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Stop the salesman's lies and propaganda

They're not your islands. You occupied them for about 300-400 years. They had been Hellenic for more than 5,000 years. At the time,the Italians had them under their rule and gave them to us.

Since you're retarded,read again:

Turks are in Anatolia for 10.000 years
1071 Manzikert Victory is not the first but the last entry of the Turks into Anatolia

In the light of the rock writings, stamps, inscriptions, monuments and obelisks found all over Anatolia from Hakkari to Istanbul, the Turks have been settled in Anatolia for at least 10.000 years.


Greeks came to Greece and Anatolia from North Africa
know your place with your fake history and DNA haplogroup J which is nothing to do with Europeans

and We took Islands including Cyprus from Italians
also We took whole Anatolia from Eastern Roman Empire which was not Greek

No need to lose time with daydreamer Greeks

as 1922 , 1974 , 1996 , Greeks needs a slap from the Turks to wake up from Greek wet dream
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Turks are in Anatolia for 10.000 years
What the f are you smoking?

Greeks came to Greece and Anatolia from North Africa
know your place with your fake history and DNA haplogroup J which is nothing to do with Europeans

What the f are you smoking?
He smokes erdogan tobacco, 20.000 years old.
He smokes erdogan tobacco, 20.000 years old.

İgnorant Greeks learn about history and science
what an useless people

I have always source

then Americans also smokes Erdogan tobacco
because American geneticist says Germans,French,British,Italians,Russians ,Native Americans and most of Indians are descendant of the proto Turkic Peoples

P-M45 ( proto Turkic Peoples )
Time of origin : 45.000 years ago
Place of origin : Central asia and Southeast Asia
Descendants Haplogroup Q and R

Haplogroup R ( Russians,,French,,Germans,,British,Italians )
Time of origin : 26,800 years ago
Place of origin : Central Asia

SOURCE : Spencer Wells which is an American geneticist

Genetic history of P1-M45: Proto-Turkic ancestors of Europeans, Native Americans and Indians

Spencer Wells : is an American geneticist, anthropologist, author


No need to lose time with daydreamer Greeks

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You see,MMM-E has the habit of reading stuff and watching videos of weird and obscure people. In this case,this wanker here:

Screenshot_2022-10-29 UT-Austin Professor “I despise the Israelis,” Tweets “#CatholicismMustDi...png
Screenshot_2022-10-29 UT-Austin Professor “I despise the Israelis,” Tweets “#CatholicismMustDi...png
Screenshot_2022-10-29 UT-Austin Professor “I despise the Israelis,” Tweets “#CatholicismMustDi...png

Screenshot_2022-10-29 Spencer Wells on Twitter.png

If someone writes something that says Turks are the dominant race,he will cherish him like a hero.

If the entire world says otherwise,they are all "ignorant,liars,hypocrites" 😂
If someone writes something that says Turks are the dominant race,he will cherish him like a hero.

If the entire world says otherwise,they are all "ignorant,liars,hypocrites" 😂

Typical daydreamer ignorant Greek

who are you ? and what about your source ? as always your sorce = your arse

Dr Spencer Wells is an American geneticist
and He led The Genographic Project from 2005 to 2015, as an Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society

Stanford University between 1994 and 1998
University of Oxford between 1999 and 2000
University of Texas at Austin
Harvard University

and DNA never lies

P-M45 ( proto Turkic Peoples )
Time of origin : 45.000 years ago
Place of origin : Central asia and Southeast Asia
Descendants Haplogroup Q and R

Haplogroup R ( Russians,,French,,Germans,,British,Italians )
Time of origin : 26,800 years ago
Place of origin : Central Asia

Greeks are nothing to do with Europeans ( Haplogroup R1a and R1b )
Greeks are from North Africa with DNA haplogroup J
From Lausanne Treaty,you went to conspiracy theories because you don't have the guts to admit that the Turkish position is wrong and full of false excuses in order to invade the islands.

But then again,that's what you do. When you're cornered you go back to repeating the same phrases or change the subject.
You never had the guts to admit a mistake. You could have been a nice person,but you chose to be an arrogant,boasting ultranationalist who dreams of Erdogan's great empire.
Its reality and American geneticists have proved that

and we care about only international agreements
we dont care about Greek lies and dreams

I blocked your 10 lies in this thread
You are a liar as like Greek Politicans
go and cry to USA and Other NATO Countries , not to sell weapons to Turkiye

Erdogan accused Greek PM of 'lies'
and Erdogan will no longer talk to Greek PM

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis "no longer exists" for ERDOGAN

And Nobody can change reality of MAVI VATAN
and we care about only international agreements
we dont care about Greek lies and dreams
Then how do you explain that you ignore the Montreaux Treaty which replaced Lausanne?

