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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

This FSA commander expreses the feelings of vast majority in rebel held areas.

Turkey fights and the Arabs sleep

1. The Turkish brothers, with great diplomatic and political efforts, are trying, even temporarily, to break the thorn of the Russians and prevent them from launching an attack on the north.
Amid a complete absence of Arab governments and people from the Syrian scene

Turkey fights and the Arabs sleep

2 - The Arab governments are all marginalized, their only concern is to drink wine and buy cars with gold, but God is merciful.
While the Syrians in the north taste the scourge of displacement and aerial bombardment.
Not wanting to make a Thread only for this, so I'm posting it here.
Feel free to delete it if it's not the place.

A shout out to all ASSad lovers... or Any Pro-Regime lover.

And this is Al Muhabberat agent :rofl: ??? This guy's sugar levels are so high that if you do to him something like that one more time he will get diabetes. It seems someone showed his kindly regards while he was learning the text. He tries to be so perfect that he looks like an introvert school boy that is being forced to talk in front of the whole school. If that guy make it in jail it will be some kind of miracle.
I mentioned in a previous post that Turkey can not and should not make peace with Assad because Assad has been supporting PKK and has hands in bombings in Turkey but according to our sozcu “nationalists” Assad is innocent and we should cooperate with him.
And this is Al Muhabberat agent :rofl: ??? This guy's sugar levels are so high that if you do to him something like that one more time he will get diabetes. It seems someone showed his kindly regards while he was learning the text. He tries to be so perfect that he looks like an introvert school boy that is being forced to talk in front of the whole school. If that guy make it in jail it will be some kind of miracle.

In Terro acts, The Intelligent one never show up... It's the retard that goes head first... As long as the guy can remember the basic actions then all good.
Ppl think that every "Successful" act of Terror = 1 Act... Not really, Every 1 Successful act..;Dozens and Dozens fail before it.

I mentioned in a previous post that Turkey can not and should not make peace with Assad because Assad has been supporting PKK and has hands in bombings in Turkey but according to our sozcu “nationalists” Assad is innocent and we should cooperate with him.

Such terro act by ASSad isn't the first in TR history, Many youngster seems to forget that A lot of innocent Turkish citizens died Directly and Indirectly Bc of ASSad Father and Son... And will continue if this type of Human is still
around (Him and His ideology).

When you can Burn your House and your Family to oblivion without blinking an eye... Then what could happen to the Next door Guy's house and Family...
I'm against Turkish ground troops in Idlib... Air, Artillery, Intelligence support is enough.
This is the fight of FSA and other Rebels, they started it and they should finish it.

TSK is here for defending the borders of OUR country.
I'm against Turkish ground troops in Idlib... Air, Artillery, Intelligence support is enough.
This is the fight of FSA and other Rebels, they started it and they should finish it.

TSK is here for defending the borders of OUR country.

Seems it is the plan, with limitit ground troops footprint, manly reinforcing obsevation post and some commando unit.

Exclusive: Turkey boosts arms to Syrian rebels as Idlib attack looms - rebel sources


Also by defending Idlib, Turkey defends its border security too. Among the prepaired troops for the offensive are YPG terrorist too.

Those 122mm rockets who strucked regimes helicopter base were not for sure russian/soviet variants. Color of the rocket is olivegreen and tip detonator is diffrent then rus/soviet ones, so they are certably not stockpiles captured from regime, which are almost white in color and with different detonator tip. And range seems so to be bigger, with rockets falling even around Hama military airifiled
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So, we DID NOT attack on HTS/Al-Qaeda terrorist scum when SAA & Russia were busy in Daraa for months, but instead we sit and did absolutely NOTHING for months, and now are we really begging to joing operation against HTS/Al-Qaeda terrorist scum?


Our Syrian policy is being drawn by bunch of retarded zombies.

So, we DID NOT attack on HTS/Al-Qaeda terrorist scum when SAA & Russia were busy in Daraa for months, but instead we sit and did absolutely NOTHING for months, and now are we really begging to joing operation against HTS/Al-Qaeda terrorist scum?


Our Syrian policy is being drawn by bunch of retarded zombies.

Do you believe a word that comes out of these bastards? They are no different to YPG fanboys who will apparently liberate Afrin everyday lol

F*ck Russia and SAA, Turkey didn’t create Idlib, it was SAA and Russia allowing terrorists from all over Syria to go to Idlib, they can wait amk.
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