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Thank you dear. On International Women Day I firmly believe all those men ranging from my Father and my brothers to PDF family deserve praise for respecting and valuing me as a woman. I thank all the MEN out here on PDF from Pakistan as well as India and Turkey and Bangladesh and all other nationalities. My pleasure to know and interact with you guys. Thank you @WebMaster you been a wonderful person, and all the mods I respect and cherish. @T-123456 @Taygibay @Joe Shearer @Zaki, @The Eagle , @Horus there are too many people I want to tag here from all sides but pardon me am bad at writing right initials and corresponding alphabets with tag sign @ due to which user IDs are not appearing correctly so pardon me. Thank you, You wonderful men out here and elsewhere for bearing with me :D And to the wonderful ladies on this forum. You all rock.

Happy Women's Day. Also let us not forget the socialists in various countries who made this day possible.
Who else is excited for Avengers: Infinity War?

Here is Thanos throwing a moon at the Avengers::lol:

:yu: Don't forget to greet us International Men's day on 19th of November ,2018
After all Romania is the first country to officially recognize and celebrate this as a 'national day'.
hahahaha I did not know that. Yes sure if I was alive
Joe , I'm not gonna accept those labels on me which are definitely do not belong to me

About the crime , well, speaking about everything is known as crime here .
Speaking aboit women equal rights gets u a label of feminasi so that people don't take u seriously.
Talking about army nd its role gets u a label of anti pakistan ..
Nd speaking about the common attraction humans have without the differences of nations gets u a label of marrying a Hindu Indian .. Lmao

This all has a one purpose i. e so that his post's value is increased nd mine falls ...
People can fall this low .. wow ..

@Joe Shearer

Of course you're right; I was just gently pulling your leg. Just think of being an old, err, let's call it 'fogey', for the sakes of the young people reading all this, and think of what I must feel. It's the same thing, you believe that all citizens of India should be equal, not just in law, but in practice, you're an Uncle Tom; you believe that your neighbours are basically decent people, and what we need is jaw-jaw, not war-war, and you're an unpatriotic coward; you believe that the genders are equal, and you're not manly enough......

Having got that off my chest, it is self-pitying and wholly insensitive not to realise that women have the worst of all possible worlds, whichever civilisation or culture it is - except the Touareg, and the Eskimaux, and the people of Manipur.

As for these plastic heroes on PDF who take pot shots at women, just leave them alone. Looking at their posts is enough to put one off one's feed.
Of course you're right; I was just gently pulling your leg. Just think of being an old, err, let's call it 'fogey', for the sakes of the young people reading all this, and think of what I must feel. It's the same thing, you believe that all citizens of India should be equal, not just in law, but in practice, you're an Uncle Tom; you believe that your neighbours are basically decent people, and what we need is jaw-jaw, not war-war, and you're an unpatriotic coward; you believe that the genders are equal, and you're not manly enough......

Having got that off my chest, it is self-pitying and wholly insensitive not to realise that women have the worst of all possible worlds, whichever civilisation or culture it is - except the Touareg, and the Eskimaux, and the people of Manipur.

As for these plastic heroes on PDF who take pot shots at women, just leave them alone. Looking at their posts is enough to put one off one's feed.

Thank you dear. On International Women Day I firmly believe all those men ranging from my Father and my brothers to PDF family deserve praise for respecting and valuing me as a woman. I thank all the MEN out here on PDF from Pakistan as well as India and Turkey and Bangladesh and all other nationalities. My pleasure to know and interact with you guys. Thank you @WebMaster you been a wonderful person, and all the mods I respect and cherish. @T-123456 @Taygibay @Joe Shearer @Zaki, @The Eagle , @Horus there are too many people I want to tag here from all sides but pardon me am bad at writing right initials and corresponding alphabets with tag sign @ due to which user IDs are not appearing correctly so pardon me. Thank you, You wonderful men out here and elsewhere for bearing with me :D And to the wonderful ladies on this forum. You all rock.
Always good to have you around. :)
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