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The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

Suleimani and the Iranian military leadership got bigger headaches.
Surely killing a person in a car next to an international airport in a foreign country with no significant protection is considered by your leadership as military achievement ... POTUS & his team of clowns opened a chapter & era which in countries would have right to kill your officials & call it headache ...
Exclusive: More than 100 U.S. troops diagnosed with brain injuries from Iran attack


IRGC’s General Hajizadeh has said that Iran will reveal the untold details of the air strike on the US military base in Iraq. He disputed Pentagon’s lies and said ‘soon they will say a number of their troops are “mildly” brain dead now.’


so literally from "so far so good" to "over 100"

and thats only al-assad base
what about the other 2 bases that got hit, you dont hear anything about it in the media, right?
wonder why....
How do they know they weren't brain damaged before?
I used to prefer Lajan. But now I learn he's a racist piece of shit like the Arabs and Americans he so desires to be. So disappointing.
What racism you are alluding to? Since when did you buy into efforts of 'usual suspects' to malign me?

Do not post nonsense.
Trolling is your forte, not mine.

Racism? I do not dislike Persian people! Never have. I just do not buy the notion of Iran being a military superpower and do not approve of militia-politics of Iranian regime. True power is self-explanatory and visible to all; not something to propagate in forums.

And I loathe trolling - speciality of some Iranian members here. Drop your insults if you do not want me to respond to your continued bullshit here. I won't allow your insults (directed towards me) proceed unchallenged otherwise. This is a Pakistani forum and although all are welcome to contribute here (I welcome diversity as well) but mind your tongue and tone while addressing Pakistani members in general.

You've proven to be nothing but a racist troll. If you had any credibility to begin with it (you did not) it is gone now. Anyway, I made it clear to you that I am not interested in communicating with some racist waste of space.
How do they know they weren't brain damaged before?

if they are marines, then mental illness is a requirement of the job....

marines are famous for taking the mentally ill trash of society off the street, training them to kill, and unleash them on defensless people to advance American policy...

while their media glorifies them as heros..

there is a joke that some dude wanted to join the marines, and got rejected because he didn't come from a broken home, wasn't a drop out, and was "too smart" for it.
Surely killing a person in a car next to an international airport in a foreign country with no significant protection is considered by your leadership as military achievement ... POTUS & his team of clowns opened a chapter & era which in countries would have right to kill your officials & call it headache ...
Iran have been sponsoring terrorism for decades. What do you call that?
Then why do you have a problem with US taking out Suleimani, an Iranian general in Iraq which is currently under US management? You talked as if what we did was extraordinary when it is not compared to what Iran does.

So you don't consider a difference in assassinating a high ranking general? When did Iran assassinate such US figures?
Then why do you have a problem with US taking out Suleimani, an Iranian general in Iraq which is currently under US management? You talked as if what we did was extraordinary when it is not compared to what Iran does.
what you did is ok just tell your generals to wear diapers when traveling ME and bullet proof waist indeed.
So you don't consider a difference in assassinating a high ranking general? When did Iran assassinate such US figures?
When your general was responsible for US deaths. As far as I am concerned, any lowest ranked US soldier, Marine, sailor, or airman is worth more than the entire Iranian military leadership.
When your general was responsible for US deaths.

Does not change the point.

As far as I am concerned, any lowest ranked US soldier, Marine, sailor, or airman is worth more than the entire Iranian military leadership.

You don't have a single general that comes anywhere near Soleimani in terms of his capabilities. You spend how much in Iraq? yet he took Iraq right under your nose :lol:
Then why do you have a problem with US taking out Suleimani, an Iranian general in Iraq which is currently under US management? You talked as if what we did was extraordinary when it is not compared to what Iran does.
Then you shouldn’t have a problem if Iranians will blow up your embassies and assassinate your officials.

When your general was responsible for US deaths. As far as I am concerned, any lowest ranked US soldier, Marine, sailor, or airman is worth more than the entire Iranian military leadership.
They are occupiers who are in another country illegally they aren’t UN peace keeping force or military advisors.
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