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what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

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I don't want to sound harsh to Pakistani brothers but just my 2cents...

1) India has China too to worry about. Not every weapon that we induct is aimed at Pakistan. Our current inventory of Su-30MKIs and Mirages/ MIG-29 are more than enough to keep PAF at bay.

2) RAFALE once inducted woiuld be Aisa' best fighter. 36 plus whatever addons (as posted by many senior Indian members the final number could well be around 126) will mostly be to have a counter to China's Air Force till the time we induct PAK-Fa or AMCA

3) Frankly speaking, with a 2.3 trillion $ economy growing at 7.4% annually (worlds fastest growing major economy), this conventional gap between Pakistan-India is only going to increase manifolds. Our defence budget today is around 50 billion USD (only 1.5%of our GDP). Imagine in 10 years when we will be a 7-8 trillion USD economy (even taking a mere 7.5% growth rate), our defence budget will be close to 250 billion USD.

Pakistan's best bet is to have a sound defensive capabilities including anti-aircraft defence shields/ radars and hope that we two neighbours don't go to war at all.

@Abingdonboy @PARIKRAMA
when it comes to economy you certainly do brag as you should be but main of Pakish forces is to deter the attack and we can do it still in our own airspace combining our air defence and our offensive Pakish jet purchase aims are for long lasting status quo
2 squadrons of what :what:? spare aircraft to be quickly transferred to the Pakistani air force in case they need it in a hot war scenario with India or 2 squadrons of PLAAF willing to fight to Pakistan ?

Planes are Rumoured to be J-10s or 11s under use of PAF pilots and related crew. It is confirm that PAF crew is operating those jets as mention by defense minister.
There are many advanced projects are going on to improve defence capabilities of Indian defense, Refale is just a clue. Pakistan was never in race and will never be in race. India is only concern about China and world game. So chill Pakistani's , you people have nukes, what else you need ?
read my recent post kindly
IMO the technological gap has reached a level now that its become the biggest joke, it was bad enough that they have something like 200 SU-30s, now there getting S-400s, rafales and most likely PAK-FAs, its turning into a bit of a nighmare, the indians are serious about making a potential conflict a wipe out. they don't want to give pakistan even a Gilmore of hope, what will PAF do? most likely keep upgrading the JF-17 and looking for more F-16s, there is no way in hell a chinese platform will compensate for the technological gap, if the chinese were so confident in there platforms they would never have signed a deal to buy the SU-35s, the PAF have noticed a chink in the chinese platforms, they've noticed this chink for a long time this is what stopped them from going ahead with the J-10s why spend 50 mills per fighter and get something which isn't quite up to mark then your own F-16s, The J-31 is just a paper aeroplane, it looks smooth and stealthy performance wise i wouldn't be shocked if its below the SU-30MKI.
no need to buy anything... just focus on credible Nuclear triad...

No need to waste money on useless games of dicck measuring..
Invest in a two engine version of JF-17 all that technology and experience is there

JF-17 will need major redesign to become twin engine, it will be easier to make J-10 twin engine then JFT because CAC have done some work on twin engine J-10 few years back, but dropped it due to unknown reasons. Twin engine J-10 will good for ACC.
If you don consider my opinion to be troll types I say let PAF chief fly to Moscow and ask for 36 su35

The reason being the mistral fiasco, India buying Rafale and India Russia FGFA based issues all are potentially a kind of pushing inso Russia relationship towards a recession type of environment.
You can say India did nt like to pay 4-5 bn$ for joint FGFA development but can spend much higher for just 36 rafales.

In all probability to answer India and send out a msg in proper terms, Russia would agree for 36 Su35 sales.

That will potentially open up new platforms for Pakistan in future.

But this window of opportunity is very very limited.. If you have to move then move now bcz knowing this possible situation I am forecasting that a GOI envoy will be in Russia right after Rafale contract is signed. Mostly to please Russia and talk about FGFA investments to keep Russia happy.

Or else its a chinese fighter in J series would be the second best option any time
:o: how dare you!! su-35!!!!
eurofighter typhoon baby!! dont worry were are planning to cut prices down to a minimum of £80 million
Future PAF planning should be without any sort of strings even in future supplies, so China or Russia
Better to go for J16 already with aesa radar and some parameters better than su35.
Better because it will improve at most accelerated rate as currently China is.
su 35 is second choice to me
J10c is 3rd as J31 is much better but much delayed

Ditch the expensive F-16s and save that money for a 5th gen aircraft from China. We also direly require a Su-35 type of fighter to secure our naval interests. In the meanwhile, keep churning out better versions of the JF-17. We are in no hurry. Let the Indians keep burdening themselves with logistical nightmares. Let's have some popcorn and see how the IAF is able to keep so many different aircraft properly managed and in the air.

