hee mulk se nikalsakay.

More than 31k people attended Ahmadiyya Jalsa in uk few days ago, I remember lantis like you tried holding jalsas in competitions to the jamaat. lol I even say your desperate mullas advertisement asking people to come so they could have more people than "qadianis" but it seems as if ke tumharay mullion ki maut qadianis ke haathon hee likhi hain.

W got loads of Sunnis Mosques with their Imams all over the world, They all joined Jamaat e Ahmadiyya. Big slap on you mard e momins that you're sunni brethren are running to jamaat e Ahmadiyya from your terrorist religion.

All you people can do is light a barbeque and Burn. Burn Baby Burn.:yay:
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Are you just jealous that ahmadis won't join your parasitic mullahs in their blood drinking welfare sucking religion?
And the hypocrisy of the so called Mods is amazing, oh well. Guess the most you internet jihadis can do is sit and rant while Ahmadis go and convert the world.
Over 500k people joined ahmadiyya community during past year. Hundreds of new mosques were built. Qur'an translated into languages that you're mullas don't even know exist.
And Zarvan, why haven't you exploded yet? what are you waiting for? Heaven is incomplete without mard e momins like zarvan.
@AZADPAKISTAN2009 compared to Bhutto and Zia, you're not even a fly. If you think you can get Ahmadis out of Pakistanis then go for it. But you will never succeed. As I said before, kissi mard ke bachay main himmat nahi ke Jamat e Ahmadiyya ko apnay hee mulk se nikalsakay.

More than 31k people attended Ahmadiyya Jalsa in uk few days ago, I remember lantis like you tried holding jalsas in competitions to the jamaat. lol I even say your desperate mullas advertisement asking people to come so they could have more people than "qadianis" but it seems as if ke tumharay mullion ki maut qadianis ke haathon hee likhi hain.

W got loads of Sunnis Mosques with their Imams all over the world, They all joined Jamaat e Ahmadiyya. Big slap on you mard e momins that you're sunni brethren are running to jamaat e Ahmadiyya from your terrorist religion.

All you people can do is light a barbeque and Burn. Burn Baby Burn.:yay:
Mirza was nothing but a liar and time has proved it again and again he was a tout of British brought in front by british to eliminate the concept of Jihad all his life he remained good obedient slave of his master British and nothing else Mirza is burning in hell
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Mirza was nothing but a liar and time has proved it again and again he was a tout of British brought in front by british to eliminate the concept of Jihad all his life he remained good obedient slave of his master British and nothing else Mirza is burning in hell

So why are your Sunni Brethren, especially in the middle east joining jamaat e Ahmadiyya? And I ask again, Tumharay phatnay ka waqt kub aye ga?

Your Muslim League didn't think so in 1947.

The Muslims League of pre-1947 was made up of all muslims, All you had to was to agree with the policies and you could join. That's precisely why the deobandis and the ahraris ran to Congress because they couldn't stand the sight of ahmadis and shias and sunnis together.
So why are your Sunni Brethren, especially in the middle east joining jamaat e Ahmadiyya? And I ask again, Tumharay phatnay ka waqt kub aye ga?

May be few 10 20 in ten years Mr you have been defeated and Mirza is a proven liar Sir he has been proven liar and defeated and his liar followers would also are being defeated
May be few 10 20 in ten years Mr you have been defeated and Mirza is a proven liar Sir he has been proven liar and defeated and his liar followers would also are being defeated

So why did daily ummat which you like show so much, write an article begging the Saudi government to do something because "qadianis were entrapping innocent Saudis in qadianism in huge numbers". AHAHAHAHH Very soon even Saudi Arabia will become Ahmadi, but I assure, we will not stop non ahmadis from doing Hajj. We won't stoop to your level.

Here a taster for you, from yours truly:

Arab Ahmadi's Emotion Shows Their True Love With Their Khalifa at Jalsa Salana UK 2010 - YouTube
So why did daily ummat which you like show so much, write an article begging the Saudi government to do something because "qadianis were entrapping innocent Saudis in qadianism in huge numbers". AHAHAHAHH Very soon even Saudi Arabia will become Ahmadi, but I assure, we will not stop non ahmadis from doing Hajj. We won't stoop to your level.

Here a taster for you, from yours truly:

Arab Ahmadi's Emotion Shows Their True Love With Their Khalifa at Jalsa Salana UK 2010 - YouTube

Mr their are no Saudis converting to Qadyanism find better piece of news paper than Ummat Mr your completely failed in Arab world because they knew Quran well after south Asia the only way you became little successful was Indonesia and now you are completely taken out from their too Mr Mirza is a proven liar and if I get started you would find it difficult to face the reality of your liar Mirza
There is a lot of discussion regarding 'burning in Hell'. :D
Anybody experienced it or is it just fantasy/delusion?
Mirza ghulam ahmed who claim to be appointed from GOD (named Yelash) made statement which he said are in QURAN :w00t:

I would like any Ahmadi to plz tell us where are these Statements?

Arbaeen (3/25) RK page 404 Mirza Ghulam Ahmad states that

"according to the Quran: When the Promised Messiah comes, the Islamic clergy will harass him and declare him an infidel."

Rohnai Khazain vol 19 Kashti Nooh P-5 pdf 7 He says:

"and remember, not only Quran Majeed but also some books of Torah mention this news that there will plague at the time of Masih Moud."

Rohani Khazain vol 21 Braheen Ahmadiya Vol. 5 Page Page 286

so It happened at the time of Hazrat Abu bakar and Masih Moud; i.e. during the time of Hz Abu Bakar after the death of Muhammad pbuh hundreds of ignorant Arabs became MURTADD ( denounced Islam) and there were only two mosques where prayers were held. Hazrat Abu Bakar brought them back to Islam. Similarly, during the time of MASIH MOUD, several hunderds of thousands of people denounced Islam and accepted Christianity. BOTH OF THESE INCIDENTS ARE WRITTEN IN QURAN, i.e. MENTIONED AS PROPHECY."

Rohani Khazain 3- Azala aoham page 490 Footnote

Thus saying of All knowing All wise (Allah Tala) in Quran that in 1857 my book will be lifted up in the heavens which means that Muslims will not abide by it."


