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Vikramditya & the IAC Vikrant Threat To Pakistan Waters

A-100 multi-rocket launch systems will do more damage then this missile and with more range then this missile .

A-100 is just a guided rocket, which is of 100 km range and it is not known whether it can carry nuclear war head or not.

Prahaar on the other hand has 150 Km range and is highly accurate and can carry nuclear war head.

There is no comparison between a guided rocket and a missile.
When ever PAF will decide to take on Carrier battle group their will be multiple weapon on different platform using their Awacs system which will easily track then from 350 to 400 km away and direct them to their target with out using their radar so their RCS will be minimum and can also use AWACS data on F-16 AMraam with out using f-16 radar to guide them in mid course then switching their own radar to target Mig29.

F-16 job will be to take care of Mig29 which is carrier base fighter .
J717 will take care of mig29 and will deliver C802 cruise missile.
Mirage will be only for attacking carrier battle group.

and i am not talking about naval platforms like F22p and sub.

lolzz wise guy first thing For your JF17s or F16s or missage IIIs to reach within missile launching range od there C-802 or Harpoons they nead get at least 100 Miles of the CBG but the thing is that that Indian CBG has multiple layered(PESA/ASEA) and multi Band radar shield that extends way beyond 400 KMs and have a dedicated AA- LR, MR&SR missile in dozens + a dedicated air wing of MIG 29Ks for Air defence only (they have a fighting radius of 850 Km withowt external feul tanks) & not to mention around 6-9 K 31 helix as AWACS

so tell me how wil you avoid them first cause air defence radars are allways on 24X7 so are the AA batteries complemented by multiple CIWSs (ifever things come to that)

Land base fighter will be busy saving the A$$ and targeting pakistani bases.

and dont forget thet you wil already be hounded & hunted by the land based (again multi layered and multi band radars) backed by squads of Jags , MKIs , M2Ks & MIG29s

bigger battle group more to choose from to attack.

just tell me how will you dodge them to have a go at the ACC which again will have 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers & 3-4 frigates which again have all those multi layered radars & SA batteries

please sir kindly do give us your devine wisdom on that Thanks

India will never use CBG because of losing them in the battle and that will be psychological disaster
and keep on dreaming about blockage

Thats the curx of the matter and the point i was trying to tell pakistani members that why will india send its flagship CBG to block pakistani ports when the same result can easli be achieved by very small and fast attack boats(which are staelthy and carry multiple ASMs) , indian Subs & land based deep strike fighter /bomber aircrafts which is way much cheaper and risk free + is very potent and leathel option ...."why use a sledge hammer for a Job of a pocket knife ":azn:
When ever PAF will decide to take on Carrier battle group their will be multiple weapon on different platform using their Awacs system which will easily track then from 350 to 400 km away and direct them to their target with out using their radar so their RCS will be minimum and can also use AWACS data on F-16 AMraam with out using f-16 radar to guide them in mid course then switching their own radar to target Mig29.

F-16 job will be to take care of Mig29 which is carrier base fighter .
J717 will take care of mig29 and will deliver C802 cruise missile.
Mirage will be only for attacking carrier battle group.

and i am not talking about naval platforms like F22p and sub.

LOL, that was a fun read - no wonder you live in lalaland - by your own admission.
P3 orions will last s few minutes infront. Of mig29k or Su30mki umbrella. Regarding haressing Indian ships no chance the paknavy iis to small to confront India on the open seas would be suicide for them

P3C Orions can hit targets from standoff ranges, they will never comes in range of your MIG-29Ks and CBG air defense and they will be the big headache of IN in case of hostilities because they are very versatile and potent systems.

@Czar786 Pakistani Mirages carry H4 standoff system which is now being further developed to hit moving targets with multiple seekers on board so you can guess what kind of targets they will be used, ships are big and easy to hit then moving tanks. :-)
A-100 is just a guided rocket, which is of 100 km range and it is not known whether it can carry nuclear war head or not.

Prahaar on the other hand has 150 Km range and is highly accurate and can carry nuclear war head.

There is no comparison between a guided rocket and a missile.

LOLLL; you are talking to a guy who "does not know the difference between a Mortar and a Motor; a Gorilla and a Guerilla"; to recall the immortal words of Sam Bahadur.............
Thanks that you accepted that IN is big and potent force in region. How ever whether it is invincible or not is dependent on with whom we are fighting. It is certainly invincible for PN. Your problem is that when you think that you are getting stuff from west and you have scientist, you forget that we have access to much advance technology world wide including US, France, Russia, Israel the major power. You have access to none.
So far as indiginization in concern we are much much ahead of you. We have achieved some of the best systems on our own and on the threshold of building many.
I do not deny that Pakistan is progressing but we are progressing at a much faster rate. Gap is widening more and more. In fact we have stopped considering Pakistan a threat (Except in Nuclear war). Currently we have reached in a position where we can produce batter indigenous stuff compared to your imported stuff. There is a lots of asymmetry in power equation that you should consider.

