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The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

Exclusive: More than 100 U.S. troops diagnosed with brain injuries from Iran attack


IRGC’s General Hajizadeh has said that Iran will reveal the untold details of the air strike on the US military base in Iraq. He disputed Pentagon’s lies and said ‘soon they will say a number of their troops are “mildly” brain dead now.’


so literally from "so far so good" to "over 100"

and thats only al-assad base
what about the other 2 bases that got hit, you dont hear anything about it in the media, right?
wonder why....

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Lol @BlueInGreen2 i think you hit a nerve!

Legend, you exposed yourself mate! Non of your anti Iran rant can or will be taken seriously from any respectable member since you have shown you true anti Iranian hidden agenda!

I have LeGend (Lajan) ignored so I don't have to waste my time looking over his unintellectual dribble which is often a rabid collection of none-sense he likes to pass off as meaningful rebuttals.

lol The dude sits in his room like "HEY GUYS, HERE'S SOME SPEC SHEETS AND WESTERN ARTICLES ABOUT MAGICAL U.S. MILITARY MACHINES!!!!! WOW, WHOA, AWESOME!!!!" and then something along the lines of "I'M GONNA GO TO THE U.S. MAGICAL WIZARDRY SCHOOL OF A-10 WARTHOGWARTS!!!" ........Screw him, LeGend if you're reading this (which I know you will be) get over your fantastical view of the American military. They aren't this mythical juggernaut you make em' out to be and quite frankly you look rather pathetic in doing so. We get it, U.S. military is uber-stronk, go bother some your tired old Pakistani mother about it, we don't wanna hear you orgasm over the F-35 anymore, it's beginning to be a little disturbing if I'm to be completely real with you.

It's already well established that you are anti-Iranian on this website. Every post is an insult for how many years now?
@Slav Defence

This individual has used racist terms like in the past and I reported him to you. It appears he has not learned and is still using such terms. It seems he is not mature enough to engage in discussions without resorting to ad hominem and useless racist rants. Can you please look into this. Thank you.

To other members, do not engage this person given they clearly have little to contribute other than these vile terms that bring the quality of the forum down. Focus on engaging members that have constructive analysis and comments.
You like to bow to your masters is your choice! We don’t have a stomach for slavery! We are not respectful to colonizers and we don’t give a rat *** what people like you think of us! You continue your rants! Nobody gives a damn!

The moment I saw the common trend in his comments that pertained to Iran it was very easy to see the dude is as anti-Iranian as they come, but he likes to hide it behind his pseudo-intellectualism. Thing is I'm not even that big of a Iran-fan myself since there is so much bullshit going in Iran with poor handling of projects, mismanagement of funds, government policies etc... But LeGend (Lajan) has always been mocking, marginalizing, putting down, dismissing Iranian advancements with out fail for years now all the while acting, inadvertently or not, as one of the biggest American cheerleaders this site has to offer. I take him and Gambit who at least has the authority to give an informed opinion on the matter as constants. LeGend wont give room to anyone of us here, so we shouldn't give room to him either.

Also LeGend (Lajan), I will remind you again that I have you ignored so don't burst a blood vessel typing up a novel (as you usually do) in response to me who won't even see it. Waste of time, I'm sure you have more important matters in Canada to attend to.
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Osama bin Laden is dead, the USSR collapsed spectacularly and ignobly, and the US is still thriving.
If US is still thriving then how come Russia with probably 1/20th of US military expenditure and equipment in the MIddle east now has more power in the MIddle east than the US? ( And Russia only has 1 main base btw.. )

We know this because there are more requests from ME countries for Russia to either mediate or provide security or weapons than from US.
Exclusive: More than 100 U.S. troops diagnosed with brain injuries from Iran attack


IRGC’s General Hajizadeh has said that Iran will reveal the untold details of the air strike on the US military base in Iraq. He disputed Pentagon’s lies and said ‘soon they will say a number of their troops are “mildly” brain dead now.’


so literally from "so far so good" to "over 100"

and thats only al-assad base
what about the other 2 bases that got hit, you dont hear anything about it in the media, right?
wonder why....
come on its only headache and other things
and about those other two base , even IRGC don't talk that much. its like everybody want those two base get forgotten . honestly a little suspicious
@Slav Defence

This individual has used racist terms like in the past and I reported him to you. It appears he has not learned and is still using such terms. It seems he is not mature enough to engage in discussions without resorting to ad hominem and useless racist rants. Can you please look into this. Thank you.

To other members, do not engage this person given they clearly have little to contribute other than these vile terms that bring the quality of the forum down. Focus on engaging members that have constructive analysis and comments.
You talking about 'constructive analysis and comments' is absolutely ironic to the nth level. You completely ignore any perspective/POV/information/evidence in a post which does not conform to your worldview. This isn't how ONE can have a constructive exchange with you.

Secondly, one of your friends started insulting me in this thread out of the blue. I responded in the language some of you deserve - usual suspects.

I shall clarify that I have no beef with average Iranian whatsoever. There are Iranian members with whom I have had pleasant exchanges, and they are able to get their point across. Following:


Your selective highlights of my responses is a shameful effort in concealing trolling of a member who provoked me. I am now reporting posts that are merely pile of insults directed towards me.

@Slav Defence

Good Sir,

Following post was the starting point: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-...tes-and-destroy-it-in-2-days.651899/page-14#p

And it just got worse here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-...es-and-destroy-it-in-2-days.651899/page-16#po

Very unfortunate.
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Stick to the topic. Whatever remarks posters are making, please make sure that is relevant to the topic and most importantly shouldn't be against any nation.

Behave yourselves
@gambit May come across a little jaundiced in his demeanour, however he does have actual experience behind him and he does use sound sources when commenting. He is obviously biased towards the US (not that I am surprised or saying theres anything wrong with it) but still he is way above and beyond some of these racist pseudoexperts you have here. I would actually like to see gambit post more in the Iranian section. Him and PeeD would provide fantastic overall technical informations which we all crave for.
So how many died ... And there is no pic from the commander of the base ....

Look like American started to criticize trump for pulling of The deal ....

As I said , these guys only understand the language of force
Don't quote me. I am not interested in engaging in conversation with a racist troll.
Trolling is your forte, not mine.

Racism? I do not dislike Persian people! Never have. I just do not buy the notion of Iran being a military superpower and do not approve of militia-politics of Iranian regime. True power is self-explanatory and visible to all; not something to propagate in forums.

And I loathe trolling - speciality of some Iranian members here. Drop your insults if you do not want me to respond to your continued bullshit here. I won't allow your insults (directed towards me) proceed unchallenged otherwise. This is a Pakistani forum and although all are welcome to contribute here (I welcome diversity as well) but mind your tongue and tone while addressing Pakistani members in general.
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