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1971 war crimes: Bangladesh set to hang JI leader

Also Pakistan is even included in the idea of "greater Middle East" it is probably because Middle East politics effects us directly or indirectly.
Is this a joke?
Whats next?
Make 'just a little bit more greater- greater middle east' (couple of 100 kms) and India will also be included in it.
But dude you're going against everything most Bangladeshis, I've met in real life & quite a few here on PDF talk about ! :unsure:

I was once told by a Bangladeshi Lady that she once she went into a supermarket & bought some towels & on noticing that they read 'Made in Pakistan' she put them back - She doesn't buy anything made by the Enemy, as she put it !

The next comment of hers was - So when are you going to apologize for what you did to us ?

Made me Sad to hear that - I wasn't even born in '71...I was born in '90 & never have I heard a single thing being said against Bengalis in Pakistan but always 'We were wrong & we should've treated the Bengalis better or that they had legitimate grievances & what not' ! :(

P.S My Paternal Uncle was born in Dhaka because my Grandpa, as a Civil Engineer, was responsible for the maintenance of the Chittagong, Dhaka & some placed called Mymensingh's Cantonments or Public Buildings owned by the Army like Hospitals, Staff Offices etc. ! :-)

going against a lot of Bangladeshis – i know. but I’m also on the same page with a lot of Bangladeshis. i also think staying on the right side of history is tantamount to acknowledging our sovereign statehood – irrespective of how much of that actually exists

Not only does an apology doesn’t mean anything to me, asking for a one-way apology is on one hand, ignorant and on the other, laughable. I think what people like that need is an apology from hateful Bangladeshis themselves. Without going into details, my feeling is simply it was us that got trampled by our enemies, not you current-Pakistanis, and too many Bengali Muslims got exploited by our enemies to let that happen.

Grievances put forward are hardly legitimate. my family was historically into Maulana Bashani politics. they themselves dismiss these grievances from BAL supporting circles and even condemn for example how back in the day, Bashani with PAL people like Sheikh Mujib would start riots and ransack non-Bengali businesses and factories (issues and grievances were really made out of thin air). for example I heard several 1971-war time accounts when some of my relatives were moving from West Pak to East Pak (couple of relatives were marine engineers in Karachi since mid-60s) and their interaction with army personnel from West Pak. i heard nothing but praise for their professionalism…

you see my family and many Bangladeshi people I know have highest preference for ‘made in Pakistan’ things (if much preference in national origin at all) right after ‘made in Bangladesh’. i know very well about the likes of that ‘Lady’, i feel sorry to know about that incident; not as sorry for you but sorry for ourselves that we are represented by such self-destructing people. btw where did this happen?
And please don’t paint all Bangladeshis with the same brush from this. just remember too many Bangladeshis would wake up at two in the morning to turn tv on and see Team Pakistan play :cheers: and in these other cases, it’s just a matter of basic ignorance. when facing anyone like this, all we would sometimes need is rational and frank discussion. i think repairing those bridges is easier than what most people may think. and this is the perspective of someone who was very ignorant before coming across some obvious but suppressed-by-ignorance truths. in BD, people have a tendency to hear about leftist “1971” and “liberation” narratives, and they swallow them, then they shut off their brains. they just need to start thinking again
going against a lot of Bangladeshis – i know. but I’m also on the same page with a lot of Bangladeshis. i also think staying on the right side of history is tantamount to acknowledging our sovereign statehood – irrespective of how much of that actually exists

Not only does an apology doesn’t mean anything to me, asking for a one-way apology is on one hand, ignorant and on the other, laughable. I think what people like that need is an apology from hateful Bangladeshis themselves. Without going into details, my feeling is simply it was us that got trampled by our enemies, not you current-Pakistanis, and too many Bengali Muslims got exploited by our enemies to let that happen.

