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The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

This is what America's airforce looked like during desert storm:


Saddam had no access denial capability. He could do nothing about these vast, many months long buildup of USA and her allies right on his door step. In a potential conflict with Iran, every single one of these airbases will look like this x100


The above attack on US airbase in Iraq was a pre-warned deliberately limited attack as a warning to the US. And this is a capability that Saddam could only dream about. @BlueInGreen2 Gave many other good examples of other vast differences between Iran and Iraq.

When it comes to Iran and Iraq, the only similarity is the first 3 letters of their name. After that, everything changes, greatly. Anyone that actually believes a war with Iran will be qualitatively and quantitatively similar to Iraq, either:

1) Generally knows little about warfare
2) Specifically Knows very little about Iran's capability and its war waging methodology.

Point 2) is very common and should not surprise people that many fall in that category. If I had not been following Iran's military development/doctrine for the past decade, I would have also fallen into it. Why? because it's easy to see conflicts only in terms of conventional might. I.e Nations A and B are fighting in a vacuum, if nation B has less advanced fighter jets than A, then it will be lose. In the real world however, conflicts are not dictated by such factors alone. They're not some conventional battle in a vacuum. A country like Iran will not fight the US in the same way Iran fought Iraq, or how Iraq fought the US, only fools would fight the enemy in a domain they're strongest if they can avoid it.

I advise people to look into Iran's Mosaic defence doctrine to get a general idea of what I and others here are talking about.

Thank you Philosopher, just thank you...
None taken.

That is not hypocrisy. That is growth and maturity.

Yup...And that is what people want, China, Laos, Viet Nam, Japan, Africa, and the Americas. No one wants the ME.

Yes. Seven trils are the best measure we have to date that the ME is not worth our efforts. Lessons learned.

Yea spending trillions with nothing to show for it shows your maturity!
Not being able to tell the difference between up and down with the vast majority of your countries population being under the delusion that the only apartheid state left in the world is actually a democracy very much shows your maturity!
Your absurd obsession with Iran for 40 years after you were kicked out very much shows how mature your really are!
Electing a retarded moron as president really shows how far you have come as a nation! LOL!
Been to the ME before Desert Storm, and even then, other than the food, there was nothing about the ME that I want to import back into my life. After DS, it convinced me even more that the West should have, if not absolutely nothing, then minimal involvement in the ME. We are not perfect, but as far from perfection, we equally further ahead than the entirety of the ME. Racism? I received more racism from the ME than from my life so far in the West. In real estate, there are 'comparables' or 'comps' when assessing properties. Your part of the world ain't comparable to ours in all aspects of modern life.
then get out of this region.
Screw it, I hope Iran and the U.S. get into a conflict. There really isn't any other way of knowing other than to see it go full-tilt.
Sure...Easy for you to say it when your skin is not in the game. I have no interests in debunking your points. You are not here to learn, that I can tell. If there is a US-Iran shooting fight, and WHEN Iran loses that fight, what will you do then? Apologize? Starts making excuses for each of those points you are so certain today that they will defeat the US? What have you debunked of my arguments? Nothing. It seems you do not understand the word 'debunk' at all. You have proven nothing in the sense that Iran will prevail in such a scenario.
Sure...Easy for you to say it when your skin is not in the game. I have no interests in debunking your points. You are not here to learn, that I can tell. If there is a US-Iran shooting fight, and WHEN Iran loses that fight, what will you do then? Apologize? Starts making excuses for each of those points you are so certain today that they will defeat the US? What have you debunked of my arguments? Nothing. It seems you do not understand the word 'debunk' at all. You have proven nothing in the sense that Iran will prevail in such a scenario.
Now we waited for your mighty army(as your president says)to retaliate the ein ul asad attack....you know in trumps estimation,fighting with Iran just yield headach which worth testing.....sooner or later there would be a conflict....
Sure...Easy for you to say it when your skin is not in the game. I have no interests in debunking your points. You are not here to learn, that I can tell. If there is a US-Iran shooting fight, and WHEN Iran loses that fight, what will you do then? Apologize? Starts making excuses for each of those points you are so certain today that they will defeat the US? What have you debunked of my arguments? Nothing. It seems you do not understand the word 'debunk' at all. You have proven nothing in the sense that Iran will prevail in such a scenario.

