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Stop the salesman's lies and propaganda

No any right by international law.
learn about international law , before dreaming

Greek Islands are just 7-10 km away from Turkish mainland

Aegean is totally different
It is a fundamental rule of international law that the boundaries of sea areas between close or opposite locations where maritime areas intersect or converge should be determined by agreement

Increasing the territorial sea to 12 nautical miles will disproportionately change the balance of interests in the Aegean Sea to the detriment of Turkiye

If the territorial sea is increased to 12 nautical miles, this rate rises to 70%. In this case, while the size of the open sea decreases from 51% to 19%, Turkiye's territorial waters remain less than 10% of the Aegean
View attachment 889299

Turkish Ships can not even enter Aegean ... even Russia doesnt accept 12 nm
Russian Ships also can not use international water ( the open sea ) to cross the Aegean

1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty established a delicate balance between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean

Turkiye never will allow Greece to destroy delicate balance in the Aegean

By Georgios Kalafikis, Ph.D.

Hence, we underline and attempt to disprove the following top claims and theories by which Turkey justifies its policy against Greece in the Aegean Sea from 1973 onwards:

1) “All Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean constitute an extension of the Anatolian Plate; hence, they settle on a potential Turkish continental shelf and they are not entitled to any of their own. That is the “archetypal” though “primitive” Turkish claim! In principle, Turkish officials assert that any land territory is superior to any island territory as regards the delineation of the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) between them. That is a false and unscientific sophism because it simultaneously constitutes a perversion of two sciences, Geology and International Law. First, the concepts of the “continental shelf” and the “tectonic plates” cannot be adjoined in the inaccurate manner of the Turkish side, nor can they be connected according to the aspirations of the Turkish establishment! According to Geology, the “Anatolian tectonic plate” does not protrude into the Aegean Sea; on the contrary, the “Aegean or Hellenic tectonic plate” includes the Turkish coastline of the Aegean and extends further into western Anatolia (Asia Minor).


Secondly, according to the “United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea” (UNCLOS), every juridical island is entitled to a continental shelf and an EEZ in equal principle with any other corresponding mainland, besides the legal territorial sea of up to 12 nautical miles. The UNCLOS treaty and the relevant decisions of international tribunals cannot be invoked a la carte by a non-contracting state, such as Turkey, which not only hasn’t signed it yet but still rejects it as an instrument for interpreting the Law of the Seas.

From a geological and a legal perspective, neither the “Anatolian Plate” reaches the Aegean nor the western Aegean coastline of Turkey is entitled to a continental shelf protruding substantially into the Aegean Sea because the numerous inhabited Greek islands of the Aegean Archipelago are invariably scattered in-between mainland Greece and mainland Turkey, thus essentially blocking Turkey’s access to the core of the Aegean basin. Therefore, Geography, State Borders, and International Law restrict Turkey’s maritime access and limit its sovereignty de jure and de facto only to a “shallow” part of the Aegean Sea across the western coast of Anatolia.

In the best-case-scenario for Turkey, even after international arbitration and according to the current territorial status quo, the Aegean Sea would probably remain a “Greek lake” because the interposition of hundreds of inhabited Greek Aegean islands could only allow for some local Turkish maritime re-entrants into the Aegean Archipelago, in a few sea areas beyond the Greek territorial waters. That’s why, quite recently, Turkey has also raised a sovereignty issue and question for all the islands belonging to its otherwise “NATO ally” Greece in the Eastern Aegean, extending from Samothraki down to Kastellorizo, whether small or large, uninhabited or inhabited, big islands or rocky islets. Turkey holds only trivial ground (islands and islets) to support and achieve an expansion of its maritime zones much deeper into the Aegean according to the established and still-in-force international treaties and conventions (the 1913 Bucharest Treaty, the 1914 London Convention, the 1923 Lausanne Treaty, and the 1947 Paris Treaty), so Turkish officials officially circulate the non-existent hypothesis of the supposedly “gray zones” of island sovereignty in the Aegean Archipelago. Thus, Turks intend to isolate and “neutralize”, or they threaten to use military force against the Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean so that their maritime zones may reach the desired depth according to their aspirations.