I think you have not read my previous posts, if you read them you will understand how and why Pakistan is capable to defend its ports and sea lines, air space and land. What will be very difficult for Pakistan is to strike targets in India, for that drones and standoff weapons will play major role.
Ok guys, you've had your fun. Done with the pissing contests.Naval topics only please.
My free advise to your country. Buy subsurface vessel (Subs) and don't spend money on surface ships. It is totally useless against India. Past war has proved that.

Don't worry PN understand much better than you and PN always put more importance to subsurface fleet than surface ones, we always had more modern submarines than ships, hope if funds were not stopped than we may see very advance nuclear submarine of western standards in PN fleet soon.

Ok guys, you've had your fun. Done with the pissing contests.Naval topics only please.

Penguin please provide an brief analysis of capabilities of PN & IN and how both can perform in hostilities against each other, you have good knowledge of Naval warfare. :-)
For high value target cruise missile is the best and cheaper too like Raad 450km and Babur 750km range the Prahaar is just 150 km is too small range to be very effective or target high value target.

Pakistan Uses ar1a MLrv with A number of warheads are available for this system, including HE-FRAG, fuel-air explosive, cargo, with anti-tank or anti-personnel submunitions. A standard HE-FRAG warhead weights about 200 kg. Maximum range of fire is up to 130 km. Minimum range is 20 km. Rockets are fitted with a range and direction correction system for improved accuracy.

A-100 is just a guided rocket, which is of 100 km range and it is not known whether it can carry nuclear war head or not.

Prahaar on the other hand has 150 Km range and is highly accurate and can carry nuclear war head.

There is no comparison between a guided rocket and a missile.

http://***************** :yahoo:

Here is the link Dude ....... Now change your opinion accordingly :cheers:

Radar integration begins on Indian Navy Ship for LR-SAM tests

That's the best place for you - i recommend you stay there forever.

Thats where i Am :cheers:
That's the best place for you - i recommend you stay there forever.
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LOL, that was a fun read - no wonder you live in lalaland - by your own admission.

Prahaar is not Operational lol :agree:
India's Prahaar missile to be tested by DRDO - IHS Jane's 360

Dude ...... !!!!

Prahar is a quick reaction missile (solid propellant). This missile is designed to bridge the gap between Prithvi and Pinaka. Used for ground targets.

Prahar has very good accuracy.


Don't worry PN understand much better than you and PN always put more importance to subsurface fleet than surface ones, we always had more modern submarines than ships, hope if funds were not stopped than we may see very advance nuclear submarine of western standards in PN fleet soon.

That is my opinion. I see you are agree on that.

Forget about Nuclear Sub with western standard. Even china do not have it. Only we have that sub (Nepra). At the most Pakistan can get a nuke sub of dated (Even by chinese standard) technology.

For high value target cruise missile is the best and cheaper too like Raad 450km and Babur 750km range the Prahaar is just 150 km is too small range to be very effective or target high value target.

Why do you forget Hypersonic Shaurya?

I think you have not read my previous posts, if you read them you will understand how and why Pakistan is capable to defend its ports and sea lines, air space and land. What will be very difficult for Pakistan is to strike targets in India, for that drones and standoff weapons will play major role.

Tell me how would you counter Brahmos?

When ever PAF will decide to take on Carrier battle group their will be multiple weapon on different platform using their Awacs system which will easily track then from 350 to 400 km away and direct them to their target with out using their radar so their RCS will be minimum and can also use AWACS data on F-16 AMraam with out using f-16 radar to guide them in mid course then switching their own radar to target Mig29.

First of all they are AWE &C not AWACS. We have K 100 AWACS killer. Which can target AWACS from 400 KM. We are developing SAM of 300 KM range.

Even though your AWA& C Direct BABUR And RAAD (Actually it is nonsense as they are Surface to surface and Air to surface missile.) to Viky, we have sufficient counter measure in form of EW suit, Multi fire Gun etc. Barak 8 will come shortly as well as Matri.
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Prahaar is not Operational lol
India's Prahaar missile to be tested by DRDO - IHS Jane's 360

Forget about operationalization, we have offered it for sell in international market.
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I am sorry with prahaar but with only 150km range can not do Sh$$

But Prahar can hit lots and lots of Pakistani Stratagic assets in its limited range of 150 KM with a deadly accuracy of 2 m CEP. You forgot Prithvi and Agni Series.

You are funny Shaurya,prahar is not operation

You are making fun of yourself on forum.

so the war is over you won now go to sleep and celebrate in your dream

So far as Pakistan is concern we are sleeping with peace in mind without and any tension. We are worried about China only.
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