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Turkey’s ambassador to Bangladesh recalled after hanging of Islamist leader

It has something to do with Islamic brotherhood, and standing for truth and justics. A concept which is alien to you.
nothing to do with islamic brotherhood..besides thats not how responsible countries do diplomacy...
once you are a president, your priority is your people, every decision you take should keep that in mind. If you try to expand your remit unnecessarily, other muslim countries will hate you. Other muslim countries understand this simple fact.
For same ideological view, you have chaos in your country
Oh dear, you have no idea about our struggle against Christian colonizers - our struggle is both in the realms of technique and politics, a game of manipulation and deception. We are quite literally the last hope and bastion of the Muslim World, if this tower falls, nothing can prevent the coming tide of Christian crusades, one must be really foolish to ignore this. Allah Azze ve Celle provided us with the power of Iman, and since the early 1000s we are carrying this flag with pride, dignity and faith. Time and again we've managed to stop the crusaders from conquering the holy cities. And our role in this struggle ends when the Almighty decides.
Bhutto was the PM and therefore part of the hierarchy that was responsible for the war crimes. We knew suckular thug like you would defend Bhutto another suckular thug. Do you think only Hitler was responsible for the crimes of the Nazi regime? If he was his minions wouldn't be brought to justice. Enough of your suckular lies, you've proven that your political masters let the war criminals go so that Bhutto could cling to power in Pakistan. Birds of a feather flock together.
Bhutto became PM in 1973...He became President in 1971 but on 20th December after removing Yahya Khan from power....that was days after the war ended.....Yahya Khan was the man responsible for the war not Bhutto....please do not make regret giving credit for not being thick...do a simple google search before you post anything here...it won't make you look like the actual moron you are. And could you please stop writing in bold font? It doesn't make you point any stronger at all.
The war in Bengal should not have happened and should have been avoided at all costs. However since it did happen I want to convey that there were many mistakes:

1) The army should not have surrendered 90000 men
2) Biharis should have been repatriated to West Pakistan
3) Bengali's shouldn't have been massacred the way they were.

1971 perhaps is the blackest chapter in Pakistani history. It visualizes the failure of all Pakistanis including their government and military.
Before using force against anyone within our country, we should never forget that Indian agents can turn the situation in the wrong direction.
They do raise their voices, but to denounce the Uyghurs....
If you see any Uyghur related thread made by Chinese, you'll find Pakistanis are most proactive in denouncing the Uyghurs and calling them terrorists.....
Ok then, you tell us whether Uyghurs are terrorist or not? Say it load and clear.
Oh dear, you have no idea about our struggle against Christian colonizers - our struggle is both in the realms of technique and politics, a game of manipulation and deception. We are quite literally the last hope and bastion of the Muslim World, if this tower falls, nothing can prevent the coming tide of Christian crusades, one must be really foolish to ignore this. Allah Azze ve Celle provided us with the power of Iman, and since the early 1000s we are carrying this flag with pride, dignity and faith. Time and again we've managed to stop the crusaders from conquering the holy cities. And our role in this struggle ends when the Almighty decides.
bold part: funny things are your country more close those christian crusades and israelis.
You even hate Iranians, Kurds and others because they are not Sunni.
So much Sunni love is destroying you, care about others too then you will be at right path
69 to 71 lolz... he handed over to bhutto after defeat. sorry. :)
As I told him earlier that nothing amuses me more than a good irony..here we see it again....you made a mistake with the timeline....a mistake which would actually support his own mistake with the timeline...rather than keeping mum about it he went on to correct you and did nothing to fix his own.
Bhutto became PM in 1973...He became President in 1971 but on 20th December after removing Yahya Khan from power....that was days after the war ended.....Yahya Khan was the man responsible for the war not Bhutto....please do not make regret giving credit for not being thick...do a simple google search before you post anything here...it won't make you look like the actual moron you are. And could you please stop writing in bold font? It doesn't make you point any stronger at all.

Who was the PM in 1971? Bhutto was involved this way or that and I've shown you why Hitler's minions were punished. As for writing in bold, do whatever you like to but don't tell me what I must do, give up your fascist mentality.
Gone are day's when Turkey used to be a progressive secular country model to the middle eastern Arab countries.Under Erdogan it has now became a pimp of the global muslim terrorist and war criminal.A shameful degradation for any country indeed.
@cabatli_53 ,@Neptune ,@Sinan ,@T-123456 ,@Zulkarneyn
No offence but i don't think what Turkey did is wrong. It only recalled her ambassador as a protest against the unjust killings. What Bangladesh is currently doing is the worst thing a Muslim country can do i.e. taking sides with the enemies (India) and killing your own people.
I now appreciate the importance of Pak even more. May Allah-u Azimushshan grant the highest Makams to Pak's founding fathers. Every cent spent in Pak's defense is Halal, for if they don't they'll turn into a Bangladesh in no time at all. The worst part of becoming Bangladesh is that many of the folks may lose the other world too...

BD national anthem has shirk element so those who believe it by heart destined to hell.

One of the reason mushrikeen hated personality like Nizami, shaheed because he was against such shirk.
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