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Why is Germany hostile against Türkiye but tolerant against underdeveloped and dictatoric states ?

Is Germany hostile against Türkiye

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this hate is the result of german politics and media they spread hate let it be simple but over years this are the side effects of their anti muslim anti darker ppl (for the normal german with or without brain every darker type is turkish) propaganda..


now some refugee camps burn but this is not strange in germany every year there are attacks and burnings in turkish tea houses or mosques

there does not come any support or much words from german politics and worser from turkish politics .. hey even turkey turkish ppl dont care but dont let me talk about turkey ppl I have written something that I dont know if I should release it..
after some shit let me say this to terminate the discussion by saying the truth..

I will talk about Turks in germany and germans you wont hear much about turks in turkey and how I think about them..

germans are one of the most nationalistic racist ppl in EU.. I met ppl from netherland and was there, I was in France.. I know czech ppl I know ppl from poland (very kind ppl) ppl from kenia ... no one of them are as cold as germans...

they (germans) talk many shit are dumb as homer simpson but not so funny like him.. for example they see foreigners as criminals, bad guys and stinky old facioned barbaric saveges.. except some nations like french english etc they are considered as good.. yeah there are a lot of good ppl there to but I write about the stupid masses.. so maybe some ppl are definitly not like this..!

one example of who they like and why.. so there are some dog turks or say pet turks married with germans.. this ppl are mostly the accepted ones or integrated ones .. they are accepted and loved through their husband/wife like:
"he should be so happy to have her" that is the way they go..

germans are programmed ppl.. they are not like our ppl our ppl are fanatics.. but germans are programmed by their media and nation...

if we talk about the turks in germany_ yes they are bad guys they are idots and I dont like them! why? because they are traitors they sell their soul to money.. give them money and they will fly in the eternal blue sky without seeing the normal ppl under them.. give them money they will like you.. they are metaphoric not different from the turkish ppl in turkey who dream to marry a rich european woman and to get this goal they would sell out their mom.. (real life story)

yeah turks in germany lack of goodness they are ill minded jealous ppl who only love themselfes

for your imagination to see with wich ppl you are dealing : they wont stop eating from PKK supporters even if they know that this shop is helping pkk why? because they think only for themselfes fill their stomages, give them money, a house a car and they sell everything out... they will laugh and think that they are smart...

tell you all what.. germans like the turks in turkey - they like the ones who mainly live in antalya izmir istanbul region where you find blond ppl white ppl ok there are some darker rednecks from other regions we do not talk about this refugees.. hey they like the ones who would drink bear and wine with them and after that the blond girl will go to bed with them and the holy next day they all go to shower with her brother after soccer/tennis - this is the real turkey for them not like the redneck disgusting gipsy ones in germany who go to the barbaric mosque.. guys this is a real life story.. dont tell me this is not reality ..

to make a compleate image we have to talk about other rednek or christian fundamentalist germans.. they think that turkey is a burka camel taliban nation with mosques and suicide bombers.. as a woman you cant go out without burka on streets and who knows what kind of other things..

both are idiots so you can end this whole discussion this is the absolute short answer

I dont expect anyone to share my mind.. specially not ppl from turkey

this thread should be closed because the answer is obvious and I dont like the threat because it is some kind of silly because we all should know the answer.. if you dont know the reality read my post again..
7 German BND agents in Kandil,
Turkey refused transport one of those "LES" via Türkiye

( we posted in PDF before);

Kaletuka Camp in Iraq and Erbil (BND) communication -base !

he was transported via Erbil to Germany ! Kevin --------LES


Many Germans are worried by Islamic terrorism and since Türkiye is perceived ruled by an islamist, it is natural for Germans to feel threatened.
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Can you please define Islamism and Islamic terrorizm ?

What about Egypt, Saudia, Iran .... ? WHY Türkiye the only Democratic Parlametarian State is TARGET ?
Can you please define Islamism and Islamic terrorizm ?

What about Egypt, Saudia, Iran .... ? WHY Türkiye the only Democratic Parlametarian State is TARGET ?

To me islamic terrorism is when you discriminate against non-muslims and make sharia law the only law code.

To answer your second question, it is because turks are the largest minority in Germany so germans are just racist to turks like britons to indians/pakistanis and americans to mexicans.

Hopefully this mentality will change soon.

Aber die Türkischen Jugendliche haben in Deutschland nie großen Wert auf Bildung gelegt, erst jetzt seit 2001 geht es besser, die jugendliche sind mehr von Gansger Rap und Amy Hip Hop begeistert als gute UNI-Abschlüsse zu machen um dann in der Politik, Militär und Wirstchaft Deutschalnds aufzusteigen.