Grievances put forward are hardly legitimate. my family was historically into Maulana Bashani politics. they themselves dismiss these grievances from BAL supporting circles and even condemn for example how back in the day, Bashani with PAL people like Sheikh Mujib would start riots and ransack non-Bengali businesses and factories (issues and grievances were really made out of thin air). for example I heard several 1971-war time accounts when some of my relatives were moving from West Pak to East Pak (couple of relatives were marine engineers in Karachi since mid-60s) and their interaction with army personnel from West Pak. i heard nothing but praise for their professionalism…

you see my family and many Bangladeshi people I know have highest preference for ‘made in Pakistan’ things (if much preference in national origin at all) right after ‘made in Bangladesh’. i know very well about the likes of that ‘Lady’, i feel sorry to know about that incident; not as sorry for you but sorry for ourselves that we are represented by such self-destructing people. btw where did this happen?
And please don’t paint all Bangladeshis with the same brush from this. just remember too many Bangladeshis would wake up at two in the morning to turn tv on and see Team Pakistan play :cheers: and in these other cases, it’s just a matter of basic ignorance. when facing anyone like this, all we would sometimes need is rational and frank discussion. i think repairing those bridges is easier than what most people may think. and this is the perspective of someone who was very ignorant before coming across some obvious but suppressed-by-ignorance truths. in BD, people have a tendency to hear about leftist “1971” and “liberation” narratives, and they swallow them, then they shut off their brains. they just need to start thinking again

It happened in Singapore when I went to Universal Studios Amusement Park & was sitting on the same bench as she was & we struck up a conversation when she asked me where I was from because I was speaking Urdu/Hindi !

So I asked her what I was always curious about - How do you guys view us ?

I didn't get the response I was hoping for ! :(

Yes let the past be the past - On my part I'm sorry for any atrocities committed by My People !

I recognize that we wronged you even my Grandpa used to say - There were some West Pakistanis who would act like racists & say unbelievably shameful things like 'Kalaa Bengali - Dark complexioned Bengali' or used to call them 'Hindus' owing to the way Bengali was written but he used to say that the rest of us didn't & somehow our opinions got drowned in all the narratives that were in vogue during the late '60s & the '70s !

But I do wish that there is a closure to all of this & I won't mind if the Government of Pakistan apologizes for the atrocities that were committed by individuals associated with the Pakistan Army as Army Personnel or as the Razakars - Volunteers !

I just can't stomach the accusations of 3 million dead & 300,000 raped - Even my Grandpa was flabbergasted & said 'What do you think we were prowling the streets of Dhaka with machetes in our hands & our pants drawn whilst the Mukhti Bahini were taking pot-shots at us from front, back & center & the Indian Army was on the Borders ?'

I even posted a few months ago excerpts of conversations I had with an Army Soldier who had served during the '71 War & was taken as a POW & he used to say - We never did half the things we were accused of doing - Yes there were atrocities committed but they were more of an individual nature than anything !

For example he was telling me of this incident where an Officer came back home to find his wife & his two children with slit throats by their Bengali Domestic Helpers & how he went mad with rage & shot the first innocent Bengalis he could find !

And how this wasn't an isolated event - Many of the Razakars had suffered a similar fate & then turned to answer atrocities with atrocities of their own !

It doesn't for a second justify anything for the death of even one innocent is as if the whole of humanity has died as our Scripture says but it does put into perspective how things panned out !

On my part - I'm sorry for the wrongs we did & the atrocities we committed !

I love my Bengali Brethren whether they are @Loki @kobiraaz @dark Prince @thejust @Skies @BDforever @Md_Akmal @Luffy 500 @Saiful Islam @iajdani @MBI Munshi @aazidane @asad71 ! :kiss3:
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The following is a translation of the last letter written by the recently
martyred Islamic leader in Bangladesh.

