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Vikramditya & the IAC Vikrant Threat To Pakistan Waters

Weapon manufacture always make tall claim just to sell it when they are tested in war they become dud so don't take it granted and start celebrating you already won the war.
not even american claim this super weapon in their carrier which are one of the best .

If you have any doubt about Russian weapon, ask Israel and Us why they shy away from attacking Iran and Syria.

TOT on paper just to play with public opinion .
see what happening with Rafale,scorpion subs,t-90,su30mki,ATGM
no tot just kits to assemble

Absolutely wrong. Except metallurgy and Gun, everything is made in India. We prepare Su 30 MKI engines here from mattles supplied by russia. etc., etc..

Oh! I thought you were calling me false flagger.
What Indians don't understand is that it will be INs surface and subsurface fleet which will be cause of concern of PN not their ACC because IN can bring majority of their asset to western command and in Arabian see to out number PN, for that PN is doing whatever it can in its limited resources.

My free advise to your country. Buy subsurface vessel (Subs) and don't spend money on surface ships. It is totally useless against India. Past war has proved that.

[Air Launch Brahmos is in drawing broad,brahmos land base just 290km and popeye turbo range is only 78 KM]
[Pakistan Have Raad with 400KM and babur with 700km operational]

Brahmos have over 500 Km range and babur is a surface to surface missile and not antiship missile.
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Barak 8 max range is 70km and Jf-17 can fire C-802A from 100km and here goes your $1 Billion destroy in Ashes

MRSAM with booster has 110 KM range.

P3 orions will last s few minutes infront. Of mig29k or Su30mki umbrella. Regarding haressing Indian ships no chance the paknavy iis to small to confront India on the open seas would be suicide for them

PC 3 orion shall be useless in war as Su 30 MKI shall be carrying K100 missile, A missile with 400 KMs of range.

There no need for PN to go to open seas when they just have keep their life line open .
And P8i with fight AoA with F16 and Jf-17 good luck

PN can not save itself in Pakistan water forget about fighting in open sea. We shall be having full information of all PN surface vessel and we have pinpoint missile to strike them right in pakistan port where they are stationed.
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There no need for PN to go to open seas when they just have keep their life line open .
And P8i with fight AoA with F16 and Jf-17 good luck

bcoz things move very slow in india so what ever they plan for 2015 will happen in 2025 [remember tejas]
Isro come in my dream and told me that allien are going to take over earth.

And, you believe in dreams - that's so obvious that you do.
Barak 8 max range is 70km and Jf-17 can fire C-802A from 100km and here goes your $1 Billion destroy in Ashes .
Aesa Radar can detect the Jf-17 can't do sh$$ .

to protect this destroyer you have put lots of Su30mki or mig29 round the clock

2019 will become 2029 thats indian standard .
lolzz wise guy first thing For your JF17s or F16s or missage IIIs to reach within missile launching range od there C-802 or Harpoons they nead get at least 100 Miles of the CBG but the thing is that that Indian CBG has multiple layered(PESA/ASEA) and multi Band radar shield that extends way beyond 400 KMs and have a dedicated AA- LR, MR&SR missile in dozens + a dedicated air wing of MIG 29Ks for Air defence only (they have a fighting radius of 850 Km withowt external feul tanks) & not to mention around 6-9 K 31 helix as AWACS

so tell me how wil you avoid them first cause air defence radars are allways on 24X7 so are the AA batteries complemented by multiple CIWSs (ifever things come to that)

and dont forget thet you wil already be hounded & hunted by the land based (again multi layered and multi band radars) backed by squads of Jags , MKIs , M2Ks & MIG29s

just tell me how will you dodge them to have a go at the ACC which again will have 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers & 3-4 frigates which again have all those multi layered radars & SA batteries

please sir kindly do give us your devine wisdom on that Thanks


I doubt the indians would ever deploy a $2.5 billion ship where there is a risk of attack..
Thats the curx of the matter and the point i was trying to tell pakistani members that why will india send its flagship CBG to block pakistani ports when the same result can easli be achieved by very small and fast attack boats(which are staelthy and carry multiple ASMs) , indian Subs & land based deep strike fighter /bomber aircrafts which is way much cheaper and risk free + is very potent and leathel option ...."why use a sledge hammer for a Job of a pocket knife ":azn:
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China has always sold its Junk weapons to Pakistan. Whether it is plane that China herself do not deploy or outdated missile or tanks. These so called missile are of very short range than advertised and useless against moving target.

