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Why is Germany hostile against Türkiye but tolerant against underdeveloped and dictatoric states ?

Is Germany hostile against Türkiye

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Ich glaub nicht das Hurshid aus Deutschland ist........
Um deiner Frage Antwort zu leisten, ich persönlich fand diese Seite aus purem Zufall.
Aber die Türkischen Jugendliche haben in Deutschland nie großen Wert auf Bildung gelegt, erst jetzt seit 2001 geht es besser, die jugendliche sind mehr von Gansger Rap und Amy Hip Hop begeistert als gute UNI-Abschlüsse zu machen um dann in der Politik, Militär und Wirstchaft Deutschalnds aufzusteigen.

Das ist eine Schande, liegt aber Image der Türken, die haben es halt hart verkackt, deswegen haben Menschen anderer Nation auch darunter zu leiden, nicht nur Türken auch die Araber haben versagt, es ist zwar nicht einfach in Deutschalnd, aber Bildung war und ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg, doch die jugendlichen fanden schnelle Autos, Drogen Dealen, und Gangster Rap wichtiger als Schule, dieses alte Image werden Sie nicht mehr los, egal wie viele Einsen Serkan jetzt schreibt, versager generation vor ihm haben ihm und uns Steine im Weg gelegt !

first and last time I am replying to somthing written in german.. if you wanna talk with me then talk in english

complete bullshit.. the image of turks is not bad because they are bad.. its bad because they are too many.. for a indoeuropean pakistani it is a easy in germany.. I know the time where our turkish youth was more accepted they found access to german society in all ways , they had learned something and get good money so they bought a house a car and had some children..

then things changed.. more and more indoeuropean and semitics came to germany, germany get some trouble with their economy and germans begin to blame turks for everything..

for my generation it was harder as for the generetion before us.. some of us could not get anything they failed because it was hard..

our teachers tried to hold us down because we are turks hey they even said it with their own mouth.. so some ppl cannot imagine why stupid ppl with lack of hope are going the wrong path.. I also could say things about pakistanis but I wont do it..

the year 2000 till 2010 was the worst of all for turkish youth.. now we are in a better situation.. thanks to bulgars and the others so I hope there will be more and more pseudo bad ppl in germany to lecture the germans they will see how good it was without them maybe they wish the times back where only turks had been there little emotional problem..

just look at maroc ppl wha tis the opinion of maroc ppl in germany, france and netherland you will find compleate different views
first and last time I am replying to somthing written in german.. if you wanna talk with me then talk in english

complete bullshit.. the image of turks is not bad because they are bad.. its bad because they are too many.. for a indoeuropean pakistani it is a easy in germany.. I know the time where our turkish youth was more accepted they found access to german society in all ways , they had learned something and get good money so they bought a house a car and had some children..

then things changed.. more and more indoeuropean and semitics came to germany, germany get some trouble with their economy and germans begin to blame turks for everything..

for my generation it was harder as for the generetion before us.. some of us could not get anything they failed because it was hard..

our teachers tried to hold us down because we are turks hey they even said it with their own mouth.. so some ppl cannot imagine why stupid ppl with lack of hope are going the wrong path.. I also could say things about pakistanis but I wont do it..

the year 2000 till 2010 was the worst of all for turkish youth.. now we are in a better situation.. thanks to bulgars and the others so I hope there will be more and more pseudo bad ppl in germany to lecture the germans they will see how good it was without them maybe they wish the times back where only turks had been there little emotional problem..

just look at maroc ppl wha tis the opinion of maroc ppl in germany, france and netherland you will find compleate different views
While everything you said is true to some degree.
Many Turks here in Germany are Ghetto because they choosed it not because they were forced.
Just look at all the young Turks who think smoking/going to Shisha cafes are more important then school.
While everything you said is true to some degree.
Many Turks here in Germany are Ghetto because they choosed it not because they were forced.
Just look at all the young Turks who think smoking/going to Shisha cafes are more important then school.

Exactly thats the point !

first and last time I am replying to somthing written in german.. if you wanna talk with me then talk in english

complete bullshit.. the image of turks is not bad because they are bad.. its bad because they are too many.. for a indoeuropean pakistani it is a easy in germany.. I know the time where our turkish youth was more accepted they found access to german society in all ways , they had learned something and get good money so they bought a house a car and had some children..

then things changed.. more and more indoeuropean and semitics came to germany, germany get some trouble with their economy and germans begin to blame turks for everything..

for my generation it was harder as for the generetion before us.. some of us could not get anything they failed because it was hard..

our teachers tried to hold us down because we are turks hey they even said it with their own mouth.. so some ppl cannot imagine why stupid ppl with lack of hope are going the wrong path.. I also could say things about pakistanis but I wont do it..

the year 2000 till 2010 was the worst of all for turkish youth.. now we are in a better situation.. thanks to bulgars and the others so I hope there will be more and more pseudo bad ppl in germany to lecture the germans they will see how good it was without them maybe they wish the times back where only turks had been there little emotional problem..

just look at maroc ppl wha tis the opinion of maroc ppl in germany, france and netherland you will find compleate different views

You are right its never the fault of one side and you dont need to reply in german if you cant, its your choice, nobody did ask you to reply ! I dont look like a Pakistani, many germans think I am turkish.

