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Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

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Pakistani mard-e-mujahids presenting their 'tohfas' to the dark-skinned veggie eating Hindus:

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...you know the same kind who had everything 'under control' till one day before the fall of Dhaka...


Hey it was two days after the fall of Dhaka since Yahya Khan could not sort out what to do. :enjoy:
What a coincidence.. I have a lot of Balochi friends in USA and they always abuse Pakistanis and specially the balochis who call themselves Pakistani. They consider them traitors..

common baloch or baramdat bugtis?? his family is in karachi ,there are magsi balochS in USA WHO ARE PATRIOT PAKISTANIS ....AND COMMON BALOCH LIVE IN OTHER PARTS OF PAKISTAN .....PASHTOONS MAJORITY LIVE IN BALOCHISTAN....
my relatives are from iran and afghanistan and my mother is pathan ,we know about majority pashtoons and their views about pakistan even my sister got married with mohajir ...u know wat they (mohajirs) say about indians??? :lol::lol:
oh yeah i care what they say about me.plzz tell me oh!my humble balochi please tell me and after that we will kill your goat and eat it :lol:
This is a troll thread. I hope it is closed. And OP should speak for himself when he says that we are the same people.
This is a troll thread. I hope it is closed. And OP should speak for himself when he says that we are the same people.
He did not mean it to be a troll thread. Rest of us made it. New member, he will learn things soon. :)
Mods should put indo pak peace, aman ki asha, we are brothers etc threads in banned list, because such treads are troll magnets. :)
Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?
Indians and Pakistanis fight because of they represent their own stance which they think are correct.
regarding unity, civil war and deaths of millions will happen had Pakistan remained as Indian territory. reasons include religion and many other factors. as You know, Pakistan is not ex Indian territory rather it existed and survived invasion and assimilation from West Asia and "Persians" if loosely held can include Pakistanis too. We are not European Union, We are not Chinese. Here, after Wagah, another civilization and culture is thriving not related to Persian,Arab Islamic civilization of which Pakistan is a part too. Watching Star plus and speaking Urdo cannot make Pakistanis and Indians similar. there are a LOT of differences when You compare Pakistan with India. but it is not so when You compare Srilanka,Bangladesh,Bhutan,Nepal and our other neighbours with India.

British saved India by partition. that is the fact. Khilafat movement was a eye opener.
Iran,Afghanistan and Pakistan are natural friends and a union. India is not.

south indians are also fair.last year i went to saroj hospital due to some reasons and i swear to god i saw fair tamil nurses and they were hot.i would have given you proof but they don't allow us to take snap inside hospital.tight security.......

OT: not about "fairness" but, you misjudged them. just as arabi misjudges malabaris for madarassis.
those nurses are 99% Malayalis and many are probably syrian christians. fact.
From day one, a typical Indian reads, sees and is exposed to the hatred for Pakistan everywhere. From school textbooks to media, movies, elders, you name it. Now I come to response mechanism of brain and affect of feedback effect. Read about it and you will know how it affects as decision making process and alter our brain.

Once you learn about it, you won't have any doubt why this behavior on both sides of the border. Answer lies in psychology and neuroscience.
From day one, a typical Indian reads, sees and is exposed to the hatred for Pakistan everywhere. From school textbooks to media, movies, elders, you name it. Now I come to response mechanism of brain and affect of feedback effect. Read about it and you will know how it affects as decision making process and alter our brain.

Once you learn about it, you won't have any doubt why this behavior on both sides of the border. Answer lies in psychology and neuroscience.
May be our media should stop demonizing pakistanis. That will be a good start. Dont you think?
Now the image we get is pakistan a land of gun toting rakhyasas. :)
From day one, a typical Indian reads, sees and is exposed to the hatred for Pakistan everywhere. From school textbooks to media, movies, elders, you name it. Now I come to response mechanism of brain and affect of feedback effect. Read about it and you will know how it affects as decision making process and alter our brain.

Once you learn about it, you won't have any doubt why this behavior on both sides of the border. Answer lies in psychology and neuroscience.
Apply the Game theory model between india and pakistan and see what you get....
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