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Why is Germany hostile against Türkiye but tolerant against underdeveloped and dictatoric states ?

Is Germany hostile against Türkiye

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NO , absolute no Germans ! I can show you Turkish Histoty Sources , he was so selfsure that the withdraw "AKINCIS- ancient Special Forces and Scouts" and was executed for his stactical FAILURE !

Who are Germans ? Are you German, cause CLUJ is KLAUSENBURG and is ARIAN language ?

Meanwhile, a relief army of some sixty thousand men under the joint command of King John III Sobieski of Poland and the emperor’s brother-in-law, Charles Sixte of Lorraine, moved slowly toward the beleaguered city. It included forces from Saxony, Franconia, Bavaria, Bohemia, and Waldeck. Crossing the Danube at Tuln, they marched through the Wienerwald—a mountainous no man’s land covered in dense forest—to approach the city from the west. The Ottomans, assuming that no relief army of any size could possibly penetrate the Wienerwald, had left it largely undefended. It would be a fatal mistake.
The progress of the combined Christian army was slow, but by late Saturday, September 11, it had assembled along the ridges on the edge of the forest. The Ottomans had set up an observation post on the heights known as Kahlenberg, overlooking Vienna, but a small force drove them away and shot off a rocket, to alert the city’s defenders that help was at hand.
The following morning, the army swept down on the largely unprepared and poorly defended Turkish encampments below. Kara Mustafa had never been confronted by a relieving army bent on breaking a siege. He rejected the advice of some of his officers to abandon the siege and concentrate his full attention on the substantial force to his rear. Instead, the grand vizier kept up the pressure on Vienna, diverting only an estimated six thousand infantry and twenty-two thousand cavalry, backed by six cannons, from the siege.

They were not enough. Even though the Christian army could not get most of its artillery over the mountains and into place, its steady attack and greater numbers proved impossible to withstand. First, the Saxons and Imperial troops attacked from the Kahlenberg heights; then additional Imperial troops advanced on the Ottoman center. The Ottomans launched a counterattack, but in twenty minutes they had been beaten back. Because of deep ravines and other terrain problems, the Poles had been slow to engage, but when they came in on the Christian right, the battle was decided. At about 4 p.m., the various Christian forces advanced on all sides, Sobieski leading his “winged hussars” in what was a decisive charge against the Ottoman cavalry. By late afternoon, the Turkish lines began to waver. A desperate Kara Mustafa led his personal escort into the fray, hoping to withstand the Christian onslaught, but could do no more than rescue the flag of the Prophet.
“We came, we saw, and God conquered,” wrote Sobieski to Pope Innocent XI, echoing Julius Caesar’s famous remark on the conquest of Pontus, in modern Turkey. The siege was ended.
Those Turks who had not been killed or captured fled back toward Belgrade. Kara Mustafa succeeded in taking most of his treasure with him, but it would do him little good. As so often happened to those who had failed the sultan, he was strangled two months later.
Vienna, wrote one despairing Ottoman historian, had been a defeat “so great that there has never been its like since the first appearance of the Ottoman state.” He was almost right (the 1402 Battle of Ankara, in which Tamerlane’s Tatars captured the Ottoman leader Bayezid I, had been more devastating). And although neither he nor any of his contemporaries, Christian or Muslim, may have fully realized it, Mehmed’s failure was to be the first step in the steady but inexorable decline of what had for so long seemed the unstoppable advance of the Ottoman Empire
Don't laugh about your neighbour can happen to you

Panic in Europe :

Hungary lets pass refugees, Austria and Germany agree to stop trains

Ungarn lässt Flüchtlinge weiterreisen - Österreich hält die Züge auf


gülme komsuna gelir basina.

Bro. If we wanted we could conquer EU without weapons! Turks all have passports and could overrun Bulgarian or Greek barriers. Would somebody shoot against People who would shout its WARTIME, we are Kurds, we are surpressed.
Congratulations Gemany .
Do you now understand what we could do ? :big_boss:

Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

Modereate Swedish ex PM said, 2030 Sweden will be a thirld world Country.

Prognosis say until 2030 will emigrate 50 Million "so called refugees from Africa and Asia - most for economic reasons";to EU. 30 Million want to Germany.
The rest to Benelux and Scandinavia. The number of UA nian or from South America will be not so high .