Simply four references required

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in the Mirror of his own Writings

Truth and untruth are two on-going serials of the world. But Allah, Exalted in Munificence, has bestowed some distinctive factors enabling a man of ordinary understanding and common sense to identify one from the other. Praise to Him.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (India) made a number of claims for himself, from being a 'Revivalist' to being a 'Prophet'. The falsehood or otherwise of a claim is easily identifiable through several tokens of cognizance which Allah, the Exalted, has laid down.

But the easiest pointer, readily available, is Mirza's own writings about which he himself said that his writings were a touchstone to check upon the veracity of his claims. I, therefore, invite readers to go through his written statements and judge for themselves.

Here are presented 22 excerpts from Mirza's writings. You would see in these that Mirza challenges the world to prove him a liar. He is bold about it. I expect my brethren to test his metal in a cool unprejudiced manner.

I pray to Allah, the Exalted, to grant us His Favor in identifying the truth as such, and untruth as such.


Excerpt No. 1: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani wrote in a letter to Qazi Nazar Hussain, Editor, Newspaper 'Qul-Qul', Bijnor, (India):
"Those persons who come from Allah's side.... they do achieve essential intent of their 'sending down and do not die till the purpose of their commission is not manifested.
My mission for which I am standing in this field is this very one that I (a) topple the pillar of worship of Isa, (b) spread monotheistic doctrine in place of Trinity, (c) and display dignity and glory o the holy Prophet(SAW) before the world.

Therefore, I am a liar if I fail in the manifestation of this essential intent, notwithstanding millions of tokens coming forth from me.

Why is the world, therefore, inimical to me? And why does it not see my end? If I manage to succeed in doing in support of Islam that work which the promised Masih or the promised Mahdi should have done, then I am truthful. And if nothing happens by the time I am dead then let everybody be witness that I am a liar. (Newspaper, 'Badr', Qadian, Vol. 2, P. 4, July 19, 1906).

Comments: How far did Mirza succeed in his mission is recounted in the official newspaper of Qadianis, Al Fazl, in its issue dated June 19,1941, page 5. It says:

"Do you know, there are 137 Christian Missions operating in India, i.e., Head Missions. Number of their branches is many more. More than 1800 'Priests' are working in the head missions. There are 403 hospitals in which 500 doctors are working There are 43 printing presses and about 100 newspapers are printed in different languages. They are running 51 Colleges, 617 High Schools and 61 Training Colleges where 60,000 students study. In the (Christian) 'Salvation Army' there are 308 European and 2886 Indian priests. Under it (the 'Army') there are 507 Primary Schools in which 18,675 students study Eighteen colonies and 11 Dailies are their own. Under different departments of this Army 3,290 men are nourished. Result of these efforts and sacrifices is that it is said that 224 persons of different religions are being daily converted to Christianity. Against this, what are the Musalmans doing? Perhaps they do not consider this work worth their attention. Ahmadi Jamaat should think what is the position of their own efforts against such widespread net of Christian missionaries. We have only two dozen preachers in the whole of India and the difficult conditions under which they are working, we know that too".
This is the evidence produced by a Qadiani newspaper, 33 years after Mirza's death! It shows that Mirza s claim did no damage to Christianity Monotheism did not flourish at the cost of Trinity. His effort to stop the spread of Christianity failed.

Thus, Mirza's statement: "Therefore I am a liar if I fail in the manifestation of this essential intent..... And if nothing happens by the time I am dead then let everybody be witness that I am a liar" is a lie self-proved.

Excerpt No. 2: Mirza writes in Zamima Anjam-e-Atham: (P. 30-35).

"If within seven years, a distinct effect of my efforts does not appear by Allah's support in service of Islam and, since death of false religions is essential on the hands of Masih, if this death of false religions does not come by through me, i.e., if Allah, the Exalted, does not reveal those tokens through my hands which shall enhance Islam's success, as a result of which Islam starts to enter from all sides annihilating the void Christian Divinity and the world catching on a different hue, then, I swear by Allah that I shall consider myself a liar".
Comments: Mirza wrote the above in January, 1897, or thereabouts. In other words, his promised seven years' limit closed in 1903. By that year, Mirza had to fulfill his promise to substantiate his truthfulness, failing which he had sworn himself to be a liar. Now, readers know that nothing of that sort happened and his promise did not materialize according to the time-scale which he himself had stipulated. Thus, Mirza is a self-proclaimed liar.

Excerpt No. 3: It so happened during Ramadhan-ul-Mubarak of the year 1311 Hijri that lunar eclipse occurred on the 13th and solar eclipse on the 28th. Both eclipses chanced to fall during the same month. Mirza announced this phenomena as a proof of his 'Mahdviat' (being Mahdi). He declared that this supernatural abnormality was a special sign for his sake only and which had never occurred before during lifetime of any other claimant to Mahdviat, Masihiat or Prophethood.

In Magazine, 'Anwar-ul-Islam' (P. 47), Mirza wrote:

"Since the times that this world was created never did lunar and solar eclipses get together during the times of any claimant of Prophethood/ Messengership/ Muhaddathiat. If somebody says they have conjoined then burden of proof lies on him.
It never happened and certainly never happened from the start of the world till today that lunar and solar eclipses conjoined in this manner in Ramadhan and that some claimant to Prophethood, Messengership or Muhaddathiat was present at that time." (P. 40)

Comments: Mirza's lack of knowledge deserves pity. From the years Hijri 18 to Hijri 1312, lunar and solar eclipses have conjoined sixty times in Ramadhan alone; during these thirteen centuries there have been not one but dozens of claimants of Prophethood and Mahdviat. But Allah, the Exalted, willed that Mirza be proved a liar from his own ignorance.

Therefore Allah, the Exalted, made him write out this challenge:

"If these cruel Maulvis can produce an evidence of this type of conjunction of eclipses in the times of any claimant, they should come out with it. Undoubtedly, I shall go down as a liar, by this". (Appendix, Anjam-e-Atham, P. 48).
Here I produce evidence, not one but four.