"You are not here to learn, that I can tell" -- You can't tell your left from your right, so don't you even begin to assume you know what my true intentions are here, YOU DON'T KNOW ME GAMBIT. Also who died and made you the arbiter of who wants to learn or not? I came to this forum 5 years ago to expand my knowledge (which I did no matter what the **** you wanna think about it). But unfortunately in recent years the Iranian section has been invaded by idiots who drag Iran/Iranians and the Iranian name through the mud whilst saying Iran is nothing then woefully expecting everyone to just go along with it all willy nilly cause they hold that position. How does any sort of constructive discourse even take place when one side completely, and I mean completely, discredits the other side? I refuse to believe you're that far up you own *** to not see just how rudimentary this basic concept is. Give some respect to your adversary and maybe they'll take more than a cursory look at what you have to say.

" If there is a US-Iran shooting fight, and WHEN Iran loses that fight, what will you do then? Apologize? Starts making excuses for each of those points you are so certain today that they will defeat the US?" -- lmao Please I wanna see it old-man. I wanna see all that U.S. military magic you gloat on incessantly about work in action against a nation that has been preparing for a war against the U.S. well in excess of 30 years, THIRTY-YEARS!! Apparently the U.S. and Iran live a vacuum (which they don't) and you're the ultimate authority on who will win and lose. SOD OFF WITH YOUR HALF-BAKED ASSERTIONS. YOU DON'T KNOW IRAN HALF AS WELL AS YOU THINK YOU DO.

"It seems you do not understand the word 'debunk' at all. You have proven nothing in the sense that Iran will prevail in such a scenario." -- Oh please do piss off with this asinine statement lmao. You're smarter then this, come on Air-man get it together, don't disgrace yourself to such a low-level man. I may not like what you have to say but I don't insult your intelligent to such a degree.

Debunk: expose the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea, or belief).


The most important aspect of your bullshit stance that me and MANY other members here have debunked is your 'Iran=Iraq' argument, so yes I AND MANY OTHERS HAVE INDEED BEEN ACTIVELY DEBUNKING YOUR ARGUMENT FOR YEARS NOW AS PER THE GLOBALLY ACCEPTED DEFINITION OF 'DEBUNK'. Anything after that is just ramblings from a former U.S. military-man who has good knowledge but can't seem to grasp basic concepts. Why should any of us 'learn' what you have to 'teach' when your base stance is not rooted in reality? You know nothing of how Iran will wage war in-depth, you know nothing of the language, culture, resolve, willingness to die, the tactics, the domestic industry and most importantly the ideology. Which I don't blame you, you're an All-American 'Murica Stronk' former Air-jockey super power America uber-military magic power war-machine type. Every other nation on planet Earth combined can't even wish to come even a little bit close to America's massive magical military machine. Hell, why doesn't the world just all-together submit to the American empire? It really does seem this is all just an exercise in futility according to you.

Shove it Gambit, just shove it where the sun don't shine old-man. I don't wanna hear baseless arguments that hold little to no viable weight, I've 'learned' enough from you these past 3-4 years (regrettably). Nothing more you can teach me, nor do I care to learn since you won't give the other side any credit due to your one-tracked mind. You're much too dogmatically American Uber-stronk Air power is best to even get anywhere. Also don't you dare say I don't have skin in the game, the bulk of my family lineage is still in Iran today, so please piss off with that assertion. What happens to Iran does affect me on a personal level, how dare you ignorantly assume something about a person you know absolutely **** all about?

Again, Gambit, the year is 2020. What will you say in 2025, or 2030 or 2035? Will you still think Iran will be some walk in the park then? Nah, don't answer, please don't answer; we all know even by then Iran will still be just like Iraq back in 91............what a sham you are.
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Sure...So...Has either Russia or China came out and said Iran would win in a US-Iran war? Has anyone besides Iran? :lol:

Neither Russia or China has to Gambit, what they have to say doesn't really matter since America will win. The great former U.S.-Air-jockey Gambit has determined this to be the outcome.

Neither Russia or China has to Gambit,...
Because they know better -- keep their mouths shut lest they embarrass themselves like the last time.

To 'debunk' an argument requires some measures of evidence and you have provided none. Saying that 'Iran is not Iraq' provides no evidence. That is plain rhetoric, nothing more.