Last Letter of Al-Shaheed
( May Allah permit ) Abdul Kader Mollah to his wife.Bismillah Ar Rahman
Ar RaheemMy dear life partner, my beloved,Assalamu Alaikum wa
RahmatullahToday the complete verdict has been published. As soon as the
verdict reaches the jail,tonight or tomorrow, I will probably be moved to
the execution ward. This is the rule.This government’s term is coming
to an end. So, in their final moments they may rush to carry out this
heinous act quickly. I do not think that they will accept the review
petition that has been filed. And even if they accept the review
petition, they are unlikely to reverse the verdict – according to the
matters of this world. If Allah the Exalted Himself intervened against
their judgment, then it would be a different matter.But according to the
eternal rules of Allah, He does not always intervene in this manner. Many
Prophets were unjustly killed by disbelievers. The noble companions of
our noble Messenger (s), including female companions, were killed with
extreme cruelty. Surely Allah exchanged those martyrs to grant victory to
the truth, to Islam. There is no way to predict what Allah will do in my
case. Yesterday’s visit by Sujata Singh, India's foreign secretary, to
the Awami League did not just embolden them, but also squeezed Hussain
Muhammad Ershad. And warned them of the potential of the Jamaat and
allies to come to power. The fear and hatred against the Jamaat and
allies is evident in the very blood of India. I have said from the very
beginning that all the steps taken by the government against us were
entirely calculated in India. Even if Awami League wants, they cannot
back out of this. Because they have assumed power in exchange for
surrendering sovereignty.Many have raised questions about principles and
laws. Given the outrageous manner in which all the Jamaat leaders,
including myself, have been wrongly condemned, and the manner in which
most of our nation’s media have helped the government, what need does
the government have of principles and laws? When the judges themselves,
intoxicated with killing, eagerly play the role of executioners to
innocent people; then fair judicial process cannot be expected, at least
not from them.Yesterday, I read again verses 17-24 of Sura Tawba. In
verse 19, jihad with one’s life and wealth has been given a higher
honor even than taking care of the sacred Kaaba and giving water to the
pilgrims. Those who die fighting injustice, attempting to establish a
just system given by Allah, attempting to establish Islam, have been
promised a higher honor by Allah Himself. If Allah Himself wishes to seat
me on an honorable throne in Jannah, then I must embrace such a death.
Wrongful death at the hands of the oppressor confirmed ticket to
Jannah.Perhaps in 1966, the tyrant ruler of Egypt hanged Syed Qutb and
Abdul Kader Awda and many others. I heard many speeches at training camps
entitled “The Trial by Fire for the Islamic Movement”. On several
occasions, I saw Professor Ghulam Azam point at his neck with his hand
and say, “this rope can fall on this neck”. I also sometimes made a
similar point in my speeches. Now if Allah decides to advance me and
Islam while defeating the oppressors, then what harm can come of it? In
explaining the honor of the martyr, our noble Messenger (s) expressed the
desire to become a martyr and come back to life just so he could become a
martyr again repeatedly. Those who become martyrs will have only the
desire to come back to life only for the sake of becoming a martyr again.
The words of Allah are true, the words of Muhammad (s) are true. No one
who doubts this can have Iman.If they implement their decision, they are
unlikely to allow my funeral in Dhaka city. If it is possible arrange for
my funeral in my village at the local masjid. If the people from
districts on the other side of the Padma river want to
join my funeral, let them come to our place. Please share the news with
them. I have already told you about my grave. Bury me at my mother’s
feet. There should be no bidah of paving my grave or any jahil ceremony.
To the extent possible give charity to the orphanage. Provide assistance
to the families that have been damaged due to their participation in the
Islamic movement. Especially give precedence to the poor families of
those who became martyrs while protesting my arrest and my death
sentence.Make sure Hassan Mowdud finishes his studies and arrange for his
marriage. The same for Nazneen.Sweetheart, my beloved,I have been unable
to fulfill your rights and of our children properly. Please forgive me
for this in the hopes that Allah might reward you. I have prayed
especially for you that Allah reunite me with you when you have fulfilled
the needs of the children and of the deen of Allah. Now I ask you to pray
for me that Allah removes all the love in my heart for this world and
fills my chest with love for Allah and the noble Messenger (s). If Allah
wills, we shall meet at the entrance to Jannah.Constantly advise our
children to only eat halal. Be mindful of the fard and wajib, especially
the prayers. Give the same advice to our relatives. Comfort my father as
long as he lives.Your beloved,Abdul Kadir Mollahশহীদ
আব্দুল কাদের মোল্লার শেষ
চিঠি (স্ত্রীকে লেখা)

