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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Son of a B!tch! If we sell Idlib you will be in hell in less than two months and after that whatever is left from you will be in Reyhanli in order to be sent back to the UK in garbage bags. With what they feed these kind of degenerates? The pills came to much for that infidel? I think it doesn't understand that the moment the barrel turns against Turkey he will be shot by no other but by his own commander. Better kill it now before it come to Izmir as a refugee. Scum.
Son of a B!tch! If we sell Idlib you will be in hell in less than two months and after that whatever is left from you will be in Reyhanli in order to be sent back to the UK in garbage bags. With what they feed these kind of degenerates? The pills came to much for that infidel? I think it doesn't understand that the moment the barrel turns against Turkey he will be shot by no other but by his own commander. Better kill it now before it come to Izmir as a refugee. Scum.

Quite a strange accent... for an alleged "Syrian"...
And his comment was mostly saying in a way of "Refugee flooding" if TR let them down...Than passing to kill/take revenge...

and last... Nothing point out to any "Eastern Ghouta rebel or any of that sort..." All we know could be a simple citizen with no background support...

As for the veracity of an "alleged" Tunnel... it's the same... could be bluffing just to seek attention...Since it's quite stupid from his part... When TR services will see this vid, a search of that area will begin and his "alleged" Tunnel (if it exist ofc) will be no more...

And that guy will mostly end up in a bag by his own ppl( if only he's indeed a rebel) for stupidly blowing up the Tunnel position...

Quite stupid and strange if you ask me...
Also Believe it's the move of the Regime.
Whatever it' sin Tel Rifaat or Near Al Bab, The regime has been increasing their Soldiers and Mechanized battalions since a Few days now (Since Tehran Summit).
Never they did it before for previous ops.

They are making it into a "Threat/Blackmail".
Let us Advance on Idlib or get Ready to be targeted in Afrin/Azaz/Al Bab Region...
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Also Believe it's the move of the Regime.
Whatever it' sin Tel Rifaat or Near Al Bab, The regime has been increasing their Soldiers and Mechanized battalions since a Few days now (Since Tehran Summit).
Never they did it before for previous ops.

They are making it into a "Threat/Blackmail".
Let us Advance on Idlib or get Ready to be targeted in Afrin/Azaz/Al Bab Region...

Any incursion into Turkey held areas in the north Turkey will go Berserk and people will demand blood, it is not the right time to be asking for war with Turkey.

I don’t know why they are pulling troops there, it could be to stop a possible push from rebels, it makes no sense.
Any incursion into Turkey held areas in the north Turkey will go Berserk and people will demand blood, it is not the right time to be asking for war with Turkey.

I don’t know why they are pulling troops there, it could be to stop a possible push from rebels, it makes no sense.

They don't need to advance on The North Part. But they can pressure by Shelling per exemple or Harass IF TR still try to keep Idlib after the start of Idlib op.
The Regime, think it's the End of the Conflict, That this last pocket is the last obstacle to the "Win", So you just need a rogue unit or the likes of Regime soldiers During Afrin op per exemple, to just feed the fire.

It's a "Show of Power" and a "Psychological war" toward TR BUT mostly toward FSA in the North and Idlib. It's not only about TR.
One of the Condition for ASSad/RU/IR to have a "peaceful" campaign in Idlib and beyond is to trigger "doubt" among rebel factions. A simple exemple is "Look rebels, I am doing it and Now what? Are you sure TR will help you if I advance" and Therefore Wish to push for "Infighting" that will result in TR losing Indirectly Idlib.

And You can see that few factions in Idlib, Also surfing of ASSAd/RU/IR strategy, like HTS per exemple, Where they feed the "TR will sell out Idlib or TR will make a deal with RU and give Idlib to keep the North part" etc...

TR success to keep Idlib lay on it's ability to maintain a common front and impose some sort of "Discipline" among factions. And for that, She has to make others see her as "Strong" Toward RU/IR/ASSad.
Per exemple, Her part in the last Summit was also a "Show of Force" Or The sending of Reinforcement . All of that is a way to keep Idlib and North front in check against the regime strategy... on "Divide and Conquer"

The Moment the Regime "Believe" that TR will not "Help" in Idlib, She will start the op. That's one of their Green light. So any perceived Weakness they may "see", they will move on it.

Both Sides are reading to fight... It's only a matter of "Support".
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Any incursion into Turkey held areas in the north Turkey will go Berserk and people will demand blood, it is not the right time to be asking for war with Turkey.

I don’t know why they are pulling troops there, it could be to stop a possible push from rebels, it makes no sense.

Bashar army or Iran is no threat to us. Turkish army would kick their asses. Our main concern has always been Russia our old enemy aka arch nemesis.

Turkey cant take on Russia one on one hence why need Allies for this. But Erdogan sure did screw up a lot of things where Turkey is now by itself.
Great news!
I dont think there would be need for water bording and such, there regime sisies sing like school childrens choir. But of course he should be trown in to the darkest holl never to see light of day again.
Timing of the opp is quite interesting, the regime and the russians are on high alert in regime Latakia, multiple patrols and such... its kinda of a demonstrations to the regime of turkish capabilities inside their most heavily guarded province along with Damascus. Keep in mind that just few day ago FSA Abu Amara brigade ( special unit working behind the enemy lines) targeted that son of the bitch Mihrac Ural also connected to Reyhanli bombings. Its an open secret ABu Amara is connceted to turkish inteligence.

As for the idiot talking about the tunels on the border. It smells on regime agitator.In just few weeks rebels arested dozens of such regime agents. All gruops from Eastern Ghouta who are now in Idleb came there with TSK approval and are under turkish supervision - joined turkish back gruops. Except few of HTS, but even them are not stupid, to approve of such meseging. If they did, it would come via their official stmn and such. I wouldnt be suprised if the guy is soon arrested by rebel gruops. I mean eveyone in Idleb with half of brain knows that Turkey was the only hope for them, thats the Turks are the only ppl who treated them like human beings, we saw recent protests, turkish flags were present almost as much as revolutinoary flags. One detail also shouldnt be overlooked this guy who shared the video is from SOHR, who are very close to SDF. Their Raqqa coresponded few days ago mocked rakka civilians being tortured by YPG..
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