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Turkish Tea House

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nd this game is the best game i've played, some say its even the best game of this console generation, its a must for every PS3.

10 points out of 10 from all major game sites and I didnt hear about it? I will give it a try
Windows XP Wallpaper

Turkish Windows XP Wallpaper :D
Tell me about it. :rolleyes:

Now we need @T-123456 to join the party.

And look at @Truth Seeking Missile 170 posts in 5 days.:woot: Seems like he is gonna brake your record. :-)
Noldu yeni geldim?

So, if all of you don't mind, i have a question in order to get to know all of you a bit better. What do you guys do? Studying (if yes, what kind of study?)? Working?. Basically a short introduction perhaps? :)

I myself am a student majoring in international trade and Japanese with a great passion for Asian languages, geopolitics, history and military (though my knowledge of military stuff is small).
I loveeeeeeeeeee Japanese culture.
@rmi5 dude i didn't told you khan is not turko mongolid i just say we don't have it ! and about mir im sure you have no idea what dose it mean do you ?
@rmi5 dude i didn't told you khan is not turko mongolid i just say we don't have it ! and about mir im sure you have no idea what dose it mean do you ?
:o::undecided: So, maybe I didn't get it correctly then, but, dude, we use it in Iran. So, if we use it, and it is Turkic-Mongolian, it means that it is in our language as well? Anyway, it does not matter. It is only one word. BTW, I didn't get notifications, when you mentioned me. I don't know what's wrong with PDF again.
mir means seyyed in azerbaijan. like mirhossein ;)
i didn't know ty to enlighten me like i said before people here don't know Tengri is a pagan god i learn it from internet !

I believe Tanrı just is just plainly means God, not strictly refers to a certain pagan god. Today we mostly use Allah but in the past, even in Ottomans times Tanrı is also used.

We also had another word called "Chalap" for god in the past, but as far as I know its not Turkic, its an Assyrian word which probably entered Turkic via missionarys.

About the word Khan, its probably just used by Ottoman Sultans(well normally, it was a title of ruling and Sultans were sole rulers), we usually used Agha, Bash, Bey for someone leading.

Edit: famous Pasha title is most likely coming from Bash Agha, other titles for bash in it for example Subashi, Cheribashi, Bolukbashi, list goes on like this.
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:o::undecided: So, maybe I didn't get it correctly then, but, dude, we use it in Iran. So, if we use it, and it is Turkic-Mongolian, it means that it is in our language as well? Anyway, it does not matter. It is only one word. BTW, I didn't get notifications, when you mentioned me. I don't know what's wrong with PDF again.
mir means seyyed in azerbaijan. like mirhossein ;)
yea if you are talkig about turkic we can say what you are saying is right but i dont think we oghuz folks used as native word and about mir :hitwall: i know you are going to tell this . mir has nothing to do with seyyed one problem with you western turks is you forget meaning of some words and you give new meaning to that word ! mir for you mer/mergen for us . it means a man who don't miss a shot this was our elite archer later gunmen ofc they are not same like any archer and gun men they have some Good character like being honest justice .... but they were our elite army :pissed: how do you call your foot soldier and cavalry:hitwall::flame::pissed: in azeri ??

I believe Tanrı just is just plainly means God, not strictly refers to a certain pagan god
yea it must be that way :agree:
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I believe Mir is coming from Amir, another misunderstanding due similarity in words :D
maybe you right although you can use mergen for sniper and must stop using asker for soldier :D
@ghara ghan

Infantry: Atıcı (soldier with firearm), piyada ("piyada" translates exactly into foot soldier)
Cavalry: Süvari, atlı.

By the way, we also use "Qoşun" for troops, as in Turkmen.
well Atıcı piyada Süvari atlı they are just common word not elite units . atici can be any one who could fire not real gunmen same for others

this is our army

vurshak/vurshaq means combatant elite Infantry (those who fight with swords ) they don't exist anymore

mergen means a man who don't miss a shot ! elite archer/gunmen they are the only unit could still exist

qawchan/ghovchan (for persian quchan) it's difficult to translate this since you are all turks you should get what im going to say it's made from 2 words ghovmak(turkish kovmak) and chapmak (when rider make a horse to run we say it as chapmak) so ghovchan means the rider who doing kovmak some thing like this they were our elite Cavalry even safavid used this unit they don't exist any more

Quchan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There were probably words with similar meaning in the past but I don't know, I haven't read.

In old texts I saw "Yarar" which meant something like useful/chosen , like "Yarar Yoldash" , today we usually use Sechme/Sechkin. And of course Yigit and Bahadur which meant brave.
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