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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions


This has no future , and they must surrender
A chance to wave white flag of surrender should be granted

Turkey should certainly help with Management of crisis later after surrender if it wishes to Help people of Syria as a long term neighbour

The sooner the crisis in Idlib ends the sooner Refugees can move back to Syria (Real syria) and restart rebuilding their lives

1,000-5,000 Rouge elements drama will come to end quickly

Most of the folks with this tainted flag were no saints anyways they attacked their own country

This has no future , and they must surrender
A chance to wave white flag of surrender should be granted

No gonna happen fro Idlib... It's the place where the strongest Anti-ASSad sentiment is located...Every Previous enclaves around Syria that didn't want to surrender to the regime (Ghhouta/Daraa etc...) went to Idlib...

What will happen out there is simple... Die or Flee... for 3.5Mil ppl... Not even speaking of other few Millions in Afrin/Al Bab area...

Every soul in Idlib got at least Few of their relatives under the ground by ASSad/RU... The only way for ASSad to win is to flatten the area or Hope for Infightings... SInce pushing for ground offensive would not be a good solution..;Not because he can't..;But the casualty toll that will result will have no equal in this 7 years of civil war...

Add to it that Many among ASSad army who are now gearing up on the frontline are from the groups who surrendered in SOuth Syria in those past months... Therefore... He can't be sure that his ground offensive will be 100% followed...

As for the White flag...it's also a No... Since All of Idlib saw what happened to Ghouta and Daraa..;Where Hundreds to Thousands of Man/Boys were lined up Even though ASSad gave his Word to let free those who surrended...
AK-47 pew pew pew pew .... lets see how long the rebel's weapon stash last

Real Syrian flag

The rebels in Syria should drop down the AK-47 , pew pew pew pew , and seek a forgiveness for greater good of Syria

Lmao even US wants to use HTS as a justification to occupy İdlib, and our retarded scummish government sleeping on the wood. Shameful days we are witnessing here.

There is a golden card on the ground, and our retarded government completely ignores it, yet alone using it. Beyin yoksunu çomarlar.
:smokin:What should be discussed is amnesty for rebels who give up or asylum (if USA wants them)

Strangely I don't see any USA comments about free asylum to rebels
May be they can give political refuge to 3,000 rebels in their country

Does Trump has it in his heart to give Asylum to 3,000-5000 rebels

This is the path to end crisis

Then every one goes home

It is game over for Idlib rebels
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I hope they don't try to take Al Bab by force, that where the joking ends even with this retarded government of ours.
And another conflict in which we send our troops into battle with 60 year old tanks. Where are the Altays damnit.

Since 2014 in serial production...
If a conflict is not avoidable, Türkiye should give Rebels only Air and Artillery support.
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