Yet this junk does not fall from sky on regular basis unlike our neighbors. Wonder what is keeping this junk flying.

If range is the key to determine the quality then how would you rate your brahmose.
Yet this junk does not fall from sky on regular basis unlike our neighbors. Wonder what is keeping this junk flying.

If range is the key to determine the quality then how would you rate your brahmose.
well brother about the junk falling from the skies could you please tell us how many air crashes did PAF had to suffer in last one year onli

now about bhramos brother thing is all indian surface ships (cruisers, frigates, destroyers) have bhramos by now and subs are in process of upgradation for the same + the biggest thing is the "officialli disclosed" range is 290Kms and that is enof to attck and cripple all your assets judging by the diference in distance between the target and launch sites vice-versa india -pak theater and every MKI as of now is capable of carrying at least one bhramos so i guess its pretty enof for you ,,...whats your take on that sir ..Thanks in advance

There no need for PN to go to open seas when they just have keep their life line open .
And P8i with fight AoA with F16 and Jf-17 good luck

bcoz things move very slow in india so what ever they plan for 2015 will happen in 2025 [remember tejas]
Isro come in my dream and told me that allien are going to take over earth.
well the thing is P8is wont fight your F16s & JF 17s but MKIs, M2Ks& MIG29s will who knows rafale& FGFA too some day and the catch is all of them have enof range + the distance betwwen there targets and air bases (from where they will fly off ) is not that great if you look at the geography of the indian sub continent and location of owr air bases

and as for when will there be such a situation ...god forbidd if it ever happens but dear even today your in no postion to be adventurous with us forget about future cause looking at your current state and your econmy and in which direction it is going i think we dont have to worry mutch owr work is already being done by your own "strategick assets " & "friends not masters" :cheers:
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You are funny Shaurya,prahar is not operation :smokin:

But that requires very high accuracy missile like Iskander, Shaurya, Prahar etc. Air base are highly protected. Plane are not kept at airbase in war time.

Yeah you are right they just got allien technology to make aircraft carrier invisible :disagree:

If you have any doubt about Russian weapon, ask Israel and Us why they shy away from attacking Iran and Syria.

Hahaha funny are you 12 years old india cannot repair the engine they have to send it to russia to fix it.:angel:

Absolutely wrong. Except metallurgy and Gun, everything is made in India. We prepare Su 30 MKI engines here from mattles supplied by russia. etc., etc..

I think Brahmos is first intercontinental cruise missile with 10000 km range with multiple war heads:rofl:

Brahmos have over 500 Km range and babur is a surface to surface missile and not antiship missile.
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First worry about LRsam that is 70 KM
MRSAM with booster has 110 KM range.

same think with P8I

PC 3 orion shall be useless in war as Su 30 MKI shall be carrying K100 missile, A missile with 400 KMs of range.

so the war is over you won now go to sleep and celebrate in your dream

PN can not save itself in Pakistan water forget about fighting in open sea. We shall be having full information of all PN surface vessel and we have pinpoint missile to strike them right in pakistan port where they are stationed.

I am sorry with prahaar but with only 150km range can not do Sh$$
Prahar is operational and its variants are ready for export.
First worry about LRsam that is 70 KM

I am sorry with prahaar but with only 150km range can not do Sh$$

It is also getting ready and the installation process is going on ...... :D
First worry about LRsam that is 70 KM
I am sorry with prahaar but with only 150km range can not do Sh$$

Dude ...... !!!!

Prahar is a quick reaction missile (solid propellant). This missile is designed to bridge the gap between Prithvi and Pinaka. Used for ground targets.

Prahar has very good accuracy.


Israhell got this system in august 2013 so you can imagine when india will get and be operational.

Installation process has started and it is being fitted on to the Battle ships.
A-100 multi-rocket launch systems will do more damage then this missile and with more range then this missile .

Dude ...... !!!!

Prahar is a quick reaction missile (solid propellant). This missile is designed to bridge the gap between Prithvi and Pinaka. Used for ground targets.

Prahar has very good accuracy.



Any link will help me change my opinion.
Installation process has started and it is being fitted on to the Battle ships.
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