In Hijri 117, lunar and solar eclipses conjoined in month of Ramadhan in the times of a claimant, by name 'Treef' who was living in Aljazair;
Again, Hijri 127 saw a conjunction of the eclipses and at that time a person called Saleh, son of Treef, was claimant of prophethood;
A conjunction again occurred in 1267 Hijri in Iran where Mirza Ali Muhammad Bab was blowing his trumpet of Mahdviat for seven years;
The Hijri of 1311 was again the year of conjunction when Mahdi Sudani was spreading his cult of Mahdviat in Sudan.
More historical proofs are available in respect of such phenomenal conjunctions in the lifetime of many claimants of prophethood and Mahdviat. For details refer to the following books:

'Doosri Shadadat-e-Aasmani' by Maulana Abu Ahmad
'Aimma-e-Talbis & Raees-e-Qadian' by Maulana Abul Qasim Dilawari
But the above four evidences are sufficient to prove Mirzas lies.

Excerpt No. 4: Mirza wrote in 'Izala-e-Auham': (P. 190, 1st edition; P. 79, 5th edition)

"O Brethren of Deen and theologians of inviolable Law! Listen, you people to my submissions intently; that the claim of the promised similar, which this humble has made, has been taken as the promised Masih by witless folks.... I have not certainly made this claim that I am Masih, son of Mariam. The person putting this blame on me is a downright slanderer and a liar".
Comments: The above clarifies the position. Mirza admits he was not the promised Masih and he confirms that those who consider him so, are 'witless folks, downright slanderers and liars'.

Except No. 5: Mirza wrote in Tuhfatun Nadwah: (P. 5)

If I don't have knowledge of hidden things, then I am a liar;
If death of Ibn-e-Mariam is not testified by Quran, then I am a liar;
If Hadith-Mairaj did not make Ibn-e-Mariam sit among the dead souls, then I am a liar;
If Quran did not declare in Sura 'Noor' that caliphs of this Ummat shall be from this very Ummat, then I am a liar;
If Quran did not give me the name of Ibn-e-Mariam, then I am a liar".
Comments: Each and every claim above is wrong. Lies stand proved.

Excerpt No. 6: Mirza wrote in Tuhfatun Nadwah (P. 4):

"Allah, the Exalted, in His Holy Book says:.. ....That is, if this (person) will be telling lies he will be destroyed while you will be seeing him. His falsehood shall kill him. But if he is truthful then some of you shall become a target of his predictions and will depart from this mortal place while he will be seeing them. Now, test me on this basis which is in God's words and evaluate my claims".
Comments: We are ready to evaluate Mirza's claim on the basis set by him and draw these conclusions:

Mirza engaged himself against Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi in an imprecation of Mubahala. Right in front of his adversary's eyes Mirza met his doom. His falsehood killed him.
During a tête-à-tête with another opponent, by name Maulana Sanaullah, Mirza indulging in curses, implored Allah to take away first the life of whosoever was a liar. And lo! Mirza died first while Maulana Sanaullah lived on to see him dead
Mirza's rival-in-love was Sultan Muhammad Sahib. In burning jealously Mirza died of Cholera while Sultan Muhammad lived on after Mirza's death.
Another opponent was Doctor Abdul Hakeem Khan. Mirza told him of the drawn sword of the Angel of Death hovering over his head and cursed him:
"O my Provider! decide between the Liar and the Truthful!" 'Liar and the Truthful!'"
And lo! Mirza died before Doctor Sahib's very eyes as a veritable liar!
The evidences of these four eye-witnesses amply testify Mirza's falsehood in accordance with the standards which he himself set forth.

Excerpt No. 7: On July 10, 1888, Mirza came forward to notify his "revelational foretelling", as follows:

"That Absolute Omnipotent has told me:
Start negotiations for the elder daughter (Muhammadi Begum) of that person (Ahmad Baig). In case of declination from Nikah, the end of that girl will be extremely bad and if she will be married to another person he, within two and a half years from and similarly father of that daughter within three years, will die."

"Then in those days, attention was applied again and again for further clarification and details. It came to be known that God Almighty determined that He will bring the elder daughter (Muhammadi Begum) of that person (i.e. Ahmad Baig) into Nikah of this humble self after removal of each hindrance".

"Be it clear to the evil-minded that in order to judge our truthfulness or falsehood there can be no greater touchstone of test than our predictions". (Majmua'i-e-Ishtharat Vol. I, pp. 157-159).

Comments: This touchstone, which Mirza settled for himself to ascertain his truthfulness, has come very handy.

On April 7, 1892, Ahmad Baig married his daughter, Muhammadi Begum, to one of his relatives namely Sultan Muhammad, resident of village Patti District Lahore.

Now, in accordance with Mirza's divine revelation:

Muhammadi Begum ought to have been widowed by Oct. 6, 1894, but Allah, the Exalted, kept her safe from Mirza's evil eye and the couple lived happily together for no less than 57 years (i.e. 16 years in the lifetime of Mirza and 41 years after his death). From 1949 till 1966, Muhammadi Begum lived as a widow. In this way, she escaped the clutches of Mirza's 'divine revelation', 41 years earlier.
Sultan Muhammad should have died six months earlier than his father-in-law but by Allah's grace he lived for 57 years after him.
Ahmad Baig should have died after the death of his son-in-law and ought to have witnessed his daughter's widowhood and destitution but he departed earlier from the world, leaving his daughter and son-in-law happy in their life.
Each and every hindrance for Nikah between Mirza and the lady was destined to be removed by God, as per Mirza's 'repeated attentions to the Absolute Omnipotent' for bringing her into Nikah of that 'humble self. Yet sorry! The Absolute Omnipotent did not help Mirza one bit, although he pursued the matter relentlessly. Poor Mirza failed miserably. The 'angel of death' wielded 'sword' over Mirza and he expired on May 26, 1908. Alas! he departed, burying pangs of love in his heart into his grave, coupled with heart-burning of jilt.
According to Mirza's own words those who do not put his predictions on the touchstone of test for falsehood are 'the evil-minded'.
Excerpt No. 8: On the occasion of Nikah announcement of Muhammadi Begum, on July 10, 1888, Mirza prefaced the following two-verse piece on top of his communication:

Allah's Divine Power will strangely show itself up;
When the end result of my predictions will be visible.
Distinction between truth and falsehood is to appear;
Someone will get honor and some disgrace.
(Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 1, P. 153).