2) “Greece systematically violates the internationally recognized demilitarized status of the Eastern Aegean islands; because of this violation Turkey may challenge Greece’s sovereign titles to the Aegean islands and the rights of these islands to maritime zones of their own”. In our opinion, these are mock arguments. Ab initio (first) and in principio (foremost, in principle), in none of the international treaties, which describe and define the territorial sovereignty in the Aegean islands, the Greek sovereignty depends on or was granted under the clause of a “demilitarization”. Nor the so-called “demilitarization” status (where, as and if applicable) was set as a prerequisite for the recognition of Greek sovereignty in the Aegean islands conceded to Greece, namely those that are far from 3 miles from the Turkish coastline of the Aegean (except Imbros, Tenedos, and the Rabbit Islands, which remained under Turkish sovereignty). Finally, it is both a legal and a logical distortion to allege that alongside sovereignty Turkey may also challenge the rest of the rights of the Greek islands in the Aegean regarding all (!) their maritime zones (that is, the Greek national territorial sea, the potential continental shelf, and the EEZ)! Even a non-lawyer or a first-year law student can perceive the flimsiness of the aforementioned Turkish arguments and legal claims. Then, what’s the point for Turkish officials to circulate such defective assertions if they understand that these claims would be refuted and dismissed in any international court of justice? Because, in our opinion, the above Turkish positions do not constitute legal argumentation, but covert, though direct, threats against the territorial integrity of Greece.

Contrary to the above Turkish assertions, the Greek counterarguments are well-founded from every point of view (legal, and so on). It is worth adding one more syllogism in favor of the Greek positions, which is curiously still absent from the Greek quiver. From the moment Greece, like Turkey, de jure joined the NATO military alliance as a full member without any exceptions or “asterisks” (1952), all previous provisions of the international treaties on the limited “militarization” (1923 Lausanne Treaty) or the complete “demilitarization” (1923 Lausanne Treaty, 1947 Paris Treaty) of the Greek islands in the Eastern Aegean became implicitly though de facto inactive.

Otherwise, what would be the point and value of full membership in a defensive military alliance when large portions of the territory of an allied country would remain under a regime of partial or full demilitarization, hence considered also as areas for a limited deployment of military forces? What kind of a defensive umbrella could the NATO alliance “fully” provide, and how exactly could NATO “fully” defend and protect a “partially demilitarized and defenseless” allied country? Isn’t it inherently incompatible for a “military alliance” to bear “extended demilitarized zones” on the territory of one of its member-states?
Consider for a moment the following paradox: the mutual defensive zone of NATO’s southeastern flank running through Greece and Turkey from the Turkish border in the Caucasus to the Greek islands in the Ionian Sea and almost at the “joining point” of this common defense area a misplaced “partial or complete demilitarized zone” existing from Samothraki in the north to the Dodecanese in the south! Does anyone honestly think this makes sense: the absurd notion of a “military vacuum” that disrupts the cohesion and tears apart the defense of the entire southeastern flank of NATO?

Finally, we point out the best riposte – according to our opinion – against Turkey’s illusion on the issue: whereas, according to the Potsdam Conference and the accompanying agreements (1945), the defeated in WW II and unconditionally surrendered Germany was fully demilitarized, in the end, both post-war German states (West Germany and East Germany), were fully militarized de facto once they joined the two rival alliances, NATO and the Warsaw Pact respectively. Therefore, the same should be considered to apply de facto for Greece though a completely different case compared to Germany.

Turkey’s unsubstantiated claims about the military status of Greece’s Eastern Aegean basin become even more frivolous if someone takes into consideration the fact that during the 1950s and the 1960s the USA, Greece, Turkey, and several other NATO allies conducted large aeronautical and military exercises (for example, “Operation Longstep”) in Greek, Turkish and international waters in the Aegean Sea (in the Gulf of Smyrna, the Chios Straits, or on the sea and shorelines of the Northern Aegean)! After all, according to NATO (I quote): “the defence of Greece’s northern border was crucial, so was that of its endless coastline and myriads of islands”; so, “NATO created” “a military command called Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe (LANDSOUTHEAST) […] responsible for an area that stretched from the Caucasus to the western shores of Greece”! So, as early as 1952, NATO de facto canceled the partial or complete demilitarization of those “partially or fully demilitarized” island regions of Greece.

Therefore, the selective memory of Turkish officials aims not at enlightening but at distorting events and facts, as well as misinforming and deceiving foreign officials, various international organizations, and the public opinion of the world. Now that Russia has turned again into a “strategic opponent” of NATO, it is perhaps an opportunity for the Greek government to issue a note verbale to remind that Greece was admitted into the NATO alliance for securing the defense of its whole territory on land and in the seas, and to reiterate that the “militarization” of the Aegean Greek islands provides a “strategic depth” to the defense of the southeastern flank of the Alliance, at whose disposal the Greek military forces stationed there will be placed whenever needed! Moreover, it is worth skillfully emphasizing to the rest of our NATO allies that Turkey’s objections and claims against Greece on this particular issue, not only do not serve the Alliance’s interests but instead aim ultimately at weakening the defense of NATO’s southeastern flank.

