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Belki bu aksamda katilamam :undecided: basligin linkini atarsin zamanim olunca katilirim.
Ancak benden sana tam destek, vekaletnameyi sana veriyorum, benim adima konusabilirsin. :tup:

Bence aradan biraz vakit geçsin.

Aradan 1-2 hafta geçtikten sonra da şu anki durum aynen devam edecek. O vakit suggestion&discussions ta bir thread açıcam. Haber ederim.
Bence aradan biraz vakit geçsin.

Aradan 1-2 hafta geçtikten sonra da şu anki durum aynen devam edecek. O vakit suggestion&discussions ta bir thread açıcam. Haber ederim.

açtığın threade kimseyi davet etme. onlara da orda tek tek bireysel olarak konu açmalarını söyle. örgütlenin, ayrı ayrı konuların açın Suggestion'ta, hepiniz tek tek mail atın yöneticilere. ondan sonra kesin dinlerler.
açtığın threade kimseyi davet etme. onlara da orda tek tek bireysel olarak konu açmalarını söyle. örgütlenin, ayrı ayrı konuların açın Suggestion'ta, hepiniz tek tek mail atın yöneticilere. ondan sonra kesin dinlerler.

Benimde, ilk düşündüğüm oydu. Herkesi örgütleyip 40-50 tane tek tip şikayet mesajını atmak.

Diğer milletlerden pek rağbet görmedi.

Daha sonra, Iranlılarla konuştup bu işi Iranlılar ve Türklerle birlikte yapmayı teklif ettim. Iranlılardan 2 Kişi dışında cevap veren olmadı.

Bende son seçenek olarak dünkü thread'i açtım.
Şimdi sen böyle söyleyince..... gerçekten neden uğraşıyorum acaba.... :undecided:

Niyetin çok güzel ama bu adamların birbirlerine olan düşmanlığı dnalarına işlemiş vaziyette...Çok defa denedik, hatta consensusa vardık zamanında, anlaşmazlık olabilir ama kırıcı olunmayacak diye..1 hafta bile dayanmadı o consensus..Eskiler bilir..O yüzden ben katılmadım olaya çünkü nafile çaba...biliyorum sonucu...Syria Civil Conflict threadine gir sadece tek bir sayfasını oku, bu işin olamayacağını direk görüyorsun zaten...Ama hayırlısı belki bu sefer tutar :)

Again thanks for very detailed posts with many sources. It was very informative.

I wanted to learn the word "Wahabi" from Iranian users as it seems some of their members uses the word like an insult.

But from what i understand from your post. It's meaningless to use word "Wahabi" as a insult.... As it represents the followers of an Islamic scholar " Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi "

So i don't think you feel offended when they call you Wahabi. It's like the similar situation when Greeks call us Mongols (Mongolians) as it refers to a certain nationality. Which is meaningless as a insult.

Again thanks for very detailed posts with many sources. It was very informative.

I wanted to learn the word "Wahabi" from Iranian users as it seems some of their members uses the word like an insult.

But from what i understand from your post. It's meaningless to use word "Wahabi" as a insult.... As it represents the followers of an Islamic scholar " Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi "

So i don't think you feel offended when they call you Wahabi. It's like the similar situation when Greeks call us Mongols (Mongolians) as it refers to a certain nationality. Which is meaningless as a insult.

Well, they claim to be Muslims but use the word "Wahhabi" like a slur despite that being one of the 99 names of Allah (swt). Besides Abdul-Wahhab is one name. Wahhab does not stand alone. You are not allowed to call yourself one of the 99 names of Allah (swt). Hence you use Abdul before "Wahhab" or "Aziz".

Abdul in Arabic means "servant of". It is as a sign of respect to Allah (swt).

They use it as a slur.

Besides they are factually wrong because none of the people who followed that cleric (like MILLIONS upon millions of Muslims if not all 2 billion Muslims follow some clerics either in real life or on the internet etc. today) did call themselves "Wahhabis".

The Hanbali fiqh which they are a part of is indeed more strict/conservative than the other Sunni madahib although all 4 are very similar but it is not a new religion or some new madahib.

I am not an Hanbali so it does not apply to me. I just wanted you and others to know about the bullshit I saw.

It is complicated because some of us Sunnis also use many names for them such as Rafidah (rejectors), majoosi (magicians) and they have also names such as nasibi (they use that name for the "haters" of Ahl al-Bayt for us Sunnis) etc.

We could go on but it is not worth it.
Well, they claim to be Muslims but use the word "Wahhabi" like a slur despite that being one of the 99 names of Allah (swt). Besides Abdul-Wahhab is one name. Wahhab does not stand alone. You are not allowed to call yourself one of the 99 names of Allah (swt). Hence you use Abdul before "Wahhab" or "Aziz".
Abdul in Arabic means "servant of". It is as a sign of respect to Allah (swt).

