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what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

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in the near to medium term - nothing. Pakistan will continue to induct JF17 and additional F16s. Pakistan seemingly has moved away from J10B and FC31.
Planes are Rumoured to be J-10s or 11s under use of PAF pilots and related crew. It is confirm that PAF crew is operating those jets as mention by defense minister.
so PAF are operating 2 secret squadrons of a mystery jet (J-10 or 11) and they're based in China ? o_O

sounds legit :coffee:
in the near to medium term - nothing. Pakistan will continue to induct JF17 and additional F16s. Pakistan seemingly has moved away from J10B and FC31.

Correct, but the question is, on what promise has it moved away ?
As for fuel consumption----due to a streamlined body---and 1 / 3rd to 1 / 4th the drag of a Mig 29---or even 1 / 2 the drag----

As an engineer who dealt with testing aerofoil profiles a living, the above said task is Impossible. Feel free to prove any optimized profile that can reduce transonic and supersonic by half of a comparable profile of the Mig29 (F22 included).
As an engineer who dealt with testing aerofoil profiles a living, the above said task is Impossible. Feel free to prove any optimized profile that can reduce transonic and supersonic by half of a comparable profile of the Mig29 (F22 included).


Alright---so what do you think the difference should be!

Differet sources are touting the combat radius between 850 km to 1100 Km and some at 2000km---.
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apart from shoring up air defenses, there really isn't anything currently in or available off the shelf to PAF to counter it.

from the US, F-16 block 60s and F-15s are going to be tough, spl now with their congress blocking the 8 blk 52s for now.

from the EU, PAF could possibly make a pitch for the Typhoon but do remember that $$ is where it lost out to the Rafale in the MMRCA, it's going to be pricey, if it all a sale is cleared. Saab Gripen maybe but it's a light fighter and no match for the Rafale, PAF are probably better off upgrading the Thunder.

from Russia, much is being talked about the recent thawing/warming of relations and defence cooperation and mi28 sale but SU 35s is still a bit far fetched, given India's still very strong strategic defence ties with them, I'd even say it's impossible for right now.

which leaves all weather ally, the Dragon, to acquire from.. but here again the J-11 flanker sale is subject to Russian approval, and the 31 still under development besides being a 5th gen separate category fighter altogether, this remains the only realistic last option standing.

If China is OK with J10, so are the Paks if they get them.
Why we never inducted J-10? i remember Musharaf was very much interested in it he even visited the factory of J-10s despite he was getting F-16s..?
Pakistan should induct at least 4 squadrons of either SU-35 or J-10 C before going for J-31
the mki has a poor servicing and very low availability rates, whilst the rafale isnt, and will have availability rate of at least 80% which is significantly higher than the mki .not to mention the rafale is more advanced.

Seriously when I hear Bullcr@p like this I doubt whether people are serious about what they write! Ever heard the concept of WWR? War Wastage Reserve? Availability and servicing in peace time is dictated due to budgetary requirements in terms of trimming the revenue expenditure of the overall force and structuring the requirements in order to maintain a minima for peace time deployment. Seeing you display UK's flag, with the logic you are giving, your nation is doomed in terms of defence preparedness. But you have your stocks in case you need to mobilize and field larger force structures than those being required right now. Now coming to war time requirements ...... WWR is there to meet the contingency for fighting a war (and not merely a battle). WWR is not touched irrespective of what the peace time contingency is.

Example 15 IL-76s held by IAF but only 3 to 4 are "available" whilst rest are AOGs (aircraft on ground). But with 3 hours notice all can be operationalized.

Please be serious about your arguments.


Has everyone forgot about Pakistan's AWACS?
Some of them having AESA radars so no PAF jets will have to use their own radars and they can maintain complete silence and act as a defence to the AWACS and as bomb/missile truck. If anyone here has some knowledge about AESA radars, they will also know that they can be used to clutter the enemy's radar with different variable signals all at once. This causes great difficulty for the enemy to distinguish signals picked up from the back ground and those picked up by the planes.
So in retrospect, there isn't any need for the PAF to hasten their buying a tit-for-tat plane. They have the required equipment to deal with most threats. Also, the IAF has to station its fighter jets along several of its international borders, so even if they have hundreds and hundreds of 4th generation fighters, they will be distributed to other regions. In this regard Pakistan has a benefit as they have to focus all their ground-based radars, AWACS and fighter jets on their eastern border only.