3) “An expansion of Greek territorial waters as well as a possible declaration of a Greek EEZ in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean will lead to the maritime blockade, and also to the geostrategic and economic strangulation of Turkey. Yet another flawed argument, in our opinion. A random look at the MarineTraffic site, for example, at any given time shows that the maritime traffic in the Aegean is mainly channeled through the Greek territorial sea from the Straits of Kafireas down to Cape Tainaro, as well as along the territorial waters on both sides of the sea borderline between Greece and Turkey. These passages are preferable even by all kinds of Turkish ships.

Screenshot_2022-10-26 The Aegean dispute and the Turkish strategic doctrine of the “Mavi Vatan...png

International Law and conventions explicitly provide for smooth maritime traffic worldwide. It even enables foreign merchant vessels and military ships of various types to make either an “innocent passage” or a “transit passage” through national territorial waters of other foreign countries (cf. the relevant chapters and articles in the 1982 UNCLOS treaty). As a result, the bulk of international shipping already passes through national territorial seas across the whole world without hindrance or obstruction whatsoever.

Until very recently, Greece had been the only (!) country in the world to possess a ubiquitous territorial sea of just 6 nautical miles strictly and only measured by the shorelines and not by applying “straight baselines” after designating its many bays and gulfs as “internal waters” or “historic bays” (at last, Greece used those methods for the enlargement of the Greek territorial waters in the Ionian Sea. It is worth mentioning that “straight baselines” increase the outline of the coastlines and also expand the starting basis for the calculation of the territorial waters, thus enlarging the territorial sea). Moreover, Greece is, unfortunately, the only (!) country worldwide to bear an official and perpetual threat of a “casus belli” formally declared by Turkey – an otherwise NATO “ally” – in case Greece legally extends its Aegean territorial waters from 6 to 12 nautical miles, a right provided by international conventions without impeding the maritime traffic and the global navigation in any way.

The possibility of a unilateral but legal extension of the Greek territorial waters to 12 miles in the Aegean through “straight baselines” as well as by designating most Greek gulfs as “internal waters” or “historic bays” would automatically put an end to the Aegean Question. Then, the Greek territorial waters/territorial sea would cover approximately ¾ (75%) of the total area of the Aegean basin; hence, only a few parts of the Aegean would remain in a “High seas” status and potentially dividable between Greece and Turkey. That’s the key reason for the existence of the illegitimate Turkish casus belli against Greece.

Screenshot_2022-10-26 The Aegean dispute and the Turkish strategic doctrine of the “Mavi Vatan...png

In reality, a friendly and cooperative Turkey has nothing to fear because Greece has neither the intention nor the capacity to block Turkey’s exit to the High Seas by exercising a blockade in the semi-enclosed Aegean Sea, in turn, a part of the enclosed Mediterranean Sea. Being a country that habitually abides by International Law and a maritime nation that considers the “Freedom of the Seas” as a vital “national interest”, Greece has already explicitly declared by signing the UNCLOS that (quote) it “has the responsibility to designate the route or routes” for “the international navigation” through its “numerous spread-out islands” that often “form a great number of alternative straits” to apply “in practice” all relevant articles of the UNCLOS. Indeed, that’s what Greece is doing and permitting anyway (cf. the MarineTraffic screenshot). Therefore, Turkey’s retrospective fears only reflect its malicious aims against Greece, as we shall demonstrate next.

4) Finally, the very theory and policy of the so-called Turkish “Azure Homeland” (Mavi Vatan) is offensive through a simple juxtaposition to the map
. Such a hypothetical, intolerable to Greece and Cyprus, Turkish EEZ would “engulf” hundreds of Greek islands and almost the entire Cypriot EEZ! The possibility of the Aegean Greek islands and Cyprus merely “floating” upon a “Turkish” sea is unrealistic beyond any reasonable doubt. A possible “encapsulation” of several hundred densely packed foreign islands into a foreign EEZ is a fallacy by definition in stark contrast to any principle or provision of International Law. Such likelihood becomes an illusion because in International Law no regulation exists that allows for a foreign opposite or adjacent coastline to extend its EEZ over and beyond a whole foreign chain of islands. That would be to the detriment of all the intermediate foreign islands. Practically, whole clusters and groups of Greek islands would be separated and cut off from the rest of the Greek national territory, even though they are geographically inseparable from each other and the Greek mainland.

