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Why is Germany hostile against Türkiye but tolerant against underdeveloped and dictatoric states ?

Is Germany hostile against Türkiye

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Does are normal political Party that the German Media always claim and not a Terrorist Organisation do something like this :


I mean that thing is sharing Free Energy for the Kurds in that Region that they even not Pay.

Does are normal political Party that the German Media always claim and not a Terrorist Organisation do something like this :


I mean that thing is sharing Free Energy for the Kurds in that Region that they even not Pay.

Bro, no offense, but you show me a burning pinwheel. I don't know where the pinwheel is standing, or why they burning. Only a burning pinwheel. Btw, even turkish media like Anatolian agency call them as a worker party.
Hmm i wondered why this is,

I once went on a holiday to Germany in Berlin, I was rejected from all the nightclubs because they thought I was Turkish, because of my brown skin.
Hmm i wondered why this is,

I once went on a holiday to Germany in Berlin, I was rejected from all the nightclubs because they thought I was Turkish, because of my brown skin.

Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Albanians no matter. We have some problem with special ethnics.
Bcz Turkey is competition. Turkey managed to develop even with opposition of EU giants France and Turkey.
@Bismarck Bro. I just watched Turkish TV. Bundeswehr soldiers (Feldjäger - Military Police - ASIZ) is present at all Harbours,Train stations and land boarder stations . What is going on ?
Can you explain ? Please.
@Bismarck Bro. I just watched Turkish TV. Bundeswehr soldiers (Feldjäger - Military Police - ASIZ) is present at all Harbours,Train stations and land boarder stations . What is going on ?
Can you explain ? Please.
Germany is installing a border control between Germany and Austria.
So at this time no refugee without papers can come to Germany. (This is only between Germany and Austria)
@Bismarck Bro. I just watched Turkish TV. Bundeswehr soldiers (Feldjäger - Military Police - ASIZ) is present at all Harbours,Train stations and land boarder stations . What is going on ?
Can you explain ? Please.

This is the greatest wave of refugees that Europe has ever seen since WW2. It's clear that the regular police are not able to handle this influx and need the Bundeswehr. On the other we can watching rising of Right party's and movements. Not to mention PKK-Turkey conflict.

Many People wrote that guy is mental insane when I wrote Germany can collapse if they have to take 30 Million refugees up to 2030

Flüchtlinge: 60 Millionen Menschen weltweit auf der Flucht - SPIEGEL ONLINE

If there will be no Intervention and maxiumum development and infrastructure aid in the sources LIBYA; MALI; ERITREA;SYRIA; IRAQ and others I see BLACK FUTURE.

If neccesssary UN must be reorganized and in These countries UN-Governments established.

It can not the future of the globe, that People are massacred and dozen of millions are refugees but on the other side

80 Family Clans have 60 percent of the global capital.

Many People wrote that guy is mental insane when I wrote Germany can collapse if they have to take 30 Million refugees up to 2030

Flüchtlinge: 60 Millionen Menschen weltweit auf der Flucht - SPIEGEL ONLINE

If there will be no Intervention and maxiumum development and infrastructure aid in the sources LIBYA; MALI; ERITREA;SYRIA; IRAQ and others I see BLACK FUTURE.

If neccesssary UN must be reorganized and in These countries UN-Governments established.

It can not the future of the globe, that People are massacred and dozen of millions are refugees but on the other side

80 Family Clans have 60 percent of the global capital.
While i agree with your general idea its still pretty wrong to blame succesfull business families or men for the failure of the capitalist system.
There is no alternative to the capitalistic system (And no Communism needs to die a horrible death)
@Ahiska. Did you read in any word that I propagate "dead communism" ? I blame e.g. The Rothschilds and others who are the "Deep Global Government ".

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