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Turkey’s ambassador to Bangladesh recalled after hanging of Islamist leader

Ah the so called Amir Ul Daesh is calling back his ambassador to show protest against hanging Moitta Razakar.

Since Erdogan pulling out this stunt, I am now absolutely sure that we are on the right path.

Syed1 or Syed 11, whoever U are... just note that people in informative era aren't as not dumb as 71 to eat falsehood anymore. This sort of concoction has been debunked here many a times but if U are really truth seeker then be diss-passionate, neutral and go over my 2 previous posts... And for empirical understanding of how such grand scheme of lie and deception work, just have a Google search by the key word, "War, video and lie" to have eye popping write-ups.. Now, if U are an Indian Malu or a RAWAMY Dalal that has posed as Syed Shahib; my suggestion would be waste of time.
It was 54 thousand Army rest were others so get your facts together, yes we shuld not have started the war but Bhutto was not going to give up so he did not agree for the joint assembly session. Another crooked act of Bhutto and war started. A lot of people say Bhutto wasa hanged wrongly, I say it was justice as he was the main reason war started in East Pakistan reslting in so many innocents dying on both sides, repeat on both sides (do not forget Bengilis killed and raped West Pakistanis prior during and after war. Bangladesh would have been created but with less casulties and in different way if he would have followed the political process which Army wanted.
You justice should be for all and not against West Pakistanis only.
I stick with the official figures but in any case agree with the rest of your post. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto should correctly be blamed for the disaster in Bengal, if not as a main instigator then as an accessory. But I am sad Yahya Khan, Tikka Khan and Niazi escaped. Countries need to keep their armies in check and we failed to prosecute a single military leader for Bengal. Losing half the nation is no small thing to brush aside but heads should roll in response.

Bengals division has also given air to separatist tendencies in other provinces as it proved Pakistan wasn't invincible. JSQM, Pashtunistan Movement, BSO-A, MQM, GM Syed... all a result of the break up of the country. Allah protect my nation for it suffered a great indignity in 71. It was the darkest chapter in our history.
Ok then, you tell us whether Uyghurs are terrorist or not? Say it load and clear.
lol.....what does it matter what we think regarding the Uyghurs? We are not claiming to be the 'Ummah Brothers' of the Turks, you're claiming that, so you need to prove your solidarity to the Turks by supporting the Uyghurs.

Anyway, since you've asked about my opinion, let me inform you that we regard the Uyghurs as terrorists just like the Kashmiri separatists.
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I am Muslim, As Muslim, I am also respectful to other religious people unlike ISIS thug like you

Mike Tyson and Micheal Jackson also claim to be Muslim once.

Respecting one thing but considering it as your own is a serious matter.
BD national anthem has shirk element so those who believe it by heart destined to hell.

One of the reason mushrikeen hated personality like Nizami, shaheed because he was against such shirk.

How Bahtiar Merhum Nizami is!! For the most of us the time of death is unknown, but he learnt it beforehand. Moreover, he gave his life for his beliefs regarding Din, and his executioners are Murteds by their own confession. They may have tried to destroy his Dunya, which is very short living any way, but he has destroyed their Ahirat, which is everlasting. May Allah-u Azimushshan accept his Shehadet. Reis Erdogan is well aware of these facts, so he couldn't remain silent like the tongue-less Satan...
bengladesh is on bank of civil war and i am enjoying it lets hope few more hangings
Mike Tyson and Micheal Jackson also claim to be Muslim once.

Respecting one thing but considering it as your own is a serious matter.
1. you never respect
2. As Bangladeshi, we are same race despite what religion they practice.

bengladesh is on bank of civil war and i am enjoying it lets hope few more hangings
wishful thinking will never see light :D
There is better chance that you become Jamati and don't drink daru lol
Growing up in the UK we always had alot of affinity with the Bangladeshis we shared a faith and hated hindus, what more could you want.

Its only growing up fo you realise what these bangalis are like and what enemies of Pakistan and Muslims they are, im beginning to detest them
1. you never respect
2. As Bangladeshi, we are same race despite what religion they practice.

wishful thinking will never see light :D
There is better chance that you become Jamati and don't drink daru lol
i am sure these moves will take BD to civil war mark my words baby . and i am enjoying it man . for me no mercy on anyone lets hang more :lol: it was not bengalis themselves whom did August 15, 1975?:enjoy:
After the judicial killing.