I advise people to look into Iran's Mosaic defence doctrine to get a general idea of what I and others here are talking about.
Basically, Iran adopted Mao's concept of "The People's War", which is primarily defensive and reactive in nature, and said concept have been abandoned by China.

The US will not invade Iran. All the US will do is render the Iranian military technically incapable of mounting effective responses.
Because they know better -- keep their mouths shut lest they embarrass themselves like the last time.

To 'debunk' an argument requires some measures of evidence and you have provided none. Saying that 'Iran is not Iraq' provides no evidence. That is plain rhetoric, nothing more.

What the hell is wrong with you Gambit, no seriously...What in the unholy **** is wrong with you? You enjoy bothering people don't you? This is some sick afternoon hobby you've picked up after your stint in the U.S. air-force. Now I've become another willing victim of your 'unmatched military intellect'. What an absolute joke this forum is, I swear......


(sarcasm, btw).
Soviets and Chinese predicted desert storm would become Vietnam for the U.S?
Maybe they expected desert storm to be a full invasionnof Iraq and not a limited operation?
No one knew the U.S would set a 12 year long siege on Iraq, hit and run attack it for 12 years to safely defeat and this time invade it.

So don't get too bold Gambit.
What the hell is wrong with you Gambit, no seriously...What in the unholy **** is wrong with you? You enjoy bothering people don't you? This is some sick afternoon hobby you've picked up after your stint in the U.S. air-force. Now I've become another willing victim of your 'unmatched military intellect'. What an absolute joke this forum is, I swear......


(sarcasm, btw).

he will come into sense when he will be hit by a missile but will be too late.
Iran have been sponsoring terrorism for decades. What do you call that?
Well your gov is the real roots behind our region's problems, instead of replying to my Q you opted the strategy to go for such a bogus claim ... you guys conjecture that if X is true then you have right to do Y but sorry it doesn't work in that way ... You have no right to take such measure under international law while undermining Iraqi sovereignty and attack other countries' officials .. these type of actions just indicate who is the real vilen over here and which side is seeking state terrorism ... the clowns in your government didn't stop their lies even aftermath of the heinous terror but finally admited there was no imminent threat whatsoever and decision had been already made for months ... to add how your government is #1 violator of the international norm/law POTUS started threatening Iran ,in case of any retaliation, by targeting 52 cultural sites and disproportion attacks which both are clearly considered as war crimes under int law, however he didn't have the courage to bring his empty words into action.
The funnier part is next to american and isreal it was isis that released statement and welcomed such a terrorist attack as an act of “divine intervention". Furthermore recent Iraqi investigations also indicates the one that attacked your base was in fact isis no Iraqis ...

Was U.S. Wrong About Attack That Nearly Started a War With Iran?

The rockets were launched from a Sunni Muslim part of Kirkuk Province notorious for attacks by the Islamic State, a Sunni terrorist group, which would have made the area hostile territory for a Shiite militia like Khataib Hezbollah.”

Khataib Hezbollah has not had a presence in Kirkuk Province since 2014. The Islamic State, however, had carried out three attacks relatively close to the base in the 10 days before the attack on K-1.”
In a nutshell:
1. isis attacked k1.
2. You attacked Iraqis and killed 24 and injured 50.
3. Iraqis got angry and stormed your embassy.
4. You assassinated Sardar Sulimani whom was on a political mission on an official invitation by Iraqi PM.
5. isis saw taking out the most fierce commander in fight against it as a great opening & welcomed it.
6. Iraqi parliament passed a law asking all american troops to get out.
7. Iraqi people gathered in streets condemn the attack and demanded you getting out.
8. Iran attacked your bases in Iraq, destroyed the base that attack was control from there and took control of your drones.
9. POTUS didn't do anything while he threatened to do so.

What do you call al these???

Now let's back to the real sponsor of terrorism:

But the the real sponsor of terrorism is the one whom supported fanatic extremist in Afghanistan back in 80s:

The Management of Savagery red.jpg
But again she lied:
brzezinski-obs-1998 red .jpg
While your were busy in Afghanistan you didn't miss the chance to support Iraqi dictator on western part of Iran ....
At last the Mujaheni and commanders of Iraqis Baath army met each other in Iraq and fell in love when you invaded this country under lies and against the UNSCR ...

Let history judge whom is real sponsor of terrorism.
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