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The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

Well, if you agree with the statements of @Philosopher, which are the same statements i multiple wrote here, then you also agree with me. This is plain logic

If A=B and B=C then A=C

You are welcome.
Ok now I know you really are a troll!

His statement is not the same as yours...

@waz @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @jaibi
This guy has gone too far thanks to his ego!
The main point is that the U.S. like always picked an enemy that had no real indigenous capability...
Sorry, but that is not a very credible criticism against US. You can say the same for the USSR and China. But of course, we know you would not. The intellectual inconsistency is ignored.

But no military academy, including Iran's, will take that argument seriously. Why? Simply put, they know better. A gun that is bought can kill as quickly as the gun that is self made. In fact, the weapons that are imported have passed testing and perhaps even killed, so why would you want to spend your own resources and lengthy time to develop your own?

What you do not like to consider are the quality of your troops, the training, the war doctrines, and the list of intangibles that are equally if not more important than guns, tanks, or aircrafts.

Nice rebuttal buddy,you sure destroyed all of my points[NOT]
I know I did.

Seriously tho,...
I was. But I guess you were not.

I have to say that reading your above post almost left me literally speechless as effectively you`re claiming that the aircraft at us bases will be parked out in the open where they would be vulnerable even to small ucav launched glide bombs,never mind the utterly catastrophic effects that a large missile cluster munition or blast warhead would do to any aircraft parked out in the open,indeed one doesnt have to look any further than the pictures of the damage to some of the targets at al-assad to get a very good idea of what would happen.
Very few US bases overseas are US designed and built. So we have to make do with what we are given by our hosts. The fact that you do not know that pretty much rendered the rest of your post meaningless.

Just out of curiosity your name wouldnt be Mitty,first name Walter,by any chance would it? :crazy_pilot:
Considering the posts I read from the Iranians members here, that would be your names.
Sorry, but that is not a very credible criticism against US. You can say the same for the USSR and China. But of course, we know you would not. The intellectual inconsistency is ignored.

But no military academy, including Iran's, will take that argument seriously. Why? Simply put, they know better. A gun that is bought can kill as quickly as the gun that is self made. In fact, the weapons that are imported have passed testing and perhaps even killed, so why would you want to spend your own resources and lengthy time to develop your own?

What you do not like to consider are the quality of your troops, the training, the war doctrines, and the list of intangibles that are equally if not more important than guns, tanks, or aircrafts.

I know I did.

I was. But I guess you were not.

Very few US bases overseas are US designed and built. So we have to make do with what we are given by our hosts. The fact that you do not know that pretty much rendered the rest of your post meaningless.

Considering the posts I read from the Iranians members here, that would be your names.
if you remember I once asked u what if iran hits all of your runways in region?? And you said it's like we say iran has death star and loled. so after this event that demonstrated iran can hit them, what US can do??
if you remember I once asked u what if iran hits all of your runways in region?? And you said it's like we say iran has death star and loled. so after this event that demonstrated iran can hit them, what US can do??
Assume that Iran can do that -- literally hit every US base in the region.

Now what?

If there is no follow up, that error will be as monumental as the failure to follow up Pearl Harbor back in WW II.That error was understandable, though. Imperial Japan was not as expeditionary as they thought. Even though Hawaii was not a US state at that time, attacking US on Hawaii in 1941 was essentially attacking US on home soil. Imperial JPN could not follow up. It was a failure of technical shortcoming.

Hitting literally every US installation in the ME would tantamount to declaring war on every country that hosts US. What will Iran do next? Invade every country in follow up? You have no choice. You want multiple 'Pearl Harbor' coming to your borders because you paused to celebrate that you bloodied the nose of the 'Great Satan'? Iraq and Iran imported their defense and they fought to a stalemate. So what make you think that indigenous weapons will fare any better when wield against US? You think that mocking US with that silly argument matters to US war planners? No, when we are done laughing at the failed logic, we will resume that %100 seriousness on defeating you.

Speculations like yours is why the label 'Walter Mitty' belongs to you guys. Not to people like me. I remind you am USAF veteran, F-111 (Cold War), then F-16 (Desert Storm). None of you have even 1/2 the military life I had, but here you are, making pronouncements on how an Iran-US war will turn out.
Very few US bases overseas are US designed and built. So we have to make do with what we are given by our hosts. The fact that you do not know that pretty much rendered the rest of your post meaningless.
Well thats rather odd to hear "captain" mitty...er I mean gambit,as by the time the cold war had ended the us had built approximately 1000 shelters in europe and across the pacific,many of which are still in service today.In fact according to a 2015 rand study there are over 700 shelters still in use in 70 countries with some form of hardening.