I don't know know how much influence this will create to Bangladesh our prime minister not even bother to take the call from Hillary Clinton .as Saudi and Turkey have some understanding if this two country jointly recall theirs ambassador would create real pressure. Another thing all Leaders are already victim of judicial killing steps taken by Turkey is late.
Bhai Monitor, the audio of Hillary's conversation with her was readily available in YouTube, so SKH took the call but the strength behind her audacity was the unflinching leverage of Indian power. BTW, did U notice that right before every JI leader's hanging, Indian high official's visit at capital? Chief justice being a Hindu and his meeting with Indian high commissioner right before hanging, indicated that it was Indians that directed the murder. it also implies that powerful but extremist Hindus in the form of Congi or BJP successfully executed the murderous scheme of moderate Muslim leaders, thinkers. Now, how dare that they became so audacious need a global geo-political observation. Hindus being cunning and Muslim haters didn't waste a moment to take advantage in the run up of the so-called WOT and sided with killers to avenge their 1000 yrs long hatred. Bangladeshi Muslims being geographically isolated from 51 other Muslim states became even more vulnerable than Palestinians and Kashmiries thus easy preys of powerful HINDU nation. So, it would be a bloody, long and existential struggle for Muslims in BD.
Why didn't you protest the genocide against our people by your Pakistani brethren..why are you so worked up now when a war criminal is hanged....forget it don't even bother to answer....because both you and your brothers of the crescent and the star are in denial of genocide....our genocide and the armenian genocide....you should be allies to pakistan....it suits you.both of you are sick.

If there were a genocide Turkey would have protested. It was a separatist war started with the killing of hundreds of thousands of Muhajirs in East Pakistan. The pictures of the dead bodies shown are in fact those of Muhajirs as per an Indian historian (Bose). By their own confession the separatists were Indian agents (Agartola case!!) to implement Nehru doctrine to separate Pak. The entire war was assisted by the USSR and executed by RAW and Indian Army. As per the Indian Army Chief thousands of Indian army soldiers, disguised as insurgents, fought against Pak Army inside East Pakistan. Mr. Modi appears to be the highest stake holder (read his speech at Dhaka University). I have never seen the Murted leaders protesting it. No wonder, according to Gen Kapoor, BD will never be allowed to be out of the Indian radar since it is they who sacrificed for creating BD. No further explanation is required.

Pak Army was suppressing separatist insurgency like any other Army. Read how Mrs Gandhi suppressed Naxals in Bengal and Khalistanis in Punjab. Read the Kuran-i Kerim to understand what type of punishment should be meted out to the folks who start Fitne and Fesat. What more of a Fitne is there than fighting to carve out a Mushriq country out of a Muslim country?? It is worse than Feraun or Nemrut or Ebu Jahil. They prevented the establishment of Hak. BD separatists replaced Hak with Batil. It is evident like sun from their flag and national anthem, and the speech and deeds of their insurgent leaders..
Is there a single country in the world Turkey has not managed to damage relations with lately?

No one really cares what British people think. You guys have lost all your glory along with any influence. You guys are just considered any other average EU country so please stop pretending to be a Super power. Turkey can do whatever it likes, Pakistan will always stand with Turkey, We stood up with Turks in Past and always will.
No one really cares what British people think. You guys have lost all your glory along with any influence. You guys are just considered any other average EU country so please stop pretending to be a Super power. Turkey can do whatever it likes, Pakistan will always stand with Turkey, We stood up with Turks in Past and always will.
The 40th largest economy in the world has no business telling the fifth largest that they're irrelevant.
If there were a genocide Turkey would have protested. It was a separatist war started with the killing of hundreds of thousands of Muhajirs in East Pakistan. The pictures of the dead bodies shown are in fact those of Muhajirs as per an Indian historian (Bose). By their own confession the separatists were Indian agents (Agartola case!!) to implement Nehru doctrine to separate Pak. The entire war was assisted by the USSR and executed by RAW and Indian Army. As per the Indian Army Chief thousands of Indian army soldiers, disguised as insurgents, fought against Pak Army inside East Pakistan. Mr. Modi appears to be the highest stake holder (read his speech at Dhaka University). I have never seen the Murted leaders protesting it. No wonder, according to Gen Kapoor, BD will never be allowed to be out of the Indian radar since it is they who sacrificed for creating BD. No further explanation is required.

Pak Army was suppressing separatist insurgency like any other Army. Read how Mrs Gandhi suppressed Naxals in Bengal and Khalistanis in Punjab. Read the Kuran-i Kerim to understand what type of punishment should be meted out to the folks who start Fitne and Fesat. What more of a Fitne is there than fighting to carve out a Mushriq country out of a Muslim country?? It is worse than Feraun or Nemrut or Ebu Jahil. They prevented the establishment of Hak. BD separatists replaced Hak with Batil. It is evident like sun from their flag and national anthem, and the speech and deeds of their insurgent leaders..

Lol, now I'm sure you are a Pakistani in disguise - quoting Sarmila Bose and all! Did you ever read any one of the the hundred other books written on the events, which all say the complete opposite to Bose? No you're only interested in the 'truth' that suits you.

Guess what bose wants Pak to have US f16s too...


You deny real tragedies with politics and call for justice to cover your friends crimes. How many bombed kurds have received a fair trial? how many bombed fata-ites have?

Turkey growing strong is great. Those non-turks yearning for ottoman rule again, are you men?
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