Comments: Result of predictions was seen on 26th May, 1908, in Mirza's death. Allah's Divine Power showed itself up on that day. Despite his twenty years' continuous efforts along with his 'revelation' hoaxes, Mirza was deprived of Muhammadi Begum. In this way, truth and falsehood became distinct in the wake of which the lady was honored and Mirza disgraced. Who was a liar?

Excerpt No. 9: Mirza made several predictions in the case of Muhammadi Begum. Her parents, ignoring all these predictions, settled her Nikah elsewhere. Mirza was consumed with lover's cast-off jealousy. Not controlling himself, he blurted forth a letter to her paternal uncle, Mirza Ali Sher Baig, who was Mirza's brother-in-law as well. He wrote:

"Now, I have heard that the girl's Nikah is going to be solemnized on the 2nd or the 3rd Eid ..... Participants in this Nikah are my great enemies. Nay, they are great enemies of Islam. They want Christians to laugh at us and Hindus to make merry but they don't care a bit for the Deen of Allah and the Prophet".
"From their side, they are strongly determined to disgrace me and blacken my face. They are about to strike me with a sword. Now, to save me is the work of Allah, the Exalted. If I am His, He will surely save me. They want me to be dishonored and to have my face blackened. God is Absolute. He may blacken the face of whomsoever He likes but, now, they want to push me into fire".

Comments: Ah! The restlessness of Mirza for Muhammadi Begum and the coldness of her relatives. Woe betide! Enemies of Allah, enemies of the Prophet, enemies of Deen and enemies of Mirza are cutting into Mirza's core with the dagger of Nikah and turning him into a laughing stock of insult for the world.

Alas Mirza! Aglow with lover's fire! Allah's help, none!

Mirza bemoans in writhing agony:

"If I am His, He will surely save me".
Yes if he were His; otherwise, No. A straw from Allah for Mirza!

Excerpt No. 10: When Sultan Muhammad, Mirza's rival for Muhammadi Begum's hand, did not die within the period fixed by Mirza, he extended the duration of Sultan's life:

"Well, if not in two and a half years, certainly in my lifetime he will die. I declare that his living or not living is the test of my truthfulness or otherwise".
He wrote in Persian:

"But I have not told you that this matter has come to a close at this state and that the end result is what has appeared or that the fact of prediction has finished at that. The real premise stands on its own. Nobody, by any of his tricks, can evade it. This is fated from Great Allah as inevitable destiny (i.e. the predicted death of Sultan Muhammad whereby Mirza could consummate his longing for Sultan's wife) and shortly the time of its occurrence will come. I swear by that Allah Who raised Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa(SAW) for us to make him His best creation that this prediction is true and will soon be visible. I make it a proposition for testing my truthfulness or my falsehood. And I have not said it on my own but that my Provider Himself has informed me of it". (Anjam-e-Atham, P. 223)
Mirza declared Sultan Muhammad's imminent death as a proposition to test his truthfulness or falsehood, i.e., if Sultan Muhammad died in Mirza's lifetime then Mirza was true otherwise he was a liar.

What a pity that Mirza was a liar because he died in 1908 and Sultan Muhammad died in 1949.

Excerpt No. 11: Mirza wrote in case of Sultan Muhammad:

"Remember, if the second part of this prediction does not come true (i.e., son-in-law of Ahmad Baig does not die in Mirza's lifetime) then I shall be more wicked than every wicked man. O idiots! this is not a human's pretension. This is no business of any depraved impostor. Consider this definitely to be God's true promise, the same God Almighty Whose words never evade; the same Glorious Provider Whose intentions nobody can stop!" (Appendix, 'Anjam-e-Atham' , P. 54)
Comments: Because Sultan Muhammad did not die in Mirza's lifetime, the undermentioned conclusions are drawn:

Mirza admits himself to be 'more wicked than every wicked man';
His prediction was 'Pretension';
His prediction was 'Business of any depraved impostor';
If his claim was 'God's true promise' it could not possibly 'evade' because who 'can stop intentions of the 'Glorious Provider?';
A person who does not understand this simple thing, Mirza gives him the title of 'idiot'.
Excerpt No. 12: Mirza wrote:

"I say again and again that quintessence of my prediction in case of the son-in-law of Ahmad Baig shall be his inevitable destiny. Wait for it. If I am a liar then this prediction will not be fulfilled and my death will come and, if I am truthful, then God Almighty will certainly fulfill it'. (Marginal note P. 31, Anjam-e-Atham)
Comments: How shameful! Ahmad Baig's son-in-law did not die during Mirza's lifetime. Thus Mirza had said correctly: "If I am a liar then this prediction will not be fulfilled, and my death will come."

Excerpt No. 13: Mirza, in support of his 'heavenly' Nikah, had reasoned out from a Prophetic Hadith, (as written by him in 'Anjam-e-Atham', P. 53 Annex):

"For corroboration of this prediction, the holy Prophet of Allah(SAW) has also previously predicted: the promised Masih will take a wife and have children. Now it is obvious that this mention of marriage and children normally bears no significance because every one generally marries and has children. There is no excellence in it. But here marriage means special marriage as a token and by children is meant special children for which the prediction of this humble self is there. It looks as if the Prophet of Allah(SAW) is answering here the doubts of those black-hearted unbelievers that these sayings will certainly be fulfilled".
Comments: Allah, the Exalted, kept Mirza deprived of that 'special marriage' and from those 'special children', proving that Mirza's claim of 'Promised Masihship' was false and that the prophetic prediction did not fit upon him. The holy saying was with regard to Hazrat Isa (peace be on him) that he would marry and would have children on his second appearance on earth Mirza has himself written about those persons who disbelieve his appearance: "The Prophet of Allah(SAW) is answering here the doubts of those black-hearted unbelievers that these sayings will certainly be fulfilled."