বিসমিল্লাহির রহমানির

প্রিয়তমা জীবন সাথী পেয়ারী,
আসসালামু আলাইকুম ওয়া

আজ পূর্ণাঙ্গ রায় প্রকাশিত
হওয়ার পর খুব সম্ভব আগামী
রাত বা আগামীকাল জেলগেটে
আদেশ পৌছানোর পরই ফাঁসির
সেলে আমাকে নিয়ে যেতে পারে।
এটাই নিয়ম।

সরকারের সম্ভবত শেষ সময়। তাই
শেষ সময়ে তারা এই জঘন্য
কাজটি দ্রুত করে ফেলার
উদ্যোগ নিতে পারে। আমার মনে
হচ্ছে তারা রিভিউ পিটিশন
গ্রহণ করবে না। যদি করেও
তাহলে তাদের রায়ের কোন
পরিবর্তন হওয়ার দুনিয়ার
দৃষ্টিতে কোন সম্ভাবনা নেই।
মহান আল্লাহ যদি নিজেই এই
সিদ্ধান্ত বাস্তবায়নের
ইচ্ছার বিরুদ্ধে তার
সিদ্ধান্ত কার্যকর
করেন,তাহলে ভিন্ন কথা। অথচ
আল্লাহর চিরন্তন
নিয়মানুযায়ী সব সময় এমনটা
করেন না। অনেক নবীকেও তো
অন্যায়ভাবে কাফেররা হত্যা
করেছে। রাসূলে করীম (স:) এর
সাহাবায়ে কেরাম এমনকি মহিলা
সাহাবীকেও অত্যন্ত
নিষ্ঠুরভাবে হত্যা করেছে।
আল্লাহ অবশ্য ঐ সমস্ত
শাহাদাতের বিনিময়ে সত্য বা
ইসলামকে বিজয়ী করার কাজে
ব্যবহার করেছেন। আমার
ব্যাপারে আল্লাহ কি করবেন তা
তো জানার উপায় নেই।

গতকাল ভারতের পররাষ্ট্র
সচিব সুজাতা সিং এসে আওয়ামী
লীগকে শুধু সাহসই দেন নাই,
হুসেইন মুহাম্মাদ এরশাদকে
চাপও দিয়েছেন। এবং সতর্ক
করার জন্য জামায়াত শিবিরের
ক্ষমতায় আসার ভয়ও
দেখিয়েছেন। এতে বুঝা যায় যে
জামায়াত এবং শিবির ভীতি এবং
বিদ্বেষ ভারতের প্রতি
রক্তকনায় কিভাবে সঞ্চারিত।
আমি তো গোড়া থেকেই বলে আসছি,
আমাদের বিরুদ্ধে সরকার যেসব
পদক্ষেপ নিচ্ছে এটার সবটা
ছকই ভারতের অঙ্কন করা।
আওয়ামী লীগ চাইলে এখান থেকে
পেছাতে পারবে না। কারণ তারা
ভারতের কাছে আত্মসমর্পনের
বিনিময়েই এবার ক্ষমতায়

অনেকেই নীতি নৈতিকতার
প্রশ্নে কথা বলেন, আমাকে সহ
জামায়াতের সকলকে সম্পূর্ণ
অন্যায়ভাবে যে কায়দায় জড়ানো
হয়েছে এবং আমাদের দেশের
প্রেসের প্রায় সবগুলোই
সরকারকে অন্যায় কাজে
সহযোগিতা করছে, তাতে সরকারের
পক্ষে নীতি নৈতিকতার আর
দরকার কি?বিচারকরাই স্বয়ং
যেখানে জল্লাদের ভূমিকায়
অত্যন্ত আগ্রহভাবে নিরপরাধ
মানুষকে হত্যার নেশায় মেতে
উঠেছে তাতে স্বাভাবিক ন্যায়
বিচারের আশা অন্তত এদের কাছ
থেকে করা কোনক্রমেই সমীচিন
নয়। তবে একটি আফসোস, যে
আমাদেরকে বিশেষ করে আমাকে যে
সম্পূর্ণ অন্যায়ভাবে
মৃত্যুদন্ডাদেশ দেয়া হয়েছে,
তা জাতির সামনে বলে যেতে
পারলাম না। গণমাধ্যম বৈরী
থাকায় এটা পুরাপুরি সম্ভবও
নয়। তবে জাতি পৃথিবীর
ন্যায়পন্থী মানুষ অবশ্যই
জানবে এবং আমার মৃত্যু এই
জালেম সরকারের পতনের কারণ
হয়ে ইসলামী আন্দোলন অনেক দূর
এগিয়ে যাবে ইনশাআল্লাহ।