That’s why the “sea blockade” that allegedly Turkey is afraid of being imposed by Greece is what Turkey aspires to impose on Greece instead! Exactly how? By precisely aspiring to close off all the Greek islands up to the middle of the Aegean and even Cyprus within an enormous “Turkish territorial sea, continental shelf and EEZ”, Turkey’s “Azure Homeland”. Therefore, Greece may condemn the Turkish strategic plans for expansion even by associating the “Mavi Vatan” with Italy’s “Mare Nostrum” and Germany’s “Lebensraum”!

Wth about Islands which are 2-7-10 km away from Turkish mainland and 250 even 580km away from Greek mainland ?

Islands are belons to Turkish mainland ( Anatolia )
and Italy gave our Islands to Greece , when the Turks were in their weakest period

given to Greece on condition that the islands be disarmed in order not to threaten Turkiye

but Greece violated 1923 and 1947 agreements and still Greece illegally arming Islands which poses a threat to Turkiye

if Greece destroy 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty , then Islands becomes the property of Turkiye

Greece wants to destroy peace and start a war

In reality, a friendly and cooperative Turkey has nothing to fear because Greece has neither the intention nor the capacity to block Turkey’s exit to the High Seas by exercising a blockade in the semi-enclosed Aegean Sea, in turn, a part of the enclosed Mediterranean Sea.

If you give your hand to the Greeks, you will lose your arm.

Greece is the biggest enemy to Turkiye ... ( 1919-1922 , 1964-1974 , 1996 )
USA-France says jump and Greece says how long Sir

1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty established a delicate balance between Turkiye and Greece in the Aegean ( 3nm territorial water )

but Greece illegally increased territorial water to 6nm from 3nm in 1936
Turkiye was so friendly and cooperative and Turkiye tolerated it ... even there was not UNCLOS in 1936

still Greece dreaming about 12 nm to block Turkiye’s exit
Turkiye never can accept that ... Russia also never can accept that

Therefore, Greece may condemn the Turkish strategic plans for expansion even by associating the “Mavi Vatan” with Italy’s “Mare Nostrum” and Germany’s “Lebensraum”!

Turkiye condemn the Greek strategic plans for expansion by associating trash Seville map and 12nm territorial water with Italy’s “Mare Nostrum” and Germany’s “Lebensraum”!



Nobody can steal our rights .. Turkiye is not weak İraq or Syria or Libya or Mali

learn from history, don't chase dreams and dont repeat your fault


USA-UK-France backed Greeks came with dreams of capturing Anatolia from the Turks but ended up going back to Athens swimming

USA-EU backed Greeks tried to take whole Cyprus between 1964 and 1974 ,
in finally Turkish military operation saved the Turkish Cypriots and their legal rights in Cyprus

1/3 of Cyprus belongs to the Turks , and Nobody can change this reality

USA-France backed Greeks trying to steal oil-gas reserves and 150.000 km2 of area from the Turks

but daydreamer Greeks will lose Islands while chasing dreams of Seville map and 12nm territorial water
Last edited:
By Georgios Kalafikis, Ph.D.

Hence, we underline and attempt to disprove the following top claims and theories by which Turkey justifies its policy against Greece in the Aegean Sea from 1973 onwards:

1) “All Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean constitute an extension of the Anatolian Plate; hence, they settle on a potential Turkish continental shelf and they are not entitled to any of their own. That is the “archetypal” though “primitive” Turkish claim! In principle, Turkish officials assert that any land territory is superior to any island territory as regards the delineation of the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) between them. That is a false and unscientific sophism because it simultaneously constitutes a perversion of two sciences, Geology and International Law. First, the concepts of the “continental shelf” and the “tectonic plates” cannot be adjoined in the inaccurate manner of the Turkish side, nor can they be connected according to the aspirations of the Turkish establishment! According to Geology, the “Anatolian tectonic plate” does not protrude into the Aegean Sea; on the contrary, the “Aegean or Hellenic tectonic plate” includes the Turkish coastline of the Aegean and extends further into western Anatolia (Asia Minor).

View attachment 889339

Secondly, according to the “United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea” (UNCLOS), every juridical island is entitled to a continental shelf and an EEZ in equal principle with any other corresponding mainland, besides the legal territorial sea of up to 12 nautical miles. The UNCLOS treaty and the relevant decisions of international tribunals cannot be invoked a la carte by a non-contracting state, such as Turkey, which not only hasn’t signed it yet but still rejects it as an instrument for interpreting the Law of the Seas.