Excerpt No. 14: For fifteen days, Mirza carried on arguments with a Christian Priest, named Abdulla Atham. Having failed to give him a defeat he announced his revelation, on 5th June 1893, that within fifteen months his adversary would be thrown into 'haviya' (the hell), unless he returned to the truth. Mirza wrote in this case:

"I admit right this time that if this prediction goes false, that is, if within fifteen months from this date, the party who is on falsehood in view of Allah, does not fall into 'Haviya' as death punishment, then I am prepared to undergo every type of punishment: disgrace me, blacken my face, collar a rope around my neck or hang me on the gallows. I am ready for all. I swear by the Greatness of Allah's Glory that He will certainly do the same, will certainly do the same, will certainly do the same. Earth and sky my deviate but not His Ordainment. If I am a liar, keep the gallows ready for me and consider me the most accursed of all the accursed persons, evil-doers and Satans". (Jung-e-Muqaddas, P. 189)
Comments: Mirza's prediction expired on 5th September, 1894 but Atham neither renounced Christianity, nor accepted Islam, nor fell into "Haviya" in death punishment. Nothing of the sort happened and everything sailed smooth.

Mirza went to the extent of invoking charms over Atham, throwing over him spells and witchcraft ('Seerat-ul-Mahdi', P. 188, Vol. 1), but nothing happened.

On the last day, when this prediction was ending (i.e. 5th September), he implored Allah, cried out and lamented: "Ya Allah! Atham may die, Atham may die, Ya Allah! Atham may die" (Al-Fazl, dated 20th July 1940). But Atham lived on. Magic, charms, witchcraft and spells did him no damage. Allah rejected Mirza's implorations, lamentations and curses. Atham grew all the more prosperous!

On the other hand, Mirza had proposed his own punishment as a liar: "Disgrace me, blacken my face, collar a rope around my neck or hang me on the gallows... keep the gallows ready for me, think of me as the most accursed of all the accursed persons, evil-doers and Satans". Consequently, how did the opposing party carry out this instruction of Mirza Saheb? It can be guessed by the dirty announcements which were published on the expiration of the fixed time. What his adversaries did? They heaped on Mirza such ****** abusive epithets that it shall be indecent to print them here. But a couplet, which became popular on public tongues may be reproduced here:

"Shameless perverse are also in this world; But you shame-proof, have surpassed all!"
This was an echo to Mirza's own acknowledgment: "Most accursed of all the accursed, evil doers and Satans." Really he was so, otherwise how Allah would have failed him before a 'Kafir' Christian?

Excerpt No. 15: Mirza wrote in Shahadat-ul-Quran: (P. 80).

"In addition to this, there are similar other magnificent tokens of this humble self on the test list: There is my prediction in respect of Munshi Abdulla Atham Sahib Amritsari, the term of which is fifteen months beginning from 5th June, (1893). My other prediction is in respect of the son-in-law of Mirza Ahmad Baig, resident of Patti, District Lahore, term of which has eleven months more from today the 21st September, 1893. All these matters which are totally beyond human power are sufficient to identify the true from the liar".
Comments: This is exactly the modus-operandi in which a liar is distinguishable from a truthful person, that is, if these predictions are fulfilled as per duration of their terms then the teller of the predictions will be considered truthful. As the predictions failed, therefore Mirza is identified as a proven liar. No other argument is necessary to prove Mirza's lies.

Excerpt No. 16: Mirza announced:

"In the end, I beseech You, O God! Almighty, All-Knowing, if these predictions are not from You that Atham will be caught in fatal tortures and Ahmad Baig's elder daughter coming ultimately into Nikah of this humble self then destroy me with disgrace and disappointment. Efface me, perish me with insults, make me permanent target of accursed imprecations, please my enemies, accept their prayers if, in Your estimate, I am a driven outcast, accursed charlatan and one-eyed anti-Christ impostor ('Dajjal') as my opponents have understood me, and if that Benevolence of Yours is not with me which was with...... " (so and so saints and prophets: here Mirza has named many saints and prophets). (Ishtihar dated Oct. 27, 1894, reproduced from Majmu'a Ishtiharat P. 116, Vol. 2).
Comments: Despite these heart-rending entreaties and self-accursements, Allah did keep Mirza deprived of Nikah with Muhammadi Begum until he breathed his last. From this it appears that Mirza, according to his own statements, was 'a driven outcast, accursed charlatan and one-eyed anti-Christ impostor ('Dajjal') as his opponents have understood him'.

Alas! As a result of this self-cursing he perished in disgrace and disappointment, became a permanent target of accursed imprecations, his enemies became happy and their prayers were accepted by Allah.

Excerpt No. 17: Mirza in his communication to Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari wrote:

"In your paper, you build up this reputation for me that this person imputes falsely, is a liar and is one-eyed anti-Christ impostor ('Dajjal'). I have borne a lot of tortures from you but endured them patiently........ if I am really a liar, an impostor and a charlatan, as you remember me in your paper then I will perish in your lifetime". (Advertisement, Moulvi Sanaullah Saheb se Aakhri Faislah, Majmua-e-lshtiharat, Vol. 3, P. 578)
Comments: Mirza died on 26th May, 1908, in the lifetime of Maulana. Mirza's words are proven: "If I am really a liar, an impostor and a charlatan, as you remember me in your paper then I will perish in your lifetime". Mirza was a 'truthful' liar, therefore died earlier.

Excerpt No. 18: In the same advertisement addressed to Maulana Sanaullah Amritsar, Mirza wrote:

"If that punishment which is not in the hands of a human being but only in God's Hands, such as plague, cholera, etc., and similar fatal diseases and if the same do not descend upon you in my lifetime then I am not god-sent".
Comments: Allah, the Exalted, kept Maulana safe from every affliction in Mirza's lifetime and fulfilled this proposal of Mirza:. "Then I am not God-sent."

Excerpt No. 19: Mirza implores Allah in the above-quoted Aakhri Faislah.

"O God! If this claim of the 'promised Masih' is only a false imputation from the 'self in me and in Your eyes I am a mischievous liar, then O my dear Master! Humbly I implore in Your Audience to put me to death in Maulana Sanaullah's life-time. Ameen".
Comments: This prayer of Mirza came to be accepted; Mirza died while Maulana Sanaullah lived on. Proved: Mirza was a mischievous liar in the eyes of Allah the Exalted. Further proved: Mirza's claim of being 'promised Masih' was false imputation of his 'self and that Maulana Sanaullah was righteous.