EU rules prescribe that every refugee has to stay in the EU Country where he enters.

God sake Türkiye is not EU, so they can pass through. They have papers and we can not force them to stay, cause they don't want stay - their target is EU ! Halleluia

There are so many examples in Europe and Asia. Australia uses Navy. Hungary Military. Great Britain - the nature barrier , the Channel, and is without mercy patroulling !

But a Turkish businessman Needs VISA. Go Türkiye go, no never EU or EU have to beg please JOIN and we will

Support you like we did for Greece.
Last edited:
@Bismarck Bro. And now one Topics to laugh and some to think serious about :

1. Syrian and other Asian "emigrants" found an easy way to enter NORWAY without Problems, cause there is a mousehole between Russia and Norway. People from Russian territory aren't allowed to pass to Norway with car or on foot if they have no documents. But if you drive in with a bicycle you can enter NORWAY.
Russian professionals accompanied almost 300 "emigrants" against Money to Murmansk, delivered them old bicycles and they passed to Norway. Now Norway wants to Change law and is negotiating with RUSSIA.

2. a) German signed with Israel combat Training for Urban Warfare. Bundeswehr will be trained in Tseelim in Israel. The 110 specialists will then found in Colbitz on Letzlinger Heide at last 2017 a Center for Urban Warfare !
Almanya, İsrail'den askeri eğitim alacak - Hürriyet Avrupa

b) I read that the IM of NRW wants to recruits 2000 Police cadets in 2015, only up to now 400 were planned

MY Question to you as a German. Is it possible that Bundeswehr and Police will go Hand in Hand if a revolt could be happen ?
The German Constitutional Court decided 2012: Die Bundeswehr darf auch bei Einsätzen im Inland in Ausnahmefällen militärische Mittel zur Abwehr von Gefahren einsetzen

3. What do you thinks about Chancelor Ms. Merkels new Smalltalk with Turkish PM Davutoglu ?

Almanya Başbakanı Angela Merkel :Türkiye’nin yükünü hafifletmeliyiz - Hürriyet Dünya

Summary : "We admire what Turkey did for 2 Million Refugees. We want now to help Turkey. We are very happy that Türkiye is fighting against IS/DEAS. But we want to Turkey, please to secure his boarders to Greece and stop fighting PKK and go on with Peace Process "!

Does she think Türkiye is so naive and will forget that the EU especially Germany and Austria builded a Castle Wall with Bulgaria, Greece and Romania to Isolate "Muslim Türkiye" from the rest of the Christian "Wertegemeinschaft!"
That the Integration of the Balkan was not legal to Maastricht and Kopenhagen Criteria and the wall against Turkey!
Does she forgot that PKK got German weapons from the Peschmerga.
Does she forgot that Germany is the main finance centre of PKK with 13000 followers and almost 2000 left terrorists,
that they were and are never redelivered to Turkey.

And now the very important did she IGNORE that 1964 the Ankara Agreement grants free TRAVEL for TURKS to Germany ?

I would be happy about your short Analysis.

Thanks for reading .
@Bismarck Bro. And now one Topics to laugh and some to think serious about :

1. Syrian and other Asian "emigrants" found an easy way to enter NORWAY without Problems, cause there is a mousehole between Russia and Norway. People from Russian territory aren't allowed to pass to Norway with car or on foot if they have no documents. But if you drive in with a bicycle you can enter NORWAY.
Russian professionals accompanied almost 300 "emigrants" against Money to Murmansk, delivered them old bicycles and they passed to Norway. Now Norway wants to Change law and is negotiating with RUSSIA.

2. a) German signed with Israel combat Training for Urban Warfare. Bundeswehr will be trained in Tseelim in Israel. The 110 specialists will then found in Colbitz on Letzlinger Heide at last 2017 a Center for Urban Warfare !
Almanya, İsrail'den askeri eğitim alacak - Hürriyet Avrupa

b) I read that the IM of NRW wants to recruits 2000 Police cadets in 2015, only up to now 400 were planned

MY Question to you as a German. Is it possible that Bundeswehr and Police will go Hand in Hand if a revolt could be happen ?
The German Constitutional Court decided 2012: Die Bundeswehr darf auch bei Einsätzen im Inland in Ausnahmefällen militärische Mittel zur Abwehr von Gefahren einsetzen

3. What do you thinks about Chancelor Ms. Merkels new Smalltalk with Turkish PM Davutoglu ?

Almanya Başbakanı Angela Merkel :Türkiye’nin yükünü hafifletmeliyiz - Hürriyet Dünya

Summary : "We admire what Turkey did for 2 Million Refugees. We want now to help Turkey. We are very happy that Türkiye is fighting against IS/DEAS. But we want to Turkey, please to secure his boarders to Greece and stop fighting PKK and go on with Peace Process "!

