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What would escalate war with Iran?

lol at arabs, turks and pakistanis talking **** about Iran while Pakistan is being bombed by Americans, arabs are defacto colonies of USA with American bases all over and Turkey also has American bases and it's a slave of the West while trying to portray an image of independence.

Hatred and fanatical religous extremism destroys a man's brain.

btw, if USA attacks, the chains that are on Iran will break free. The mullahs will be ousted, the sanctions will be removed, oil production will be increased to saudi levels, gas production will increase to Russia levels, Iranian firms will again be allowed to export, Iran will be able to buy arms again and most impt of all, without the mullahs Parsi nationalism will again be the ideological driving force of Iran. This new Iran will be economically stronger than all the nations in the region (our gas exports alone are projected to bring in more money than Saudi's entire petro exports and on top of that we also have oil), we will be buying arms and producing arms at an insane rate and the new ideological driving force of the nation will emphasize Iranian nationalism rather than shia nationalism!!! In every way Iran will become a giant pain in all your collective behinds. So whther the US attacks or doesn't, we'll be here and we'll be a pain in your behinds.
Saudi's and Irani are enemies for life, there is maybe even more hate between Iran and Saudi then Iran and Israel.

Saudi's probably won't miss this chance and go full thrust forward.
We are not enemies for life. We are enemies (or rivals) now but the door for reconciliation is open when things change.
if arabs were so outstanding fighter always why did they lost against isreal in Yom Kippur War ? when the isreal should have been buried 6 feet under by the sheer strength that the Arabs possessed through numbers and as u said through quality. Arabs were great fighters.THEY WERE

Through Numbers? the numbers were equal but the quality was in their favor, they used to get the best of what Americans have while we used to get downgraded versions of Soviet arms and that's why Egypt cut all ties with USSR.

It's very interesting when a Pakistani lecturing others about their quality in fighting, so my friend wouldn't you start enlighten us about your glorious wars...
Yes, I can claim my ancestors glory. They were Muslims but pure Arabs as well, why would I let everyone claim his ancestry glory and deny mine in the pretext that it was Islamic? although it was done by Arabs? Even some others try to steal this history for himself. I refer you to Iran-Iraq war, a relatively small country with 1/5 of Iranian population, a country that defeated Iran which was two years before the war the fifth strongest nation in the world. We are here talking about Iraq and let alone other Arabs.

Can you tell me about a country that wasn't defeated in it's history? Simply non
But I challenge you to get me a nation that won wars as the Arabs... Look at Afghanistan, Chicana, and Kosvo where the most ferocious fighters are Arabs and that's why you always see them leaders in those countries although they are few.

No one asked you to deny or claim anything but simply that, to use yet another expression, 'the apple has fallen far from tree' !

Well to be correct 'no' you cannot claim your ancestor's glory. For one you played no part in it & for another the Arabs of this century are very....very different from the Arabs of ages past who fought for the glory of Islam, who epitomized progress & modernity, honor & fair play & who build their Kingdoms as models of excellence. Not you..not the present day sorry state of Arabs where frivolity, decadence & bigotry are the hall-marks of what your Governments have become. Where you plot against one another, taking sides & are in the process used & abused like the rest of us. Where you institutionalize racism with your discriminatory policies & treatment of us - lesser Muslims.

Do you want to know who had claim to the 'glorious past of your ancestors' ? People like Shah Faisal, Omar Mukhtar & Abdel Kader - People with honor, integrity, vision & idealism, all hallmarks of the Arabs of the past who achieved something !

So I ask again :

'They were indeed your great progenitors, but who are you to claim their glories ?'

No one !

P.S the Iran-Iraq war is some qualification of victory when it was Iraq that invaded Iran ! :hitwall:
Through Numbers? the numbers were equal but the quality was in their favor, they used to get the best of what Americans have while we used to get downgraded versions of Soviet arms and that's why Egypt cut all ties with USSR.

It's very interesting when a Pakistani lecturing others about their quality in fighting, so my friend wouldn't you start enlighten us about your glorious wars...

Could there have been a difference in the quality of strategy as well?
lol at arabs, turks and pakistanis talking **** about Iran while Pakistan is being bombed by Americans, arabs are defacto colonies of USA with American bases all over and Turkey also has American bases and it's a slave of the West while trying to portray an image of independence.

Hatred and fanatical religous extremism destroys a man's brain.

btw, if USA attacks, the chains that are on Iran will break free. The mullahs will be ousted, the sanctions will be removed, oil production will be increased to saudi levels, gas production will increase to Russia levels, Iranian firms will again be allowed to export, Iran will be able to buy arms again and most impt of all, without the mullahs Parsi nationalism will again be the ideological driving force of Iran. This new Iran will be economically stronger than all the nations in the region (our gas exports alone are projected to bring in more money than Saudi's entire petro exports and on top of that we also have oil), we will be buying arms and producing arms at an insane rate and the new ideological driving force of the nation will emphasize Iranian nationalism rather than shia nationalism!!! In every way Iran will become a giant pain in all your collective behinds. So whther the US attacks or doesn't, we'll be here and we'll be a pain in your behinds.

That's exactly what we want, a national and prosperous Iran that minds it's own business, which will lead to a more peaceful and prosperous ME.
I really see no war happening... the west is worried about Israel... an attack on Iran will trigger Hezbollah to attack Israel and of course Syria since Iran and Syria have a mutual defense agreement... so the west will not risk it because of Israel... thus Israel wants to destroy Syria first so it will be easier for them to attack Iran.. and that will never happen...
@ atatwolf:
Every month you make a link about this Iran-KSA, Iran-Azeri war.
Who wants an Attack on Iran?

Azeri want attack on Iran
The current situation is fine for KSA. We do not have ANY reason to go to war with Israel or Iran or any other country. We are enjoying the oil prices :)
Many people in this forum want to enjoy the war of others.
Could there have been a difference in the quality of strategy as well?

Yes, three Egyptian leaders (defense minister, the armed force commander and the president) had a big argument over three different plans, and eventually Sadat's (the president) plan was adopted to alleveite the pressure on Syria. The armed force commander's plan was the right one...
Yes, three Egyptian leaders had a big argument over three different plans, and eventually Sadat's (the president) plan was adopted to alleveite the pressure on Syria.

I assume one of the other two would have granted a victory?
Well Iran is technically under attack. The economic embargo imposed upon Iran give it a right to retaliate.

Even medicines are being stopped from going to Iran.

The Arab and other muslim countries response has been shameless as usual, but I think Iran should now decide to drop its rigidity too before it is turned into somalia.

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