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what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

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i thought it was us who backed down in favor of chinese subs anyway i hope our leaders will move away from the f16 and will consider the EFT and maybe few leopards too :)
you did back down, you backed out due to the restrictions. the leapards are to heavy, may as well go for altay but then again to heavy. sub 50 tonners are only considered, some ofset is allowed. the british government has the largest voice in regards to the typhoon as we ordered more, and we make most of the parts.
Unfortunately Reuters and bloomberg both estimate India will spend around $150 Bn or Euro 138 Bn in next 10 years for a much deeper modernisation.

$620 billion till 2022, half of it will be capital expenditure of course...effective means 310 billion for acquisitions.
Chill guys. Rafale is far from being a real threat. Yet. A lot can happen between now and then. And even when it happens, it can be catered. No weapon is perfect and Rafale is no exception. Here are few options to cater Rafale.

1. Jam resistant SAMs and latest iterations of F-16 can make for immediate response (F-16V and Block-61 are no slouch). Strange it may seem to some but JF-17 block-3 won't be a sitting duck either if PAF gets it right. With AESA, Advance EW suite, composites+RAM coating, IRST, next generation of Chinese BVRs and operating in robust networked space; all this will make JF-17 a potent threat especially when flying on their side that too in swarms.

2. Mid term F-15SA equivalent is more than a match to Rafale. Don't worry. When Rafale are around the corner US Congress will have second thoughts from divine interventions ;). If that doesn't happen then Su-35 or J-1x is there too. EFTs are a possibility too although aircraft has its own problems.

3. J-31/ TFX and F-35 are long term solutions and are likely to be superior to Rafale. J-31 is most likely for PAF.
Chill guys. Rafale is far from being a real threat. Yet. A lot can happen between now and then. And even when it happens, it can be catered. No weapon is perfect and Rafale is no exception. Here are few options to cater Rafale.

1. Jam resistant SAMs and latest iterations of F-16 can make for immediate response (F-16V and Block-61 are no slouch). Strange it may seem to some but JF-17 block-3 won't be a sitting duck either if PAF gets it right. With AESA, Advance EW suite, composites+RAM coating, IRST, next generation of Chinese BVRs and operating in robust networked space; all this will make JF-17 a potent threat especially when flying on their side that too in swarms.

2. Mid term F-15SA equivalent is more than a match to Rafale. Don't worry. When Rafale are around the corner US Congress will have second thoughts from divine interventions ;). If that doesn't happen then Su-35 or J-1x is there too. EFTs are a possibility too although aircraft has its own problems.

3. J-31/ TFX and F-35 are long term solutions and are likely to be superior to Rafale. J-31 is most likely for PAF.

I would reserve my comments for J31 and J20 but for heaven's sake, don't count on them J11s and J10s ! They have been in the process of induction since like 2003 and till now only a handful of them are in service.
$620 billion till 2022, half of it will be capital expenditure of course...effective means 310 billion for acquisitions.

That is a darn shame. So much money spent on weapons when millions of people could use this money to better their lives. Too bad such expensive toys will never be put to any use.

Chill guys. Rafale is far from being a real threat. Yet. A lot can happen between now and then. And even when it happens, it can be catered. No weapon is perfect and Rafale is no exception. Here are few options to cater Rafale.

1. Jam resistant SAMs and latest iterations of F-16 can make for immediate response (F-16V and Block-61 are no slouch). Strange it may seem to some but JF-17 block-3 won't be a sitting duck either if PAF gets it right. With AESA, Advance EW suite, composites+RAM coating, IRST, next generation of Chinese BVRs and operating in robust networked space; all this will make JF-17 a potent threat especially when flying on their side that too in swarms.

2. Mid term F-15SA equivalent is more than a match to Rafale. Don't worry. When Rafale are around the corner US Congress will have second thoughts from divine interventions ;). If that doesn't happen then Su-35 or J-1x is there too. EFTs are a possibility too although aircraft has its own problems.

3. J-31/ TFX and F-35 are long term solutions and are likely to be superior to Rafale. J-31 is most likely for PAF.

We don't need to do anything crazy here. Let India spend billions of dollars on weaponry which it will never put to use against anyone. This is just fake muscle flexing and paranoia. China, Pakistan and India are nuclear powers. No matter what, in the end it is always checkmate.

The whole world knows that countries like Pakistan and India have mass poverty. Such countries should really feed their masses before thinking about Rafales and F-16s. It is criminal that these countries are allowed to spend such outrageous amounts of money on weaponry. The French, Americans and everyone else are only interested in money and sowing conflict. They are laughing whilst filling their coffers.
sir can you please give link of those threads or tag me So i can read them ..........
My reason to join this forum was to learn about PAF stretegy to counter Su30 mkis but in last 7 months i found nothing......
Kindly tag me in those threads

My boy,

I have been searching for the same for the last 30 years as well---since I admitted to myself that PAF was not the right 'god' to worship---.

They are a bunch of liars who have cheated and deceived the nation since 1970---for their one time glory of the 1965 war----.

An air force is not only a conglomerate who has the excellent pilots---but also an organization that procures its weapons systems in a timely manner---and those weapons with the least amount of constraints.