Any aircraft lifting off any base in Pakistan is tracked immediately by India. Similar capabilities are there on either sides with one added advantage of dedicated real time surveillance by satellites in India.
Your second point regarding the need for dispersal is correct. Indian posturing will be such that minimal force levels required to dominate west and hold north and east is maintained. Keeping that in mind, there is, as you rightly pointed out, no need for Pakistan to react. They just should concentrate on strengthening the air defences.

At critical time, pakistan can lease existing J10c squadrons directly in PlAAF's service.

Not likely to occur. The criticality will be an imminent war with India only. And China will not like to be caught on the wrong foot. Your post can only merit further trolling but lacks considerations of realpolitik which actually dictates Chinese policy

If rafael was actually such a big game changer, india shud have taken in 126 and that too few years ago...rather than 36 today....

So hold on to your pants and await a response......

At the end of the day, its about economics. Simple. We can not afford to field a high end air force. Our force structure will be a mix of high, majority mid and low end aircrafts. Even US is finding the F-35 program difficult to field. All high end ACs are difficult to maintain (in terms of budgetary considerations)

How old are you?

LOL .... I also thought the same
Pakistan has nothing to worry. Pakistan should sitback and enjoy whilst India throws away billions and billions of dollars on feeling safer whilst its hungry population can chew on Rafale planes. All this money wasted on junk which is never going to be used anyway.

Pakistan should continue working on a solid minimum detterence. Build more and better reactors. It should also continue on the path of solidifying its domestic defence industry.

Continue the work on JF-17s and induct them in greater numbers. Especially the latest variant. Invest all future money in the acquisition of a Chinese 5th gen aircraft which undoubtedly is a killer. If we have any spare money, we ought to go for a few squadrons of Su-35s. This will be icing on top of the cake. Nothing else is required here.

Pakistan has a strong military capability which has kept aggressors in check during the worst of times. The future isn't going to be any different as long as we keep working on the key elements as aforementioned.
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Don't take in a wrong way but i think PAF has big doubts in the capability of J-10.. that's why even though they've better relations with China, they're not going for J-10. i don't know what J-10 gives that f-16 doesn't !!!

If the PAF weren't interested in the J-10, there wouldn't be continuous talk of them purchasing it. To add to this, PAF officials were photographed being presented official models of the J-10 by the team in charge of the J-10 program. There are other factors along the manufacturing process, including production rate and PLAAF orders, that may affect exports.

What exactly the J-10 (or any other plane, for that matter) offers over what the PAF has at present is a guess of anybody except those directly involved in the negotiations.
Plan for next five year
We should buy 60-80 (f18 from australia and Canada or mirage 2000 from qatar and uae) and 2 more erieye or hawkeye ,station them at southern and western air command, invest in upgradation of JF17 and increase its production and buy 8-16 f16 block52+,and upgradation of air defence system
and wait for j31 save sum money for stealth aircrafts
J-10 c .Good in paper and specs .But when it comes to real time experience Rafale is a mammoth .That fighter already saw actions in Libya and against IS in Iraq and Syria .
Then again.It has western avionics .So except J 31 or J 20 ,there is no rival for Rafale in Asia for now .
EFT of course can be good.But you have to convince 4 nations and a good load of money .

Chinese banned the exports of their J 20 .But I think J 31 options is in there.

"Combat experience", especially against an opponent with little viable air power, isn't exactly a goldmine of a testament to its combat capabilities. Engineering simulations and acceptance trials take care of that for any nation unwilling to devote to a war just to validate their military equipment.

The Rafale has plenty of "rivals" in Asia, if you so wish to leave its definition vague: F-15K, F-15SG, F-15SA, J-11D, J-10B/C, J-16, F-16Q, etc.
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