From a geological and a legal perspective, neither the “Anatolian Plate” reaches the Aegean nor the western Aegean coastline of Turkey is entitled to a continental shelf protruding substantially into the Aegean Sea because the numerous inhabited Greek islands of the Aegean Archipelago are invariably scattered in-between mainland Greece and mainland Turkey, thus essentially blocking Turkey’s access to the core of the Aegean basin. Therefore, Geography, State Borders, and International Law restrict Turkey’s maritime access and limit its sovereignty de jure and de facto only to a “shallow” part of the Aegean Sea across the western coast of Anatolia.

In the best-case-scenario for Turkey, even after international arbitration and according to the current territorial status quo, the Aegean Sea would probably remain a “Greek lake” because the interposition of hundreds of inhabited Greek Aegean islands could only allow for some local Turkish maritime re-entrants into the Aegean Archipelago, in a few sea areas beyond the Greek territorial waters. That’s why, quite recently, Turkey has also raised a sovereignty issue and question for all the islands belonging to its otherwise “NATO ally” Greece in the Eastern Aegean, extending from Samothraki down to Kastellorizo, whether small or large, uninhabited or inhabited, big islands or rocky islets. Turkey holds only trivial ground (islands and islets) to support and achieve an expansion of its maritime zones much deeper into the Aegean according to the established and still-in-force international treaties and conventions (the 1913 Bucharest Treaty, the 1914 London Convention, the 1923 Lausanne Treaty, and the 1947 Paris Treaty), so Turkish officials officially circulate the non-existent hypothesis of the supposedly “gray zones” of island sovereignty in the Aegean Archipelago. Thus, Turks intend to isolate and “neutralize”, or they threaten to use military force against the Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean so that their maritime zones may reach the desired depth according to their aspirations.

2) “Greece systematically violates the internationally recognized demilitarized status of the Eastern Aegean islands; because of this violation Turkey may challenge Greece’s sovereign titles to the Aegean islands and the rights of these islands to maritime zones of their own”. In our opinion, these are mock arguments. Ab initio (first) and in principio (foremost, in principle), in none of the international treaties, which describe and define the territorial sovereignty in the Aegean islands, the Greek sovereignty depends on or was granted under the clause of a “demilitarization”. Nor the so-called “demilitarization” status (where, as and if applicable) was set as a prerequisite for the recognition of Greek sovereignty in the Aegean islands conceded to Greece, namely those that are far from 3 miles from the Turkish coastline of the Aegean (except Imbros, Tenedos, and the Rabbit Islands, which remained under Turkish sovereignty). Finally, it is both a legal and a logical distortion to allege that alongside sovereignty Turkey may also challenge the rest of the rights of the Greek islands in the Aegean regarding all (!) their maritime zones (that is, the Greek national territorial sea, the potential continental shelf, and the EEZ)! Even a non-lawyer or a first-year law student can perceive the flimsiness of the aforementioned Turkish arguments and legal claims. Then, what’s the point for Turkish officials to circulate such defective assertions if they understand that these claims would be refuted and dismissed in any international court of justice? Because, in our opinion, the above Turkish positions do not constitute legal argumentation, but covert, though direct, threats against the territorial integrity of Greece.

Contrary to the above Turkish assertions, the Greek counterarguments are well-founded from every point of view (legal, and so on). It is worth adding one more syllogism in favor of the Greek positions, which is curiously still absent from the Greek quiver. From the moment Greece, like Turkey, de jure joined the NATO military alliance as a full member without any exceptions or “asterisks” (1952), all previous provisions of the international treaties on the limited “militarization” (1923 Lausanne Treaty) or the complete “demilitarization” (1923 Lausanne Treaty, 1947 Paris Treaty) of the Greek islands in the Eastern Aegean became implicitly though de facto inactive.

Otherwise, what would be the point and value of full membership in a defensive military alliance when large portions of the territory of an allied country would remain under a regime of partial or full demilitarization, hence considered also as areas for a limited deployment of military forces? What kind of a defensive umbrella could the NATO alliance “fully” provide, and how exactly could NATO “fully” defend and protect a “partially demilitarized and defenseless” allied country? Isn’t it inherently incompatible for a “military alliance” to bear “extended demilitarized zones” on the territory of one of its member-states?
Consider for a moment the following paradox: the mutual defensive zone of NATO’s southeastern flank running through Greece and Turkey from the Turkish border in the Caucasus to the Greek islands in the Ionian Sea and almost at the “joining point” of this common defense area a misplaced “partial or complete demilitarized zone” existing from Samothraki in the north to the Dodecanese in the south! Does anyone honestly think this makes sense: the absurd notion of a “military vacuum” that disrupts the cohesion and tears apart the defense of the entire southeastern flank of NATO?