Would that Mirza had implored Allah for his guidance instead of his death! Perhaps that would also have been accepted.

Excerpt No. 20: Mirza further wrote:

"O my Omnipotent! O Who has sent me down! Holding the garment of Your Sanctity and Mercy only, I beg in Your audience to honor us with a true decision between Maulana Sanaullah and myself. And he who in Your eyes is really a mischievous liar, lift him from the world in the very lifetime of whosoever is truthful. O Master! do it this Way. Ameen".
Comments: This request of Mirza was also accepted. Maulana Sanaullah was truthful hence Mirza, struck by cholera, was lifted from the world in Maulana Sanaullah's lifetime. Mirza got from Allah what he asked from his mouth. It proved that Mirza was a mischievous liar.

Excerpt No. 21: Mirza wrote in Zamima Anjam-e-Atham, P. 20- 21:

"Shaikh Muhammad Hussain Batalvi and other notable opponents may hold a Mubahala with me. After the Mubahala, even if one person could save himself from my imprecations then I will admit I am a liar".
Under this arrangement, Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi held a Mubahala with Mirza. Result was that Mirza died in the lifetime of Maulana Sahib. Thus, Mirza's covenant is corroborated: "I am a liar".

Excerpt No. 22: Mirza's writings show that he was a patient of 'Hyster-malaise.' He said so in conversations also. Doctors confirmed it. Others also said about it. Proofs are given below:

"You behold! Hazrat(SAW) had foretold about my illness also which has come to pass likewise: He had said that when Masih will descend from the sky he will be wearing two saffron-colored sheets of cloth. Therefore, same way, I have two diseases, one in the upper part of the body, viz., Hysteromania, and the other, excessive urination, in the lower part". (Malfoozat-e-Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 8, P. 445);
"My condition is such that, despite my constant involvement in two diseases, I remain preoccupied with work that I carry on very late having closed doors of the house at night. Although the disease of Hyster-malaise increases as a result, and my head feels more dizzy due to wakefulness, yet I don't care and continue with my work". (Ibid. Vol. 2, P. 376);
"Hazrat Khalifat-ul-Masih-ul-Awwal said to hazrat promised Masih: "Your Honor! Ghulam Nabi suffers from Melancholia." The honourable was pleased to reply: "In a way, all the prophets suffered from Melancholia and I also suffer from the same". (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, P. 304, Vol. 3);
"Doctor Mir Muhammad Ismail Sahib told me that he had heard many times from hazrat sahib, the promised Masih, that he suffered from Hysteria and also mentioned Melancholia. But the truth is that signs of nervous disorders developed in him only as a result of his diligent mental work and day and night preoccupation with literary compositions. These are often seen in patients of Hysteria (and Melancholia) also." (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Vol. 2, P. 55);
"This disease, having occurred once in the family, was bound to penetrate into the next off- spring. Therefore hazrat Khilafat-ul-Masih Thani, Mian Mahmud Ahmad Sahib, told me that occasionally, he also got an attack of Hyster-Malaise". (From: Article written by Doctor Shah Nawaz Sahib Qadiani, reproduced in Magazine 'Review Of Religions,' Qadian, August, 1926, P. 11);
"The cause of all his troubles such as vertigo, headache, sleeplessness, heart cramps, indigestion, diarrhea, excessive urination and hystermalaise was only one and that was his weakness of nerves". (From the magazine: 'Review Qadian, May 1927, P. 26);
"Some patient of Melancholia think: "I am king"; Some think "I am God", some think "I am Prophet." (From Bayaz-Noor-ud-Din, P. 212, Vol. 10).
Comments: We have sufficed here to give only seven opinions and findings from all those who are Qadianis and it is possible to give more opinions as well but for the-sake of brevity we stop. However, it is confirmed without any doubt that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was Hyster-maniac.

It shall be worthwhile to give medical opinion of experts of Medicine on this disease of Melancholia -- Hyster-Malaise. It will be noted that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad suffered from them all.

From: 'Qanoon', Part One, Book three, Author Shaikh-ur-Raees. Boo Ali Seena:
"Melancholia is that malady in which worries and anxieties take the form of imagined horrors and dreads as opposed to the normal. Its cause is atrabilious temperament which takes away the entire essence of brain, leaving the patient effectually distracted. Or the other cause of this malady is extreme heating-up of the liver called Hyster-malaise. What happens is that excrement of victuals and intestinal disorders through vapors collect in the liver and humours of the body burn up and take the form of mania. Then black fumes arise from these parts and go towards the head. It is this condition which is called melancholic- flatulence, melancholic-fumigation or melancholic- hystermalaise".
From: ' Sharah-ul Asbab wal Alamat-Amraz, Malikhonia'. Author: Allama Burhan ud bin Nafees.
"When thoughts and ideas change from the normal path into fears and disorders it is called Melancholia.. With some patient this disturbance reaches to such limits that he starts to consider himself a Diviner, with a knowledge of hidden things. He informs in advance of what is going to happen later.. this disease increases in some patient so much so that he thinks himself to have been transformed into an angel."
From: Same Author above:
"There is a branch of Melancholia, called Hystermania. This is caused by strong black bile that accumulates in the digestive tract. From that part of the body in which this matter accumulates rise black vapors that envelop brain. Its symptoms are: belching out bitter fumes, finding food tasteless, taste of edibles reduced, worsening of digestion, belly inflation, stool liquefaction and rising of smoke-like fumes. "
From: 'Makhzan-e-Hikmat' Second Edition, Author Shamsul Atibba, Hakim Doctor Ghulam Jilani.
"Previous theory was that this disease manifested itself into disorders, arising from animal faculty or from those vital principles of amiability that originate from liver or digestive tract. But later researches indicate that this disease takes from nerves... in the men nervous internal system produces weaknesses of brain and is called Hyster-malaise.
"Symptoms of this disease are: patient's letharginess and his anxiousness. He develops feelings of egotism, conceit and self-estimation. He is apt to exaggerate in his conversations, feels little appetite and suffers from Dyspepsia".
From: 'Ikseer-e-Azam,' Vol. 1, P. 189, Author Hakim Muhammad Azam Khan.
"Symptoms of this disease are: digestive disorders, bitter vaporous belches, constant mouth watering, belly flatulence, bowels grumbling, stomach inflated and heated, false appetite vapors rising towards palate in fumes... Sometimes upper part of the body shivers and shakes, knock-down in severe attack, fainting and swooning..... sudden forgetfulness, drooping eye-lids, suffocation while swallowing, sudden lightning-like sparkle flashing in front of the eyes .......
From: Same Author above:
"Patient, if a religious scholar, lays claim to miracles, to prophet hood and to supernatural powers. He talks of Divinity and preaches to men."
Comments: All the symptoms laid down by the experts of Medicine were present in Mirza to the utmost extent. Very true, he was a patient of Melancholic Hyster-malaise.