Okay i get it now, so that's the reason why we have names like Abdullah, Sadullah, etc.... You can't call yourself Allah (swt) obviously.

Vey nice info. :)

They use it as a slur.

Besides they are factually wrong because none of the people who followed that cleric (like MILLIONS upon millions of Muslims if not all 2 billion Muslims follow some clerics either in real life or on the internet etc. today) did call themselves "Wahhabis".

The Hanbali fiqh which they are a part of is indeed more strict/conservative than the other Sunni madahib although all 4 are very similar but it is not a new religion or some new madahib.

I am not an Hanbali so it does not apply to me. I just wanted you and others to know about the bullshit I saw.

It is complicated because Sunnis also use many names for them such as Rafidah (rejectors), majoosi (magicians) and they have also names such as nasibi (they use that name for the "haters" of Ahl al-Bayt for us Sunnis) etc.

We could go on but it is not worth it.

Learned some new info. Always a pleasure, to read your posts. :)
Well, they claim to be Muslims but use the word "Wahhabi" like a slur despite that being one of the 99 names of Allah (swt). Besides Abdul-Wahhab is one name. Wahhab does not stand alone. You are not allowed to call yourself one of the 99 names of Allah (swt). Hence you use Abdul before "Wahhab" or "Aziz".

Abdul in Arabic means "servant of". It is as a sign of respect to Allah (swt).

They use it as a slur.

Besides they are factually wrong because none of the people who followed that cleric (like MILLIONS upon millions of Muslims if not all 2 billion Muslims follow some clerics either in real life or on the internet etc. today) did call themselves "Wahhabis".

The Hanbali fiqh which they are a part of is indeed more strict/conservative than the other Sunni madahib although all 4 are very similar but it is not a new religion or some new madahib.

I am not an Hanbali so it does not apply to me. I just wanted you and others to know about the bullshit I saw.

It is complicated because some of us Sunnis also use many names for them such as Rafidah (rejectors), majoosi (magicians) and they have also names such as nasibi (they use that name for the "haters" of Ahl al-Bayt for us Sunnis) etc.

We could go on but it is not worth it.

Okay i get it now, so that's the reason why we have names like Abdullah, Sadullah, etc.... You can't call yourself Allah (swt) obviously.

Vey nice info. :)

Learned some new info. Always a pleasure, to read your posts. :)

You are welcome brother. I am no expert AT ALL but I know my Islam. At least better than some trolls relying on Wikipedia and writing nonsense.

Let me give you an example to make it even more clear.
Let us take the last Ottoman Caliph and Sultan as an example and his name.


Abdülmecid II would be called Abdul-Majid II in Arabic.

Abdul-Majid in Arabic means literary "the servant of the All-glorious". Majid is once again one of the 99 names of Allah (swt).

Abdul Majid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A few other examples:

The most common names are listed below

So when somebody is using the word "Wahhabi" which derives from "Al-Wahhab" which means "The Bestower" and is one of the 99 names of Allah (swt) they are disrespecting the name of Allah (swt) and attaching evil to one of his names.

I am just saying this.:D[/QUOTE]

You make your own judgement @Sinan . I think it is pretty clear.
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You are welcome brother. I am no expert AT ALL but I know my Islam. At least better than some trolls relying on Wikipedia and writing nonsense.

Let me give you an example to make it even more clear.
Let us take the last Ottoman Caliph and Sultan as an example and his name.


Abdülmecid II would be called Abdul-Majid II in Arabic.

Abdul-Majid in Arabic means literary "the servant of the All-glorious". Majid is once again one of the 99 names of Allah (swt).

Abdul Majid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A few other examples:

So when somebody is using the word "Wahhabi" which derives from "Al-Wahhab" which means "The Bestower" and is one of the 99 names of Allah (swt) they are disrespecting the name of Allah (swt) and attaching evil to one of his names.

I am just saying this.:D

So basically if a Muslim says "Wahhabi" to describe people. He is using one names of the Allah (swt) on the mortals and commuting a sin (günah)..... they should have known this.... I will ask them.
So basically if a Muslim says "Wahhabi" to describe people. He is using one names of the Allah (swt) on the mortals and commuting a sin (günah)..... they should have known this.... I will ask them.

No need to. Their knowledge about Islam is more or less non-existent. I have seen it so don't bother. Besides what I said no Muslim can object to.;)


This guy ruined your culture :tsk:

How much of time do you think that will take for @Neptune to ban you because of your comment?:lol:


This guy ruined your culture :tsk:
Thats quite offensive to millions of Turks talking about their savior like that.
He actually gave us our culture back, before him we was more Arabs than Turks!

In 1930 50% of Turkish was Arabic and 30% was Turkic origin.


Today 90% is Turkic.


What would you think if i would talk like that about Jinna?
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