Das ist eine Schande, liegt aber Image der Türken, die haben es halt hart verkackt, deswegen haben Menschen anderer Nation auch darunter zu leiden, nicht nur Türken auch die Araber haben versagt, es ist zwar nicht einfach in Deutschalnd, aber Bildung war und ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg, doch die jugendlichen fanden schnelle Autos, Drogen Dealen, und Gangster Rap wichtiger als Schule, dieses alte Image werden Sie nicht mehr los, egal wie viele Einsen Serkan jetzt schreibt, versager generation vor ihm haben ihm und uns Steine im Weg gelegt !
@Bismarck @Combat-Master @Hakan @Neptune @xxxKULxxx

I am realy scared what happens in EU, racists posted "they are happy that the child died in the sea" !

They should have been identified and arrested, German Press announced.


@KemalPasa @Horus

This is sick!

To me islamic terrorism is when you discriminate against non-muslims and make sharia law the only law code.

To answer your second question, it is because turks are the largest minority in Germany so germans are just racist to turks like britons to indians/pakistanis and americans to mexicans.

Hopefully this mentality will change soon.

This is your own opinion. Not more and not less. But I don't think that Sharia is a kind of terrorism. Yes, our Idea of law and justice is not always confirm with Islamic sharia. But what would you do if Jesus has said to you, only law code is the bible. Btw, our Constitution is based of the bible!

To me islamic terrorism is when you discriminate against non-muslims and make sharia law the only law code.

To answer your second question, it is because turks are the largest minority in Germany so germans are just racist to turks like britons to indians/pakistanis and americans to mexicans.

Hopefully this mentality will change soon.

That's false. Not only against Turks. And the UN report has confirm it
Main Party names in Germany :

1. Christian Democratic Union

2. Christian Socialist Union

3. Social Democrat Party of Germany

sounds similiar like National Socialist German Workers Party
7 German BND agents in Kandil,
Turkey refused transport one of those "LES" via Türkiye

( we posted in PDF before);

Kaletuka Camp in Iraq and Erbil (BND) communication -base !

he was transported via Erbil to Germany ! Kevin --------LES


BND works together with the Kurds in northern Iraq, like you do. I can't see a misbehavior there. Btw, why do you think 'Kevin' is an agent of BND?

Aber die Türkischen Jugendliche haben in Deutschland nie großen Wert auf Bildung gelegt, erst jetzt seit 2001 geht es besser, die jugendliche sind mehr von Gansger Rap und Amy Hip Hop begeistert als gute UNI-Abschlüsse zu machen um dann in der Politik, Militär und Wirstchaft Deutschalnds aufzusteigen.

Das ist eine Schande, liegt aber Image der Türken, die haben es halt hart verkackt, deswegen haben Menschen anderer Nation auch darunter zu leiden, nicht nur Türken auch die Araber haben versagt, es ist zwar nicht einfach in Deutschalnd, aber Bildung war und ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg, doch die jugendlichen fanden schnelle Autos, Drogen Dealen, und Gangster Rap wichtiger als Schule, dieses alte Image werden Sie nicht mehr los, egal wie viele Einsen Serkan jetzt schreibt, versager generation vor ihm haben ihm und uns Steine im Weg gelegt !

There is nothing more to say! Could be one of my posts.
Wir Ausländer haben in Deutschland ganz schlechte Karten liegt aber wirklich an die Generation von Jugendlichen, welche uns ein schlechtes Image beschert haben und es immer noch tun ! Selber Schuld, ich leider auch darunter, aber ich kenne auch die Ursache dafür !
Many Germans are worried by Islamic terrorism and since Türkiye is perceived ruled by an islamist, it is natural for Germans to feel threatened.

Erdogan is everything, but not an Islamists! That's for sure. I have read an interesting article about him. He is a 'Neo-Con'!
This is sick!

This is your own opinion. Not more and not less. But I don't think that Sharia is a kind of terrorism. Yes, our Idea of law and justice is not always confirm with Islamic sharia. But what would you do if Jesus has said to you, only law code is the bible. Btw, our Constitution is based of the bible!

That's false. Not only against Turks. And the UN report has confirm it
I'm not religious. I dont give a fu*k about religious law. Law should be based on secular ideals.

As to your second point, I didnt know this. Can link the UN report?
7 German BND agents in Kandil,
Turkey refused transport one of those "LES" via Türkiye

( we posted in PDF before);

Kaletuka Camp in Iraq and Erbil (BND) communication -base !

he was transported via Erbil to Germany ! Kevin --------LES


German Army, BND all Forces have no interest to support marxists !

"BND works together with the Kurds in northern Iraq, like you do";
thank you for the compliment. Will BND grant me German citizenship ? Did I misunderstood you ? Or was it am attack ?

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