Finally, we point out the best riposte – according to our opinion – against Turkey’s illusion on the issue: whereas, according to the Potsdam Conference and the accompanying agreements (1945), the defeated in WW II and unconditionally surrendered Germany was fully demilitarized, in the end, both post-war German states (West Germany and East Germany), were fully militarized de facto once they joined the two rival alliances, NATO and the Warsaw Pact respectively. Therefore, the same should be considered to apply de facto for Greece though a completely different case compared to Germany.

Turkey’s unsubstantiated claims about the military status of Greece’s Eastern Aegean basin become even more frivolous if someone takes into consideration the fact that during the 1950s and the 1960s the USA, Greece, Turkey, and several other NATO allies conducted large aeronautical and military exercises (for example, “Operation Longstep”) in Greek, Turkish and international waters in the Aegean Sea (in the Gulf of Smyrna, the Chios Straits, or on the sea and shorelines of the Northern Aegean)! After all, according to NATO (I quote): “the defence of Greece’s northern border was crucial, so was that of its endless coastline and myriads of islands”; so, “NATO created” “a military command called Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe (LANDSOUTHEAST) […] responsible for an area that stretched from the Caucasus to the western shores of Greece”! So, as early as 1952, NATO de facto canceled the partial or complete demilitarization of those “partially or fully demilitarized” island regions of Greece.

Therefore, the selective memory of Turkish officials aims not at enlightening but at distorting events and facts, as well as misinforming and deceiving foreign officials, various international organizations, and the public opinion of the world. Now that Russia has turned again into a “strategic opponent” of NATO, it is perhaps an opportunity for the Greek government to issue a note verbale to remind that Greece was admitted into the NATO alliance for securing the defense of its whole territory on land and in the seas, and to reiterate that the “militarization” of the Aegean Greek islands provides a “strategic depth” to the defense of the southeastern flank of the Alliance, at whose disposal the Greek military forces stationed there will be placed whenever needed! Moreover, it is worth skillfully emphasizing to the rest of our NATO allies that Turkey’s objections and claims against Greece on this particular issue, not only do not serve the Alliance’s interests but instead aim ultimately at weakening the defense of NATO’s southeastern flank.

3) “An expansion of Greek territorial waters as well as a possible declaration of a Greek EEZ in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean will lead to the maritime blockade, and also to the geostrategic and economic strangulation of Turkey. Yet another flawed argument, in our opinion. A random look at the MarineTraffic site, for example, at any given time shows that the maritime traffic in the Aegean is mainly channeled through the Greek territorial sea from the Straits of Kafireas down to Cape Tainaro, as well as along the territorial waters on both sides of the sea borderline between Greece and Turkey. These passages are preferable even by all kinds of Turkish ships.

View attachment 889340

International Law and conventions explicitly provide for smooth maritime traffic worldwide. It even enables foreign merchant vessels and military ships of various types to make either an “innocent passage” or a “transit passage” through national territorial waters of other foreign countries (cf. the relevant chapters and articles in the 1982 UNCLOS treaty). As a result, the bulk of international shipping already passes through national territorial seas across the whole world without hindrance or obstruction whatsoever.

Until very recently, Greece had been the only (!) country in the world to possess a ubiquitous territorial sea of just 6 nautical miles strictly and only measured by the shorelines and not by applying “straight baselines” after designating its many bays and gulfs as “internal waters” or “historic bays” (at last, Greece used those methods for the enlargement of the Greek territorial waters in the Ionian Sea. It is worth mentioning that “straight baselines” increase the outline of the coastlines and also expand the starting basis for the calculation of the territorial waters, thus enlarging the territorial sea). Moreover, Greece is, unfortunately, the only (!) country worldwide to bear an official and perpetual threat of a “casus belli” formally declared by Turkey – an otherwise NATO “ally” – in case Greece legally extends its Aegean territorial waters from 6 to 12 nautical miles, a right provided by international conventions without impeding the maritime traffic and the global navigation in any way.

The possibility of a unilateral but legal extension of the Greek territorial waters to 12 miles in the Aegean through “straight baselines” as well as by designating most Greek gulfs as “internal waters” or “historic bays” would automatically put an end to the Aegean Question. Then, the Greek territorial waters/territorial sea would cover approximately ¾ (75%) of the total area of the Aegean basin; hence, only a few parts of the Aegean would remain in a “High seas” status and potentially dividable between Greece and Turkey. That’s the key reason for the existence of the illegitimate Turkish casus belli against Greece.