Western aircraft such as the EF are out of the question. Simply too expensive and they won't sell anyway. Besides, we can arguably have a better aircraft in the form of Su-35 which is more affordable. It would be foolish to opt for something like the EF when you have something as lethal as the Su-35 within reach.
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IMO the technological gap has reached a level now that its become the biggest joke, it was bad enough that they have something like 200 SU-30s, now there getting S-400s, rafales and most likely PAK-FAs, its turning into a bit of a nighmare, the indians are serious about making a potential conflict a wipe out. they don't want to give pakistan even a Gilmore of hope, what will PAF do? most likely keep upgrading the JF-17 and looking for more F-16s, there is no way in hell a chinese platform will compensate for the technological gap, if the chinese were so confident in there platforms they would never have signed a deal to buy the SU-35s, the PAF have noticed a chink in the chinese platforms, they've noticed this chink for a long time this is what stopped them from going ahead with the J-10s why spend 50 mills per fighter and get something which isn't quite up to mark then your own F-16s, The J-31 is just a paper aeroplane, it looks smooth and stealthy performance wise i wouldn't be shocked if its below the SU-30MKI.

Unfortunately Reuters and bloomberg both estimate India will spend around $150 Bn or Euro 138 Bn in next 10 years for a much deeper modernisation.
Even if all 3 arms do get say $50 Bn each, the IAF, IA and IN is looking at definitely a marked change from its erstwhile present setup. This does mean in future the most probably lowest 4th gen aircraft would be LCA MkXX next would be Su30 MKI super std, Rafales F3R2/F4 std, FGFA and AMCA. Coupled with S400 or similar type SAMs

Its not a boasting but last 15 years steady growth and a huge domestic market has helped us reach a position that we could afford to spend $150 Bn in next decade for such a deep modernisation.

OF course, this implies every country will play to the gallery and will try to corner a sizeable share of this spending. Be it France, USA, Russia, Japan, Germany or even our own Domestic market players from public and private sector.

If you ask my honest opinion, since a new jet squadron will take say 3-4 years and its full assimilation and tactics generation will take another 3-4 years we are looking at around 6-8 years from present timeline for a proper Rafale Jet response strategy. So in that timeline, if Pakistan economy can even add 1% point above its expected growth for 2015, that 1% point over next 8 years technically opens up a huge cash spending capability which can be then judiciously divided among various priorities including defense spending. In that sense taking a decision of procuring a new twin engined jet around 2021 is not a bad idea as you will see a bit more matured platforms and also economically your ability will be much higher.

:o: how dare you!! su-35!!!!
eurofighter typhoon baby!! dont worry were are planning to cut prices down to a minimum of £80 million
As i said my good sir, if Pakistan is able to add 1% point in their economy for next 8 years then in 5 years or 2021 timeline they should be able to afford a fleet of 2-3 squadrons of EFs. By that time EF will definitely evolve into a much capable bird over today. and PAF ability to procure a good advanced platform will also be there.

IMHO GOP needs to do much more to be strong economically first before using the benefits of such a boosted economy in military purchase, negotiations ability and bargaining power of the buyer.

i quoted Su35s only bcz i know for sure Russia is very unhappy with the news of India buying Rafale. So its a opportunistic strategy which can very well cement a long term Pakistan Russia relationship
Im sure the KSA can and will finance 36+1 Typhoons for Pakistan without a doubt,if Pakistan wants.
As i said my good sir, if Pakistan is able to add 1% point in their economy for next 8 years then in 5 years or 2021 timeline they should be able to afford a fleet of 2-3 squadrons of EFs. By that time EF will definitely evolve into a much capable bird over today. and PAF ability to procure a good advanced platform will also be there.

IMHO GOP needs to do much more to be strong economically first before using the benefits of such a boosted economy in military purchase, negotiations ability and bargaining power of the buyer.

i quoted Su35s only bcz i know for sure Russia is very unhappy with the news of India buying Rafale. So its a opportunistic strategy which can very well cement a long term Pakistan Russia relationship
the imf is saying they are growing at 4.5%. there is a new variant, the 3b, its significantly better than any other model. it been developed all it needs is an order. the russains will be more than happy to sell the su-35 to pakistan as it will anoy the indian and it means they can begin on the balancing act, supplying both countries which is somthing the usa is doing very well. the british government wont have a problem selling the eft, i think the germans will come up with somthing to stop it. but its unlikely as the eurofighter consortium needs orders badly. kuwait is looking to buy 28 but they have not even signed a contract let alone placing a deposit, but recently its said they will sign for them soon though.
Thumbs up to indian airforce and army and politicians, i m feeling shameful to accept the Pakistan defeat. They check mate pakistan army and airforce. Indian left no choice for Pakistan except to lick US balls for old f-16 or wait for the disaster. Indians know j-10 is not that level to match even f-16 that is why Pakistan is going for f-lola and not interested in chinese jets. Pakistan army and politicians wasted many years in their petty issues. India is now in different league.
Why Germans would try to stop it? we've good relations with them imo and they've helped us in the past too in '71 iirc
the german are harsh when it comes to weapons sale to pakistan. the type 214 sub deal was proof of that back in 71 the west was close to pakistan due to its membership of seato and cento
the type 214 sub deal
i thought it was us who backed down in favor of chinese subs anyway i hope our leaders will move away from the f16 and will consider the EFT and maybe few leopards too :)
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