কালই সূরা আত-তাওবার ১৭ থেকে
২৪ আয়াত আবার পড়লাম। ১৯ নং
আয়াতে পবিত্র কাবা ঘরের
খেদমত এবং হাজীদের পানি পান
করানোর চাইতে মাল ও জান দিয়ে
জেহাদকারীদের মর্যাদা অনেক
বেশি বলা হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ
স্বাভাবিক মৃত্যুর চাইতে
অন্যায়ের বিরুদ্ধে আল্লাহর
দেয়া ন্যায়ভিত্তিক
ব্যবস্থা অর্থাৎ ইসলাম
প্রতিষ্ঠার জেহাদে
মৃত্যুবরণকারীদের আল্লাহর
কাছে অতি উচ্চ মর্যাদার কথা
আল্লাহ স্বয়ং উল্লেখ
করেছেন। আল্লাহ নিজেই যদি
আমাকে জান্নাতের মর্যাদার
আসনে বসাতে চান তাহলে আমার
এমন মৃত্যুকে আলিঙ্গণ করার
জন্য প্রস্তুত থাকা উচিত।
কারণ জালেমের হাতে
অন্যায়ভাবে মৃত্যু তো
জান্নাতের কনফার্ম টিকেট।

সম্ভবতঃ ১৯৬৬ সালে মিসরের
জালেম শাসক কর্নেল নামের
সাইয়্যেদ কুতুব,আব্দুল
কাদের আওদাসহ অনেককে ফাঁসি
দিয়েছিলেন। “ইসলামী
আন্দোলনের অগ্নি পরীক্ষা”
নামক বিষয়ে বিভিন্ন শিক্ষা
শিবিরে বক্তব্য শুনেছি।
একাধিক বক্তব্যে অধ্যাপক
গোলাম আযম সাহেব বাম হাতটা
গলার কাছে নিয়ে প্রায়ই
বলতেন, ‘ঐ রশি তো এই গলায়ও
পড়তে পারে’। আমারও হাত
কয়েকবার গলার কাছে গিয়েছে।
এবার আল্লাহ যদি তার
সিদ্ধান্ত আমার এবং ইসলামের
অগ্রগতির সাথে সাথে জালেমের
পতনের জন্য কার্যকর করেন,
তাহলে ক্ষতি কি? শহীদের
মর্যাদার কথা বলতে গিয়ে
রাসূলে করিম (সঃ) বারবার
জীবিত হয়ে বারবার শহীদ হওয়ার
কামনা ব্যক্ত করেছেন। যারা
শহীদ হবেন,জান্নাতে গিয়ে
তারাও আবার জীবন এবং শাহাদাত
কামনা করবেন। আল্লাহর কথা
সত্য, মুহাম্মদ (সঃ) এর কথা
সত্য। এ ব্যাপারে সন্দেহ
করলে ঈমান থাকে না।

এরা যদি সিদ্ধান্ত কার্যকর
করে ফেলে তাহলে ঢাকায় আমার
জানাযার কোন সুযোগ নাও দিতে
পারে। যদি সম্ভব হয় তাহলে
মহল্লার মসজিদে এবং বাড়িতে
জানাযার ব্যবস্থা করবে।
পদ্মার ওপারের জেলাগুলোর
লোকেরা যদি জানাযায় শরীক হতে
চায়, তাহলে আমাদের বাড়ীর
এলাকায়ই যেন আসে। তাদেরকে
অবশ্যই খবর দেয়া দরকার।