View attachment 889341

In reality, a friendly and cooperative Turkey has nothing to fear because Greece has neither the intention nor the capacity to block Turkey’s exit to the High Seas by exercising a blockade in the semi-enclosed Aegean Sea, in turn, a part of the enclosed Mediterranean Sea. Being a country that habitually abides by International Law and a maritime nation that considers the “Freedom of the Seas” as a vital “national interest”, Greece has already explicitly declared by signing the UNCLOS that (quote) it “has the responsibility to designate the route or routes” for “the international navigation” through its “numerous spread-out islands” that often “form a great number of alternative straits” to apply “in practice” all relevant articles of the UNCLOS. Indeed, that’s what Greece is doing and permitting anyway (cf. the MarineTraffic screenshot). Therefore, Turkey’s retrospective fears only reflect its malicious aims against Greece, as we shall demonstrate next.

4) Finally, the very theory and policy of the so-called Turkish “Azure Homeland” (Mavi Vatan) is offensive through a simple juxtaposition to the map
. Such a hypothetical, intolerable to Greece and Cyprus, Turkish EEZ would “engulf” hundreds of Greek islands and almost the entire Cypriot EEZ! The possibility of the Aegean Greek islands and Cyprus merely “floating” upon a “Turkish” sea is unrealistic beyond any reasonable doubt. A possible “encapsulation” of several hundred densely packed foreign islands into a foreign EEZ is a fallacy by definition in stark contrast to any principle or provision of International Law. Such likelihood becomes an illusion because in International Law no regulation exists that allows for a foreign opposite or adjacent coastline to extend its EEZ over and beyond a whole foreign chain of islands. That would be to the detriment of all the intermediate foreign islands. Practically, whole clusters and groups of Greek islands would be separated and cut off from the rest of the Greek national territory, even though they are geographically inseparable from each other and the Greek mainland.

That’s why the “sea blockade” that allegedly Turkey is afraid of being imposed by Greece is what Turkey aspires to impose on Greece instead! Exactly how? By precisely aspiring to close off all the Greek islands up to the middle of the Aegean and even Cyprus within an enormous “Turkish territorial sea, continental shelf and EEZ”, Turkey’s “Azure Homeland”. Therefore, Greece may condemn the Turkish strategic plans for expansion even by associating the “Mavi Vatan” with Italy’s “Mare Nostrum” and Germany’s “Lebensraum”!

I find it funny when his race is 40000 years old and mother of most civilization but yet trapped in republic of Turkey , having Greece islands just a few km from their coast.
The glory story and reality just doesn't match. :cheesy:
I find it funny when his race is 40000 years old and mother of most civilization but yet trapped in republic of Turkey , having Greece islands just a few km from their coast.
The glory story and reality just doesn't match. :cheesy:
He didn't read the previous post,as you probably noticed 😋 He just read the last t paragraph and quoted it. And although the article fully answers his questions and debunks the Turkish claims,he asked the same questions again.
He didn't read the previous post,as you probably noticed 😋 He just read the last t paragraph and quoted it. And although the article fully answers his questions and debunks the Turkish claims,he asked the same questions again.

I read Greek lies and dreams ... no any legal argument

what can we accept from a daydreamer country which violates international agreements ?

if Greeks start a war as like 1919-1922 and 1964-1974 , then lets fight .. no problem

Greeks again will lose as like 1922 and 1974
I read Greek lies and dreams ... no any legal argument

what can we accept from a daydreamer country which violates international agreements ?

if Greeks start a war as like 1919-1922 and 1964-1974 , then lets fight .. no problem

Greeks again will lose as like 1922 and 1974
Truly,you read nothing.
Truly,you read nothing.

I read everything ... only personal claims ,, no any legal argument

We Turks only care about 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty established a delicate balance between Turkiye and Greece in the Aegean
I read everything ... only personal claims ,, no any legal argument

We Turks only care about 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty established a delicate balance between Turkiye and Greece in the Aegean
You read nothing,because it is full of legal claims and evidence. Legal,historical and even geological evidence.

The fact that you have no arguements can be seen from your insistence in talking about the Lausanne Treaty,when other Treaties and agreements followed. From Paris to Montreaux and the entrance of Greece and Turkey in NATO as well as the UN charter.

Your lack of arguements is also shown by your poor excuse of "maintaining a delicate balance",when Turkey already being a larger and stronger country,has been trying to destroy that balance by taking half the Aegean and reaching Libya.
You read nothing,because it is full of legal claims and evidence. Legal,historical and even geological evidence.

nothing evidance , only silly claims and dreams as like 10 km tiny Island's maritime jurisdiction area of 40.000 km2

The fact that you have no arguements can be seen from your insistence in talking about the Lausanne Treaty,when other Treaties and agreements followed. From Paris to Montreaux and the entrance of Greece and Turkey in NATO as well as the UN charter.