I know I did.
I guess you must have missed the capitalized "NOT" part in [] brackets at the end of that sentence.I knew I should have had it in bold:rolleyes:,oh well conveying sarcasm appropriately can often be difficult online.
Ironically tho I seem to remember you not feeling very inclined to debate or disprove any of the points I raised in either of the posts that I wrote so I dont really see how you could honestly think that you had destroyed anything,except perhaps your own credibility of course.[LOL]-see what I just did there?
I was. But I guess you were not.
No,I was referencing the prior comment above this line where I had jokingly claimed that you had "destroyed all of my points[NOT]" [bold added for emphasis]

Very few US bases overseas are US designed and built. So we have to make do with what we are given by our hosts. The fact that you do not know that pretty much rendered the rest of your post meaningless.
Even existing bases that would`ve been leased to the us or acquired thru treaties or defense agreements would`ve been completely modified and rebuilt over time to suit the needs of new generations of aircraft and weapons especially during the cold war and the transition to jet power and the beginning of the nuclear battlefield.To suggest that these would still be effectively 1930s-40s era grass strip fields built to suit piston powered prop planes is absurd

Considering the posts I read from the Iranians members here, that would be your names.
The reason I was mentioning it is that over the years in my time spent traveling around the various parts of the net I`ve come across the occasional real life walter mitty type character,I tend to think of them as Walts.These walts often tend to hang out at foreign,tho english speaking,military forums like this one pretending to be either former members of another nations military or otherwise involved in some aspect of it....:wave:
Well thats rather odd to hear "captain" mitty...er I mean gambit,as by the time the cold war had ended the us had built approximately 1000 shelters in europe and across the pacific,many of which are still in service today.In fact according to a 2015 rand study there are over 700 shelters still in use in 70 countries with some form of hardening.
Mr. Mitty, the problem with people like you is that you are too full of yourself, especially when you encounters information that on the surface seems to support your preconceived notions.

Of that 1000 HAS you cited from the article, how many of that is for readied alert jets and how many for maintenance? When I was assigned to USAFE (US Air Forces in Europe), RAF Mildenhall was a MAC (Military Airlift Command) base, hosting the large C-141 and C-5. Can you find how many HAS is in Mildenhall vs Lakenheath, the latter an F-111F base?

The world is filled with assured ignorant fools and we can count you in that rank. Absolutely, Iran gots the lead on US with people like you on the Internet. :enjoy:
Mr. Mitty, the problem with people like you is that you are too full of yourself, especially when you encounters information that on the surface seems to support your preconceived notions.
Thats rather ironic as that was exactly my opinion about you,especially when you seemed to insist that any future us iran conflicts would basically be just an operation desert storm 2.0
It doesnt make much sense to call me "mr mitty" as I`m not a fantasist nor am I claiming to be something that I`m [very probably] not,in fact unlike yourself I `m not claiming to be anything other than a random poster on a public forum asking questions,questions that you with your supposed "military" background seem to be either unable or unwilling to answer.
Now perhaps if I was claiming to be a soviet era academician who worked at okb-154 designing turbine blade assemblies for turbopumps that would ultimately be used in the rd-0244 rocket engine that powered the rsm-54 submarine launched icbm back in the early 70s,when I wasnt practicing my championship disco dancing routines along with my formula one driving skills naturally.[I`m obviously NONE of these things,just in case some of you reading this are actually gullible enough to believe it]Then of course you would be quite within your rights to suspect me of waltist tendencies if not being an outright fantasist and then I might deserve to be called mr mitty or perhaps "academician" mittyski as the case may be.[lol!]

Of that 1000 HAS you cited from the article, how many of that is for readied alert jets and how many for maintenance? When I was assigned to USAFE (US Air Forces in Europe), RAF Mildenhall was a MAC (Military Airlift Command) base, hosting the large C-141 and C-5. Can you find how many HAS is in Mildenhall vs Lakenheath, the latter an F-111F base?

The world is filled with assured ignorant fools and we can count you in that rank. Absolutely, Iran gots the lead on US with people like you on the Internet.

Why dont you tell me "captain" mitty......sorry...my bad... "captain" gambit,after all you WERE in the airforce....riiiiight?:crazy_pilot:
I hate to break it to you,but I`m not iranian nor even a muslim,in fact as I`ve often repeated to people like yourself on more than one occasion,I`m about as iranian as a pavlova[thats the VERY tasty non-iranian dessert by the way,Not the russian dancer:yay:]
Going by the US and Iran history... actually i see them both complementing each other in region as they have done in past.
Thats rather ironic as that was exactly my opinion about you,especially when you seemed to insist that any future us iran conflicts would basically be just an operation desert storm 2.0
The difference is that my opinion is experience based. You have nothing but your own ignorance and video games.

It doesnt make much sense to call me "mr mitty" as I`m not a fantasist nor am I claiming to be something that I`m [very probably] not,in fact unlike yourself I `m not claiming to be anything other than a random poster on a public forum asking questions,questions that you with your supposed "military" background seem to be either unable or unwilling to answer.
Whether you believe my background or not is irrelevant. For the forum's old timers here, I have debunked myths about 'stealth', radar detection, airpower, US military, and military life in general. I have explained things about flying in general, avionics in particular, and the US Air Force in perspectives not available on the Internet. I have exposed frauds who claimed experience in aviation. You are a nobody.