You don't respect international agreements,since you destroyed the Greek minority in Imbros and Tenedos.

You don't respect international agreements,since you complain about Greek politicians visiting the islands of Eastern Aegean,although the Treaties clearly say that all islands up to 3 nm from the Turkish coast,except Imbros,Tenedos and the Rabbit Islands,are under greek sovereignity and thefore Turkey can't tell Greece what to do there.

You also don't respect sovereign countries,as you have refused to leave Syria and Iraq even when their governments demanded that you leave.

I blocked your 10 lies in this thread
You are a liar as like Greek Politicans
go and cry to USA and Other NATO Countries , not to sell weapons to Turkiye
Your imaginary bollocks are not my problem. Your problem is that USA is not selling you any F-16s and spare parts anymore and you're CRYING to them. That's your problem. You're problem is also the fact that Eurofighters won't be given to you if the Germans and Italians say no.

Erdogan accused Greek PM of 'lies'
and Erdogan will no longer talk to Greek PM

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis "no longer exists" for ERDOGAN

Erdogan can say anything he wants. He can say that Turks will go to the moon. If you believe him,that's your problem.

And Nobody can change reality of MAVI VATAN
It's not a reality,it's propaganda. A propaganda based on an expansionist and aggressive doctrine that aims to take over Greek islands. And you're a blind follower of every stupidity the AKP government produces.

You see,MMM-E has the habit of reading stuff and watching videos of weird and obscure people. In this case,this wanker here:
MMM-E is a classic study case of ....pseudoscience.
I think you now understand that there is no way he will ever find out what reality is. That's why I avoid arguing with him, you just post the arguments AGAIN and AGAIN, what the reality says and you're done with him.
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Then how do you explain that you ignore the Montreaux Treaty which replaced Lausanne?

Maybe in your fantasy world

MMM-E is a classic study case of ....pseudoscience.

Look who is talking
a Greek which develop nothing
Daydreamer Greeks have their own fantasy world

Erdogan can say anything he wants. He can say that Turks will go to the moon. If you believe him,that's your problem.

if Greece has no any technology and industry , thats your problem

Turkiye has its own space program

DELTA V Space Technologies - TUBITAK Space

Moon Research Program (AYAP-1 )

Hard landing : 2023-2024
Soft landing : 2028

DeltaV Space Technologies has developed the hybrid propulsion system that will carry the spacecraft developed by TÜBİTAK Space to the Moon

After tests in earth orbit, DeltaV's hybrid engine will fire to enter lunar orbit

SORS is a probe rocket system with hybrid fuel engine technology that will be used primarily for the 2023-2024 hard landing on the Moon.

The World’s first sounding rocket launch using a paraffin/liquid oxygen propellant pair

Turkiye aims to achieve first contact with the Moon by 2023-2024

Hard landing : 2023-2024
Soft landing : 2028

in 2028 to be joined the exclusive club of 6 nations that sent spacecraft into orbit of the Moon ( USA , Russia , China , India , Japan , Europe ( ESA ) and Turkiye plan to be 7th country in the world by 2028 )

Daydreammer Greeks dont have technology to produce even Anti-Tank Missile
stilll You are dreaming to match with regional super power Turkiye

Our rival is France , but not tiny Greece

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Maybe in your fantasy world
So now you ignore Treaties,but accuse Greeks of violating Treaties.

History doesn't suit you,so you try to change it.

Our rival is France , but not tiny Greece

Ah yes


So now you ignore Treaties,but accuse Greeks of violating Treaties.

History doesn't suit you,so you try to change it.

Ah yes

View attachment 890423

View attachment 890424

I am not compare tiny weak Greece with regional power Turkiye
My threads are showing your place
but you have no brain to understand that .....

Greece is nothing without American-French protection

I am saying again , Our rival is France in Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean , but not tiny Greece
Conclusion of all of MMM-E's threads and comments:

"Turkey strongest country in the world"

He posted what,8 replies on this thread? To say what?

"Tiny Greece..."

What I wonder is,why do the admins and mods keep him when he has caused so many flame wars and nationalistic rants.

Dude. You are getting crushed LOL So is that other Greek yoghurt in this topic.
Dude. You are getting crushed LOL So is that other Greek yoghurt in this topic.
Oh hi troll account.

I am not compare tiny weak Greece with regional power Turkiye

I am saying again , Our rival is France in Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean , but not tiny Greece


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