Turkiye has arguements instead of Greek dreams

Turkiye cares about only International agrreements

Turkiye won the last war and 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty established a delicate balance between Turkiye and Greece in the Aegean

if you want another war ... lets fight .. no problem

Your lack of arguements is also shown by your poor excuse of "maintaining a delicate balance",when Turkey already being a larger and stronger country,has been trying to destroy that balance by taking half the Aegean and reaching Libya.

50% is faiir for both countries

but 10 million tiny weak Greece wants 90% of the Aegean

its your dream .... keep dreaming dream is free
nothing evidance , only silly claims and dreams as like 10 km tiny Island's maritime jurisdiction area of 40.000 km2

Turkiye has arguements instead of Greek dreams

Turkiye cares about only International agrreements

Turkiye won the last war and 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty established a delicate balance between Turkiye and Greece in the Aegean

if you want another war ... lets fight .. no problem

50% is faiir for both countries

but 10 million tiny weak Greece wants 90% of the Aegean

its your dream .... keep dreaming dream is free
View attachment 889482
Debating you is like trying to debate a kid. Rational arguements and evidence doesn't work. MMM-E's logic is "Turkey bigger,so Turkey deserve more!" 🙄

Then you talk about "balance"...what balance is there? You want to restore the Ottoman Empire and grab everything.
Wth about Islands which are 2-7-10 km away from Turkish mainland and 250 even 580km away from Greek mainland ?

Islands are belons to Turkish mainland ( Anatolia )
and Italy gave our Islands to Greece , when the Turks were in their weakest period

given to Greece on condition that the islands be disarmed in order not to threaten Turkiye

but Greece violated 1923 and 1947 agreements and still Greece illegally arming Islands which poses a threat to Turkiye

if Greece destroy 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty , then Islands becomes the property of Turkiye
Lausanne is clear: beyond 3 miles, nothing belongs to Turkey.



Digest it, because in the end you will lose what belongs to you. As long as you continue to feed on neottomanisms and revisionisms, in the end you will tread on it.
Today you received two diplomatic cufflinks: from the German Chancellor and the Israeli Minister of National Defense in Turkey.
Lausanne is clear: beyond 3 miles, nothing belongs to Turkey.

if Greece illegallly arming Islands , that means Greece destroy 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty , then Islands becomes the property of Turkiye

and nobody can stop us as like 1974

daydreamer Greeks will lose Islands while chasing dreams of Seville map and 12nm territorial water

Digest it, because in the end you will lose what belongs to you. As long as you continue to feed on neottomanisms and revisionisms, in the end you will tread on it.
Today you received two diplomatic cufflinks: from the German Chancellor and the Israeli Minister of National Defense in Turkey.

Greek lies wont work anymore

and Turkiye doesnt care about anyone including tiny Israel and slave Germany
They can not do anything against Turkiye
Turkiye is 100% right by international law

and Turkiye has great power to protect its legal rights against bandit countries

keep dreaming with tras Seville Map which has no any value
Greeks will lose again as like 1922 , 1974
Greece is so tiny-weak country without power projection

on the other hand Turkiye is regional power ... TCG ANADOLU to help the Turkish Navy for high sea operations ... for example Libya

TCG ANADOLU enter service as of december 2022
View attachment 888343

Greece produce nothing
on the other hand Turkiye produce its own Naval platforms ( Corvette , Frigate , FAC ,OPV , Patrol Boat , Super Tanker , LCT , LST , LHD )

Know your place with your weak-tiny Greece

MMM-E : 9
Foinikas : 0
Weak tiny Greece has the whole of NATO behind it just like weak tiny Ukraine.
Weak tiny Greece has the whole of NATO behind it just like weak tiny Ukraine.

and whole of NATO only watching on TV

-- Ukranian cities were destroyed
-- Millions of Ukranians left Ukraine
-- Ukraine lost Crimea , Donetsk , Luhansk , Kherson , Zaporija

btw not whole of NATO , Turkiye is one of top 4 NATO Power
but only USA-France use Greece as a puppet for American-French interests in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
and whole of NATO only watching on TV

loser Ukraine
-- Ukranian cities were destroyed
-- Millions of Ukranians left Ukraine
-- Ukraine lost Crimea , Donetsk , Luhansk , Kherson , Zaporija

btw not whole of NATO , Turkiye is one of top 4 NATO Power
but only USA-France use Greece as a puppet for American-French interests in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
Turkey is only in NATO until it can be discarded or until it tries to rise.

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