Now perhaps if I was claiming to be a soviet era academician...
Sure you can. Go ahead and try it.

I hate to break it to you,but I`m not iranian nor even a muslim,in fact as I`ve often repeated to people like yourself on more than one occasion,I`m about as iranian as a pavlova[thats the VERY tasty non-iranian dessert by the way,Not the russian dancer:yay:]
Yeah...But you suck up to the Iranians. Pretty good job, too, I might say.
Sorry, but that is not a very credible criticism against US. You can say the same for the USSR and China. But of course, we know you would not. The intellectual inconsistency is ignored.

But no military academy, including Iran's, will take that argument seriously. Why? Simply put, they know better. A gun that is bought can kill as quickly as the gun that is self made. In fact, the weapons that are imported have passed testing and perhaps even killed, so why would you want to spend your own resources and lengthy time to develop your own?

What you do not like to consider are the quality of your troops, the training, the war doctrines, and the list of intangibles that are equally if not more important than guns, tanks, or aircrafts.

I know I did.

I was. But I guess you were not.

Very few US bases overseas are US designed and built. So we have to make do with what we are given by our hosts. The fact that you do not know that pretty much rendered the rest of your post meaningless.

Considering the posts I read from the Iranians members here, that would be your names.

Are you really comparing the number of wars U.S. has started since WW2 with China and Russia?
As for weapons you may be able to sell that nonsense to your Arab puppets but we Iranians learned our lesson long ago!
FYI foreigner weapons are as good as imported weapons so long as and here is the key point so long as the supplies and part never under any circumstances stop!

Let me just give you an example based on our own history! When Iran-Iraq war started Iran had by that point purchased and stocked one of the top 5 Air Forces in the WORLD! Yet due to American embargo's our Air Force within a week had to start looking towards cannibalizing our own fleet and was forced to operate well under 50% capacity within months and even after 8 years we cannibalized more fighters than the Iraqi were ever able to destroy.

And U.S. did the same thing to Iraq because at the end of the day US sanctions took out far more Iraqi Aircrafts, Helo's and missiles than the U.S. military!

And that is what Iranian military academies teach today! And if you doubt that then your the fool! So as I said you may be able to sell that nonsense to your Saudi friends but we know better!
Are you really comparing the number of wars U.S. has started since WW2 with China and Russia?
As for weapons you may be able to sell that nonsense to your Arab puppets but we Iranians learned our lesson long ago!
FYI foreigner weapons are as good as imported weapons so long as and here is the key point so long as the supplies and part never under any circumstances stop!

Let me just give you an example based on our own history! When Iran-Iraq war started Iran had by that point purchased and stocked one of the top 5 Air Forces in the WORLD! Yet due to American embargo's our Air Force within a week had to start looking towards cannibalizing our own fleet and was forced to operate well under 50% capacity within months and even after 8 years we cannibalized more fighters than the Iraqi were ever able to destroy.

And U.S. did the same thing to Iraq because at the end of the day US sanctions took out far more Iraqi Aircrafts, Helo's and missiles than the U.S. military!

And that is what Iranian military academies teach today! And if you doubt that then your the fool! So as I said you may be able to sell that nonsense to your Saudi friends but we know better!
There is still no explanation here as to how an indigenous weapon is superior to an imported one. Sanctions crippled some of those imported weapons? True. But that still does not explain how an indigenous version is technically superior. Iran's F-14s are essentially indigenous, correct? After all these yrs, Iran have been able to keep them flying despite lack of foreign parts. So what make you think those F-14s can handle our F-15s? The answer is: Cannot.

You think that bringing up sanctions as a component of war somehow renders the US military, as a fighting force, less formidable? You are wrong. If you believe that, you are more gullible to your own propaganda than thought. Nobody buys that argument. The enemy is not going to proportionally scale down his force just to satisfy your complaint. If I have a spear and you a knife, too bad. You die. No one is going to point out that weapons disparity. All they care is that you died and I took anything I want off your body. The other guys with the spears? Now they know I have combat experience while they do not. They do not care if that combat experience was against knives, swords, pitchforks, shovels, and whatever else that are not spears. They just know that I have combat experience against a wider variety of weapons than they do and that make me UNPREDICTABLE.

So yes, China and Russia do look at US with wary eyes. For Desert Storm, both countries predicted US in the numbers as that of the Vietnam War, and when that did not occurred, their top military leaderships got reorganized, read: 'fired'. They got spears just like US.
there is no follow up, that error will be as monumental as the failure to follow up Pearl Harbor back in WW II.That error was understandable, though. Imperial Japan was not as expeditionary as they thought. Even though Hawaii was not a US state at that time, attacking US on Hawaii in 1941 was essentially attacking US on home soil. Imperial JPN could not follow up. It was a failure of technical shortcoming.
Also, the aircraft carriers were out at sea! Had Japan hit those carriers, the pearl harbour gamble may have paid off. They wouldn't really have needed an immediate follow up plan because island hopping would have gone ahead without the threat of US aircraft carriers.
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