কবরের ব্যাপারে তো আগেই
বলেছি আমার মায়ের পায়ের
কাছে। কোন জৌলুষপূর্ণ
অনুষ্ঠান বা কবরের বাধানোর
মত বেদআত যেন না করা হয়।
সাধ্যানুযায়ী ইয়াতিম খানায়
কিছু দান খয়রাত করবে। ইসলামী
আন্দোলনে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত
পরিবারকে সাহায্য সহযোগিতা
করবে। বিশেষ করে আমার
গ্রেফতার এবং রায়ের কারণে
যারা শহীদ হয়েছে, অভাবগ্রস্থ
হলে ঐসব পরিবারকে সাহায্য
সহযোগিতার ব্যাপারে
অগ্রাধিকার দিতে হবে।
হাসান মওদূদের পড়াশুনা এবং
তা শেষ হলে অতি দ্রুত বিবাহ
শাদীর ব্যবস্থা করবে।
নাজনীনের ব্যাপারেও একই

পেয়ারী, হে পেয়ারী,
তোমাদের এবং ছেলেমেয়ের অনেক
হকই আদায় করতে পারিনি।
আল্লাহর কাছে পুরষ্কারের
আশায় আমাকে মাফ করে দিও।
তোমার জন্য বিশেষভাবে দোয়া
করেছি যদি সন্তান-সন্ততি এবং
আল্লাহর দ্বীনের জন্য
প্রয়োজন ফুরিয়ে গেলে আল্লাহ
যেন আমার সাথে তোমার মিলিত
হওয়ার ব্যবস্থা করেন। এখন
তুমি দোয়া করো,যাতে আমাকে
দুনিয়ার সমস্ত মায়া-মহব্বত
আল্লাহ আমার মন থেকে নিয়ে
শুধু আল্লাহ এবং রাসূলে করীম
(সঃ) এর মহব্বত দিয়ে আমার
সমস্ত বুকটা ভরে দেন।
ইনশাআল্লাহ, জান্নাতের
সিড়িতে দেখা হবে।

সন্তানদেরকে সবসময় হালাল
খাওয়ার পরামর্শ দিবে। ফরজ,
ওয়াজিব, বিশেষ করে নামাজের
ব্যাপারে বিশেষভাবে সকলেই
যত্মবান হবে।
আত্মীয়-স্বজনদেরকেও অনুরূপ
পরামর্শ দিবে। আব্বা যদি
ততদিন জীবিত থাকেন তাকে
সান্তনা দিবে।

তোমাদেরই প্রিয়
আব্দুল কাদের মোল্লা
Quite strange that the Government (Under influence) would carry out such acts in a completely peaceful times , and with no need of stirring

But they had to stir the Hornet's nest !!! and put their ..wee wee in the nest and expect no stingers

There must have been bigger agenda behind this perhaps the people in power wanted to gain vote sympathies ... on expense of Common sense.

Now voters will vote remembering the , "action" rather then social problems

Very savy move , political move however , very ill advised one as it shoves the nation into Terrorism cycle
Quite strange that the Government (Under influence) would carry out such acts in a completely peaceful times , and with no need of stirring

But they had to stir the Hornet's nest !!! and put their ..wee wee in the nest and expect no stingers

There must have been bigger agenda behind this perhaps the people in power wanted to gain vote sympathies ... on expense of Common sense.

Now voters will vote remembering the , "action" rather then social problems

Very savy move , political move however , very ill advised one as it shoves the nation into Terrorism cycle

We had no problem at all, the country was going well, clam and quiet, there was tolerance and respect among people, suddenly BAL felt they need to gain popularity, and they need to use the sentiment of 71 to come into power, people reacted to the trigger of sudden overwhelm sentiment of 71, and BAL got the ball at its court…….since then, they are playing and dribbling, and we are shouting peace peace peace, but no peace, and also no sign of peace in near future. Even BNP wins, BAL supporters won’t let the peace prevail. This is what happens, when political dirty game is player with the sentiment and ideology which is unnecessary.

Now let's see how much Bangladeshis are willing to pay to implement or reject BAL's dogma of 71 after 42 years/

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