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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I hope they "show this strong message on the battlefield" and not fleeing illegaly to Türkiye.
Idlib is FSAs last stronghold.

Is that really your answer? I mean do you read yourself?

Just to be clear for every folks around here who think That Few Dozens of thousand dudes armed with AKs and few Rockets can win against RU/ASSad/IR Land/Naval and Air power... Can go back under their blanket of fantasy dreams...

Yeah let's give Aks to The Woman/Kids and Old dudes an AK and ask them to go right at the front... Because you know why? Idlib is mostly made of that type of population...

As for the many Dudes who were trained for Weeks/Months by TR aren't "good" soldiers... But what we call "Ak Holders" aka Cannon meat... Like that "Elite Battalion" who fired an ATGM were he redefined what Failure mean... and yet making it look like he won the jackpot... Many of Those guys came for the $$, and will leave when $$ is no more... Many didn't came to fight at the first hour...it's not like they gonna stay at the last...

So... Being a Soldier isn't meant for everyone... Even during World Wars, they put aside those at first glance seems "Fit" Because it's better to Have one good soldier than 10 retarded ones who don't give a sh*t and yet are paid...
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It's so much fun to see that clown came to reality, while he was saying that "FSA is stronger than your thoughts and will beat ASSad so bad" in past, and i was saying "only regions will be left those regions that Turkish Army puts boots on the ground".

Now the same clown crying like few AK guy couldn't hold ground. Good morning aq çomarı :D
Even more When someone can't even read properly...
Or like Fantasy post...
And even more when such poster is ready to sell his own country to "get back in good terms" with Russia and ASSad...

In my country we call them Traitors...
Is that really your answer? I mean do you read yourself?

Just to be clear for every folks around here who think That Few Dozens of thousand dudes armed with AKs and few Rockets can win against RU/ASSad/IR Land/Naval and Air power... Can go back under their blanket of fantasy dreams...

Yeah let's give Aks to The Woman/Kids and Old dudes an AK and ask them to go right at the front... Because you know why? Idlib is mostly made of that type of population...

As for the Dudes who were trained for Weeks/Months by TR aren't "good" soldiers... But what we call "Ak Holders" aka Cannon meat... Like that "Elite Battalion" who fired an ATGM were he redefined what Failure mean... and yet making it look like he won the jackpot...

So... Being a Soldier isn't meant for everyone... Even during World Wars, they put aside those at first glance seems "Fit" Because it's better to Have one good soldier than 10 retarded ones...

Yeah that is my answer, and i'm dead serious.

If you are retared enough to attack an enemy who is better equipped and stronger than you, why should Türkiye and other countries pay the price (more refugees) for your retardness?!

Here some pictures how our ancestors fought for Türkiye.
The opponents of ill equipped Turkish National Movement was France, UK, Armenia, Greece and the Kuva-i-İnzibatiye "Caliphate Army".
And they beat them all!

You want Freedom, than fight for it.

Türkiye and Turkish people did alot for Syrians, but it's enough... everyday news about Syrian basterd who killed/hurt/harass/rob someone.




Yeah that is my answer, and i'm dead serious.

If you are retared enough to attack an enemy who is better equipped and stronger than you, why should Türkiye and other countries pay the price (more refugees) for your retardness?!

Here some pictures how our ancestors fought for Türkiye.
The opponents of ill equipped Turkish National Movement was France, UK, Armenia, Greece and the Kuva-i-İnzibatiye "Caliphate Army".
And they beat them all!

You want Freedom, than fight for it.

Türkiye and Turkish people did alot for Syrians, but it's enough... everyday news about Syrian basterd who killed/hurt/harass/rob someone.




Again the same post?
You Are comparing an era where Air/Naval support were almost nonexistent?
With today... Where Having an AK in flat terrain against RU/ASSad and IR Air/Land and naval superiority?

Are you sure about your statement? I mean put yourself int heir shoes will you win?
Again the same post?
Are comparing an era were Air/Naval support were almost nonexistent?
With today were Having an AK in flat terrain against RU/ASSad and IR Air/Land and naval superiority?

Than call your f@cking Goverment and send some ships... i don't care if you like my thoughts.

Fantasy? It's is Fantasy if you think the Turkish people will take another 2 Million refugees.
Was that adressed to me?

Than call your f@cking Goverment and send some ships... i don't care if you like my thoughts.

Fantasy? It's is Fantasy if you think the Turkish people will take another 2 Million refugees.
I don't care about your thought and Neither about your "Opinion"...
I wanted to show how your comment has no ground... and job is done.

And keep your Non-Education to yourself, Swearing is a form of Ignorance...

SInce the Subject isn't about refugees but about the fact if having all of them with AK will change anything on the ground...or not..

And the answer is NO... so no need to flood days after days the same post of yours... it' becoming boring and We like to keep this thread interesting... and not flooded with Trolls...
I don't care about your thought and Neither about your "Opinion"...
I wanted to show how your comment as no ground... and job is done.

And keep your Non-Education to yourself, Swearing is a form of Ignorance...

SInce the Subject isn't about refugees but about the fact if having all of them with AK will change anything on the ground...or not..

And the answer is NO...


Why starting a war with AKs against an enemy with Airforce, Tanks and better weapons?
Stop bickering like children.
Its obvious that CAN_T didnt understand the msg. Cause of lenguage barrier or just havent payed the anttetion on whats said and in which context. This brave woman is saying that revolution is not dead,nor it ever be until animal Assad is takedown, even if he kills them their shildren, meaning next generation will continue. No negotiations, no "reconciliation" like some rebels did just to be fooled, arrestd, killed after month or so....back to slavery of Assad family. Idlib province basicly became home to the most commited living free revolitionaries; all those who didnt want to surrender from Nothern Homs to Da'ra. And Idlibis themself even those who were not to comittet before. n0ow are cause they saw what heppened to those who 'reconciled' before them. Those ppl tasted freedom, Idlib was the province who first rosed up against ISIS and drove them away from there with out US help. Even HTS threads lightly there....


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