Does she think Türkiye is so naive and will forget that the EU especially Germany and Austria builded a Castle Wall with Bulgaria, Greece and Romania to Isolate "Muslim Türkiye" from the rest of the Christian "Wertegemeinschaft!"
That the Integration of the Balkan was not legal to Maastricht and Kopenhagen Criteria and the wall against Turkey!
Does she forgot that PKK got German weapons from the Peschmerga.
Does she forgot that Germany is the main finance centre of PKK with 13000 followers and almost 2000 left terrorists,
that they were and are never redelivered to Turkey.

And now the very important did she IGNORE that 1964 the Ankara Agreement grants free TRAVEL for TURKS to Germany ?

I would be happy about your short Analysis.

Thanks for reading .

About Bundeswehr action within Gwemany, it's not allowed (Constitution). Only by disasters/risk like a nature one, they can be involved. However, the term risk is very flexible.

I don't think about Merkel. She is worst! Even I don't know what she has talked to Davutoglu. Maybe Syrian refugees. I can also imagine that Germany want help Turkey to build its wall to Syria. The less refugees come to Turkey the less refugees can cross EU.

About the wall on our external border, I think it's not against any criteria or laws. But what is against that, is the free travel by Turks to Germany which were signed in 1964.

gülme komsuna gelir basina.

Bro. If we wanted we could conquer EU without weapons! Turks all have passports and could overrun Bulgarian or Greek barriers. Would somebody shoot against People who would shout its WARTIME, we are Kurds, we are surpressed.
Congratulations Gemany .
Do you now understand what we could do ? :big_boss:

Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

Modereate Swedish ex PM said, 2030 Sweden will be a thirld world Country.

Prognosis say until 2030 will emigrate 50 Million "so called refugees from Africa and Asia - most for economic reasons";to EU. 30 Million want to Germany.
The rest to Benelux and Scandinavia. The number of UA nian or from South America will be not so high .

EU rules prescribe that every refugee has to stay in the EU Country where he enters.

God sake Türkiye is not EU, so they can pass through. They have papers and we can not force them to stay, cause they don't want stay - their target is EU ! Halleluia

There are so many examples in Europe and Asia. Australia uses Navy. Hungary Military. Great Britain - the nature barrier , the Channel, and is without mercy patroulling !

But a Turkish businessman Needs VISA. Go Türkiye go, no never EU or EU have to beg please JOIN and we will

Support you like we did for Greece.
Not like Turkey isnt full with Syrians........
About Bundeswehr action within Gwemany, it's not allowed (Constitution). Only by disasters/risk like a nature one, they can be involved. However, the term risk is very flexible.

I don't think about Merkel. She is worst! Even I don't know what she has talked to Davutoglu. Maybe Syrian refugees. I can also imagine that Germany want help Turkey to build its wall to Syria. The less refugees come to Turkey the less refugees can cross EU.

About the wall on our external border, I think it's not against any criteria or laws. But what is against that, is the free travel by Turks to Germany which were signed in 1964.

Thank you for your interesting and best quality answers.
2012 German Constitution Court (Verfassungsgericht) decided that BW can intervene in interior crisis.