There can be no better statement than the categorical pronouncement of no less a person than the so-called 'Khalifat ul Masih Thani', Mian Mahmud Ahmad himself, in which he said that the disease of Hysteria was present in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad: "Men also have this disease and those who suffer from this are called Hyster-Maniacs." (From Friday Sermon, by Mian Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifa Qadian, reproduced in Newspaper, 'Al-Fazl' Qadian Vol. 10, dated April 30, 1923).

Mirza laid claims, very intensely, right from prophethood to Godhood. He called himself superior to all revered prophets and claimed to have performed one million miracles. He also claimed to be the King of the Aryans! He invited people to adopt his religion and those who rejected him he called them atheists, 'Kafirs', and Hellish folks. He found faults with all the Prophets, (peace upon them all) called respectful Companions of Our Prophet(SAW) (Allah be pleased with them all), as silly fools, and abused the saints of the entire Ummat. He called Quranic commentators erring folks. He reproached narrators of the Traditions and categorized Ulemas of the Ummat with Jews. He dubbed the whole Ummat as "gone astray from the path" and passed obscene remarks against learned men and pious persons.

Can a godly person or a religious revivalist stoop so low?

Certainly, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a maniac of Melancholic-Hyster-malaise.

A Heart-felt Submission to Qadianis

With utmost sincerity of heart, I make this submission to you.

It is possible that contents of this article have displeased you at places but my part is actually this much that I have quoted from Mirza's own writings. Making those a basis, I have evaluated facts. If you don't agree with my evaluation, then I leave it to you to judge for yourselves his truth or falsehood on the touchstone of his writings.
I tell you that all our revered prophets were most dignified souls. What to speak of them, even respectable saints and pious elders of our Ummat never tied challenges of truth/untruth. Their call to righteousness was direct. Here we find Mirza stipulating horrible bids for his veracity again and again. No sooner did he lose the wager, he tied another. Can such a gamble ever be a modus-operandi of chosen souls of Allah's faithful creatures? This point alone should suffice to guide anyone to truth provided Allah has bestowed him with judgment and insight.
Have you noticed that whereas Mirza risked his entire career over these gambles, Allah the Exalted, on the other hand, if I may say so, vowed to let Mirza never succeed in saying a thing, conditional on his truth. Anything Mirza would say, Allah would bring it to naught.

For example, Mirza swore:

1. 'Sultan Muhammad will die';
2. 'Abdulla Atham will die';
3. 'Sanaullah will die';
4. 'Abdul Haq Ghaznavi will die';

and so on and so forth, "else call me a liar." Against this was the fated ordainment that the more he would resort to swearing the more impossible they would become.

Indeed, it was a limit on the part of Mirza that when predicting about the death of an unholy Christian, he acknowledged himself to be 'the greatest accursed man on the earth' if that did not happen. And true enough, it did not happen. Allah, the Exalted, refused Mirza's plea against a defiled 'Worshipper of Cross.' (Mirza's words) Is 'here any instance to compare with it?' For Allah's sake. Wonder over it.
If on the Day of Judgment, Allah the Exalted, puts this Question to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad why did you mislead people by claiming to be a prophet after Hazrat 'Khatam-Un-Nabieen'(SAW)?

And in reply, if Mirza submits: "Ya Allah! I was a patient of Melancholic-Hyster-malaise. I told my people that I was a 'Miraqi' and even wrote it so in my books. Doctors said I was a maniac of Hysteria. Pray ask these 'sages' (the Qadianis) why did they follow nonsensical eruptions of a diseased 'Miraqi' maniac and accepted me as their Prophet and Masih".
Then, my Brethren-in-humanity, what will you say in reply to Allah?
It is there here too. Only that it is not so acute and at least constitutionally the Ahmedis are not deprived of any rights.

Forget constitutionally. In my personal circle in the real world I have never heard any Indians going at each other because of their religion or faith like what we are seeing here. Constitutional and institutional enforced and mainstreamed over decades does become social as well. Thank God for it. We'll have our nuts as well. But nowhere close to as widespread or influential or vocal. Oddities at best, easily quarantined. What we are seeing here is different. Its the Zarvans overwhelming the Hyperions. As a groundswell that will not be stopped.
Can I copy and paste the reply to these allegations or will I get banned by mods eager to prove their righteousness?

Since these mods keep in harping that no religious discussions are allowed.
I want a definite answer from the mods, before I reply to anything.
I say stop copying and pasting from antis. People who are anti Islam post random quotes from ahadith and Qur'an and draw conclusions, why are you doing the same? So, unless you have traded your brain for a suicide vest, I would implore you to go and read those books. Because you see, your brethren mods on this forum are big hypocrites, because if I post any thing like you do, I get restricted or my threads closed.

All you anti ahmadis post from anti ahmadi websites, can't you form a thought of your own? Why are your arab brethren joining jamaat e ahmadiyya?

EDIT: You didn't write that article lol. you copied and pasted here. Well Done you fulfil all the conditions for being a illiterate mulla who is unable to compose his own thoughts.
Mr your lies are proven by your own books Mr and Quran and Hadees states clearly that no PROPHET would come after HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW Mirza is nothing but a liar and is proven from his own words and works of Qadyanis Mr and he is in hell burning for his lies

Can you trust Mirza Ghulam Qadiani on anything?