This organization wants to strut around in self-agrandizement---creating a myht of man behind the machine and making other believe that the enemy pilots are idots and incompetent nincompoops.

If you challenge their claim---they yell that they are ready to die for their country----.

Not realizing that a dog also is also ready to die for its master and the master's children without creating a fanfare.
Best answer: More focus on our own security, education, and economic development needs.

Proposing how best we can get a bargain deal to cope with much more higher value purchases by our competitors is not the right response. Yes, the PAF will do what it can with what we give it to deal with new challenges. The important part is what happens with the economy.
Do not follow any ranking websites, for measuring fire-power of any fighter jet. Instead look for the information and discussion, because EFT and Rafale are different according to the role they play. Rafale are currently the best available multi-role fighter jet in the world, EFT are still struggling with ground attack role and can be countered by MKIs very easily, for more info refer some articles by RAF on dogfight between MKI and EFT. Plus as previously many members have posted, EFT is never an option for a nation which hardly spents $ 7 billion annually on their defence.


A couple of videos released on eurofighter by the conglomerate states the eurofighter to be more of an air superiority fighter interceptor---rather than a ground strike.
:o: how dare you!! su-35!!!!
eurofighter typhoon baby!! dont worry were are planning to cut prices down to a minimum of £80 million

Chinese plagiarism most likely will prevent any decent western platforms to come near Pakistan.

Chinese goods are the most plausible option.

That is a darn shame. So much money spent on weapons when millions of people could use this money to better their lives. Too bad such expensive toys will never be put to any.

Sizeable portion of it is meant for private defense manufacturers in India.so, most of the billions will be used by the people.

Some are smart enough to not link up security issues with social issues, let alone strategic weapons - they prefer to let individual departments handle their given brief.

Soemthing similar to the hilarious argument "There's nothing in space - thats the reason why we do not launch rockets and satellites"..
Chill guys. Rafale is far from being a real threat. Yet. A lot can happen between now and then. And even when it happens, it can be catered. No weapon is perfect and Rafale is no exception. Here are few options to cater Rafale.

1. Jam resistant SAMs and latest iterations of F-16 can make for immediate response (F-16V and Block-61 are no slouch). Strange it may seem to some but JF-17 block-3 won't be a sitting duck either if PAF gets it right. With AESA, Advance EW suite, composites+RAM coating, IRST, next generation of Chinese BVRs and operating in robust networked space; all this will make JF-17 a potent threat especially when flying on their side that too in swarms.

2. Mid term F-15SA equivalent is more than a match to Rafale. Don't worry. When Rafale are around the corner US Congress will have second thoughts from divine interventions ;). If that doesn't happen then Su-35 or J-1x is there too. EFTs are a possibility too although aircraft has its own problems.

3. J-31/ TFX and F-35 are long term solutions and are likely to be superior to Rafale. J-31 is most likely for PAF.
I have been napping chill since we test nuclear bombs . . . only stupid people are worried india has no guts to attack our sovereignty other than proxy wars using terrorism propaganda.
J 31 is future as future is stealth.... quicker we induct it better we are.... better even would be to have in house manufacturing
Best answer: More focus on our own security, education, and economic development needs.

Proposing how best we can get a bargain deal to cope with much more higher value purchases by our competitors is not the right response. Yes, the PAF will do what it can with what we give it to deal with new challenges. The important part is what happens with the economy.
there is investment in those sectors currently, but its not easy, when you have a neighbor on the east whos basically gearing up to make any potential conflict hopeless, what the indians are doing is different from modernizations of most airforces, its more like stockpiling weapons, and creating massive obstacles to the point they have a 50:1 likelihood of taking out all Pakistan's forward bases in a similar way to what the US did in iraq in 1990. they want to arm themselves to the teeth and bash the hell out of pakistan, The US will also tag along and send 2 of there cariers off the coast and start there own bombardments they'll say ''well some of there nuclear facilities could fall into the wrong hands''
i didn't realize this till recently, with there current form it will take 10+ for pakistan to catch up, The problem is the US, there giving them a massive hand in sharpening the blade. China or Russia wont do shit,china doesn't even trust its own weapons system, russia will never sell anything serious to pakistan, buying a bunch of SU-35s won't make a great impact. literally the only hope this country has is if we find massive reservoirs of oil beneath us.

J 31 is future as future is stealth.... quicker we induct it better we are.... better even would be to have in house manufacturing
even the chinese don't take the J-31 seriously its just a toy to them, the J-31 is levels below a rafale, i'd rather pilot a rafale then pilot a testbed/experiment type plane which was designed for show.
If rafael was actually such a big game changer, india shud have taken in 126 and that too few years ago...rather than 36 today....

So hold on to your pants and await a response......
If rafael was actually such a big game changer, india shud have taken in 126 and that too few years ago...rather than 36 today....

So hold on to your pants and await a response......
they couldn't afford the whole 126, even with 36 5th generation examples its still a massive boost. don't downplay it like its nothing. having 200+ Flankers and 36 5th generation fighter jets + S-400/S300/ etc isn't a big deal lol.
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