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i direct pakistani state apparatus to consider all PDF members on probation from now on wards. depending on their performance they can all be arrested as soon as i assume formal power in any capacity.
another directive for pakistani state: anyone who thinks my brother is an easy target is to be arrested on the spot and tried under anti-terrorism laws in military courts.

so i just received your reply. not surprising you turned out to be a shallow people without belief. goodluck and goodbye then.
btw now you can relieve the fireworks guy of his duties as well.
The Soviet Tank that missed WWII

Mar 13, 2018 Roz Skellorn

TANKFEST 2018, to be held at The Tank Museum, UK, June 29 – July 1, will feature a running IS-3M Heavy Tank, appearing in the United Kingdom for the first time.
@django i am sharing this i need ur pov on this. This is a many years old blog written by Mira sethi the daughter of famous Ghaddar Najam sethi , a bakwas actress and reading her blog i also felt shes jealous of pakistani womens looks comments cause she looks nothing pakistani. Please do focus on 3 statements i have highlighted in red bold.

"The Indian Media and HRK

Hina Rabbani Khar landed in New Delhi airport on July 26, her oversized designer sunglasses shielding what quickly became the most talked-about face in the Indian capital. Within hours of her arrival in Delhi, the Indian media went out of its way to fawn over her beauty and fashion sense. "Pak Puts On Its Best Face," said The Times of India, the largest-selling English-language daily, while Hindi newspaper Navbharat Times averred that Hindustan was "sweating over model-like minister." In a nod to the fraught relationship between the two countries since Partition, the tabloid Mumbai Mirror quipped, "Pak bomb lands in India.'

The Mail Today appraised the foreign minister in the tones of a beauty-pageant judge: "The 34-year-old minister scored full marks on the fashion front when she was spotted at the Delhi airport in a monotone outfit of blue - the colour of the season.' It added: "Tasteful accessories - Roberto Cavalli sunglasses, oversized Hermes Birkin bag and classic pearl jewellery - added a hint of glamour to her look.' Glamorous indeed: the bag alone costs anywhere between $9,000 to $150,000.

An Indian blogger, Pragmatic_d tweeted: "You don't carry a bag that is a serious fraction of your country's fiscal deficit and not expect it to be commented upon." All fair: Khar's "look' wasn't exactly modest. But the more interesting question is why the Indian media was so breathless over her.

The Indian press's enthusiasm for Khar is typical in the sense that it is in line with the (predominant) Indian perception of "Pakistani beauty.' Just as some Pakistanis think Kashmiris (with their green-blue eyes and "fair' skin) are more beautiful, Indians (especially women), have long been fascinated with Pakistani women, thinking them most attractive of all subcontinental types. When I was working in Delhi a few years ago, I often heard, "Uff, Pakistani women are so beautiful." I heard it at cocktail parties, in newsrooms, at food stalls on the street. More recently, when India beat us in the cricket World Cup, an Indian friend consoled me thus: "Look at it this way dude. Pakistani women are so much hotter.

But there is a more sobering undertone to the frenzy: Even Indians want good news from Pakistan. If it comes in the form of a modern-looking ambassador, the thinking goes, a Birkin is better than a ballistic missile.

That designer-clad Khar-sporting an accessory that could feed a whole village in Pakistan-is "good news' is also a reflection of India's materialism, of how far the country has come from the Nehruvian socialist principles of India's nationhood. Khar's look-the understated elegance of confident wealth-was reassuring to India's media elite precisely because it corresponds to what is increasingly familiar in their own country. A new class of wealthy Indians hope that Pakistan's rich will comport themselves in a way that is visually familiar-and thus reassuring. Khar may have covered her head, but she was sporting a Birkin bag-the ultimate symbol of moneyed, cosmopolitan arrival.

It is as much a comment on India's materialistic upper-middle classes as it is about Pakistan's bankrupt politics where a decorative cypher of the Foreign Office (which reports to GHQ) is instantly accepted-nay, applauded-in her role as Foreign Minister.

Mira Sethi is Assistant Books Editor at the Wall Street Journal.

1. Firstly really since when did pakistani started prizing kashmiri green eyes and fair complexion specifically?Coming from a maternal kashmiri family green eye color is not very common amongst us , its more common amongst pushtoons. A fair complexion is somewhat desired in some parts of pakistan but nothing like pakistanis specifically associating with any ethnic groups. God its like she was voicing her inner complexes.

2. Even india wants good news to come out of Pakistan.....ballistic missile nonsense? What with this twisted comment? I mean how much one want to become an indian arse wipe that she/he would care about "even indians wanting" a good news coming out of pakistan?!!. Like WTF?

3. Lastly, the typical traitor ki aulad ka GHQ taunt. Since when foreign office started reporting to GHQ.

I understand not being beautiful like rest of pak women is a painful thing for some but to turn bitter shows u lack dignity too.
Had it not been her fathers influence i doubt anyone would hire her for any tiniest role in a drama. But here shes playing full lead roles thanks to daddy and traitor mother Jugnu mohsin who too was reported to have remained involved in anti state activities like her husband.

Thats mira for you.

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@SecularNationalist .. The guy u posted pic of . Though it was pleasant be what do u call it ? I belive it was extreme .
He was arnold the bodybuilder who introduced bodybuilding to this world.He was not extreme he was a natural bodybuilder.Cannot beleive you called a 7 times mr olympia,a action hero and former governor ugly :lol: Hope you will soon get your prince charming :lol:

@SecularNationalist .. The guy u posted pic of . Though it was pleasant be what do u call it ? I belive it was extreme .
this is what we called ugly.A plastic body made from steriods and injections .He is ronnie coleman
He was arnold the bodybuilder who introduced bodybuilding to this world.He was not extreme he was a natural bodybuilder.Cannot beleive you called a 7 times mr olympia,a action hero and former governor ugly :lol: Hope you will soon get your prince charming :lol:
Aww shiiit ..
Actually my unawareness leads me to be quite ignorant on this .
This one I believe is very pleasant to eyes so next time a guy asks me how do I like this all body building ... im gonna tell this one ... What's it's name ..


Yeah that Ronnie is very unpleasant to see .
Aww shiiit ..
Actually my unawareness leads me to be quite ignorant on this .
This one I believe is very pleasant to eyes so next time a guy asks me how do I like this all body building ... im gonna tell this one ... What's it's name ..

View attachment 459586
Yeah that Ronnie is very unpleasant to see .
Hey thats me ;);) just kidding :lol:
Well your prince charming has a body of a kick boxer ,athletic type.I also like such kind of a body,that looks natural and healthy as well.
Also since kick boxers are fighters their stamina is incredible unlike a pure bodybuilder.But of course when it comes to strength bodybuilders beat kick boxers.
Hey thats me ;);) just kidding :lol:
Well your prince charming has a body of a kick boxer ,athletic type.I also like such kind of a body,that looks natural and healthy as well.
Also since kick boxers are fighters their stamina is incredible unlike a pure bodybuilder.But of course when it comes to strength bodybuilders beat kick boxers.

kick boxer and an athletic body ... got it !

Well, I won't recommend my prince charming to get the body builder's body because I don't want him to go for fight nd beat people . I just want a man with a good mouth nd a good athletic body .

@Well.wisher ,
How'sa going ?

Going great .
You ?
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