Die Bundeswehr darf auch bei Einsätzen im Inland in Ausnahmefällen militärische Mittel zur Abwehr von Gefahren einsetzen. Das entschied das Bundesverfassungsgericht in einem am Freitag veröffentlichten Beschluss.
Bei einem Einsatz seien aber strikte Voraussetzungen zu beachten. Ein Einsatz zur Gefahrenabwehr sei nur zulässig bei "Ausnahmesituationen katastrophischen Ausmaßes". Insbesondere sei ein Einsatz nicht wegen Gefahren erlaubt, "die aus oder von einer demonstrierenden Menschenmenge drohen". Der Einsatz der Streitkräfte wie auch der Einsatz spezifisch militärischer Abwehrmittel sei zudem stets nur "als Ultima Ratio zulässig", heißt es in der Entscheidung.
Bei einem Einsatz seien aber strikte Voraussetzungen zu beachten. Ein Einsatz zur Gefahrenabwehr sei nur zulässig bei "Ausnahmesituationen katastrophischen Ausmaßes". Insbesondere sei ein Einsatz nicht wegen Gefahren erlaubt, "die aus oder von einer demonstrierenden Menschenmenge drohen". Der Einsatz der Streitkräfte wie auch der Einsatz spezifisch militärischer Abwehrmittel sei zudem stets nur "als Ultima Ratio zulässig", heißt es in der Entscheidung.

Bundeswehr darf im Inland militärische Mittel einsetzen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Not like Turkey isnt full with Syrians........

Unfortunately you will be happy to live in at last 10 years in an other safe Country.
You can't imagine what crime and chaos is and will be imported. The wave of "emigrants" is increasing and will become a TSUNAMI.

Thank you for your interesting and best quality answers.
2012 German Constitution Court (Verfassungsgericht) decided that BW can intervene in interior crisis.

Die Bundeswehr darf auch bei Einsätzen im Inland in Ausnahmefällen militärische Mittel zur Abwehr von Gefahren einsetzen. Das entschied das Bundesverfassungsgericht in einem am Freitag veröffentlichten Beschluss.
Bei einem Einsatz seien aber strikte Voraussetzungen zu beachten. Ein Einsatz zur Gefahrenabwehr sei nur zulässig bei "Ausnahmesituationen katastrophischen Ausmaßes". Insbesondere sei ein Einsatz nicht wegen Gefahren erlaubt, "die aus oder von einer demonstrierenden Menschenmenge drohen". Der Einsatz der Streitkräfte wie auch der Einsatz spezifisch militärischer Abwehrmittel sei zudem stets nur "als Ultima Ratio zulässig", heißt es in der Entscheidung.
Bei einem Einsatz seien aber strikte Voraussetzungen zu beachten. Ein Einsatz zur Gefahrenabwehr sei nur zulässig bei "Ausnahmesituationen katastrophischen Ausmaßes". Insbesondere sei ein Einsatz nicht wegen Gefahren erlaubt, "die aus oder von einer demonstrierenden Menschenmenge drohen". Der Einsatz der Streitkräfte wie auch der Einsatz spezifisch militärischer Abwehrmittel sei zudem stets nur "als Ultima Ratio zulässig", heißt es in der Entscheidung.

Bundeswehr darf im Inland militärische Mittel einsetzen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Unfortunately you will be happy to live in at last 10 years in an other safe Country.
You can't imagine what crime and chaos is and will be imported. The wave of "emigrants" is increasing and will become a TSUNAMI.
I will say it to you as someone who lived many years of his live here in Germany.
If German think there are too many refugees they will simply throw them out (even if it means killing them)
Also i personally dont have a good opinion on the Refugees here.
(Bigger crime rates when they got to my city and other things)

Bro. If we wanted we could conquer EU without weapons! Turks all have passports and could overrun Bulgarian or Greek barriers. Would somebody shoot against People who would shout its WARTIME, we are Kurds, we are surpressed.
Congratulations Gemany .
Do you now understand what we could do ? :big_boss:

Calm down Hurshid and don't be such offending and aggressive. Conquering Europe...hehe so funny...without weapons...even more funnier. Do you really believe what you're writing? Use the preview button before your next post. No offense but you embarrass your compatriots with your manner...
Calm down Hurshid and don't be such offending and aggressive. Conquering Europe...hehe so funny...without weapons...even more funnier. Do you really believe what you're writing? Use the preview button before your next post. No offense but you embarrass your compatriots with your manner...

@ My posts to my friend Bismarck are always on a sarcastic and friendly level. It is a özel hukuk betweeun us
Don't forget and underestimate the effect of Fetullah Gulen communities activities in Europe including Germany. They are very effective in undermining the current Turkish government and by doing so they harm Turkey as a whole as well. Too bad they don't realize how to protect the interest of the nation comes before anything else. Their followers, even if educated, are dumb in that they follow a hoax

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