If you were handled so bad by germans you could have demonstrate, try to get Media attention, and keep on doing your job in School ! Nothing could stop me in School, when a teacher german did try to give me bad marks ! Even now in many big City's of Germany 50% of Arabic and Turkish youth are not getting the access for University or even not the High School degree !
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Exactly thats the point !

If you were handled so bad by germans you could have demonstrate, try to get Media attention, and keep on doing your job in School ! Nothing could stop me in School, when german did try to give me bad marks !

You are all so juvenile naive. Ghettoism was intended. Germam Gov. never wanted to integrate them and gave them never equality of chanches. They wanted them to die (age reasons) or go. They called them always " Guest Workers" ! Now things change

@Ahiska. Try to get a elite flat in Germany . Show Turkish papers and name and not Ivana Hasmuratova. You will see what will happen
You are all so juvenile naive. Ghettoism was intended. Germam Gov. never wanted to integrate them and gave them never equality of chanches. They wanted them to die (age reasons) or go. They called them always " Guest Workers" ! Now things change

You are all so juvenile naive. Ghettoism was intended. Germam Gov. never wanted to integrate them and gave them never equality of chanches. They wanted them to die (age reasons) or go. They called them always " Guest Workers" ! Now things change

@Ahiska. Try to get a elite flat in Germany . Show Turkish papers and name and not Ivana Hasmuratova. You will see what will happen

I know all the Problems which you are writing here, but its better to keep on the way of education, to get access to their power keys in economy, governance and military, only than we can change this nation to a better place without racism. Giving up because of racism is not a way for me and should not be for anyone !


While everything you said is true to some degree.
Many Turks here in Germany are Ghetto because they choosed it not because they were forced.
Just look at all the young Turks who think smoking/going to Shisha cafes are more important then school.

not only turks all kind of Immigrants !

this hate is the result of german politics and media they spread hate let it be simple but over years this are the side effects of their anti muslim anti darker ppl (for the normal german with or without brain every darker type is turkish) propaganda..


now some refugee camps burn but this is not strange in germany every year there are attacks and burnings in turkish tea houses or mosques

there does not come any support or much words from german politics and worser from turkish politics .. hey even turkey turkish ppl dont care but dont let me talk about turkey ppl I have written something that I dont know if I should release it..

I have never seen any protest in front of Media from Turks or Immigrants because of racism !
There was and is so much. But not published. I am on mobile. I will send you statistics later. There is a flowback of very high qualified people to Türkiye
I have never seen any protest in front of Media from Turks or Immigrants because of racism

you can burn their houses mosques, spray things on their graves and houses, throw stones and they wont protest.. they lack a leader if they have one they will protest .. you dont know turkish ppl, they have many sabr and selfish..

turkish media is not interested in ppl abroad.. I think you did not really read what I posted about turkish ppl in germany..

you wont change germans..
Ich sehe jeden Tag Versager Immigranten, Rassisten, Erfolgreiche Immigranten, Tolerante Deutsche, vielleicht finden wir ja alle zusammen den Frieden !

Zur Wahrheit gehört es auch, dass viele der kriminellen Taten, die man "den Türken" vorwirft, eigentlich von Kurden begangenen werden. Sie sind halt türkische Staatsbürger und politisch sowie rechtlich werden sie deshalb zu den Türken gerechnet in den Statistiken. 9 von 10 Ehrenmorde in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, die von "Türken" begangen werden, sind eigentlich kurdisch. Die ganze Drogenszene wird von kurdischen Türken dominiert, weil damit die PKK finanziert wird usw.

Ebenso wenig sind es Bulgaren und Rumänen, die in Deutschland Probleme bereiten, deren Integration erschwert ist. Es sind Roma.
You are all so juvenile naive. Ghettoism was intended. Germam Gov. never wanted to integrate them and gave them never equality of chanches. They wanted them to die (age reasons) or go. They called them always " Guest Workers" ! Now things change

@Ahiska. Try to get a elite flat in Germany . Show Turkish papers and name and not Ivana Hasmuratova. You will see what will happen
I see enough Turks/Arabs or whatever that got all the education and the job they wanted.
While there of course is racism in Germany its not severe and nobody if forced to live in a Ghetto and not be integrated.
I see enough Turks/Arabs or whatever that got all the education and the job they wanted.
While there of course is racism in Germany its not severe and nobody if forced to live in a Ghetto and not be integrated.

I tried to see what happens if I say that I am farsi or something else hey they treat you different and tell you things that open your eyes.. Yes tövbe estağfurullah what a shame to say such things just to see what happens
@Ulla Du solltest aber unbedingt 2 -Fremdsprachen beherrschen . Ansonsten landest in einem 08/15 JOB.

Viel Erfolg. Weil Du Dich schon entschieden hast scheidet die POLIZEI aus.
Solltest Du einer der Besten sein kannst DU in Berlin beim GTAZ eine gute Führungsposition bekommen !

@Bismarck Richtig, mein Freund ?

Ich weiß das die Polizei händeringend nach Personal mit Migrationshintergrund sucht.

Ich glaub nicht das Hurshid aus Deutschland ist........
Um deiner Frage Antwort zu leisten, ich persönlich fand diese Seite aus purem Zufall.

Where do you think he is come from?

Typical German answer. We work with the BELZEBUB to fight the DEVIL.

Go on brother. Work with PKK terrorists and we will send you not only KEVIN s in future

Sorry. Peschmerga and OSO is trained and supported with wepaons by Türkiye and US allies as well

Bro, it's not me who work with Belzebub, don't forget.

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