(In light of his own Writings)

Allah(SWT) and his Messenger(SAW) have both condemned those who forge lies and attribute those to divine revelations:
It is those who believe not in the Signs of Allah, that forge falsehood: it is they who lie!
(The Holy Quran, An-Nahl, 16:105)

Who doth more wrong than such as forge a lie against Allah, or deny His Signs? But never will prosper those who sin.
(The Holy Quran, Yunus, 10:17)

Ascribing false things to me(SAW) is not like ascribing false things to anyone else. Whosoever tells a lie against me intentionally then surely let him occupy his seat in Hell-Fire.
(Hadith Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 23, Number 378)

Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, himself, in his early writings has written:

"Telling a lie is not the lesser evil than to be an apostate."
(Supplement Footnote of Tufa-Gaulroaya, P. 19; Arbain, No. 3, P. 24)
"If someone is proven a liar; he also becomes unreliable in other affairs."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 23, P. 231; Chashma-e-Mua'arfat, P. 222)
Now, let's look at a small sampling of the lies Mirza Ghulam forged against Allah(SWT), during his later years. Mirza fabricated these statements to impress ignorant people and trick them into accepting his blasphemous claims:
"God, in the Holy Quran, has declared worshipping Jesus a great act of mischief. It is also foretold that the plague and earth-quakes, etc. will occur when worshipping of Jesus becomes rampant. God has clarified that in the last era, all the horrible incidents on the sky and earth will appear only due to one reason: that is worshipping of Jesus."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 498-499; Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, P. 64)

Does any Qadiani care to point out the verse in the holy Quran where this is mentioned?

"Naturally, the prophecies of the Holy Quran and Hadith, in which it was revealed that the Promised Messiah will be prosecuted by the Muslim scholars, must come to pass. They will declare him an unbeliever."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol.17, P. 404; Arbaine, No. 3, P. 25)

Would any Qadiani like to tell us where in Quran this fact is disclosed?

"The Quran mentions the names of three cities with great respect: Mecca, Medina, and Qadian."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 140, footnote; Footnote of Izala-ul-Autham, P. 34/77)

Has anyone seen a mention of the city of Qadian in the Holy Quran?

"Look at what God has said so clearly in the noble Quran" 'No greater transgressor will be found than one who invents lies against me. And I shall destroy the liar soon and I shall not allow him time."
(Tadhkirat-ush-Shahadatain, P. 34)

This lie was intended to suggest that since he (Mirza) had not been promptly stricken dead, he must have been truthful in his claim! There is no such a verse in the holy Quran!

"The Prophet of Allah was asked about the Day of Resurrection: when will it occur? He replied: 'Doomsday will occur within a hundred years for all the sons of Adam'."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 3, P. 227); Izalat-ul-Auham, P. 252/253/257/104)

There has never been any such saying. Mirza tried to explain his false prophecies by falsely suggesting that even our Prophet(SAW) had made mistakes in his prophecies!

"It is mentioned in the True Traditions that the Promised Messiah will appear at the beginning of a century and will be a renewer for the fourteenth century."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 21, P. 359; Abrahim-Ahmadiyya, P. 188)

Absolutely Not! This was fabricated by Mirza to claim he was the Promised Messiah.

"After all, when God and His Apostle (Muhammad(SAW)) and all the Prophets have declared the supremacy of the second Messiah (Mirza) of this period due to his great achievements; then, it is a satanic act to question me 'Why do you proclaim yourself superior to the first Messiah, the son of Mary?'."
(Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 159)

Has anyone seen a Hadith where this is confirmed?

"In the books of hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim Sharif, Dani-Ail's - and in the Holy Bible, where ever there is a description of me, the word "prophet" is written by my name."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 17, P.413; Arbaine, No. 3, P. 30)

Would someone please point out to use where the name of Mirza Ghulam is mentioned in these books?

"Since the very beginning, the Holy prophets of God warned people that the denial of Mehdi's signs will cause this sign of lamentation on the sky."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 17, P. 151; Tufa-ul-Gaularwia, P. 62)

Certainly there is no such warning either in The Holy Quran nor Authentic Hadith. Mirza was trying to capitalize on a solar-eclipse and claim it a sign of his prophethood!

"If one has to refer to a Hadith, more importance should be placed on those Hadiths that are more authentic. For example the Hadiths of Bukhari Sharif which foretell of some caliphs of the last era; particularly, the caliph about whom Bukhari narrates a voice for his ratification will be heard from the sky stating: 'This is Mehdi, the caliph of Allah'. Now, think how accurate this Hadith is, since it appears in a book most accurate, after the Holy Quran."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 6, P. 337; Shahadat-ul-Quran)

There is absolutely no such hadith in Sahih Bukhari Sharif books.

"The Apostle of God, peace be upon him, said: 'when an epidemic afflicts any town, its inhabitants should leave the town at once, otherwise they will be among those who do battle against God.'"
(Al-Hakam, August 24, 1907)

After over 100 years, no one has been able to find this hadith! It does not exist.
After all these blatant lies against Allah(SWT) and Prophet(SAW), noone should have any doubt that Mirza Ghulam and his associates were engaged in creating and propagating Kofr in the name of Islam.

Undoubtedly, this is the unfortunate end of those who invent and spread falsehood to hinder men from Islam:

Who doth more wrong than those who invent a lie against Allah? They will be turned back to the presence of their Lord, and the witnesses will say, "These are the ones who lied against their Lord! Behold! the Curse of Allah is on those who do wrong!-

Those who would hinder (men) from the path of Allah and would seek in it something crooked: these were they who denied the Hereafter!"

They will in no wise frustrate (His design) on earth, nor have they protectors besides Allah! Their penalty will be doubled! They lost the power to hear, and they did not see!
(The Holy Quran, Hud, 11:18-20)
Mr your lies are proven by your own books Mr and Quran and Hadees states clearly that no PROPHET would come after HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW Mirza is nothing but a liar and is proven from his own words and works of Qadyanis Mr and he is in hell burning for his lies

You must have visited hell to see that for yourself right? or you must anonymous sources within the department of the devil himself? Now answer my question, will the mods treat me the same as you when you post these quotes? get a guarantee first Since I will be the only one who will get banned, not you.

Stop posting those things and get a guarantee from the mods that they will not ban me. I will answer them all.

Don't even know how to debate?
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