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3 TTP Militants arrested in Dhaka, Bangladesh

good news IF true
I hope they are not freed on the request of Noora league which considers TTP its brothers.

Govt of bangladesh is rather clever they dont seem to buying the umah cr*p any more .. took a huge risk by executing JI leader , i mean imagine Pak executing munwar hassan
Govt of bangladesh is rather clever they dont seem to buying the umah cr*p any more .. took a huge risk by executing JI leader , i mean imagine Pak executing munwar hassan
the execution of Mola was unjust a political / judicial murder but yes I agree in general that they are pretty much immune to that pan-Islamization (read global terror funded with petro dollars). we unfortunately have Afghanistan in the background and we all consider ourselves direct descendants of Mohammad Bin Qasim so there is no escape possible from the kind of Islam which according to some news is spread across the globe with a spend of over 100 billion dollars.
the execution of Mola was unjust a political / judicial murder but yes I agree in general that they are pretty much immune to that pan-Islamization (read global terror funded with petro dollars). we unfortunately have Afghanistan in the background and we all consider ourselves direct descendants of Mohammad Bin Qasim so there is no escape possible from the kind of Islam which according to some news is spread across the globe with a spend of over 100 billion dollars.
Lol at descendents of MBQ ..! On a serious note I am optimistic having nuke powered army with over half.a mil fighting force don't think their is no escape it's a tough fight but doable. Look at PDF for instance opinions have changed people know what's happening in Syria their is no such thing as ummah we woke a little late but we did ! Pakistanis are not stupid they know what's good for them in economic terms and they will never let these goons take over pk. For eg look at MQM party leader is a Sunni but biggest hater of petro dollar jihadis .. Send me a link of global terror with petro liam dallars
.. Send me a link of global terror with petro liam dallars
Note:- non of the links below are from "Press TV or RT news" :)

Dawn News Quotes Wikileaks about Saudi funding of Lashker Jahngvi
Saudi Arabia, UAE financing extremism in south Punjab - DAWN.COM
A US official in a cable sent to the State Department stated that “financial support estimated at nearly 100 million USD annually was making its way to Deobandi and Ahl-i-Hadith clerics in south Punjab from organisations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ostensibly with the direct support of those governments.”

Telegraph reporting Saudi support of Al Qaeda
Wikileaks: Saudis 'chief funders of al-Qaeda' - Telegraph
It has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority," read a cable from Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, dated Dec 30, 2009.

"Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide," added the document.

BBC Quotes Hillary Clinton about Saudis funding terrorism in the world
BBC News - Wikileaks: Saudis 'chief funders of Sunni militants'
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned last year in a leaked classified memo that donors in Saudi Arabia were the "most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide".

CBS news quotes wikileaks terming Saudis as largest source of terrorist Funds

WikiLeaks: Saudis Largest Source of Terror Funds - CBS News

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged U.S. diplomats to do more to stop the flow of money to Islamist militant groups from donors in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi government, Clinton wrote, was reluctant to cut off money being sent to the Taliban in Afghanistan and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in Pakistan.

"While the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) takes seriously the threat of terrorism within Saudi Arabia, it has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority," the memo states.

REUTERS Saudi UAE funding of terrorists in pakistan
Saudi Arabia, UAE funded jihadi networks in| Reuters
The November 2008 dispatch by Bryan Hunt, the then principal officer at the U.S. consulate in Lahore, was based on discussions with local government and non-governmental sources during trips to Punjab, Pakistan's most populous province.

It said those sources claimed that financial aid from Saudi and United Arab Emirates was coming from "missionary" and "Islamic charitable" organizations ostensibly with the direct support of those countries' governments.

@FaujHistorian thats what I am talking about. in-house KSA is very good in dealing with anti-state actors but ouside the KSA .. there is mutual cooperation.

One has to be a real piece of war to deny what carnage (cannibalism, anal sex for hiding bombs, beheading, gang rapes) this preto dollar money is brining to the Islamic world.
May be they had arrived in disguise of Tabligh musuli . as per the police they were arrested with bomb making manual and laptop. they wanted to go to teknaf area . I think they wanted to help roginga muslim in Myanmar. in any case it is a bad omen for our country .
Problem is that GOB/BD Police are not very fond of telling the truth. In fact they are more adept at spinning out tales. It's quite common for SA cops to place incriminating material themselves to charge somebody.
Good Taliban, Bad Taliban, I would love to see the jahil, who invented these terms. :D
i am not talking about munwaar hussain , if a dog bark that doesnt mean you start barking with dog as well , munwaar and other like him get paid for doing and making such statements, and as i say you will find out after the US forces leave Afghanistan that there are two kinds of taliban Afghans and Pakistan ,.. and both are wrong

Your so called established fact is a joke. Here one more for you, you must be knowing LeJ was the outcome of Ziaul Haq's obsession to control Pakistani Shias after Iranian revolution.

DI Khan jailbreak: Investigation team summons 12 senior officials – The Express Tribune

At least 150 heavily armed Taliban militants freed 248 prisoners, including more than 49 high-profile militants – some belonging to the TTP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi – during a sophisticated attack on the high-security Central Prison DI Khan on July 29.
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