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IAC-1 INS VIKRANT | Updates and Discussions

that was wartime. with wayyyyyy less resources than what india has right now, in peacetime. pure incompetence anyway you look at it.
Our Navy has a lot of old subs which become accident, prone, all big navies face accidents and this is what the crew is trained to tackle as accidents in such complex machines are bound to happen, this is a problem with all old and soviet era ships we have, the Indian ones are working fine without any issues yet.
Last time Chinese carrier engines failed at sea and has to be towed to the shore.

Chinese submarines often have leaks.
Yup according to 'sources' right? Last time I heard the Indian carrier boiler exploded? And the submarine had a hole blasted by own torpedo? Lol. These are not rumours ya
Care to show when the last time a Chinese carrier had "failed engines at sea and had to be towed to the shore". I don't remember in fact ANY such incident! They had indeed issues but never a carrier had to be towed to the shore.
It's a way to justify their incompetence... Lol
I was in college when construction started and now I’ve already changed jobs four times.
Our Navy has a lot of old subs which become accident, prone, all big navies face accidents and this is what the crew is trained to tackle as accidents in such complex machines are bound to happen, this is a problem with all old and soviet era ships we have, the Indian ones are working fine without any issues yet.
and yet yours sunk..... while in harbour.
magnificent news
sea trials started for the majestic indengious indian carrier
vikrant will.carry
mig29k fighters
the New Romeo mh60 helicopters
and the dhruv navy version helos

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